Human Resource and Skill Requirements in the Pharmaceuticals Sector

Addressing Challenges and Opportunities in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

by Regi Samuel*, Dr. Mahesh Chandraa,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 9, Issue No. 14, Nov 2015, Pages 0 - 0 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Pharmaceutical organizations are a critical part in the social insurance zone of the country. The execution of item patent in the year 2007 has prompt to solid rivalry in the worldwide market. In the time of globalization Pharmaceutical organizations should reinforce their R&D action. To survive the firm rivalry there is a requirement for compelling key wanting to meet the difficulties postured by the item patent period. On the positive side in the present setting with the accessible assets like labor, aptitude and ability the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry will in future be a real player in the worldwide Market share. In spite of the fact that, the industry can possibly turned into a noteworthy global player, it should embrace new systems, advancement and solid and viable vital arranging, In line with this the main objective of this paper is to give a light on human resource and skill requirements in the pharmaceuticals sector


pharmaceuticals sector, human resource, skill requirements, product patent, global market


The Indian Pharmaceutical industry has made an imperfection on the overall pharmaceutical scene no sweat of era, legitimate work, famous for being inventive, and low creative work cost. The business is represented to create at 8 to 9 for each penny yearly. Best HR Practices enable the association to effect radical upgrades, not just incremental ones. Baddi is outstanding for Pharmaceutical industry. Baddi is a present day town and a Nagar panchayat in the Southwestern Solan district of Himachal Pradesh, an incline state of northern India. The town lies on the edge of Himachal Pradesh and Haryana states in the Shivalik Hills, around 35 kilometers west of Solan. Chandigarh, a union area and the joint capital of Punjab and Haryana, is around 40 kilometers west of Baddi. Baddi in the Solon area of Himachal Pradesh is creating as the pharmaceutical business capital of India. Most of India's pharmaceutical creation, overwhelmingly plans, would start from Himachal Pradesh in couple of years as 200 odd medium and far reaching scale units are coming up in and around Baddi. The fortunes of Baddi began to change with the visit of the then Prime Minister to Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh in the midst of March 29 and 31, 2002, where he pronounced obligation and central concentrate concessions to attract dares to remarkable arrangement states.

The critical attractions for budgetary authorities included 100 for each penny all things considered concentrate commitment rejection for a period of ten years from the date of start of business creation (the past spending arrangement stipulated it to ventures starting at the exceptionally most recent 31 March 2010), 100 for each penny compensation force special case for a basic time of five years and from that point on 30 for every penny for associations for a further time of five years, capital theory sponsorship of 15 for every penny on plant and contraption subject to a top of Rs 30 lakhs, related also to existing units. The arrangements are furthermore open for existing units going in for advancements. The perceived push divisions included non-tainting pharma and normal things. In addition, the State Government in like manner announced a substantial number of engaging endeavor arranges, including single window breathing space for exercises. The genuine money related masters at Baddi join Alkem Laboratories Ltd with a Rs 60-crore hypothesis prepare for another definitions plant, USV Limited with two collecting workplaces and a wander of 80 crore, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Dr. Reddys Ltd, Indoco Remedies with a Rs 25-crore tablets, creams and calmed toothpaste office, Bangalore-based Bal Pharma with a Rs 20-crore tablets and capsuling office and Unichem Labs with two new


25 crore and the Hyderabad-based Pulse Pharma with another Rs 6 crore office. Morepan Laboratories, which started two units at Rs 60 crore and Rs 50 crore (mass drug) around two years back, is further working up a Rs 20 crore biotech investigate wander with US facilitated exertion. The town in like manner watched MNC like Colgate Palmolive, Procter and Gamble, Hindustan Unilever, Cadburys, Johnson and Johnson setting up their amassing workplaces. Baddi is a present day center [citation needed] of Himachal Pradesh, being a bit of a mechanical foyer reaching out from Barotiwala to Nalagarh along the western edge of Solan region. Any practice that game plans with enhancing capacities, obligation and culture building can be seen as a HR sharpen, the practice can show up as a system, a technique, a development, a standard, deals with, a recognized or expected penchant, or just a strategy for completing things. The mission for Best HR Practices is basic for corporate India today unequivocally in light of the fact that it offers a way to deal with vault into the overall cooperation. 'Extraordinary HR practices do have any sort of impact on many numbers. They enhance inside capacities of a relationship to oversee present or future challenges to be gone up against by an affiliation. The technique of globalization has put considerable weight on Pharmaceutical industry to be engaged. The impact of these weights is all-unpreventable and whole deal survival of business is dependent on its ability to improve relentlessly. Affiliations need to equip with new and creative HR Practices to survive and thrive in today's hyper centered business environment. In this relationship in all territories (private, open or purposeful) must be precise as in they are in the matter of effectively and capably finishing their inspiration, whether this is to make benefits, pass on an open organization or endeavor valuable limits. The critical stresses of HRM are to meet the business needs of the affiliation and the individual and total needs of the all-inclusive community used in it. One of the indispensable instruments for completing this conviction is planning and change movement. For an endeavor to lead the business satisfactorily, it is basic to have money, materials, supplies, equipment, and considerations in regards to the organizations or things to offer the people who may use its yields ultimately people, who are known as HR to coordinate the business. The limit of Human Resource Management is to ensure the reasonable usage of those HR. Besides, is a champion among the most indispensable gadgets to ensure that use of the laborers' ampleness Trainings expanded the estimation of HR. Get ready is the enduring change in direct. Laborer should be told how to do a particular undertaking? Headway is a whole deal handle. advancement is one of the elements of Human Resource Management. Clarified that workers created execution would build up the association and association get to be thrive and it expands representatives' execution. The impact of Industrial liberalization in the domestic economy since 1991 has been very strong. The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is being nurtured for an exponential growth, since this period. The Indian Pharmaceutical industry, till the 1990‘s was far from external competition. After the process patent regime in India, companies found it easier to reverse engineer products and sell them at a low cost. However, the 1990s witnessed multiple crises hitting the industry. The new industrial policy leads the industry to face increased competition from multinational corporations (MNCs). Further the Indian Pharmaceutical industries‘ were compelled to grow by product innovation and not reverse engineering, after signing of the TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). Every company wants to be world class and serve as a benchmark for this transition efforts where required in various directions.


Plessis & Huntley (2009) there has been a move from personnel management PM to human resource management HRM; more recently to international human resource management IHRM. Challenges in IHRM involve the same activities as domestic HRM; the main difference is that domestic HRM is involved with employees within only one national boundary. IHRM assists organizations to best utilize their HR in the international context. Since multinational activities are involved in HRM, it is believed that IHRM is more complex than domestic HRM. In the South African context, employees come from different backgrounds and experiences; it is more difficult to manage them in a multinational corporation MNC than if they were all in the same country. Internationalization impose a movement in the direction of standardization of pay, working conditions and management systems in MNCs, including HRM, the influence of local culture, institutional arrangements and labour market practices. A model was developed by the authors and is recommended for use by South African HR practitioners. Bowra, Sharif (2012)The main endeavor of this study is to examine the relationship and nature of relationship between the employee perceived performance and human resource (HR) practices (compensation, performance evaluation, and promotion practices) in the banking sector of Pakistan. Survey of 235 banking personnel was conducted through personally administrated questionnaire to investigate the impact of HR practices on employees‘ perceived performance. The relationship and nature of relationship is calculated

Regi Samuel1*, Dr. Mahesh Chandraa2

perceived performance and HR practices has the positive and significant relationship. The regression results indicate that the two HR practices: performance evaluation and promotion practices are significant but the compensation practices are not significant. Moreover, this study provides help for top-management of banking sector to design or revise their HR policies and make practices to attain high employee performance. Roche & Teague (2011) The research conducted in this study reveals the advent of HR functions that have commonly avoided radical reconfiguration or depletion of resources and that have gained new influence as ‗business partners‘, mainly on foot of a ‗hard‘ HR agenda dictated by primarily short-term responses to acute commercial challenges. The basis of HR‘s new-found centrality to business is manifestly the increased dependency of firms on HR expertise and knowledge in successfully introducing controls or reductions in areas like pay and headcount and related changes in working-time regimes and work practices. This new centrality however, does not appear to have commonly translated into leadership with respect to HR strategy over the medium to long-term, nor into strong advocacy regarding the pivotal role of many ‗soft‘ HR practices in harnessing commitment and engagement for sustainable business success. Few instances were reported in the focus groups or case studies (Ericsson was an exception) where HR managers were active in positioning HR practices, systems or processes to support business revival over the medium or long-term. Where such an instance was identifiable, for example in the Ericsson case study, the strategic focus of the HR function preceded the recession. Where HR managers have become influential as a result of the recession, it cannot be inferred with any confidence that they will remain influential when more normal business conditions return. Boedker et. al.(2011) This research report aims to open up the ‗black box‘ of management and provides insights into the leadership, culture and management practices that higher performing workplaces deploy and benefit from. It also illustrates the productivity and profitability benefits that accrue to higher performing workplaces. It is Review of part of a 2.5 year project funded by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations to the Society for Knowledge Economics in December, 2009. It shows that HPWs consistently outperform the rest both in regards to managing their intangible assets and their productivity and profitability. Thite & Wilkinson (2011) The rapid rise of multinational Corporations (MNCs) from emerging economies has led to greater interest and urgency in developing a better understanding of the deployment and diffusion of managerial strategies from their perspective and without assuming the prevailing Western ethnocentric orthodoxy. This paper develops a conceptual framework of global HR strategies and practices in MNC, it provides insights and guidance into the motives, strategic opportunities and constraints in cross national transfer of HR policies and practices in a multi-polar world. The year 2008 has been a year of transition, with the global economic recession affecting businesses across the globe.‖ The pharmaceutical industry, although comparatively less affected, has metamorphosed in terms of bifurcating business units, rationalizing operations, restructuring certain jobs, etc. Earlier, the role of HR personnel mainly involved recruiting talent, but today, it is more about retaining it,‖ says, Saloni Vora. Hanif Khaki (2006) is of the view that, today human resources management is opening up new avenues around the world. Thus the demand for experienced human resource has increased. Today businessmen have understood the value of hiring professionals with experience working in HR. The companies have learned the importance of good relations with their workforce. The fact is that Human Resource Management exists just for this purpose –to bridge the gap between employee and employer. The company which does not realizes the importance of its human resource cannot progress. The employee also likes an organization which cares for them and rewards their services accordingly. Examples of this begin at the most basic level of appreciation. Certificates of recognition awarded on a monthly, bi-yearly, or even yearly basis, for instance, are all that many employees wish. Likewise, health benefits are probably the second most important factor, besides financial benefits, which is always welcomed by the employee. The HR department is generally very open for such aspects in the workspace. Rosenberg, Marc J. (2006) discusses that training organizations, will have to focus far more on the workplace rather than just the theoretical knowledge, and learning should be such to help people on the job. Training organizations will have to become more diversified in their approach. They will need to find new technologies and approaches for training organizations formal and informally. It is essential to focus on how the processes and tools of work can be made easier, from the start. He says, ―Only these things will help in sustaining good performance of the employees. While traditional e-learning and associated technologies are important, practitioners have often been too quick to embrace them, especially to solve current problems—a "cure all" mentality—without considering what future challenges and consequences might be. We should think of e-learning and learning technology as enablers, not as a strategy. It‘s the highway, not the destination; the means rather than the ends.‖ Sheth Hiral (2005) did a global IBM study on human capital that provided a deep insight into the issues related to HR practices. A surprising trend that emerged demonstrated a disparity in HR practices between upcoming and developing markets. He observed that


maturing market, the HR function became more institutionalized i.e. more tilted towards the organizational needs and less focused on the individual employee. According to the study, the build strategy is a better option in the long term, than buy talent strategy. However a balance between the two is the best approach. It was found in the study that companies that invested in building talent, has higher profits per employee as compared to organizations who buy talent. Moreover, the study also pointed out that organizations, which buy talent tend to face many problems. Thus it may be concluded that the build talent strategy is better for the long term. John Simmons (2003) laid emphasis on the need for balancing performance, accountability and equity in stakeholder relationships by pursuing socially responsible HR practice. The paper uses stakeholder analysis to examine issues of performance, accountability and equity in organizations; and to analyze the relationship with more socially responsible HR practice. Its theme is that effective governance can be reconciled with social responsibility, and that incorporating stakeholder views in HR systems enhances organization performance and commitment. Bowen et al (2002) conducted a study of various countries on the role and importance assigned to human resource management in an organization.


The human asset administration work has reliably confronted a fight in defending its position in associations. At great circumstances when there are sufficient spending plans, firms effectively legitimize consumptions on preparing, staffing, prizes and representative contribution frameworks, yet when confronted with money related challenges, such HR frameworks get the soonest reductions. The appearance of the subfield of vital human asset administration (SHRM), gave to investigating HR's part in supporting business procedure, gave one chance to showing its incentive to the firm. The introduction of the field of vital human asset administration can be gone back to 1984, when Devanna, Fombrun and Tichy broadly investigated the connection between business system and human resources. HRM train has seen a lot of progress in the course of recent years. These progressions speak to two noteworthy changes. The first is the change from being the field of faculty administration to being the field of human asset administration. The second is the change from being the field of human asset administration to being the field of key human asset management. The primary change consolidated helped the acknowledgment that individuals are an imperative resource in associations and can be that, notwithstanding planning human asset approaches and hones with each other, they should be connected with the necessities of the association. Given that these requirements are reflected in the systems of the firm, this change of "human asset administration" came to be known as "vital human asset administration". Vital human asset administration is based upon the acknowledgment that associations can be more compelling if their HR are made do with human asset strategies and practices that convey the correct number of individuals with the suitable practices, the required abilities and the fundamental level of inspiration to the association. To put it another way, key human asset administration is "the formation of linkage or joining between the general vital points of business and the human asset technique and usage. On a fundamental level, the procedures and individuals inside the organization are overseen so as to encourage the points of the business technique and make a coordinated way to deal with dealing with the different human asset capacities, for example, determination, preparing and compensate so they supplement each other". Vital human asset administration may convey various advantages to the association: • Contributing to the objective achievement and the survival of the organization, • Supporting and effectively actualizing business techniques of the organization, • Creating and keeping up an upper hand for the organization, • Improving the responsiveness and development capability of the organization, • Increasing the quantity of doable key choices accessible to the organization, • Participating in key arranging and impacting the vital course of the organization as a similarly entitled individual from top administration, • Improving collaboration between the HRM office and line directors


Numerous associations confront an unstable market circumstance. Keeping in mind the end goal to make and support upper hand in this sort of environment,

Regi Samuel1*, Dr. Mahesh Chandraa2

supported upper hand. Connected to this, an ever increasing number of associations are depending on estimation methodologies, for example, workforce scorecards, keeping in mind the end goal to pick up understanding into how the HR in their association include esteem. The expanding enthusiasm for estimation is further invigorated by a developing number of studies that demonstrate a positive relationship between human asset administration and hierarchical performance. The relationship amongst HRM and firm execution has been a fervently subject in the course of the most recent two decades, with the colossal heft of the essential logical research originating from the USA and, to a lesser degree, the United Kingdom. Both associations and scholastics are endeavoring to demonstrate that HRM positively affects main concern productivity. The distributed research by and large reports positive measurable connections between the more noteworthy reception of HR practices and business execution. Sample explores on the connection amongst HR and authoritative execution can be found in Table 1. In a world in which budgetary outcomes are measured, an inability to quantify human asset strategy and practice usage fates this to worthless status, oversight, disregard, and potential failure, the input from the estimations is basic to refine and additionally create execution thoughts and in addition to figure out how well the practices are really accomplishing their proposed comes about. Table 1: Outcomes of Research on the Link between HR and Organizational Performance The presumption supporting the act of HRM is that individuals are the association's key asset and hierarchical execution to a great extent relies on upon them. Assuming, in this manner, a fitting scope of HR approaches and procedures is produced and actualized viably, then HR will have a generous effect on firm execution. A significant part of the examination in the course of the most recent two decades has endeavored to answer two essential inquiries: 'Do HR hones have a beneficial outcome on hierarchical execution?'; 'Assuming this is the case, how is the effect accomplished?' The second question is the more vital one. It is insufficient to legitimize HRM by demonstrating that it is ideal. What numbers is the thing that should be possible to guarantee that it really is great. Visitor et al. displayed the relationship amongst HRM and execution as appeared in paper. In spite of the fact that there are different partners in an association, the boss vital objective of any business is higher budgetary execution or expansion of riches for the association is a component of individuals, process and innovation. For successful collaboration of individuals with innovation and process, the general population in the association must be sufficiently capable, with the required information, expertise and capacities. Capability of the individual is a vital element that chooses operational adequacy as far as giving quality items and administrations inside a brief span. HRM practices, for example, determination, preparing, workplace and execution examination may upgrade the fitness of representatives for higher execution.


In order to understand the relationship among the factors of HR Practices, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment under the study, the Pearson‘s coefficient of correlation was computed. Further, a stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis was also done to determine the relative contribution of The independent variables of HR practices (i.e. Procurement and Development, Employee Benefits, Employee Schemes, Promotions and Transfers and Exit Policy) on the dependent variables i.e. Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. This was done to identify the predictive relationship between these variables. The present study brings out the fact that appropriate HR Practices enhances the Satisfaction and Commitment of the managers in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Appropriate Practices in HR are subjective. What is best for one company may not be best for another. ‗Appropriate practices are not a set of discrete actions but rather a holistic approach to management. Thus, to study the appropriateness of the HR Practices, an attempt was made to identify those HR practices that are prevalent in these six Pharmaceutical units. Overall, a positive overview was observed in case of these HR Practices. In order to study the impact that these HR practices have on Job Satisfaction & Organizational Commitment in the selected Pharmaceutical units, a meaningful grouping of HR Practices was done through factor analysis.


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Corresponding Author Regi Samuel*

Research Scholar, OPJS University, Rajasthan E-Mail –