An Analysis upon Human Resource Empowerment Approaches in Organizations

by Dr. Ajay Tyagi*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 7, Issue No. 9, Aug 2014, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Empowerment is new and effective technique for increasing organization productivity. Human resource empowerment means increasing human resource knowledge, skills and motivation for achieve to organizational goals. This article according to figure below, explains human resource empowerment traits. In two last decade , organization theory about people change a lot .Today in organizations people are not equal just with workers and not expected them to be manpower. HRE Model has special criteria for HRE assessment and improvement. These Model Introduce seven criteria and 19 sub criteria and 106 points. This model helps to all manufacturing and service companies for HRE assessment. The criteria are; leadership, policy and strategy, empowerment process, encouragement, involvement, creativity and innovation, key performance. Empowerment is new and effective technique for increasing organization productivity. Human resource empowerment means increasing human resource knowledge, skills and motivation for achieve to organizational goals. This article according to figure below, explains human resource empowerment traits. In two last decade , organization theory about people change a lot .Today in organizations people are not equal just with workers and not expected them to be manpower. HRE Model has special criteria for HRE assessment and improvement. This Model Introduce seven criteria and 19 sub criteria and 106 points. This model helps to all manufacturing and service companies for HRE assessment. The criteria are; leadership, policy and strategy, empowerment process, encouragement, involvement, creativity and innovation, key performance.


empowerment, human resource empowerment, organization productivity, knowledge, skills, motivation, leadership, policy and strategy, empowerment process, encouragement, involvement, creativity and innovation, key performance


Nowadays, the role and importance of human resource clear for everyone. Among of produce factors (earth, technology, human resource, capital and etc.), human resource is most valuable and rare factor in every organization that inattention to human resource productivity and paying attention to other factors cause to decrease efficiency and effectiveness in organization. Also, that cause to make non-satisfaction among human resource and increasing wastage and accidents (Sahay, 2005). One of the main challenges of present directors in organization, lack of sufficient use intellectual resource and mental power of human resource that existing potentially. In many organizations do not use employee's capability optimally that cause to decrease organization productivity (Abtahi & Kazeni, 2004). Human resource empowerment is as a modern approach of job internal motivation that it means free up internal forces of employee and also providing platforms and to create opportunities for blossoming talents, abilities and competence of employee. In addition, it makes positive attitude in employees about their job and organization. Empowerment begins with in beliefs, ideas and attitudes of employees. Thus, they must come to believe that are capable for doing their tasks successfully (Abdolahy & et al., 2006). Every organization need to knowledge, idea, energy, employee support and commitment to success in international business environment. Organizations use empowerment to answer and face with situations of external environment. According to Spreitzer (2007), more than 70% of organizations have empowerment plans for some of their workforces. While perceptions human resource as maim factor productivity of organization can be acceptable and optimum, because that increasing commitment and job satisfaction and decreasing job stress and absence. History of the first definition of the term empowerment refers to 1788 in which empowerment was considered as empowering in organizational role which should be given to individual or it should be


empowerment. Without empowerment, and project managers cannot be successful in the long run. Project managers are the most important factor in human resources empowerment because they influence directly and indirectly on all project factors. Project managers should provide necessary context for empowerment by delegating more power to employees, giving them independence and freedom, providing a collaborative atmosphere, creating a culture of teamwork, and eliminating conditions which lead to powerlessness of employees, since empowerment of human resources offers potential capacities for utilizing human resources abilities which are not used totally, and in fact, it creates a win – win situation between project managers and human resources. Human is development axis and what is of important in line with the development pivot is to improve the human resources in organizations. Employees as a basic pillar of organizational development, plays important and key role within the framework of its group and organizational activities. Today, the growth and development of organizations, Depends on proper utilization of manpower resources is. Theorists of the management science consider the human recognition as an element to maintain the availability and the survival of the organizations and increasing respect to human resources, as a powerful tool in organizational changes and developments. Human resources' empowerment is a highly efficient tool based the on management's changeable perception so that its application causes success in organizations. Today, what is granting the objectives of the organization is manpower. Employees can do their tasks properly when they enjoy of necessary skill, knowledge, ability and motivation and know organizational objectives very well. The tool which can be helpful in this regard to management is empowerment process. In this process, the driving force is transmitted from the output of man within him, and gave him knowledge and clarify working goals, so that instead of telling employees what to do and how and when to do, should enhance and enable them to solve their problem individually so that in this way: Empowerment is the process of empowering the employees, this process, helps them to overcome their powerlessness and helplessness. This means empowering employees leads to mobilize intrinsic motivation. Empowered employees feel a strong sense of ownership for their companies. This ownership translates into a concern for providing better products and service. Organizational development and change programs that consider employee empowerment improve outcomes and service by empowering employees to take ownership of their jobs, and in the delivery of products and services to their customers. Even in a tight economy, employers do not like high employee turnover; recruitment and training are expensive. During an organizational change, especially if stress remain committed and loyal. When employees feel that they have a say in decisions that affect them and know that management is listening to their ideas and concerns, they work harder. Implementing organizational development and change management programs calls for incorporating ways to help employees feel empowered. This goes a long way toward increasing productivity. Empowerment is a transformation process where in both the managers and employees know each other and respect each other. They should identify and extract each other’s strengths, capabilities and potentialities and reinforce their morale. It means that in addition to resource use efficiency, cost-efficiency and efficient technology, there must be empowered and dedicated human resource. Only empowered workforce can make the best use of all other resource and mark a difference in performance of the organization. (Ghasemi Jafar, 2003) The word empowerment in oxford dictionary has been defined as being powerful, giving authorization, power producing and empowered. In specific terms it means giving power and freedom of action to individuals for self-management and in organizational context it means change in work culture and creation and guidance of optimum an organizational environment. Empowerment means designing and making an organization in a manner that individuals reckoned as main motive force. In this method employees will have self-control. Further they creative thought and approaches are recognized and respected. In an Empowered system, employees and organization are inseparable and reinforce each other. In this situation participation and delegation of responsibility create a sense of belongingness and conviction. Further, it also enables them to take decisions both individually and collectively. All these incidentally augment their capabilities, confidence, energy, productivity, self –respect, esteem and mutual trust. There are also evidences to prove that it creates opportunities for freedom, moral uprightness, charity and professionalism at all levels of decision making. Empowerment is an evolutionary process with a number of dynamic benefits to the employees and also organization. It involves continuous learning and innovative methods of utilizing the human resources. Empowement places the employees at the central stage & they are made the kingpin of the entire organization.


Organizational environment expectation well designed Human Resource Empowerment (HRE)

Dr. Ajay Tyagi*

and deal with performance issues and worker expectations and requests. The assignment of a human resources management to particular human resources the information employers have about the manager’s hidden ability at the time of the assignment. The fact that human resource empowerment continues after the assignment human resources management that the assignment is made with human resources potential factors. If human resources promotions based on the estimated ability of the human resources assigned to a given hierarchical level at the same moment in time will have similar expected abilities. With human resources promotions models, there will be less to human resources potential in the future for those workers whose ability better assessed. If human resources experience and formal human resources empowerment improve the precision of the assessment, then within human resources should decrease with experience and education. The prediction that human resources empowerment improves increases with organizational position. The human resources managers are agree with these principles that they will affect by their managing behavior and that of top management in establishing an appropriate organizational climate (Bowen and Ostroff, 2004, 145). Organizational human HRE is based on the Excellence Model. The HRE is divided into 7 criteria. Together with the RADAR Logic, organisations will be able to assess and evaluate themselves in terms of HRE maturity in order to identify the strengths they should build on and the areas where they need to focus improvement. To gain maximum benefit, the output from such Self-Assessment exercises should be integrated into the normal strategy formulation and planning processes of the organization. Furthermore, using the HRE reporting will help an organization to optimize the use of available information, together with a clear and simple approach for reporting. The following section provides details on the HRE and model and criteria:


Human resources empowerment is a process by which a empowerment culture is developed. In such culture, goals, decision making borders and the outcome of effects and efforts are shared in the whole project. Human resources empowerment process can be summarized into three stages: 1. Information sharing: it allows human resources to recognize and analyze project situations. Information sharing is initiated with project confidence building and breaking down hierarchical thinking, and it results in increased human resources responsibility. 2. Autonomy and working independence all across the project boundaries: project boundaries are specified through the goal, values, regulations, target, roles, and project system and structure. 3. Replacing hierarchies with self-managed teams: when a group of human resources is selected with specific responsibilities for working process within project, they plan, execute and manage everything and responsibilities are divided equally. Advantages of self-managed teams include: providing occupational satisfaction, work commitment, better communication between human resources and project managers, more effective decision-making processes, work improvement and development, reduced project costs and project productivity.



1) Showing project management commitment through:  Strategic thinking regarding areas in which creativity leads to developed activities


  • Creating an atmosphere of trust and honest communication
  • Targeted investments and providing incentives to facilitate change
  • Participation in project activities for testing project achievements
  • Using a performance feedback system with 360 degree rotation
  • Motivating and rewarding human resources involved in the project

2) Paying attention to human resources through:

  • Building trust in a collaborative environment
  • Participating human resources in decision making before a final decision

3) Human resources training to enhance knowledge, skills and abilities through:

  • Providing formal training for human resources
  • Training new methods of performing in team and team building
  • Paying attention to investment in education at any point of time

4) Using qualitative teams through:

  • Creating a team of human resources to take responsibility of activities at multiple levels
  • Assignment of responsibilities to the team and its members

5) Human resources involvement in planning and performance information sharing through:

  • Developing a mechanism to participating human resources in the planning process
  • Providing performance information throughout the project through various ways such as charts, graphs and so on
  • Providing performance information through meetings
  • Surveying human resources about change directions in project

6) Empowerment through: focus on problems and issues and project policies

  • Creating a new position of appropriate and worthy authority and discretion project human Resources.


The enterprise will be attacked from inside as well as outside, financial managers feel that they are not treated truthfully from internal part of organization, they have been disillusioned and disappointed and organization have more expectation and will change the play rules regularly and in fact employees seek for more meaningful work and they ask for more clearness and accuracy and they are asked for more self-finding, self-actualization. The organization should conformity itself whit changes and grows and learns new ways in order to range oneself. Employees are not sure with their responsibilities and guaranties and that who has been tied up in this between is management who feels has between new demand from outside of organization and should employing a groups so that the organization may do his duties well. The empowered enterprise should have following specialization:

  • It should add to job containing.
  • It develops skills and job containing duties. It makes favorable basis for creation and innovation and interstice.
  • The employee will do complete work instead of part of that.
  • It secures customer satisfaction.
  • It provides field for market direction finding.

In world new economic, the quick changes is fundamental reason for creation new looks in work environment and binds organizations, in charges in order to permanence Review their management system. in addition to technology has progressed and most of consumers have more demand, management of organizations need to flexible polices so that encourage individual responsibility and innovation and let employees to be responsible for their work because these are designer that they are affected from organization and they effect on it too. They are expecting to participate in organization’s decision making, they are desirous for truth and clearness and they want more self- finding and self-actualization.

Dr. Ajay Tyagi*

income and improve the quality of work. Management should be active in delegating authority and permission to employees by giving maker team creation. To participate in information and self-autonomy, self-decision information is a basic skill in communications, which is often neglected by managers. Empowerment is effective when it can be included of information exchange of information roup. Feedback may be permanent staff evaluation that and feedback of individual as well as gis a good tool to improve their capabilities in decision making of the employee who deals directly with the clients. Due attention to globalizations and need of competition, organizations need to recast their management Philosophy and polices to improvise their competitive strength so that they Can emerge as truly modern and word class enterprise. For this purpose strong army of empowered employees is needed that with their desired performance can deliver and help in advancing the image and prosperity of corporate organization. Regarding this study, empowerment can be considered as a result and outcome of three main flows in the project: a. project managers’ tendency to the level of human resources participation (participatory management), b. Transfer of authority to subordinates (power delegation), c. the reward paid to human resources for success in performing tasks (performance-based rewarding).


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Corresponding Author Dr. Ajay Tyagi*

Principal in Kishori Raman Mahavidyalaya, Mathura E-Mail –