An effective imaging based diagnosis of
Solar Photovoltaic System and
performance parameters for smart solar
power grid
Kirti Pathak1*, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Jagannath Bagul2
1 Research Scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan
2 Supervisor, University of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Abstract - Another of the most attractive power generation sources for residential, corporate,
and commercial operations is energy production. Due to this compelling qualities,
photovoltaic systems (PV) electricity production have increasingly attracted the attention of
researchers and professionals. Nonetheless, the greatest obstacle in generating energy from
the sun is the predictable discontinuous output power from photovoltaic (PV) systems, which
is largely caused by climate. The power differential of a photovoltaic panels may considerably
reduce the financial profit of large scale solar fields. For everyday proper management of
electricity supply production, distribution, and storing as well as for judgement on the
electricity market, results were consistent prediction of the electricity output of solar PV
systems is essential.
The 5 subjects mentioned in this article are:
The varied faults which might occur in PV panels; internet Photovoltaic panels
Use of machine learning approaches in Photovoltaic module damage detection;
Advantages of fault diagnosis in PV panels and the various motion sensors used for
this purpose are discussed.
Recommendation for future possible research paths are given in view of the evaluated
Keywords - power generation, sources for residential, PV panels, machine learning, electricity
output, large scale solar fields.
Solar power is quickly becoming one of the most attractive alternatives to traditional grid electricity for
residential, business, and industrial use. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems use PV cells to generate
electricity from sunlight. Photovoltaic (PV) energy, in particular, has gained appeal as a renewable
energy source in recent years because of its low cost, long payback time, and high environmental and
social benefits. One of the most widely used renewable energy sources; solar power is advantageous
due to its low environmental impact, zero operating costs, and unlimited availability. This greatly
accelerated the global rollout of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
Inaccurate estimates of solar panels' demise can be caused by environmental factors such as
temperature, cloud cover, dust, irradiance level, and relative humidity. Problems with solar panels can
lead to erratic behaviour in addition to reducing the effectiveness and reliability of the plant's services.
The failure to properly prioritize fault detection can lead to power losses, and when solar arrays are
faulty, the entire system is at risk of failure. In grid-connected solar systems, failure detection using
multiple methods is possible. Some of them use meteorological and astronomical information to spot
problems in GCPV systems.
Use of electricity is now universally recognized as a need. As has been said, rising middle-class and
urban populations are driving up the need for electricity across the world. Given that they are both
non-renewable and polluting, fossil fuels have no place in a sustainable future. Consequently, we
need to reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources, with renewable energy taking on a more
crucial role in the future.
Accurate solar energy projections are critical for photovoltaic (PV) based energy plants to take part in
energy auction markets early and to plan resources efficiently. The literature reports a plethora of
techniques for predicting PV solar output. There are essentially four distinct categories into which
these strategies might be placed:
1. The use of data-driven statistical formulations for the purpose of predicting solar time
series using archival measurements
2. The use of artificial neural networks and other forms of machine learning;
3. Physical models derived from numerical weather prediction and satellite imagery, and
4. Strategies that combine different aspects of the aforementioned approaches are known
as hybrid approaches. The seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average
(SARIMA), a hybrid model combining a random vector functional link neural network and
the discrete wavelet transform, has been introduced as a means of predicting solar PV
power generation over shorter time periods. The findings of the combined models have
been found to be more accurate than those of the separate models.
Pv Systems In Energy Conversion
The efficacy of photovoltaic (PV) systems is heavily dependent on the effectiveness of solar radiation,
temperature, and conversion. PV systems suffer from variable system performance, high installation
costs, and low module efficiency of up to 20% as a direct result of weather fluctuations. This is in
addition to the many other drawbacks that PV systems have. The optimization of the size of stand-
alone or grid-connected photovoltaic systems (GCPVS) is a complex problem of optimization that
predicts the acquiring of adequate energy and economic expenses for customers. With the right
placement of photovoltaic (PV) panels, solar energy can be used practically everywhere, which is one
of its many attractive selling pointsfigure 1.1. In general, the following are some of the benefits of solar
photovoltaic (PV) systems:
Low environmental effects
Capable of being conveniently placed near to the customer, hence decreasing the losses that
occur along the transmission line
Figure 1: PV Systems in Energy Conversion
Photovoltaic system design
This section provides information on two different types of job altogether. In the first place, those
works that are associated with the fundamental components of a photovoltaic system, and in the
second place, those works that are associated with the configuration of solar power plants. Figure 1.2
depicts one possible approach to the design of solar systems, which may be found in the
accompanying text.
Figure 2: Design of photovoltaic systems
Photovoltaic system operation
Work related to the general operation of solar systems, the operation of hybrid systems produced by
photovoltaic systems, and the power quality issue will be provided in this section. Photovoltaic
technologies and the problem of power quality combine to generate these hybrid systems. Figure 1.3
depicts one approach to understanding how photovoltaic systems function.
Figure 3: Operation of photovoltaic systems
For the past several decades, scientists have been concentrating their efforts on the study of
renewable energy sources, and now, various power inverters are being manufactured to link these
technologies to the distribution system. In order to guarantee both the delivery of power and the
quality of that power, the transmission lines need to be equipped with high-voltage power electronic
Therefore, power electronic inverters are the devices that are tasked with the responsibility of
efficiently accomplishing these conversion operations. The ever-increasing need for energy on a
worldwide scale has resulted in the development of innovative topologies for semiconductors and
power converters that are able to deliver the total amount of power that is necessary. The race to
manufacture semiconductors that are capable of withstanding higher voltage and current for the sake
of more efficient systems is still very much alive and well. In addition, there has been a lot of rivalry
between the use of medium voltage semiconductor devices in current converter topologies and the
use of high voltage semiconductor devices in old converter topologies when it comes to power
Traditional Topologies of Multilevel Inverter
There are three primary categories of multilevel inverters, which are denoted as Neutral Point
Clamped (NPC), Flying Capacitor (FC), and Cascaded H-Bridge respectively (CHB).
Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter
In 1975, Baker and Banister invented the CHB inverter, which is recognized as the first MLI to be built
on semiconductors. This topology is distinguished by the presence of a series interface of single-
phase H-bridge inverters. This architecture does not necessitate the use of clamping diodes or
voltage capacitors in any of its circuits. The arrangement in question makes use of independent DC
sources. DC sources can come from a variety of different places, including solar cells, fuel cells, and
batteries. Each individual H-bridge is made up of four switches, each of which has its own diode, in
addition to a separate voltage supply. The architecture of a 9-level CHBMLI is seen here in Figure
2.1.1. The output levels may be boosted by a factor of two simply by adding another individual H-
bridge in cascade. The following equations provide an explanation for the highest voltage levels that
the CHBMLI is capable of producing:
Figure 4: Circuit diagram of 9-level CHBMLI
Multilevel Inverter with Diode Clamped or Neutral Point Clamped
A Neutral Point Clamped MLI (NPC) was presented for the first time. Figure 2.1.2 depicts a 9-
level NPCMLI arrangement for your viewing pleasure. The NPC is a completely established
arrangement that only uses one DC source. Through the use of capacitors, this DC source is split
up into numerous other DC sources. The NPC is widely implemented throughout all sectors of
industry, often operating at voltages ranging from 2.3 kV to 4.16 kV, with a small number of
applications operating at voltages up to 6 kV. In point of fact, NPC has discovered uses for high-
performance AC drives in the oil and gas sectors, as well as in the mining industry. In addition to
this designation, NPC is also known as Diode Clamped Multilevel inverter (DCMLI).
Figure 5: Neutral or Clamped Point Multilevel Inverter with Clams
Over the course of the past few decades, a significant number of researches have been devoted to
addressing forecasting issues in a variety of application fields. The application of Recurrent Neural
Networks, often known as RNNs, has proven to be effective in solving machine learning challenges.
These models have been presented as a solution to the challenges associated with time-dependent
learning. The fundamental idea behind RNNs is illustrated in Figure 3; a section of a neural network,
denoted by the letter A, receives an input of the form xt and returns a value denoted by ht. It is
important to highlight that RNNs are well adapted to learn and extract information from temporal
sequences. Given an input sequence x=(x1, x2, xt), the following is a general formula for the RNN
hidden state h t:
Figure 6: Basic illustration of RNN
Character-Level Language Models based on RNN
If you'll think back to our discussion of language modelling, you'll remember that our ultimate goal is to
make predictions about future tokens based on the information we already have about those tokens
and the tokens that came before them (labels). Initially proposed employing a neural network to
represent human language. The following is an example of a language model constructed using
RNNs. Let's assume a minibatch size of 1, and that the text sequence is "machine." We tokenize text
into characters rather than words and examine a character-level language model to facilitate training
in later sections. In character-level language modelling, as shown in Fig. 3.1, an RNN is used to
predict the next character based on the current and prior characters.
Figure 7: RNN-based Character-Level Language Models
A multifunctional distributed sparse (DS) control strategy was presented by Singh et al. (2020) for a
solar system. The P&O approach of drawing the most power possible from PV cells is implemented in
the system that has been presented. The recommended system functions as a DSTATCOM in the
event that there is no PV system present.
Solar energy was recommended as the power source for an independent water pumping system by
Mishra and Singh (2020). In the system that is being suggested, the water pumping is done by a
Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM). The P&O method of drawing the maximum amount of electricity
from PV cells is utilized in the water pumping system that has been presented.
A boost DC-DC converter was created by Jhang et al. (2020), and it is built with complementary
metaloxidesemiconductor (CMOS).
In order to reduce the initial voltage, a logic gate circuit with low leakage has been put into place.
Dehghani et al. (2020) highlighted the benefits that come with utilizing the P&O approach. Both a
P&O-based controller and a fuzzy controller are put through their paces when it comes to simulating
the conditions of a solar PV system that is linked to the grid. When compared to the P&O approach,
the results indicate that the fuzzy controller has a performance that is somewhere in the middle. 0
Mishra and Singh (2020) presented a solar-powered water pumping system that would be
incorporated into an existing grid.
For the solar photovoltaic system, the authors opted for the single step of conversion. A switching
reluctance motor is what gets the job done when it comes to pumping water. The P&O approach is
utilized so that the PV system may provide the greatest amount of electricity that can be harvested.
The P&O approach is the most appropriate choice for tracking maximum power under any
circumstances since photovoltaic (PV) systems are nonlinear by their very nature, and their
performance is mostly determined by the weather conditions.
An improved leader particle swarm optimization (ELPSO) was presented by Ram et al. (2020) for the
P&O approach in order to track the highest power under any unfavourable situations. The improved
leader particle swarm optimization approach is used in order to locate the global maximum power
point (GMPPT). When using the improved P&O approach, one may achieve findings that are both
more accurate and comprehensive.
A drift free P&O approach was presented by Mishra et al. (2020) for the stand alone wind energy
conversion system. The traditional P&O approach generates oscillations and is unable to accurately
track the MPP throughout a broad range of wind speeds. The wind data is being gathered with the
help of the speed sensor, and it will be sent to the suggested P&O technique so that correct power
can be extracted.
Systems trained using machine learning (ML) can analyse data and identify patterns with minimal
human oversight. The production, efficiency, and quality of PV panels are all influenced by their
surroundings and can thus be predicted. Improved forecasting techniques can assist energy providers
and consumers get the most out of these installations. Even while renewables offer lower operating
costs over the long term, the initial investment in equipment is typically rather substantial figure 5. If
the user is able to accurately predict when the grid will be compromised, they will be able to take
preventative measures and save a significant amount of money.
Figure 8: Machine Learning Techniques in Fault Diagnosis
One of the more fruitful uses of machine learning to far has been in the field of predictive analytics.
Machine learning algorithms are applied to the data collected from the equipment's operation to
predict when maintenance is required. By following this procedure, technicians can avoid performing
unnecessary maintenance and costly failures. Human inspectors can try to perform the same tasks
without any assistance, but they typically fail. One study found that predictive maintenance aided by
AI was up to 25.3% more effective and 24.6% more precise than manual maintenance.
An Explanation of the Diverse Sensors Employed in PV Panels for the Detection of Faults
The suggested approach requires both electrical and environmental data to be collected when the PV
panel is in operation. This is necessary in order to achieve the feasible outcomes. The numerous
approaches that have been put into practice by a variety of researchers are the single most important
factor in determining whether or not the PV system is able to successfully detect faults figure 5.1. The
passive component of the diagnostic, also known as fault detection, requires that a normal threshold
and a failure threshold be identified and then fitted.
0.6 0.5
1.6 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.2
1.4 1.2
0.5 0.5
1.4 1.7
1.2 1.2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Current STC Current SC Current Varying
Current Partial shading Current Complete shading Current Degraded
Current Ground fault Current Arc fault
Figure 9: Diverse Sensors Employed in PV Panels
The diagnostics procedure that was based on the model was used to create each residue value that
was displayed here. The non-active component of the diagnostic data was monitored separately with
the immediate power output by the PV system. The fundamental concept behind techniques for flaw
identification is that, for a large solar system, it is necessary to subject the entire string to a wide
variety of irradiance and temperature ranges. It is possible to view the resultant string current, which
is caused by a combination of the types of faults and the locations of the defective modules in the
The Benefits Obtained from the Detection of Defects in PV Panels
Permanent power losses can be classified as defects in solar panels; however, a more fine-grained
analysis may be applicable if there are failure specific patterns that can be exploited. The
identification of the problem leads to an increase in the effectiveness of the solar panels. Performance
is the metric that is used to evaluate the capacity of a solar panel to transform the sun's rays into
usable energy.
At the point when the sun gleams on two sun powered chargers with various evaluations for a similar
timeframe, the board with the higher rating will deliver a more noteworthy measure of energy than the
board with the lower rating. The productivity of sunlight based not entirely settled by how much power
that is delivered by photovoltaic cells.
The proficiency of a sunlight based charger is impacted by the organization of the cells, the electric
game plan of the parts, and different factors. It is crucial to have solar panels with a top-tier efficiency
if you want to get the most out of your energy usage and reduce your bills. Contrasting two sunlight
based chargers, one of which has an effectiveness rating of 21% while different has a productivity
rating of 14%, the board with the higher rating will deliver 50% more kilowatt-hours (kWh) of force
under similar circumstances.
This paper compiles and discusses a number of previously published articles that cover recent
developments and research in the following areas: I different potential blames that can happen in PV
board; (ii) on the web/distant oversight of PV boards; (iii) job of AI procedures in shortcoming finding
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Diverse Sensors Employed in PV Panels
Historical data Low scenario High scenario Medium scenario
of PV boards; (iv) different sensors utilized for various issue recognitions in PV boards; and (v)
advantages of shortcoming recognizable proof in PV boards. These points are separated into five
classes: I different According to the viewpoint of issue classification, various other possible
wellsprings of flaws, including halfway concealing issue, hamper, and open circuit shortcoming, as
well as deficiencies in diodes (both hindering and sidestep diodes), were analyzed in more prominent
profundity. In this paper, we examined the different internet based procedures that are intended to
screen the mistakes that happen in PV boards in light of the sort of sensor that is utilized and the
observing of the PV boards. These web-based strategies screen the mistakes that happen in PV
boards in view of the observing of the PV boards. The proposed LSTM-based method to momentary
determining of photovoltaic sun oriented power yield has created results that are very uplifting. Later
on, we intend to carry out and test the exhibition of other RNN models like the Gated repetitive unit
(GRU) model and to consolidate extra data, for example, meteorological information to additionally
work on the exactness of our gauges. This will be important for our endeavours to additional improve
the nature of our figures.
A conversation on the plan, activity, and upkeep of planetary groups has been given. According to an
analysis that was conducted, the most significant breakthroughs in photovoltaic systems are now
being made in the areas of better designs of photovoltaic systems, as well as optimal operation and
maintenance; these are the primary foci of PV systems research.
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