Role of Human Resource Management In Textile Industry

Maximizing Efficiency and Coordination in the Textile Industry

by Harjeet kaur*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 5, Issue No. 1, Aug 2013, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Successor failure of a company depends on the efficient coordination of the resourcessuch as money, material, machinery and men. Among these, the role and operationof men is the most complex. All the activities of a company are initiated andcompleted by the persons who make up the company. Consequently, people are themost significant resources of any company. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT is knownby different names – Personal management, personal administration, man powermanagement.


human resource management, textile industry, efficiency, coordination, resources


Human resource management is the phenomenon of late 19th century, when, through the growth of industrialization in the West, the role of HR manager in progress to emerge. Though, it gained consequences in 1950’s, when it used it as a strategic resource. That led to the coining of the term Human resource management and the understanding among the managements that a prearranged and militant labor force was an essential obligation for efficiency and that a “Human approach” towards employees paid greater dividends both at the company and national level. Afterwards, Human resource management progressed to the centre stage of the company. Today, consequently in truly world class corporations the Human resource management functions has assumed a greater significance and plays a inclusive role in company management. The dawn of the 21st century presuppose company systemic preparedness for retaining and gaining competitiveness in a global and native business scenario. The early 20th century predominantly focused on the industrialized or the production priorities of the firm Human resource management has been defined as the function / unit in company that facilitates the most efficient utilization of HR to achieve the objectives of both the company and the employee?

Review of literature:

“The industry wasn’t doing very well because of some sector problems and problems through excise, customs, etc, but through the kind of packages that have been announced recently, we are now picking up. In fact in the last three-four months, the prices and demand of yarn, fabrics and shares have gone up, indicating an upward movement,” says Mr. D K Nair, secretary general, Indian Cotton Mills Federation (ICMF). “Through the situation of the industry improving, the employment opportunities should surely improve,” he adds. At present time there is boom in textile sector, as quota free result, so industries are doing a lot of efforts to meet increased demand in foreign as well domestic area. This has led to a shortage of skilled workforce. The actual impact on garment exports from Asian countries post-2005 was mixed. Following the end of the MFA, China did experience a significant increase in clothing exports. Though, a number of other countries also saw their exports to the U.S. market increase after 2005, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan (Adhikari and Yamamoto, 2005). In addition, Viet Nam became the WTO’s 150th member on January 11th, 2007. This change in Viet Nam’s multilateral trading status may have a number of implications for Cambodia. Viet Nam has already established itself as a garment exporter to Japan, Europe, and the U.S., although the share of Vietnamese exports remains small relative to that of China (Nadvi et al., 2004; Jenkins, 2004). Human resource management would be a tool to handle this type of problem. In India there is 20% growth increasing in fabric production as compare to last year so there is a lot of employment opportunity, so Human resource management would be more important in Indian scenario. And now industry realized that if we not hired or trained employee then growth curve will fluctuating. Now industries require the more numbers of potential and skillful employees.


failure of Human resource management. Though, industries realized that the solution of all problems is one necessary aspect - human resource management, which includes the human resource development - that can definitely help the industry go a long way, has been left out. The HRD centre at the South India Mills’ Association (SIMA) was started in 1995. The vision of the leaders of yesteryears at SIMA led to the development of the HRD centre. According to Mr Selvaraj, systematic and timely effort taken by few mills in training of workers and executives has helped them to througher the competition. “Apart from increasing productivity, our counseling sessions to union leaders has helped to bring a change in attitude”, he says. Training programs offered by SIMA are management oriented and also focus on shop floor management. Programs are offered at SIMA units (mills) and at regional levels. Training of trainers, textile costing, cotton selection, stores management, yarn marketing is some of the programs on offer by SIMA. “All the programs are need-based and are arrived at after a thorough diagnosis study at the mill”, informed Mr. Selvaraj. A total of 2,864 participants have been trained over the years.


  • Identification of people requirement i.e. why & how much to be required ,because in textile every process requires different numbers of peoples for say spinning section requires much more as compare to garment.
  • After this, human resource management find out where they are available, i.e. internal or external for say education institutes or competitors or etc.
  • Next is training, textile training is very much important, because entire thing is depend on this. If training is wrong or doesn’t give result then origination loses the time, money and effort. In textile we should concentrate on training .In this, there are 4 types of training i.e., internship, remedial, refresher, promotion training. Human resource management provides these by two methods i.e. on the job and off the job. Training should match through company goal, job profile, job description, characteristics of trainee.
  • After this Human resource management should evaluate the training program by taking interview report submission or by field observation
  • Next is performance appraisal

time frame for its delivery. The company should have reward programs on a group basis for knowledge workers. The Performance Appraisal system must have built in rewards for system creators. 1. Helping the company to search its goal. 2. Employing the skills and the activities of the workforce efficiently. 3. Providing the company through well trained and well-motivated employee. 4. Increasing to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction. 5. Developing and maintaining quality of work life 6. Communication 7. Helping to other department and function


  • Adhikari, Ratnakar and Yamamoto, Yumiko (2005). “Flying Colours, Broken Threads: one of evidence from Asia after the phase-out of textiles and clothing quotas.” Tracking Report, Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Initiative, Colombo: UNDP.
  • Yamagata, Tatsufumi (2006). “The garment industry in Cambodia: its role in poverty reduction through export-oriented development,” Discussion Paper No. 62, Institute of Developing Economies, Chiba, Japan.
  • Nadvi, Khalid and Thoburn, John (through Bui Tat Thang, Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Dao Hong Le, and Enrique Blanco de Armas) (2004). “Vietnam in the global garment and textile value chain: impacts on firms and workers.” Journal of International Development, 16: 111-23.
  • Jenkins, Rhys (2004). “Vietnam in the global economy: trade, employment and poverty.” Journal of International Development, 16: 13-28.

 James Heintz, Human Development and Clothing Industrialized in Cambodia: Challenges and Strategies for the Garment

Harjeet Kaur