Web Based Record Finalizing and Management Process

A revolutionary web-based system for document management and processing

by Himal Shah*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 6, Issue No. 1, Feb 2014, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The research aims to develop a system is for any type ofdocument but nothing particular. This system is revolutionary to documentprocessing. The uniqueness is being web based and for general-purpose. Beingweb based makes this system available everywhere through internet. Beinggeneral-purpose means system can be used for all type of documents and for mostorganizations.


web based, record finalizing, management process, system, document, revolutionary, document processing, web, general-purpose, available everywhere, internet, organizations


The research aims to develop a system is for any type of document but nothing particular. This system is revolutionary to document processing. The uniqueness is being web based and for general-purpose. Being web based makes this system available everywhere through internet. Being general-purpose means system can be used for all type of documents and for most organizations. The research causes a revolution of the way people work with document. Before this revolution, people think working with document means working with word processor. However, new web technologies make web powerful enough to simulate an operating system and even a word processor. People no longer need to work with a specific word processor. Using the proposed system, user can work with any document everywhere. As the World Wide Web has matured, so have people's expectations of their Web experiences. After becoming familiar with what they can find and how to find it, Web visitors have begun to expect more and timelier information from the Web sites they visit. Web managers, in turn, have had to find new ways of meeting these expectations. For campus Web managers, the challenge is to meet these expectations in a largely decentralized environment and with a limited budget. Nearly a decade ago, Gonzaga University realized it needed to establish a Web presence. Although Gonzaga still viewed print as its primary means of communicating with students, parents, and alumni, the expectation had arisen that anyone with an interest should be able to type an institution's name and ".edu" into a Web browser and instantly learn more about that institution. Our Web manager had the responsibility to ensure that information on the site was accurate, but no great emphasis was placed on the information being timely. Most print publications about the university were assumed to have a lifespan of a year or more, and information on our Web site was assumed to age in the same way. The role of a content manager and the process of developing content for a web site is often an unclear task. There seems to be little to no written methodology or online blogs about the topic. Sometimes, content simply ‘appears’ when someone realizes the task is left undone. Other times, a copywriter is hired, and this person is given a daunting task he or she is incapable of executing. Generally, when a company decides to redesign their site, they do not take the task of content creation and management fully into the scope of the research, and very rarely understand the nature of the role, the process or the deliverables involved. Content management is about gaining control over the creation and distribution of information and functionality. It's about knowing what value you have to offer, who wants what parts of that value, and how they want you to deliver it. Knowing that, you can build a CMS machine to help you get the right stuff to the right people in the right way. As with many new IT trends, Web content management (WCM) is in part a practical response to a pressing business problem – how to organize and manage large-scale Web sites – and in part a technology push on the part of software suppliers. Ovum (www.ovum.com) predicts that the market for content management tools will grow from the 1999 level of $475 million to $5.3 billion by 2004. We define web content management as an organizational process, aided by software tools, for the management of content on the Web, encompassing a life cycle that runs from creation to destruction. Early to market software suppliers, such as Interwoven (www.interwoven.com) and Vignette (www.vignette.com), are finding many software suppliers jumping on the WCM bandwagon. There is a plethora of companies providing Web content management software and the feeling of industry analysts in January 2001 is that the WCM market is overcrowded and due for a shakeout as the industry leaders emerge over the next 12 to 18 months. Some of these offerings are extant software products that are being re-positioned (or possibly just re-branded) in the WCM domain. Some of the ‘new’ WCM products are rooted in document management, while others have developed from customer relationship management, e-commerce, and software


explore the antecedents of WCM and to develop a framework that allows us to talk more coherently about WCM services.


Many organizations have created a Web site and most have established some infrastructural support for their Web site, such as a Web manager or a Web services department. There has been an explosion of content on Web sites as the potential of the Web for internal and external communication is recognized. For a Web site to “live and breathe” it must be fed with new content and out of date content must be removed. Organizations therefore need to encourage the activities of content providers. However, increased activity in content generation has raised a number of issues:

  • Navigation. Where structure and content are not closely controlled, there is a danger that navigation and search capabilities will suffer, making it hard for content users to find information easily.
  • Data duplication. The content on the Web is often a copy of data held in a departmental or institutional system; changes to one system are manually replicated in the other systems. Ideally, data will not be stored redundantly in the organization. There will be one source accessed by all business applications, whether internal or external. Where data needs to be copied then replication should be automated and controlled.
  • Tracking. To use content effectively it is necessary to know things about the content, such as who created it, when was it created, and when was it last updated. The ability to track and reconstruct the changes that have occurred to content is an important part of content management.


Inside creating web-based repositories regarding docs these people discovered the actual ought to add versioning, curly hair, seeing occasions, security, in addition to self-administration (e. grams., customers register themselves). Control et al. observed which the fewer productive Internet applications at Xerox had been things that contained difficult facts in addition to backed function techniques which are not very well comprehended by process creative designers. Control et al. discovered about three functions that the WCM should assistance: the actual author, readers, in addition to assortment supervisor. The particular assortment supervisor is liable for this company regarding docs, including versioning in addition to link regarding docs, a space that has viewed considerable task having XML. If you've previously heard about content management, it's most likely because you have connections to a large Web-development system. Today, that's where most of the interest and activity lies. As the Web moved past small, informally designed sites and into large, rapidly changing sites, the need for strong management tools became pressing. Product companies moved in to address this need and called their offerings content management systems (CMSs). If your only problem is to create and maintain a large Web site, then you have reason enough to desire the strict structure and formal procedures of a CMS. Such a system helps you get, and stay organized, so that your site can grow and change quickly while maintaining high quality. The Web, however, is simply one of many outlets for information that organizations need to organize. And, as the amount of information sharing between these outlets grows, the desire for an organized approach becomes an absolute need. To perform these stages, a working environment called Word Processor is normally required. The most frequently used word processors on the market are Microsoft Word, Open Office, AppleWorks. Many concepts and ideas are originated from ‘Bravo’ which is the world first ‘WYSIWYG document preparation program’ in 1974. It provided multi-font capability using the bitmap displays on the Xerox Alto personal computer (Bulter, 1979). These features served as the basic idea of WYSIWYG. WYSIWYG is to make the user to be able to visualize what they are doing. In other word, an instant change of display will be given in response to a user action. The WYSIWYG is the most important feature of contemporary word processor. Such word-processor is composed of document editor and document management system. View and Edit can be done using the document editor; Create and Save can be done with the document management system which cooperates with the file system.


A defining aspect of e-commerce is the ability to treat each and every customer as an individual, to personalize a Web site offering based on customer preferences and their previous history of interactions. The customer relationship management (CRM) process consists of selection, acquisition, retention, and extension. CRM software packages allow organizations to manage the WCRM process, to build profiles of their customers, and to personalize Web content for individual customers. The personalization of Web content to individual users has been identified as a requirement of document

Himal Shah

Through its Web-based CRM functionality, SAP Business One allows you to store and manage important campaign contacts through contact lists. You can easily generate these contact lists by automatically importing your current customer lists, or you can populate them with e-mail addresses from third parties. You can also store multiple contact lists for e-mail campaigns, telephone campaigns, and regular mail campaigns online and then access them via the Internet. The Web-based CRM functionality in SAP Business One provides a menu designed to help you quickly access your daily activities. Use the My Focus drop-down menu to immediately view and manage your appointment calendar. Use the Sales View menu to get a fast view of your customer list, pipeline, and activities, as well as numerous sales reports. Innovative prospect management allows you to generate lists of potential customers. You can import prospect information from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and easily manage relevant information, creating prospect reports directly from a Web browser. The pipeline graphic gives a quick view of opportunity progression from a lead to an order. You can track customer interests and record other companies that are competing for your business.


Data management techniques differ from document management, SCM, and CRM in that they are an enabling technology and meta-discipline for WCM. Most Web pages today are constructed using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is concerned primarily with the presentation of data and not with what that data means. XML, the extensible Markup Language, provides the capability to separate out the structure of Web content from the way in which it is presented to a user client. Consider a Web site that sells personal computers. There is a sale on one of the laptop computers. In collection: You either create or acquire information from an existing source. Depending on the source, you may or may not need to convert the information to a master format (such as XML). Finally, you aggregate the information into your system by editing it, segmenting it into chunks (or components), and adding appropriate metadata. In management: You create a repository that consists of database records and/or files containing content components and administrative data (data on the system's users, for example).

printable documents, and e-mail newsletters. The publications consist of appropriately arranged components, functionality, standard surrounding information, and navigation.


WebML is a formal language with an accompanying visual notation for expressing complex data-intensive Web sites at the conceptual level. WebML specifications are automatically translated by the WebML CASE tools into a running Web site implemented in JSP 1.1 on top of relational data stores. WebML has permitted designers to completely capture the requirements of the CMS application, which has led to the design of several user roles and site views, each representing a set of functions performed against the information objects managed by the site. A simple relational trigger, reacting to the modification of the conference status by the PC Chair, ensures the change of site view for the relevant user groups, thus modelling the workflow of a real conference management system. Preliminary results suggest that the redesign and new process have been well received both by content managers and by site users. More than 150 content managers have assumed responsibility for some portion of content on the site, and those managers are finding new and exciting ways to use the site. Departments with disparate responsibilities are collaborating to enhance their Web presence by sharing resources and ideas. One computer lab manager updates his home page on a daily basis to post new announcements to lab users. The most successful redesign researches are those where a content manager is identified in the beginning of the research and works through the proofing of developed HTML web pages. Hopefully, awareness of the critical need of the content manager, plus familiarity with the content development process will become more of a norm than it is today. Thus, everyone's job --especially the content manager's will be more understood and appreciated. We have argued that Web content management (WCM) is a significant business issue for any organization that maintains a Web site that has a large number of pages or has frequently changing content provided by multiple providers. WCM technologies are emerging with background in document management, customer relationship management, and software configuration management. The WCM market is currently crowded


WCM in which a number of themes are identified, including content lifecycle management, repository and data/metadata management, and an awareness of the impacts of organizational change. These ideas are equally relevant whether the consumers of information are customers, business partners or, in the case examined here, employees. One theme that emerges particularly strongly is the need to integrate WCM with business processes and workflows; this theme was picked up in all three WCM antecedents and is reflected in the Euro Engineering case study. The WCM framework developed in this research was applied to the case study and we believe it to be a useful analytical device for thinking about WCM issues. Further case studies describing how organizations are implementing (or not) Web content management and the problems they face in doing so are needed to identify best practice in this emerging area.


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