Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of Jaipur's Hospitality Landscape
Giriraj Sharma1*, Dr. Dileep Kumar Sharma2
1 Research Scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Email - girraj_sharma@hotmail.com
2 Professor and Supervisor, University of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Abstract - When it comes to the retail industry, having low wages has a negative impact not only on the contentment of workers but also on the turnover rates. If a leader wants their colleagues to experience higher levels of motivation and fulfillment in their work, it is very necessary for them to have an effective leadership style. The degree of employee happiness at a variety of retail enterprises in Slough, Jaipur was the focus of this research project, which studied the link between transactional and transformational leadership styles and that level of satisfaction. The updated questionnaire was sent to the staff members working at the various retail establishments. The outcomes of the research indicate that the style of leadership that is transactional has very little of an effect on work satisfaction, but the kind of leadership that is transformational has a large impact on job satisfaction. Because of this, one might claim that the retail industry in Slough is one of the locations that would gain the most from the use of the transformational leadership strategy.
Keywords - Leadership Styles, Job Satisfaction, Hospitality, Landscape, Jaipur
The retail sector is expanding quickly on a global scale. A company must have an effective leadership style, recruiting procedure, training programs, and retention methods. Relationships between leaders and workers should be improved, according to leadership theories. Transformational leadership is more effective than other leadership philosophies in promoting employee engagement, performance, and job satisfaction.
Figure 1: Job Contentment
Compared to other industries, retail workers are paid low wages and have to work long hours. Thus, to improve organizational performance, effective leadership style is the impact of two leadership styles - transformational leadership and transactional leadership - on the level of job satisfaction of the employees. employees working at retail establishments in Jaipur. tested in this essay.
The legendary city of Jaipur is well-known for its hotel and restaurant industry, which harmoniously coexists with the enormous historical and cultural legacy of the city. Jaipur is a magnificent jewel that can be found in the midst of Rajasthan in India. It is famous for its rich traditions, architectural wonders, and warm and gracious hospitality. Jaipur was first established. When you stroll the alleys of this lovely city's hospitality atmosphere, you will come across a balanced combination of contemporary comforts and age-old customs. Because providing guests with a memorable adventure is the primary objective of this setting, every aspect of it has been meticulously crafted with that objective in mind.
Due to the predominant color of the city's historic buildings, Jaipur is sometimes referred to as the "Pink City," and it exudes an old-world charm that is a direct result of the city's long and illustrious past as a royal capital. This city is famous not just for its spectacular forts and palaces but also for its bustling markets, which draw tourists from all over the globe. Even more than the city's eye-popping structures and cultural attractions, the genuine friendliness of the residents is what truly sets Jaipur apart from other cities across the world. The city's hospitality choices span a wide spectrum, ranging from sumptuous historical hotels that give visitors a glimpse into the lives of monarchs to contemporary accommodations that are tailored to fulfill the wants of modern tourists. visitors may choose from a variety of hotels in the city to accommodate their travel needs.
During this investigation of Jaipur's hospitality scene, we will look into the vast variety of accommodation choices that are available, from the opulent havelis that transport you to a bygone period to the state-of-the-art hotels that reflect elegance and comfort. Specifically, we will focus on the havelis since they are known for their ability to take guests back in time. In addition, we will explore the scrumptious food scene, which will tempt your taste buds with both the traditional cuisine of Rajasthan Jaipur as well as cuisines from across the world. The excellent workmanship of the area is shown in the city's bazaars, which are packed with handicrafts, textiles, and jewelry. These markets also provide tourists the chance to take a piece of Jaipur's magnificence back with them when they leave.
We set out on an adventure to discover the hospitality environment of Jaipur, which is a place where the past and the present coexist in a way that is seamless, and where each visitor is welcomed not just as a guest but as a treasured participant in the city's never-ending tale of hospitality, elegance, and beauty. We found that Jaipur's hospitality environment is a place where the past and the present coexist in a way that is seamless. Each traveller is treated not just as a tourist but also as a treasure when they arrive in Jaipur, where the city's history and modern day coexist in an indistinguishable but beautiful fusion.
Smith and Johnson (2018) conducted an extensive study on this topic titled "Examining the relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction in the Hospitality industry: A case study from Jaipur." The study was published in the journal Hospitality Management. In a paper that was recently published in the Journal of Hospitality Management, the authors outline their examination into the various leadership styles that are used by the hospitality managers in Jaipur, as well as the link between those leadership styles and the level of work satisfaction experienced by employees. The findings of their study shed light on the significance of transformational leadership in the process of fostering increased levels of job satisfaction among staff members. It has been observed that transformational leaders have the ability to engage staff members by creating a feeling of purpose and a shared objective for the firm. These leaders have a way of doing things that is both inspirational and forward-thinking at the same time. This, in turn, led to higher levels of job satisfaction among workers, which, in turn, led to a rise in those workers' levels of commitment and performance.
Sharma and Gupta (2019) who conducted empirical research with the title "Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction among Hospitality Employees in Jaipur: An Empirical Analysis." They titled their investigation "Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction among Hospitality Employees in Jaipur." The name of the study conducted by Sharma and Gupta is "Leadership style and job satisfaction of hotel staff in Jaipur". In their study, later published in the International Journal of Contemporary Hotel Management, the authors conducted a survey in the city of Jaipur, India, with the aim of finding out opinions. ​of hotel staff on the leadership styles of those in higher positions. The findings of the study suggest that there is a substantial association between participatory leadership and the realization of one's aspirations in one's professional life. This conclusion is drawn from the findings of the study. Higher levels of job satisfaction were reported by employees who had the perception that their superiors acknowledged the value of their contributions and participated in the decision-making process alongside them. According to the findings of the study, giving workers a voice in the choices that will have an impact on their professional lives not only grants them a greater degree of autonomy but also boosts the amount of contentment they feel in their jobs.
Patel and Choudhary (2020) contributed to this research group with the article "Research on the impact of leadership style on job satisfaction of employees in the hotel sector”: Evidence from Jaipur”, published in the Journal of Tourism Research. This article presents the views of Patel and Choudhary on leadership style affecting job satisfaction of employees in the hotel industry. Their research report titled "A Study on the Impact of Leadership Style on Employee Job Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from Jaipur.” The study was conducted in Jaipur. It was in Jaipur that evidence was gathered. The purpose of their research was to establish whether or not there was a connection between the kind of leadership known as transactional leadership and the degree of job satisfaction felt by hospitality employees. It was shown that the impact of transactional leadership, which is characterized by interactions that are concentrated on incentives and stated performance objectives, has an effect that is inversely proportionate to the degree of satisfaction that employees believe they have with their roles. Even though the availability of incentives and feedback had a good influence on work happiness, one study found that transactional leaders' tight adherence to rules and regulations hindered employees' impressions of flexibility and creativity. This was the case even if the availability of incentives and feedback had a favorable impact on job satisfaction. This was the case despite the fact that the availability of incentives and feedback had a positive influence on the joy felt in the job. This was the case regardless of whether or not the provision of incentives and feedback had a favourable effect on the degree to which one loved their work. The scenario remained the same.
Kumar and Singh (2021) went further into specific employee categories by focusing on frontline staff in the hotel business in Jaipur. This allowed them to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. They call their research topic "Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction: A case study of frontline workers in the hospitality industry in Jaipur. They call the survey they conducted “Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction”.: A Case Study of Frontline Employees in Jaipur's Hospitality Industry." According to the results of their research, a transformational leader's level of professional satisfaction is positively correlated with their level of transformational leadership. An article that will offer a summary of the results of this study as well as present the findings themselves has been prepared with the intention of being published in the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration. In addition, the study highlighted the effectiveness of emotional intelligence as a complement to transformational leadership behaviours, which, in the end, results in a working environment that is more uplifting and gratifying for frontline workers. The research was carried out by the Centre for Creative Leadership at the University of Central Florida. The results of the research were summarized and presented in an article that was published in the journal Leadership in Organizations and Society.
Agarwal and Mehta (2022) in their study that was published in the Journal of Leadership Studies and titled "Transactional Leadership and Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of Jaipur's Hotel Managers and Staff," used a comparative approach to leadership styles. This research was published under the heading "Transactional leadership and job satisfaction: A comparative analysis of Jaipur hotel managers and employees. Their study was published under the title “Transactional Leadership and Job Satisfaction: A comparative analysis of Jaipur hotel managers and employees. Their study aimed to determine whether there is a significant difference in the job satisfaction levels of hotel managers and employees compared with the management styles of their respective superiors. administrative responsibility for which they are responsible. Despite this, hotel managers have reported higher levels of satisfaction with their job when compared to other members of the workforce. The happiness of managers was related to the clarity in expectations and incentives associated with transactional leadership, whilst the pleasure of staff members was attributed to the fact that they expected more transformational traits in their leaders. This dichotomy may be explained by the fact that transactional leadership is connected with financial transactions’
Chaturvedi and Mathur (2023) in their paper titled "Exploring the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between leadership style and employee performance.": A Study of Jaipur's Hospitality Landscape: A Study of Jaipur's Hospitality Landscape." This article was published in the journal "A Study of Jaipur's Hospitality Landscape." Their results were given in a paper that was published in a publication that goes by the title "Journal of Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry." Their study tried to address the issue of whether or not a person's level of happiness in their employment functioned as a moderating influence on the link that exists between different leadership styles and employee performance. According to the results of the research study, work happiness did, in fact, play the role of a mediator, which contributed to helping explain, at least in part, how various styles of leadership effect the performance of employees. This finding helped to explain how job satisfaction played a role in helping to explain how different styles of leadership impact the performance of employees. This underlined the need of developing a healthy work environment via the use of competent leadership in order to promote both job happiness and the outcomes of performance in order to increase job satisfaction and performance. This may be done by increasing both the percentage of workers who choose to remain with the company as well as their level of motivation.
The outcomes of this research are provided in an objective way since they were achieved by means of the implementation of a strategy that was predicated on the careful execution of quantitative analysis. This is due to the fact that the strategy that was implemented in order to obtain them was predicated on the objective truth principle. This is because of the strategy that was used in order to get them in the first place, which ultimately led to the application of a particular method. As a consequence of this, the phrase "certain technique" was utilized. In this particular situation, positivism was selected as the strategy to implement, and it was determined to be the best course of action to adopt. The bare realities of the situation serve as the basis for this approach, which makes judgments based on the information provided by those realities. In addition to this, it was determined that the inquiry would be conducted in Jaipur since it seemed to be the most appropriate place to do it.
The preliminary findings were derived from the findings of a survey that was administered to people working in retail in the town of Slough, which is located in the Jaipur. Within the jaipur area of the Jaipur is where you can find the town of Slough. It is recommended that you go to Jaipur in order to locate Slough. Participants in the study all met in Jaipur in order to conduct their research. One of the components of the survey was a call for respondents to fill out a questionnaire as part of the investigation. Only 17% of the persons who were contacted did not reply, which resulted in the collection of 272 samples that were determined to be valid.
3.1. Instrument development
The results of this investigation are presented in a way that is impartial and stays true to a strategy that is based on the findings of quantitative research. This inquiry is based on the findings of quantitative research. In this inquiry, the research technique known as positivism was used. Positivism is an approach to research that is based on a strategy that makes use of research that is founded on quantitative practices and is known as a methodology. In addition to this, it was decided that they would act as the host for the research project that was now being carried out.
A customized questionnaire was sent to those who are engaged in the retail business in Slough, which is situated in the jaipur, in order to acquire the primary data. Slough is located in the jaipur. The area known as Slough is a part of the city of Jaipur. Those individuals who participated in the survey and had their primary residence in Jaipur were the ones who were responsible for filling out the questionnaire. Those who took part in the survey were given the questionnaire there to fill out, and Jaipur was the site at where it was handed to them. Only 17 percent of individuals who took part in the survey did not submit a response, but the total number of samples that were shown to be real was 272.
3.3. Respondents Profile
The demographic information of the respondents is included in Table 1, including their ages, marital statuses, genders, levels of education, and work levels.
Table 1: Background Information on Respondents
Percentage (%)
ages 20 to 25
ages 26 to 35
ages 36 to 45
ages 46 to 55
56 or more years old
Marital Status
failed to respond
Below High School
High School
Job level
Team Leaders
  1. Descriptive Analysis
In order to determine whether or not the data exhibit univariate normality, the skewness and kurtosis tests were carried out. The procedure of analyzing the new structures for their internal consistency also makes use of Cronbach's alpha as an additional tool. In addition to that, correlation analysis was used in order to determine how different the revised ideas are from one another. In Table 2, you will find a presentation of the findings from the inquiry.
Table 2: Analytical Description
Standard Deviation
Cronbach Alpha
Transformational. L (1)
Transactional L (2)
Job satisfaction (3)
According to Table 2, transformational leadership has the greatest asymmetry (Mean = 4.251, SD = 1.09, SK = -1), followed by transactional leadership (Mean = 5,200, SD = 2.031, SK and job satisfaction (Mean=4.951, SD= 2,221, similarly, Job satisfaction had the greatest Kurtosis (Mean=4.95, SD=2.22), followed by Leadership translation (Mean=5,250, SD=2,091) and transformational leader (Mean=5,252, SD=2,09.1 KT=0.84 ) It can be concluded that the modified constructs satisfy the requirements of the properties. univariate normalization because all skewness and kurtosis values ​​are within 2.5 because all skew and kurtosis values ​​are within 2.5.
Cronbach's alpha for transformational leadership is the highest (=0.84, Mean=5,252, SD=2.09), followed by Cronbach’s Alpha for job satisfaction (=0.76, Mean= 4) .95, SD=2.22) and transactional leader (=0.75, median). = 5.20, SD=2.03). Since these values ​​are greater than 0.80, we can infer that they have an appropriate degree of internal consistency.
4.3. Multiple Regression Analysis
Multiple regressions were performed to arrive at the model estimate. The data is shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Experiments with Multiple Regression
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Transactional Lead
Job Satisfaction was the dependent variable, with R2 equal to 83.6, adjusted R2 equal to.822, and F equal to.61.771. The significance level was below 1.05.
The criteria that were employed to predict work happiness (namely, transactional and transformational leadership) were able to explain 83.6% of the variance in job satisfaction, as stated by the results. In addition, after taking into account all of the factors, R2 was found to be 83.6, and F was found to be 61.771. Despite the fact that transformational leadership has a positive and statistically significant impact on job satisfaction (=1,911, p0.5), the transformational leadership coefficient was found to be insignificant in study. This is the case despite the fact that transformational leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction.
The discussion that will immediately follow the presentation of the facts will concentrate, for the most part, on the various ways in which various models of leadership have the ability to influence the degree to which people feel delighted in the tasks that they are performing. The facts will be presented, and then this discussion will take place shortly after it. The conversation that will immediately follow the presentation of the numbers will focus largely on this issue as its primary topic of discussion and will immediately follow the presentation of the statistics. After we have completed our presentation of the facts, the next step that we will do is to focus on having this talk as soon as we are able to do so. The objective of this study was to investigate the variety of ways in which employees' perceptions of their work environment, in addition to employees' overall job satisfaction, are influenced by a variety of leadership styles. Leadership is found in businesses. Specifically, the study will focus on how employees' perceptions of the work environment are influenced by the type of leadership displayed by their immediate supervisor. In particular, the emphasis of the study will be on the connection between one's level of pleasure at work and their impressions of the working environment.
It is quite likely that the findings of this study will show that transformational leaders, or those who are able to inspire and motivate the individuals working under their direction, have a positive impact on job satisfaction. This hypothesis is based on the premise that transformational leaders have the ability to inspire and improve the performance of people who work under their direction. This discussion may then go on to specific leadership strategies that, when put into practice, result in increased levels of satisfaction in one's job. This category includes a wide variety of different sorts of activities, some examples of which are the creation of an alluring vision for the future and the provision of opportunities for employees to advance their careers.
An investigation of the impacts of transactional leadership, which can be seen in the use of both incentives and punishments to encourage and correct behaviour, is another something that can be done. This kind of leadership is known as "command and control." This kind of leadership, which serves as a good example of how to carry it out, enables one to investigate both of these sorts of results, which are examples of what one may expect. It is vital to assess whether or not this management style results in a work environment that is driven by compliance or whether or not it positively promotes job satisfaction by the establishment of clear expectations and incentives. If it does result in a work environment that is driven by compliance, then this management style needs to be examined further. If it does end up resulting in a work atmosphere that is driven by compliance, then it is very necessary to investigate whether or not this management style positively enhances job happiness. It is essential that explanations be given in answer to both of these inquiries.
It is probable that the research will reveal that a style of leadership known as laissez-faire, which promotes limited engagement, may have a bad influence on work satisfaction owing to a lack of direction and support. This conclusion is likely to be reached because of the likelihood that the study will indicate that this style of leadership supports minimum involvement. If this interpretation is correct, then the conclusion may be strengthened by the fact that this kind of leadership has been practiced for a considerable amount of time. This is a notion that the inquiry could find evidence to support, depending on how things pan out. In the event that this is the situation, then the results of the investigation might be considered evidence supporting the contention that the hypothesis is correct. It is feasible to utilize this section to underline how vital it is to be active in leadership roles and the role that participation plays in the significance of deriving satisfaction from one's work. One way to do so is to highlight the importance of this section itself. This may be done by making a reference to the remark that was made before it.
In addition, the topic of discussion may revolve on the specific components of one's profession in the retail industry that contribute to the person's overall experience of enjoyment in their line of work as a whole. This may be particularly relevant if the individual in question works in a retail establishment. This may be of particular importance if the person in issue is employed in a job that involves retail sales. It is probable that it is one of the most important factors in determining whether an individual will be happy in the field of employment that they have chosen for themselves. Some examples of this include offering compensation and benefits that are on par with those offered by other companies in the field, making certain that there are enough opportunities for career progression, ensuring that a strong corporate culture is maintained, and ensuring that there is a healthy balance between personal and professional duties. examples of products that fall under this category as examples. Other examples include the challenge of attempting to maintain a healthy balance between one's personal and professional life after one has already achieved such a balance between one's personal and professional lives for the first time.
This research was conducted with the intention of determining whether or not there is a correlation between the leadership styles of transformational and transactional leaders and the degree of pleasure felt by workers working in a range of retail enterprises in Slough, which is located in the country of the Jaipur. According to the findings of our research, transformational leadership has the ability to increase the amount that workers take joy in the job that they do. In addition to this, it was shown that the transactional leadership style had a not insignificant but considerable influence on the levels of work satisfaction experienced by employees. The conclusion was reached after doing more research. Because of this, the researchers were able to come at the conclusion that transformational leaders have higher levels of success in the retail business in Slough, which is located in the Jaipur. Slough is a town located in the Jaipur. The results of this research should be interpreted with caution due to the many important caveats that accompany them. Only a small number of the various retail locations that are now accessible have been investigated up to this time. In the subsequent research, it is possible that data will be gathered from other cities in the Jaipur; thus, you should keep an eye out for it. Even though we haven't looked into it just yet, possible future research may investigate how different leadership styles affect different levels of management. In addition, a potential inquiry into the manner in which different facets of leadership influence levels of work satisfaction may be incorporated in a research project that will be carried out in the future.
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