Impact of Organisational Change Management on the Success of Organisation

Strategies for Implementing Successful Organizational Change

by Samreen Jafri*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 8, Issue No. 11, Feb 2015, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The surroundings oforganizations are coined by time to marketplace reduction, augmented varietyand difficult resulting from trends like globalization, mass customization andenlarged outsourcing. Organizational Change Management aims to endow with animplementation friendly environment. Communication of the necessary changes andcontribution of people exaggerated by change are common means of OrganizationalChange Management to deal with initial uncertainties and to build trust.


organisational change management, success of organisation, time to marketplace reduction, augmented variety, globalization, mass customization, enlarged outsourcing, communication, contribution of people, trust


Change management is the development, tools and techniques to supervise the people-side of transform to achieve the requisite business outcome. Change management includes the organizational tools that can be exploiting to help those make successful personal transitions resulting in the acceptance and comprehension of change. Change ability has become a nucleus managerial capability. Without change management skills, persons cannot operate efficiently in today’s variable, shifting organizations [The Conference Board of Canada, 2000]. Senior management may set the organizational direction, but, in this decentralized organizational world, it is up to executives and employees to shift the organization to achieve the new objectives. To do this, change management skills are dominant. Change management is frequently more difficult than we expect [Pfeffer, 1999]. Many organizations are infrequently faced with challenges that force them to adjust or change (Burnes, 2004). Development organizations, in particular, regularly have to go through change processes when having to respond to new growth scenarios or simply as part of their development or reform processes. The implications of change processes are regularly under-estimated by senior management and not managed sufficiently [Kamugisha Samuel, 2013].


Human resource management is a core management function in any type of organization. It creates the most crucial condition for organizational performance. Human resource management is a process that assists organizations recruit, select and develop staff within the organization. According to Stanley and Albin (2013) they define human resource management as a management function within organizations concerned with people and their relationships at work.


Human resource management principles and techniques are drawn from various theories found in different disciplines. According to Michael Armstrong (2012) the following are the theories that guide HRM [Rehema C. Batti, 2014]:  Resource Dependency Theory  Competitive Advantage Theory  Institutional Theory  Agency Theory  General Systems Theory  Human Capital Theory  Organization Life Cycle Theory


Organizational change has also been referred to as organizational development and organizational


1. The simultaneous nature of the changes; 2. The speed at which the different types of change occur; 3. The complexity of changes, 4. The immediate communication and impact of the changes throughout the world; and 5. The need for individuals as well as leaders of organizations and nations to step up and immediately make decisions and address problems, issues and resolution.



Circumstances which impact organizations include:

  • Organizations and their employees are charged with illegalities [Doherty, 2007].
  • Economic conditions change as they are impacted by organizational failures, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, etc. [Caterinicchia, 2007].
  • Consumer behavior changes
  • Employee strike as organizational privileged give themselves bigger bonuses salaries and ask for concessions from unions [Bailey, 2007].


In this paper we found that organizational change is intended and planned. The market place for competent and skilled personnel is becoming more and more competitive and costly. Organization takes an initiative to change a noteworthy organizational component. It means a shift in something relatively permanent.


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