A Study on Labour Requirements, Production Cost and Output of Bru People In Bawngva and Darlak Villages of Mamit District, Mizoram

Labor and Cost Analysis of Bru People in Bawngva and Darlak Villages in Mizoram

by M. S. Dawngliana Hnamte*, Vanlalmawia,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 6, Issue No. 1, Feb 2014, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The villages of Bawngva andDarlak are situated on the western side of Mamit District; Mizoram, on the bankof the river Teirei between the latitude 23o.52’ to 24o.30’ north and thelongitude 90o.22’ to 92o.30’ east[1]. These villages are passedthrough by the National Highway No.44A from Tripura, about 20 kms and 24 kmsAway from the District Headquarters, Mamit respectively. [1]Agricultural Finance Corporation Limited, Teirei Watershed Management Project –Mizoram, Part I, North Eastern Council, Shillong, 1984, P-16, and se in Singh,Y. Nilachandra, Children Economics of Tuikuk Community in Mizoram with SpecialReference to Bawngva and Darlak Villages of Mamit District, Mizoram , Journalof North – East India Council for Social Science Research, Shillong, 2005, vol.29 (1)


labour requirements, production cost, output, Bru people, Bawngva village, Darlak village, Mamit District, Mizoram, river Teirei, National Highway No.44A