Customer Relationship Management In the Cloud Enterprise

by Ricky Sachdeva*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 7, Issue No. 10, Nov 2014, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In this paper we discussed about cloud enterprise. Cloud ERP is anapproach to enterprise resource planning (ERP) that makes use of cloudcomputing platforms and services to provide a business with more flexiblebusiness process transformation. Customer relationship management (CRM) focuseson enterprise's number one priority—creating a satisfactory customer experiencethat will delight current clients and helps to acquire new ones more quickly.


cloud enterprise, cloud ERP, business process transformation, customer relationship management, satisfactory customer experience


With Enterprise Cloud Computing, the bottlenecks that typically occur with the configuration, expansion and replacement of traditional on premise IT systems and components can be eliminated, since the IT infrastructure can be expanded or contracted on demand through virtualization. Cloud computing eliminates the typical challenges presented by localized power grid interruptions, physical data loss due to catastrophic events and malicious on site attacks to the IT infrastructure within an organization. The cloud computing framework provides an optimal environment for faster, safer and cheaper delivery of IT services within an enterprise. Cloud computing offers access to a multitude of services via the web, with only a minimum of client resources required. Cloud providers like Apprenda offer a complete range of applications, data storage solutions, all the processing power the client needs and strict security protocols for the high information safety. The cloud users are able to access every type of software without installing it on their devices and thus only needing a simple network browsing application. This concept can only be seen as a substantial upgrade to the client’s capabilities without the effort of investing in an infrastructure, software licenses and the costs of having employees.


What is cloud computing in terms of real advantages compared to the common computing solutions? Depending on the needs of the client, the following may apply:

  • Data Security – providers can dedicate resources in their entirety towards this concern
  • Server and location independence – users need not worry about these huge costs and instead invest in their own business
  • Performance – better resources mean more and constant processing power
  • Maintenance – simplified because there’s no software installation required

Cloud computing offers IT manager’s solutions for more data storage to the dollar, greater and quicker software accessibility and cost & effort optimization.


IT technologies, reforming the business function and reengineering the workflow, many new customers can be attained and existing can be stopped going away from the business [3]. Today plenty of prospective applications of CRM and supply chain management are available in industrial clusters [4]. ERP systems are being utilized by Enterprises or organizations to increase their profits as well as growth. These systems can also curtail the time required for production phase and definitely enhance the services required by the customers. However, it is not always easy to implement and effectively use


Updates the OSS and it also makes the organization’s E-Business to grow efficiently and effortlessly [1, 9]. ERP software brings users economic benefits during a company’s operational management. The economic benefits of ERP users are better than the non-users [6]. All the data and information resources are managed by Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the business organizations. This information is stored in centralized and shared data stores. Nowadays information is a priceless tool for organizations and through this perspective it is important to transform all the data of a company IT system in real time. [1]


The SaaS software model has fixed financial and operative advantages over the others in comparison with, on-premise software models. The operation cost is very less and the subscription cost is also reduced because the service provider operates the systems which can offer the services. SaaS offers low initial cost -mostly based on subscription cost and further operation costs - as the service provider is the one that operates the system. This process definitely represents savings in terms of money, IT resources, and time spent from development to implementation. Recent research indicates that SaaS usage has increased and the demand is still increasing. [6], and according to studies predictions are that SaaS will outperform more traditional IT alternatives as a consequence of the current economic crisis and will helps the economies to recover [7]. SaaS benefits list is increasing and it will go beyond cost-effective software delivery factors, enabling organizations to transform their business processes [8]. One major kind of cloud computing is Software as a Service (SaaS), through which users can get software service from Internet, without having to invest massively in software or infrastructure. They can lease the web-based software from service provider, which is responsible for the operation, upgrading and maintenance of the software related technology.


In this paper we found that many businesses who own on-premise IT systems can maximize their IT investment through Enterprise Cloud Computing. A Cloud for the Enterprise promises to deliver an extremely agile computing environment for client users within private organizations. These organizations can gain many of the same operational benefits available within a public cloud computing environment. CRM custom software from Sales force instantly updates your business processes, combining them with people


1. Business Adoption of Cloud Computing. AberdeenGroup (Sept 9, 2011). 2. What Can The Cloud Do To My People. Microsoft. 3. iCylanAPP Platform. Cylan. 4. ACA Research, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in Australia: Is it the Next Big thing? (2007) 5. Ammar Khalid, “Cloud Computing: Applying Issues in Small”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing, pp 278-281. 6. Karthik Kumar and Yung-Hsiang Lu,” cloud computing for mobile users: can offloading computation save energy?”, IEEE 2010 Computer Society, pp 51-55 7. KeJing Zhang, PingJun Dong, Biao Ma, BingYong Tang, Hong Cai, “Innovation of IT Service in Textile Industrial Clusters from the Service System Perspective”, 2010 IEEE ,pp 1819-1822 8. Michael Massoth and Dominik Paulus ,” Mobile acquisition of sales operations based on a BlackBerry infrastructure with connection to an inventory and ERP management system”, The Second International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies,2008 IEEE, pp 413-418. 9. Transformation, 215519, December 2008, IDC (2008)