Analysis on Demilitarized Zone In the View of Firewall Approach In Network Security

Enhancing Network Security with a Distributed Firewall

by Anand Pandey*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 5, Issue No. 1, Aug 2013, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The stimulateof this paper collaboration of firewalls which, could reach to the capabilityof distributed points of security policy; the front-end entity may muchinteract by the invaders so the separation between this entity and back-endentity to make the secure domain protection is necessary; collaborativesecurity entity has the various task in the organization and there is a certainsecurity policy to apply in; the entities like DPFF have to be protected fromoutsiders. Firewalls are utilized typically to be the main layer of security inthe network framework. The paper is presented the particular segment of theproposed framework that DPFF based on the developed pitiable firewall to be thelayers of defense, which is protected front and backend of the framework with adynamic security and policy update to control the framework’s safeguard throughproposed portion approach algorithm that utilize to reduce the traffic andefficiency in detection and policy update mechanism. The policy updatemechanism for DPFF is given the way of its employment. The complete frameworksignifies a distributed firewall, where the administrator configures the policyrules set, which could be separately or else from administration nodes’ side.


demilitarized zone, firewall, network security, security policy, secure domain protection, collaborative security entity, DPFF, layers of defense, dynamic security, policy update mechanism


A firewall is a hardware or software for defending the privacy, reliability, and accessibility of income and outcome packet over the network. Firewall expertise has enhanced significantly since it was introduced in the early 1990s [4]. The premature firewall worked with simple packet-filtering firewalls, but it has been developed with more capability to rely on multiple layers of network activity. As the World Wide Web has developed into the progressive and complicated network of today, the Internet and network security [5] has become more problematical,with various attacks and break-ins. Nowadays firewall technology is a typical part of organizations to provide security of networks [2]. In actual fact, today’s firewalls present a security fence between any networks, where the flow of traffic requirements to be controlled and observed [1]. To reduce network security risks, appropriate network access policies must be defined as first defend layer of defense in organizations’ strategy. Firewalls implement such policies. Firewall deployed polices traffic flows between internal and external networks. The firewall application is to be a segment of typical security strategy, which cannot be lonely, a most complete secure area [3]. These, such technologies essential are complemented with other security technologies that may provide a complete solution. Rules set policy let the firewall either permits or denies access to the network. Thus, a firewall may

be placed to authorize all confident traffic and to deny all other requests, and in addition it may also set to deny all messages of a particular kind except of specified network addresses or IP domiciles. Firewalls are intended to be a safeguard adjacent to effective endeavors of an assortment of security breaches. Firewall roll is to focus on security management [6], at a certain point; by this means abridge the accomplishment of security policy, the pathway of information and sometimes auditing. A firewall can also collect attack substantiation [10], to permit an organization to follow officially authorized action. There are limitations for the firewalls which enable them to defend hostile to malicious [8], insiders or unknown attacks or threats. In addition, firewalls are not mainly deliberate to defend against virus attack but some models propose to work as virus detector or protector to perform in arbitrary data packets passing through a firewall.


Firewall administrator typically, is located within the network administration to organize the services and give the individual effort to be comprehensive of policies and rules establishment in an organization. Based on a firewall [7], which design a firewall is for controlling all inside and outside traffic and just through it and traffic based on the authorization local security policy will only be allowed to pass and


the mentioned properties. [9], has a broad description of firewalls fundamental, that they can be a secure checkpoint for inside and outside of a connection. The hosts available on a network could have any number of ordinary servers for various functionalities, so the lowest cost option is monitoring the router based on sophisticated fashion. A direction for multiple part of network with firewall control, which has the security restriction and implementing policy for multi-part, is given [12]. In extension for different environment and have the distributed model which networks host may be employed in different portion and control by organization security policy is presented [3] [11]. Howeverhas not given any report for implementation of this method. His approach proposed a few features of IP firewall functionality at the endpoints of the communications. One of the merits on this approach is employment of decision making at the certain location and receiving more information than a router through the firewall [15].


In computer networks, a DMZ (demilitarized zone) is a physical or logical sub-network that separates an internal local area network (LAN) from other untrusted networks, usually the Internet. External-facing servers, resources and services are located in the DMZ so they are accessible from the Internet but the rest of the internal LAN remains unreachable. This provides an additional layer of security to the LAN as it restricts the ability of hackers to directly access internal servers and data via the Internet. Any service that is being provided to users on the Internet should be placed in the DMZ. The most common of these services are: Web, Mail, DNS, FTP, and VoIP. The systems running these services in the DMZ are reachable by hackers and cybercriminals around the world and need to be hardened to withstand constant attack. The term DMZ comes from the geographic buffer zone that was set up between North Korea and South Korea at the end of the Korean War. A DMZ is now often referred to as a perimeter network. There are various ways to design a network with a DMZ. The two most common methods are with a single or dual firewalls. These architectures can be expanded to create very complex architectures depending on the network requirements. A single firewall with at least three network interfaces can be used to create a network architecture containing a DMZ. The external network is formed from the ISP to the firewall on the first network interface, the internal network is formed from the second network interface, and the DMZ is formed from the third network interface. Different sets of firewall rules for traffic between the Internet and the DMZ, the LAN and the hosts in the internal network, and prevent unrequested connections either to the Internet or the internal LAN from the DMZ. A more secure approach is to use two firewalls to create a DMZ. The first firewall also called the perimeter firewall is configured to allow traffic destined to the DMZ only. The second or internal firewall only allows traffic from the DMZ to the internal network. This is considered more secure since two devices would need to be compromised before an attacker could access the internal LAN. As a DMZ segments a network, security controls can be tuned specifically for each segment. For example a network intrusion detection and prevention system located in a DMZ that only contains as Web server can block all traffic except HTTP and HTTPS requests. To the view of firewall position that applies in various cases to the requirement of allowing external access such as the mail and web activity the concept of a secure zone, which define as DMZ, is defined [13]. The purpose of the DMZ is to supply the network segment which is externally accessible, and also internal services are provided to the public view. By this purpose, the other segments of the framework are separated from the main DMZ and have their own activity, so in this method unauthorized users are not permitted from accessing public resources. In circumstances of proposed framework servers are located on the same network segment behind the front firewall and before the backend firewall, and all inbound traffic is restricted as prior define. The main server as well as other servers are placed on the detach DMZ and connected to the firewall. The firewall policy for the security is set to permit all inbound connections through the port number 25 for the mail server located between two firewalls. In a worse case that an invader misused to reach to the administrator access, they may install a program for the full access through the back door software to the server. Nevertheless, since the servers as well as the mail server is not on the similar network segment as the other resources are and protected by the DMZ the hacker activity cannot be manipulated. As it has been interactive insecure segment of the network are always active specifically points the invaders to that parts of network.


The main requirement to define a secure access control is to have trusted systems: • Environment Access: The method to support and guide the framework from intruders is to instigate trusted system technology like data access control that authenticated the users’ access and controls them.

Anand Pandey

subject to at the high level of security the defined data level and user access is non-comparative to the lower level, unless the valid user is authenticated. In this technique two parameters should be employed, first is accessing to the level of security, but only can read the available object, and second the object can modify and access to write in case the access permitted [14]. • Monitor Orientation: on the bases of security parameters that define with framework policy the elements are control in the operating system and hardware [12]. Security of the operating system kernel is an important matter to safeguard the framework and the next is monitoring the access privileges for each object and characteristics of protection. The security enforced the policy to conduct two previous properties for all entities to reach to the following:  Security’s policy should be enforced for each access to the media.  The parser and analyzer due to the orientation monitoring will be safe from the modification or unconstitutional approach.  The testimony of the framework may observe by distributed administrators.


 To briefly explain the limitation of the firewall as a front and backend first layer of defense in proposed security should mention that:  Generally, a threat by using a mobile host communication can pass the firewall protection.  Internal treats cannot control by the firewall.  Intrusion activity is not under control by the firewall.


Firewalls are utilized typically to be the main layer of security in the network framework. the particular segment of the proposed framework that DPFF based on the iptable firewall to be the layers of defense, which is protected front and backend of the framework with a dynamic security and policy update to control the framework’s safeguard. A firewall policy commands how the network traffic bypasses and to support the traffic application, and establish of firewall rules based on the IP domicile, ports and protocol.The update mechanism has the following characteristics that, new policy is formed and appended at the initiation of the existing policy. New updated policy is created without almost any similar rules. After the firewall updating and new configuration, the proposed implemented firewall has the distinctiveness that the firewall policies rules are based on the defined and develop rules’ manage the firewall to be utilized. For accuracy in detection and removing possible misconfiguration from the updated policy, it seems rectification algorithms, which determine potential errors, and also investigation in redundancy and shadowing is required.


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