The Impact of Promotional Tools on Sales Promotion

Exploring the Influence of Promotional Tools on Sales Promotion

by Piyush Agarwal*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 9, Issue No. 14, Nov 2015, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Discount level and buyingbehavior on sales promotion. The research results found that there was nosignificant relationship of social surrounding, discount level with salespromotion. But on the other hand buying behavior, free sample, price reductionhas a significant relationship with sales promotion. The results of thisresearch paper will help the marketers to understand best promotionaltechniques to increase significantly in their sales as well as revenues. Thisresearch paper also plays a vital role in helping businessmen to develop theirbusiness planes more effectively so that they can get the competitive advantageover their competitors and make them able to maximize their profits. In total 180Questionnaires were distributed by hand in different departments of Dr MPSGroup of Institutions Agra. This research was done on different salespromotional techniques. Findings shows thatdifferent sales promotional techniques have impact on consumer buying behaviorand purchase intention for all type of products on the other hand there is nosignificant effect of discount level and social surrounding on sales promotion.


promotional tools, sales promotion, discount level, buying behavior, social surrounding, free sample, price reduction, marketers, revenues, business plans


Objective of this research was to investigate the influence of sales promotion and social surroundings that is situational factors on consumer buying behavior. Sales promotion has direct effect on the consumer purchase buying behavior. There are three kinds of methods could be used by the marketer to increase sales, first one is the promotion which is used to target consumer is called consumer sales promotion. Different kinds of promotions tactics are used by the sellers to attract the customer and increase their sales. Rising attention in use of sales promotion as a marketing tactic has result in a unique enlargement of study in that region. For example, here is a big body of text on customer response to sales promotions. Rising attention in the make use of sales promotion as a marketing tactic has result in an unique increase of research on this region. e.g., here is a big body of text on customer response on sales promotions. Whole seller also utilize promotional incentive to promote desired response from consumers come to that store rather than competitors; buy this brand rather than another; buy large quantity; so on. Sales promotion further short-term leaning and able of influence behavior.


Sales promotion is defined as a special offer or a part of marketing communication activities. Sales promotion is an independent variable and on the other hand social surroundings, buying behavior, free sample, price reduction and discount level are dependent variables on sales promotion. Sales promotion has grown in importance for both manufacturer and retailer universal. Sales promotion as a present or incentive that induces manufacturer, and retailer, desired sales result (Gilbert and Jackaria, 2002). Sales promotion can also be referred to as any incentive used by manufacturer or retailer to provoke trade with other retailer or with other channel member, or with consumers to buy brands apart from encouraging the sales force to aggressively sell the items (Shimp, 2003). Sales promotion is more immediate oriented and capable of influence behavior.Totten & Block (1994)stated that term sales promotion refers to many kind of selling incentive and technique intended to produce immediate or short-term sales effect.


Promotion is a tool that used by the retailers or manufacturer to invite consumers and purchase more or tries a service or product. The result of the sales promotion is the used of high quantity stock, inviting many new customers and more increase in sales. Chandon, Wansink, and Laurent (2000) indicate that sale promotions might be good-looking for extremely promotions prone consumer used for reason past prices saving. These consumers are favorably promotion prone, these consumers make an attempt to try a new product or service that have been promoted. Sales promotion means any activity that is utilize by the producer to encourage the trade (retailer, wholesaler, or network associates) as well as make customers to purchase a brand and boost sales force to aggressively sell it. The term sale promotion refers to several types of selling incentives and methods indented to yield immediate sales effects.

2.2 Attitude towards Free Samples

According to Kardes (1999), marketing manager aware of product trial related to behavioral experience of consumer toward the products. Therefore, transfer free sample take place in promotional tool. Free sample refer to consumer are giving a free little sample of the product so that consumer have the chance to try and use the product. The effects of the use of free sample have written by Parmataris et al., (2001); Fill (2002) and Shimp (2003). According to Shimp (2003), free sample of product effect the consumers buying behavior but Jackaria and Gilbert (2002) have not agree with this statement. Free sample had a considerable relationship with product trial behavior of c consumer (Ndubisi and chiew, 2006; Rizwan et al., 2013). So we can hypothesize as:

2.3 Attitude towards Price Reduction

Price discount is famous tool for offering a good reduction in buying price, which is openly mentioned on the product or point of purchase display (Fill, 2002). The customers are more attracted to price-off promotions (Percy et al., 2001). Ndubisi and Chiew (2006) stated that product trial can be increased through offering great price discount. Price promotions do influence new product trial (Brand week, 1994). In a different study, Ehrenberg et al.(1994) found that the short-term peaks in sales were due primarily to purchases made by occasional users of a brand rather than by new customers According to Ehrenberg et al. (1994), the temporary rises on sale be appropriate mostly to purchase made by infrequent user of the brands, while they more warned to these irregular user, after winning advantages of prices reductions, would mainly expected returns to their favorite brand in their portfolio rather than purchase promoted brands at full prices. The reduction in product prices play major parts in persuading customer’s product trial behavior

2.4 Discount level

Discount levels investigate how consumer with diverse purchase goal responds to depth of a price discounts. First, study 1 and 2 have shown a constant major effects of goals. For consumer who has a pre-purchase goal, they are intrinsically motivated to purchase. Any price promotion, which adds extrinsic motivation, would be preferred. However, for consumer who are not plan for buy the promoted products and so need intrinsic motivations, stronger extrinsic motivations is require to induces purchase. Hence, advanced lowest amounts discounts brink may live previous to the motivation for buy significantly increase. While it have implicitly understood that higher discounts levels are extra attractive to consumer, researches also show that consumer tend to discount the discounts as the amount of price reductions increases (Campeau et al., 2002; Gupta and Cooper, 1992). At certain points, the reduce promote prices might evoke perception for inferior quality or question concerning the wholesaler’s motivation in adding to a reductions in sacrificed.

2.5 Social surrounding

Shopping incorporates a social experiences external the house and there is a connection Connecting time spent and with social companions (Nicholls et al., 2002). Some consumers May view the shopping experiences as a cause of enjoyment and a chance for Social interactions (Kim, 2002). For most teen, shopping at mall is a place to hang out or vacations (Lowrey et al., 2005; Matthews et al., 2000) and Taylor and Cosenza (2002) state that shoes choice reflects social classes and wrong choices are a social sin. In Busy sale promotion, it can be observe that some buyers are alone, while other with Family (Dholakia, 1999) and Lowrey et al. (2005) suggested include shopping with Friendship (or kinship) group could yield attractive result on the ritualistic Behavior. A friend shopper as well plays the roles of retails salesperson by promote the shopper to purchases the products with satisfactions (Joan and Lauren, 2011). In Contrast, there are shopper who like shopping on your own than with family member (Adilson et al., 2010) and in a few case there are shopper that favor to be left by yourself Yetwith no salesperson during purchasing process (Perry, 2011). So, in predicating the relationships between social surrounding variables and sales Promotion. If the social surrounding factor consists of more than one-item, The questions should include few negatively worded questions to prevent the tendency of Mechanistic respond from the respondents. The situational factors consist of physical and social surrounding, task definition, temporal perspectives and antecedent states. Comparative analysis of past

Piyush Agarwal


The results of this study implementation are barely in Dr MPS Group of Institutions, Agra. Initial limitation that we tend to describe is that we tend to analysis solely on Students that are necessary limitation during this analysis paper rather than students we've additionally do analysis on people, man of affairs, looking outlaw and totally different public places so we've the higher analysis work on this analysis space. Another limitation is that we've elect only 1 University for the higher results we've to pick out totally different Universities, faculties and totally different Multi-national Organization. Rather than focusing this city we should always have taken knowledge from alternative cities from the various Regions, cultures and of various languages. We have to pick out the individuals completely different of various Ages rather than different students. We are able to additionally analysis on Managers, completely different corporations’ worker.


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