Impact of Television Advertising on Consumers

Exploring the Impact of Television Advertising on Consumer Behavior

by Rahmath Afshaw*, Abhishek Mathur,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 8, Issue No. 11, Feb 2015, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Smith, E.G., Meurs, L. V., andNeijens, P.C. (2006) "Effects of Advertising Likeability: A 10-YearPerspective". Journal ofAdvertising Research, 46, 1 (2006): 73-83. Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1980)."Understanding attitudes and predicting social Behavior". Toronto,Ontario: Prentice-Hall. Gorn, G.J. "The Effectsof Music in Advertising on Choice Behavior: A ClassicalConditioning    Aroach". Journalof Marketing, 46(1982): 94-101. Smith, E.G., Meurs, L. V., andNeijens, P.C. (2006) "Effects of Advertising Likeability: A 10-YearPerspective". Journal ofAdvertising Research, 46, 1 (2006): 73-83. Ninan (2008) Pester Power-Emerging NewDimensions, Advertising Express, October. Mehta, A.(2000)."Advertising attitudes and advertising effectiveness".Journal of Advertising Research, 40: 6772. Stone, G., Besser, D. and Lewis,L.(2000) "Recall, liking and creativity in TV commercials: a newapproach". Journal ofAdvertising Research. , 40(2000): 7-18. Kotler, P., and Armstrong, G.(2008)."Principles of marketing" 12th ed., Pearson Prenticehall, 396-398. Bell, D. (1976) The CulturalContradictions of Capitalism. Basic books Inc., New York. NY. 10.        Marchand, R. (1985) Advertising and theAmerican Dream: Making way for Modernity, 1920-1940. University of CaliforniaPress, CA.


television advertising, consumers, effects, likeability, choice behavior, advertising attitudes, advertising effectiveness, recall, liking, creativity, marketing, cultural contradictions, advertising and the American dream


Consumers buying behavior has always been given so much importance and space in the literature study of impact of advertising regarding its effectiveness (Ajzen, 2002). Most of the time consumers buying behavior is influenced by liking or disliking of consumer towards the advertisement of the product, advertised (Smith et al., 2002). Likewise, some researchers argue that it is actually the emotional reaction which is developed after the advertising, for the product advertised, that influences the consumer behavior. In the words of Gorn, 1982, the consumer behavior towards a product is totally depending on advertising, without any assessment of the quality of the product. Furthermore, Controversies over the impact of advertising on the consumer’s buying trends and habits has always been present. Sometimes the advertisers over exaggerate about the product’s benefits in such a tactful manner that consumer goes psychologically under the pressure of advertising persuasiveness and intentionally decides to buy the advertised product (Smith et al., 2006). Due to the strong impact of advertising, it is the moral duty of advertisers to practice the code of ethics, during the promotion of their products. The purpose of advertising should be the guidance of consumer rather than blackmailing and threatening by pushing forcefully to buy that product. Proper and effective advertising always help the companies and marketers to improve their brand image and increase their share in the market (Ninan, 2008). Effective advertising is actually the other name of persuasion and liking or disliking attitude of consumer towards some particular product or advertising (Mehta, 2000; Stone et al., 2000). There are a number of factors in advertising which contribute a lot in changing the consumers’ buying behavior. Like likeability, brand image, persuasiveness, celebrity endorsement, information about the product, entertainment etc.


Advertising was introduced by Egyptians who used Papyrus for sales messages and wall posters, billboards, signboards and outdoor advertising as the most ancient form of advertising. The tradition of wall painting and wall chocking is found in the ancient culture of Greece and Romans and as well in India, which could be now seen in many, parts of the world as well (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008). Modern advertising is developed with the development of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. After the success of print advertising, the idea of radio advertising prevailed this was then followed by the television advertising. In the early 1950s the Du Mont Television Network initiated the trend of giving advertisements. With the advent of 21st century the online advertising has prevailed the world market and consumer community as well. Now the advertising has proved its effects and impact on consumers’ buying behaviors and marketers needs all over the world. After 1920, advertising became a source of guidance for consumers, which was considering not only a source of guidance for buying but also in the matters of social roles, improvement in dressing sense, style and development of taste of good foods (Bell, 1976; Marchand, 1985).


Consumer is one who consumes the goods & services product. The aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy target customer’s needs & wants. The modern marketing concept makes customers the center stage


the target market.


The data is collected by well developed, structured five point Likert Scale is considered. All of the questionnaires were distributed among the respondents in the defined areas. The data is collected in a period of 5 days and the responses were fed into the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0 of IBM for analysis and evaluation. The questionnaire has been classified into two parts such as part I and part II. Part I explains the awareness about the advertisements and the part two describes the recent purchase the customers had done with the help of the advertisements they have seen. Here the Likert scale has been considered which consists of 5 point scale where 5 as strongly disagree and 1 as strongly agrees. For the analysis of the responses, under the five point Likert Scale, it is defined as strongly agree (1 point) Agree (2 point) No opinion (3 point) Disagree (4 point) strongly disagree (5 point) Tools: Frequencies and cross tabulation have been calculated for the responses of the respondents. ChiSquare test analysis was conducted on the data of part II in questionnaire.


Interpretation: From the above table, we infer that 44% of the total respondents are male and 56% are female. On further classification according to age group, we find that of all the respondents 16% are 15-20 years old, 22% are of the age group 21-30, 22% of the age group 31-45,21% are of the age group 46-55 and 19% are above 55 years. From the responses collected PRINT (25%), TV (41%) are the major media that are carrying the Advertisements to the consumers. Most of the respondents feel that advertisements are Funny (17%), Creative (23%) and Meaningful (20%).

information, they automatically and consciously incur a risk in every purchase and non-purchase decision. The size of the risk buyers perceive depends on the importance of the particular purchase and on the quantity of relevant information about the product category and the competing brands. A purchase decision can be considered as an optimization process through which buyers seek the product or the brand that will yield the greatest satisfaction. The choice process can be considered as the search for the most satisfying trade-off among brands that possess desirable attributes at different levels.


1. Smith, E.G., Meurs, L. V., and Neijens, P.C. (2006) "Effects of Advertising Likeability: A 10-Year Perspective". Journal of Advertising Research, 46, 1 (2006): 73-83. 2. Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1980). "Understanding attitudes and predicting social Behavior". Toronto, Ontario: Prentice-Hall. 3. Gorn, G.J. "The Effects of Music in Advertising on Choice Behavior: A Classical Conditioning Aroach". Journal of Marketing, 46(1982): 94-101. 4. Smith, E.G., Meurs, L. V., and Neijens, P.C. (2006) "Effects of Advertising Likeability: A 10-Year Perspective". Journal of Advertising Research, 46, 1 (2006): 73-83. 5. Ninan (2008) Pester Power-Emerging New Dimensions, Advertising Express, October. 6. Mehta, A. (2000)."Advertising attitudes and advertising effectiveness". Journal of Advertising Research, 40: 6772. 7. Stone, G., Besser, D. and Lewis, L.(2000) "Recall, liking and creativity in TV commercials: a new approach". Journal of Advertising Research. , 40(2000): 7-18. 8. Kotler, P., and Armstrong, G. (2008)."Principles of marketing" 12th ed., Pearson Prentice hall, 396-398. 9. Bell, D. (1976) The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. Basic books Inc., New York. NY. 10. Marchand, R. (1985) Advertising and the American Dream: Making way for Modernity, 1920-1940. University of California Press, CA.