Cloud Services For Supporting an Application’S Initial Deployment and Runtime Migration

Addressing concerns and challenges in cloud computing

by Prashanthi Chandupatla*, Karthik Raj Ankeswarapu, Lahari Boinapally, Suson Dakka, Chandu Naik Azmera,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 6, Issue No. 1, Feb 2014, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The cloudcomputing paradigm has achieved widespread adoption in recent years. Itssuccess is due largely to customers’ ability to use services on demand with apay-as-you go pricing model, which has proved convenient in many respects. Lowcosts and high flexibility make migrating to the cloud compelling. Despite itsobvious advantages, however, many companies hesitate to “move to the cloud,”mainly because of concerns related to service availability, data lock-in, andlegal uncertainties.1 Lock in is particularly problematic. For one thing, eventhough public cloud availability is generally high, outages still occur.2Businesses locked into such a cloud are essentially at a standstill until thecloud is back online. Moreover, public cloud providers generally don’tguarantee particular service level agreements (SLAs)3 — that is, businesseslocked into a cloud have no guarantees that it will continue to provide therequired quality of service (QoS). Finally, most public cloud providers’ termsof service let that provider unilaterally change pricing at any time. Hence, abusiness locked into a cloud has no mid- or long term control over its own ITcosts. At the core of all these problems, we can identify a need for businessesto permanently monitor the cloud they’re using and be able to rapidly “changehorses” — that is, migrate to a different cloud if they discover problems or iftheir estimates predict future issues.


cloud computing, services, initial deployment, runtime migration, pay-as-you go pricing model, service availability, data lock-in, legal uncertainties, public cloud providers, service level agreements, quality of service, monitoring, change horses, IT costs


Needs for businesses to permanently monitor the cloud they’re using and be able to rapidly “change horses” that is, migrate to a different cloud if they discover problems or if their estimates predict future issues. Migrate cloud providers are flooding the market with a confusing body of services, including compute services such as Amazon elastic compute cloud(EC2) and VM Ware V cloud, or key-value stores, such as Amazon simple storage service. We introduce the concept of a Meta cloud that incorporates design time and run time components. This meta cloud would abstract away from existing offering’s technical incompatabilities, thus mitigrating vendor lock-in. It helps users find the right set of cloud services for a particular usecase and supports an applications initial deployment and runtime migration. The emergence of yet more cloud offerings from a multitude of service providers calls for a meta cloud to smoothen the edges of the jagged cloud landscape. This meta cloud could solve the vendor lock-in problems that current public and hybrid cloud users face.


Cloud providers are flooding the market with a confusing body of services, including computer services such as the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and VMware v Cloud, or key-value stores,


they’re all, ultimately, technically incompatible and follow no standards but their own. To further complicate the situation, many companies not (only) build on public clouds for their cloud computing needs, but combine public offerings with their own private clouds, leading to so-called hybrid clouds. Here, we introduce the concept of a meta cloud that incorporates design time and runtime components. This meta cloud would abstract away from existing offerings’ technical incompatibilities, thus mitigating vendor lock-in. It helps users find the right set of cloud services for a particular use case and supports an application’s initial deployment and runtime migration.


In this paper during the registration process if a User or Owner or TTP (trusted third party) or CSP(cloud service provider) have to register first, then only he/she has to access the data base. And then any of the above mentioned person have to login, they should login by giving their username and password.

Fig-1 : Registration Page

And then Owner uploads a file(along with meta data) into cloud,before it gets uploaded,it subjects into Validation by TTP.Then TTP sends the file to CSP.CSP decrypt the file by using file key.If CSP tries to modify the data of the file,He cant modify it.If he made an attempt the alert will go to the Owner of the file.It results in the Cloud Migration. satisfy with one CSP, we can switch over to next that we are using two clouds at a time. In second cloud, their cant modify/corrupt the real data, if they made an attempt, the will fail.

Fig-3 : Send Mail

And then the Mail will be sent to the end user along with file decryption key, so as to end user can download the file. Owner sends the mail to the users who are registered earlier while uploaded the file into the correct cloud. This Meta cloud would abstract away from existing offering’s technical incompatibilities, thus mitigating vendor lock-in. It helps users find the right set of cloud services for a particular use case and supports an applications initial deployment and runtime migration. The emergence of yet more cloud offerings from a multitude of service providers calls for a meta cloud to smoothen the edges of the jagged cloud landscape.


The Meta cloud can help mitigate vendor lock-in and promises transparent use of cloud computing services. Most of the basic technologies necessary to realize the Meta cloud already exist, yet lack integration. Thus, integrating these state-of-the-art tools promises a huge leap toward the meta cloud. To avoid meta cloud lockin, the community must drive the ideas and create a truly open meta cloud with added value for all customers and broad support for different providers and implementation technologies.


1. M. Armbrust et al., “A View of Cloud Computing;” Comm. ACM, vol. 53, no. 4, 2010, pp.50-58. 2. B.P.Rimal, E. Choi, and I. Lumb, “A Taxonomy and survey of cloud computing systems, “Proc. Int’l Conf. Networked Computing and

Prashanthi Chandupatla1, Karthik Raj Ankeswarapu2, Lahari Boinapally3, Suson Dakka4, Chandu Naik Azmera5

3. J.Skene, D.D.Lamanna, and W. Emmerich, “Precise Service Level Agreements, “Proc. 26th Int’l Conf. Software Eng.(ICSE 04), IEEE CS Press, 2004, pp. 179-188. 4. Q. Zhang, L. Cheng, and R. Boutaba, “Cloud Computing: State of the Art and Research Challenges,” J.Internet Services and applications, vol. 1, no. 1,2010 pp.7-18. 5. M.D Dikaiakos, A. Katsifodimos, and G. Pallis, “Minersoft: Software Retrieval in Grid and Cloud Computing Infrastructures,” ACM Trans. Internet Technology, vol. 12, no. 1, 2012, pp. 2:1-2:34.