Human Resource Development In Coalfield Area or Coalmines With Special Reference to Ncl

Examining the human resource challenges faced by Coal India Limited

by Gopal Shrivastava*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 6, Issue No. 1, Feb 2014, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Coal India Limited is no1 state run coal miner. This operates 472 coalmining projects in 7 states. Government of India is holder of 90% of the stakeof CIL. It has got its HQ at Kolkata. There was the time when it has got 8lakhs of manpower to run the coal mining. This mainly produces coal. 80 % ofcoal production of India comes from CIL. This is enlisted in Bombay stockexchange. CIL has sold 10% stake in the year 2010 and had reaned 15,000 crores.It has got more than 32000 crores cash reserve. For last two decades its facing a lot of challenges before humancapital management. It has got a lot of human resource crunch. In the year2013-15 so many human capital of CIL is going to retire. CIL has got its owncoal working culture. Its human capital is mainly governed by Coal MinesRegulation, 1957. The manpower is very typical in qualifications andcompetency. It may be skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled man power. Most of themining legislation was merely a copy of UK mining legislation.


Human Resource Development, Coalfield Area, Coalmines, Ncl, Coal India Limited, manpower, coal production, Challenges, Human Capital Management, Coal Mines Regulation


Coal is India’s most important source of energy, and it is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. It supplied about 53% of the primary commercial energy in India in 2011 and is expected to supply about 47% of primary commercial energy in 2031-32 even in the least coal usage scenario of the Integrated Energy Policy (IEP)(BP, 2012; Planning Commission, 2006a). The coal sector is also critical to India from an energy security point of view as official numbers suggest that India has significant coal resources while being generally poor in other hydrocarbons (National Statistical Organization, 2012). In particular, the coal sector is important for the power sector in the country, given that about 76% of coal consumed in the country is used by the power sector and that 67% of the electricity generated comes from coal (CCO, 2011; CEA, 2012b). This is reinforced by the increasing resistance to large hydro-electric and nuclear projects, and falling domestic production of natural gas. It is obvious that effective management and efficient utilization of the country’s coal resources are clearly important to the future of the country. Efficient harnessing and use of the coal reserves in the country is also critical if India has to meet its development objectives while minimizing local and global environmental impacts. Human resource management in Coal India is one of the strategic functions as the industry is labour intensive. The achievement of business objectives demand optimal utilization of available manpower. The cost of employing this manpower is high, as such continuous efforts are made for development and deployment as per the needs of the organization. Development and deployment of surplus women employees has also been started to derive benefits from their utilization. To maintain profitability, mechanization and introduction of new technology is being continually attempted for which supply of skilled manpower is ensured wherever necessary. All round efforts are made by the companies to improve labour productivity with reference to current status of manpower in Coal India. The Coal India management attaches considerable importance to Human Resource Development at all levels. Concerted action has been taken by the management to exercise strict control on fresh induction of workers, training and development of existing employees with a view to ensure skill up gradation and also to achieve rationalization by retirement of workers through natural separation and voluntary retirement scheme. The company has been able to achieve substantial reduction in the employee’s strength and increase in the productivity. Coal use currently accounts for more than 50% of total primary commercial energy consumption in the country and for about 70% of total electricity generation. It is likely to remain a key energy source for India, for at least the next 30-40 years, as India has significant domestic coal resources (relative to other fossil fuels) and a large existing installed base of coal-based electricity capacity, although recent experiences have thrown into sharp relief the uncertainties and concerns regarding the adequacy of coal supplies to satisfy the growing hunger for power.


India mainly by British Companies. Mining practices adopted were based naturally on the experience of mining engineers. As large capacity excavation equipment was not developed, even shallow thick seam deposits were mined by underground bored and pillar method. This has led to huge loss of coal and problems of fire. A large part of good quality of coal reserve in standing on pillars and its liquidation does not appear in sight. Today the obvious choice for most of such areas would have been opencast mining, had it not been developed by underground methods. With the availability of large sized excavation equipment, moving during the construction of dams. Many of the experts of opencast mining in India had worked on such dam construction projects. A large part of the HEMM (Heavy earth moving machinery) had come from U.S.A., which e/en now leads in the manufacture of HEMM. A responsible manufacturing base of HEMM has been established in India. The mining practices followed today have been influenced by this historical fact to a considerable ertent. NCDC (National Coal Development Corporation), a public sector company, formed in 1956, sought collaborations with Polish and Russian mining institutes. This led to the development of a few underground shaft mines with mining methods practices in the aforesaid countries. With the rapidly increasing demand of power grade coal, high capacity fully mechanized opencast mining commenced large inferior grade thick shallow coal deposits had been ignored altogether in the past, as earlier the demand was mainly for the superior grade of coal.


The Southern Coalfield exists beneath a topographic environment defined largely by the Woronora and Illawarra Plateaus as shown on Map 1. These flat-lying plateaus slope gently to the west, away from the Illawarra Escarpment. Geologically they are comprised of Wianamatta Group sediments (the Bringelly Shale) overlying Hawkesbury Sandstone which in turn overlies deeper strata associated with the Narrabeen Group of rocks. These Triassic to Permian age geological units host a distinctive hydrologic system with narrow, deeply incised valleys, steep cliffs, swamps and watercourses sculptured over geologic time. At its eastern extent, the Hawkesbury Sandstone forms the steep and imposing cliffs of the Illawarra Escarpment, which tower over Wollongong and the settled coastal plains of the Illawarra. However the Panel notes that the Illawarra Escarpment has not been a particular focus because most active mines are set well back from its cliffs. The closest mining in recent times was in Area 1 of the Dendrobium Mine. domain has now been completed. The cliff lines which have been of most focus to the Panel are those directly associated with the river gorges but there are other cliff lines which are associated with steep topography around the river valleys, for example in Area 2 of the Dendrobium Coal Mine. The extent of cliffs in the Southern Coalfield is not accurately known. At least one agency GIS data set exists, and has been considered by the Panel. However, this data set appears to be incomplete, and for this reason no map of cliff lines in the Southern Coalfield has been included with the report.


Most of the human resource management practices in coalmines are based on legislation related to mining, environment, welfare, training, a forestation, safety, labour and electric power utilization etc. As of now coal India Limited’s first aspiration is to enhance human capital. The company is hiring human capital from open advertisements, through campus interview and in-house selections. Coal India Limited is one of the largest producer of coal in the world. Coal India is having 3.60 lakhs employees .This includes officers, staff and workers including front line supervisors. About 5000 frontline supervisors have been promoted to the position of subordinate officers on one time basis. There is a dire need to explore Human Capital Management Practices Vis-À-Vis The Satisfaction Levels Of Their Work Culture In Coal Mining Areas In Special Reference To Indian Coal Industry though questionnaire based case study.


Once an area is known to contain coal that can be 10 accessed, a mine needs to be developed there. The Coal Bearing Areas Acquisition & Development Act gives the Government the right to acquire the land where the mine needs to be developed (Government of India, 1976). This involves obtaining various clearances and permissions, rehabilitating people, acquiring land and taking up preparatory work for production to begin from the mine. It is generally considered that Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is the biggest hurdle in mine development. However, the reality is a little more nuanced. Thus, it is not so much environment clearance alone but the multiplicity of agencies and lack of coordination between them that is a reason for delays in mine development. This is exemplified by the relatively small increase of production from the mines for which environmental clearances have been granted. Mines are expected to be productive about 3 years after being granted environmental

Gopal Shrivastava

between 2009 and 2012, when these mines should have started producing, was only about 8 mtpa or just over 8% of the capacity granted clearance.


As the coal sector stands poised for greater growth, the need for more comprehensive and humane planning and implementation of coal mining projects and a transition towards sustainable development of the sector cannot be overemphasized. While this will require progress on a number of fronts, perhaps the most critical element will be the willingness of the various stakeholders and decision-makers to work together to reduce and manage the conflicts between the environment, the rights of local communities, and the demands of the coal sector. In the end, a sustainable coal sector will not only require reducing the environmental and social impacts of coal mining but also more equitable sharing of the benefits of coal mining activities.


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