Analysis on Customers’ Satisfaction -- Nova Desi Ghee

Understanding the Impact of Factors on Consumer Behavior and Satisfaction

by Suman Pannu*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 5, Issue No. 1, Aug 2013, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


A person's likes anddislikes changes from time to time or, says it is very unstable. Anyone havinga need and is willing and able to sacrifice money is called consumer. Byignoring the preferences of the consumer the business community cannot possiblyfulfill its obligations in a responsible manner. The effect of various externaland internal factors on a consumer can be understood by different psychologicaltheories. External factors include social habitat, correspondence and friendcircle etc. Internal factors comprise in a consumer psyche and others likelifestyle, trends, personality, motivation etc. have a considerable on theresponse of the consumer. This research is something about that explains how abuying process begins and the end result of buying decision. With the help ofthis study the relation of consumer behavior with the product, price, promotionetc is revealed.


customers' satisfaction, consumer, preferences, external factors, internal factors, psychological theories, social habitat, correspondence, friend circle, consumer psyche


Sterling Agro Industries Ltd is a name to reckon with in today’s dairy manufacturing industry in India. A company that associates itself with quality and latest technology, Sterling Agro Industries Ltd has been marketing high quality dairy products under its brand “NOVA”, which today has become a trusted name among dairy products. The company is owned and managed by promoters having over 30 years’ experience in the field of dairy products and have given Sterling Agro its standing in the competitive markets. Setting standards of excellence in its entire range of dairy products, Sterling Agro is today considered a class apart even by its competitors. It’s well known brand NOVA and A ONE is a result of this enterprise, thus creating a league of its own. For more than 15 years, Sterling Agro has provided high-quality dairy products to meet daily nutritional needs of our trusting consumers. Although our products speak for themselves we are perpetually striving to maintain high standards in production, packaging, storage and transportation of our dairy products. The customers' satisfaction and trust give the required impetus to keep achieving new hallmarks and come up with best dairy products. Nova Ghee is a multi-faceted organization that is highly-motivated, team-oriented and dedicated to innovative solutions. The mission of the Nova Ghee is to have a strong commitment towards integrity, quality and creation of value for its clients. To deliver quality products comparable to that of global products, the organization believes in the pursuit of excellence as its guiding force. Every business proposition that organization of Nova Ghee undertake has their seal of quality commitment. Organization’s commitment to quality, innovation and product integrity have resulted in the trust, loyalty of its diverse clients


The present study research has been carried in the city Karnal in Haryana The city Karnal is chosen for the study as in this city the people from different religion and cultural background resides .This study enables us to evaluates the attitude of the selected sample from the population towards the usage of Nova Desi ghee. This study also reveals the various reasons as to why the consumers switch to other brands .In order to fulfill the predetermined objectives of the undertaken research both the primary and the secondary data have been used. Various books, magazines, journals, websites and the information are also collected from published research papers. Questionnaire is used as a means of collecting the primary data. The respondents are randomly selected and 60 respondents were personally met in order to get their responses. The data that was collected was basically primary in nature.


1. To study the current market scenario for Nova ghee. 2. To analyze the relationship between a specific brand and its buying behavior. 3. To assess factors influencing the buying behavior of the consumers.

Data Collection

The following techniques were adopted for data collection:


2. Secondary Data Relevant information was gathered from magazines, newspapers and project reports that formed the secondary data. 3. Communication Approach Face to face interviews was taken as the communication approach since it is a better method in cases where slight probing is required. 4. Questionnaire design The questionnaire used was a printed, well structured formalized schedule to obtain and record specified and relevant information with fair accuracy and completeness. The questioning process was face to face interviews and the questionnaire was designed in such a way that it could be understood and answered easily by the respondents. The questionnaire contained both close and open ended questions.


The main emphasis of the study was the Karnal city. The city is a home to various kinds of people hailing from different backgrounds, upbringings and religions. The city has its share of individuals belonging to different social economic classes. Sampling It is process of selecting or choosing the sample or member from the population that well represents the whole population and drawing conclusions about the whole population on the basis of the inferences drawn from the sample.


A sample size of 60 consumers was chosen. This sample size was based upon time and affordability approach. The 10 respondents were not able to provide the relevant information due to their unwillingness to answer or some find problems with the questions in the questionnaire. Sample Area- Karnal Sample Size- 60 Valid Sample Size- 50 Sample method- Simple Random Sample Data Analysis and Interpretation. Now we will analyses the various factors that will have an impact on the consumer’s buying behavior through this research. decision. Gender is classified on the basis of sex i.e male and female. This classification is required because different gender reveals different views towards products. In classification of gender the following number is used to know their views.

Table 1:- Classification of the consumers on the basis of sex

Interpretation:-30% of the respondents are male and 70% of the respondents are females from the table we conclude that the majority of the respondents belong to female group.


Person’s consumption pattern is also influenced by occupation. The type and quality of items purchased by persons differs on the basis of occupation held by them such as Blue collar and White collar job persons. The following occupants of the respondents are classified for data analysis.

Table 2:- Analysis of occupation of respondents

Suman Rani Pannu

Interpretation:- 20% of the respondents are businessmen , 30% of the respondents are employees , 40% of the respondents are housewives , 10% of the respondents are others .


The purchasing power or the capacity to purchase a particular product is determined by the income. If the income is high, then they go for the high quality, irrespective of the price of the product. This research analysis the data how income influences the purchasing power of the selected sample.

Table 3:- Analysis of the monthly income of the respondents

Interpretation:- As per the data 40% of the respondents earn below 10000 per month, 30% of the respondents earns 10001-15000 per month, 10% of the respondents earns 15001-20000 per month, 20% of the respondents earns 20001 and above per month .


Identification of the various factors plays a vital role in studying consumer behavior. The various factors such as brand, quality, price, easy availability, etc. is influencing lot and influences positively. The following data reveals how various factors are influencing the selected sample.

Table 4 :- Analysis of factors to buy Nova-ghee

Interpretation:- 50% of the respondents buy ----------ghee ,for its good quality, 30% of the respondents buy ,for its brand name , 10% of the respondents buy, for its reasonable price , 8% of the respondents buy ,



The data about the opinions/views of the consumers after having the experience of using -Nova-ghee has been collected and terms of satisfaction with rating scale . The following are the data obtained

Table 5:- Analysis of rating towards Nova ghee

Interpretation :- 30% of the respondents rated -Nova- ghee as excellent , 40% of the respondents rated ---ghee as good , 22% of the respondents rated –ghee as average , 8% of the respondents rated -----ghee as of poor quality.


From the survey conducted it is observed that Nova Ghee has a good market share. From the study conducted the following conclusions can be drawn. In order the dreams comes into reality and for turning liabilities into assets one must have to meet the needs of the customers. The factors considered by the customer before purchasing Ghee are quality, freshness, taste, thickness and availability. Finally I conclude that, majority of the customers are satisfied with the Nova Ghee because of its good quality, reputation, easy availabilities. Some customers are not satisfied with the Nova Ghee because of high price, lack of dealer services, spoilage and low shelf life etc. therefore, if slight modification in the marketing programme such as dealers and outlets, promotion programmers, product lines etc., are taken into customers before making any move.


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