A Study on the Effect of Social Media on Employer Branding

Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Employer Branding

by Dr. Urvashi Makkar*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 9, Issue No. 14, Nov 2015, Pages 1 - 6 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The creation of a brand that is exclusive to an employer differs from their rivals and from other companies that are active in the same pool of talents. The majority of companies in the field of brand construction now utilize internet media extensively. Branding is a marketing term which extends to organizations that regard branding as goods with specific characteristics. Jobseekers request insights from organizations’ web networks and from other stakeholders' informal feedback. In this study we discussed social media, employer brand, employer brand benefits, branding of employers, impacts of strong employer branding, social media use, advantages of Social Media platforms, employees recognition and social media impact on social recognition, the employer branding process and employer branding. It may also be important to investigate the efficacy of social networking sites branding.


employer branding, social media, branding, web networks, informal feedback, jobseekers, social media platforms, employees recognition, social recognition, brand construction


Branding employers recently received recognition after the increased competitiveness level and aspire to further develop the competitive industries to achieve their profile. Employee branding is the way to communicate the job climate and the culture to clients as well as to the external community. It's a way to present the organization, not just the new workers, but also existing employees, as a preferred place to operate. The growing global and dynamic economy forces companies to find strategies to maintain and recruit future workers. The Human Resources Department has to compete to attract the best talents to be comparable to its competitors the same way as organizations aim to stimulate clients. Employees are the personalities of the agencies who serve as ambassadors and affect consumers directly. "There are a number of qualifications, mostly intangible, which distinguishes an organization, guarantees a certain kind of work experience to all who are prosperous in their society and perform the highest." ―The modern development in social media branding has eliminated the conventional branding practices such as the company's website or pamphlets, while the social media offers the corporation with an insight that allows the prospective workers to seek sufficient knowledge. Social networking is no longer used for recreation but also for industry. Social media in all ways, whether their company or their pleasure, has left their influence, In the area of HRM, the promotion of job openings or recruitment for prospective applicants has become an excellent way to ensure that either the candidates get insights about the organization or the community or working atmosphere from the social

network. The combination of messaging and social networking is able to contribute to the construction of a constructive and interesting profile and to the stimulation of prospective voters. The employer branding operates in the same manner to draw best latently when talent is lacking, as when it is impossible to preserve them. The product is being sold by the creation of a name. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how social networking has a significant role in creating a brand and reputation for employers and identifying the views and preferences of prospective workers for a position in a specific company.


Social media are interactive technologies that allow virtual communities and networks to create or share content, thoughts, job preferences and other ways of speech. Owing to the wide range of self-sufficient and integrated social networking services accessible, problems exist in terms of defining Social Media. • Internet-based web 2.0 apps are digital social networking. • The social networking lifeblood of user created content—such as instant messages or commentaries, multimedia images or videos and evidence generated from all on-line experiences. • Social networking aims to build online social networks by linking a user profile to other people or communities. Users usually access social networking services through a desktop and laptop Web-based aap or download services to their mobile devices. Through working through these electronic resources, users build deeply immersive forums where people, groups, and organisations can share, co-create, talk, share and change information or content created by users, which they upload online. The social network often record memories; discover and discover things; promote connections and create new concepts from the production of podcasted journals, videos and gaming websites. The new area of self-studies focuses on this changing connection between human and technology. Some social networking websites with more than 100 million registered users are the most common (and its associated face book messenger),


In comparison to the more general reputation of the corporation company and value proposition to its clients, the logo represents an employer's reputation as a place to function. The concept was first used in the beginning of the 1990s and is now universally embraced by the global governing group. In the mind of current workers and main players on the external market researchers are defined as 'the organization's reputation as a "great place to work' (active and passive candidates, clients, customers and other key stakeholders). Thus, the arts and science of employer branding concern the attraction, commitment and retention programmes aimed at improving the employer image of your business. Much when a proposal for a customer identity is used to describe a product or service bid, it often uses an individual value proposal (often also called an employee value proposition) or an EVP to define the job offer within an organization. The personnel capital and talent acquisition culture are now increasingly used to recruit, involve and maintain promising applicants and staff in the marketing fields aligned with branding and brand management as well as marketing tools for recruiting and maintaining consumers, customers and buyer.


The author believes that a good environment produces better quality goods, encourages greater creativity, attracts more creative individuals and feels less exposure to transformative costs and attrition, both of 1. A good brand of employers makes a company deal with any difficult circumstance. say it hires workers or retains them. The company with good employer identity has been observed that also the complexities of moving scattered SME jobs to hire and hold employees. 2. Employer branding also allows the best candidates in the company to recruit and maintain. It has been noted that the employer brand works as a force for attracting and retaining a successful employee and even motivating the workers. 3. A strong employer’s identity benefits an organization, and it may discourage candidates whose aims or priorities do not correspond to the company whether the organization is really specific on its principles, goals or objectives & practice. 4. 4. Real, "the popularity of organizations attracts individuals who succeed." The best employee searches for the best boss when swapping the work. A strong employer reputation thus helps retain the industry's best workers. Thus the organization’s development helps. 5. Employer branding is a successful strategy of engagement that motivates staff productivity and often defines the integrity of the organization. 6. Employer branding assists with the retaining of employees, helping the company to cope with all challenges.


1. Time to Recruit: A strong employer brand tends to reduce job recruitment time. Employee recruitment is a long phase that is possible in several respects. Many organizations begin the search by searching and emailing potential applicants. The candidate's inbound interest in hiring people is really relevant to seek before submitting. In addition to this employer branding, the candidate's application still plays a very significant function. Employment notices, emails, new organizational updates are various ways that an organization may build a reputation of community. It is crucial to understand an organization reviewing social networking, i.e. how the candidates consider new letters and other organizational updates.

measurement does not concern the organization that is concerned or that focuses more on the recruitment of the best workers. While some consider CPH measurement to be very critical criterion for recruiting and the whole of their recruitment. The approach of most businesses to recruit a particular headcount is very important for a specific budget. A strong employer branding helps decrease the CPH by acting as a reference to the company that serves as an appeal for applicants to enter. Allows the organization to tap at minimum costs the best prospects. 3. Company Culture: The culture of companies often plays a very important role in creating & reinforcing an organization's employer image. There is a strong identity around the company's staff & people. A strong word of speech spreads a message about the reputation of the company and inspires people to seek new work. In hiring candidates, several business executives emphasized the creation of a contact model. A effective model for communicating would help make the organizational cultures visible and would help the applicant to enter the organization.

4. Revenue Growth: A successful branding employer acts as a direct incentive to increase the company's sales growth. Many business leaders believe that a strong employer identity helps create and boost the organization's income stream. The key explanations for this are that, particularly as the slump occurs, the company will maintain their strongest employee all over time and at less expense compared to their rivals by using a positive market name. The company therefore helps to create a positive corporate profile. There have been reports of consumers spending more on the purchase of goods for companies with successful workplace brands. 5. Quality of Hire: A brand that helps to create a career growth will contribute to recruit efficiency. The organization is helped by a healthy staff. This sends a good message regarding corporate policies in the social network to all the organizations working toward the overall advancement of workers (including job development). This contributes to increasing hire efficiency through a strong employer name. 6. Social media usage

The internal social network provides staff with ease and versatile means for communicating, sharing details with friends, sharing expertise and facilitating company. It has been shown in this analysis that practitioners worry most for the thoughts of Google search and social networking. How the "Internet realm," as the neighbor, families, acquaintances and colleagues in the "real environment, finds and shows search results about them from the public database or from the social network, The term mouth converges across different social networking media and networks as "the planet of mouth" during this change of paradigm. Therefore, earlier studies indicate that the number of consumers of social networks globally in 2018 is $2.62 billion, with an estimated figure of $3.2 billion, adding optimistic feelings and traffic to each segment of existence. The low-cost data providers and the affordable links to numerous social networking platforms through mobile users across the globe ensure unprecedented traffic on the social media website. Pace, longevity, content, schooling, coverage, versatility and publication rights are incentives to hang out in this forum for all generations.


SNS is a medium that uses workers' feelings, like pleasure and misfortune, as well as social networking websites. Every day more and more workers will be linked to SNS. Everything are linked to sites of social networking (SNS). The usage of social networking sites to consider staff feelings is encouraged seriously by organizations. Started as an unrelated application, SNS is now used as a valuable tool to grasp employee feelings. Some of the answers are the following: • Organizations use SNS to create workers who are satisfied and committed. Here are few aspects the workers help their staff maintain optimal satisfaction and equilibrium. • "To build a work atmosphere where people are productive and love going to work we deliver a multi-faceted reward plan [including transportation benefits]." • "Our workers perform harder than ever during this tough financial environment — we do what we can to keep employees' salaries at the same pace. We want to see how important our workers are." Social networking contributes to reducing social alienation by creating a variety of contact channels involving individuals or staff in authentic and meaningful conversation with a number of people, including global peers. Social media increase independence, eliminate social isolation, share feelings in writing reflection, develop trustworthy and lasting relationships with colleagues, increase processes and improve communication and collaboration. Social networking makes it a major weapon in the modern space to create a clear employer identity. A social awareness campaign will provide employers with huge opportunities to tap into social networks of their workers, to remain committed to external talent and future clients. Given that "private referrals" are a favorite source of talent, the ability to get the word out through LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Face book helps reward recruiting efforts. The next theme appeared in a report on "employee awareness surveys" from the survey in 2019 (Sample size = 65 expert, a technology-friendly company).


Employee appreciation is an active thank-you of an achievement that strengthens the organization’s actions and acknowledges the results the company wants across the whole lifecycle to have replicated. This recognizes employees' commitment at all potential occasions in the workplace, inspires employees to maintain their success and redirect employees as committed and actively involved workers. The below are some of the interview quotations. • "Recognition of employees fuels development, change and organization. The second largest cause for mental distress is the lack of respect in the workplace that can lead to job in satisfaction and social networks which enable us to solve these problems enormously." • "Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn will stimulate meaningful momentum for the company and create workplace branding on a global scale" - "appreciation and acceptance outside of corporate walls by social networking like." • "We've been trying to unlock the future value of an enterprise from the increasingly powerful mechanism because of rapid expansion of internal social network acceptance." • "While management and administrators want to gain the powers of information and expertise in businesses, the usage of Social Networking technologies has expanded across organizations. Most respondents accepted that the weekly compensation checks, annual promotions and project-related benefits or incentives for revenue are thus considered a compulsory payout and included in the organization's profit and loss statement. According to a senior HR specialist, "lack of respect is the second biggest explanation why high-performance workers or and in public forums. Public appreciation is the perfect way to play with the society or the public sector." Social identification involves placing a strategic initiative or using key tools in the organization to facilitate social engagement and the exchange of knowledge among colleagues, managers and team members and the other way around. Some of the answers are the following: • "A network or intranet awareness service or a portal inside an enterprise may support large ways of interacting and transmitting different initiatives. In order to encourage cooperation between individuals, organizations should conduct multiple interaction activities through acknowledgment inside peer groups or accessible nominations, or among all potential stakeholders." • "Public appreciation offers workers high effect messages, authenticates the job the employees perform, eliminates stigma, how certain people see it, and allows all staff to comment on the retribution decisions." • "These instruments will also allow managers to transcend inability to identify and recognize their workers." • 'This openness to society builds a perception of a community of appreciation for working. It promotes cross team Collaboration and encourages productivity and common community in the workplace, thus endorsing other or various peer groups. Any of the intimates argued that the name and working conditions of staff are private and classified, so social recognition could be detrimental. Social attention may put their company in danger from the standpoint of competitive wildlife or headhunting. One respondent indicated that "while the primary knowledge for workers remains confidential and classified by the organization, due to social networking it is turning into a fallacy in the gig economy." In the opposite, most staff of the multinational workers are freely disclosed in various media outlets and mostly by technical networking platforms, such as LinkedIn, the organization with which they serve and their accomplishments.


Two concepts in employer branding research are necessary to distinguish: 'employer branding' and 'employer branding systems. Researcher characterize the employer brand as the "package of feature, economic and psycho logic advantages

association of an offer of employment with a company is emphasized in a definition widely cited by some who claim that the 'employee brand' emphasizes the unique elements of an offer of employment or the environment of a company. Which is the concept of a company that distinguishes the brand from its competitors, the "kit of features or job opportunities and advantages provided to workers" is also called the "employer value proposal" These unique conditions of the job offer. 'Employer Branding, in comparison, defines the method of creating an identical and distinctive employer logo' or 'promoting an appealing profile,' more precisely than an employer. This process applies marketing concepts to the management of tangible and intangible job opportunities of organizations, for example by communication strategies "to increase visibility and reinforce connections between the brand and desirable features" . Even if the brand of the employer is technically a mere identification device (e.g. name, logo), all brand information is processed and summarized under "employer (tag) awareness," which consists mostly of "employer's familiarity," "employer's picture" and the "employer's prestige" . In general, "employer brand equity" or "recruitment equity" is expressed in a pre-employment sense as added benefit to the positive reaction of employees to employer awareness. The results of employer brand value are also explored as 'organizational attractiveness’. Characterized organizational attractiveness as 'subjective assessments of a company' articulated by the 'surface brand relations,' and assessed from a more comprehensive viewpoint.


This research also opened the door to a comprehension of what employer brands can represent to companies across social networking platforms, so that they can make better choices about how valuable their employer brand is to social networking. In view of freedom of atmosphere and other unique features, hereby SNS adds different options as opposed to other current EB contact networks. A good employer brand, along with a thoughtful SNS Approach, thus appears to be a promising opportunity to include and engage talent and other focus groups. The idea of narrative is seemingly comparatively fresh for the literature of employer branding. Therefore, the efficiency of workplace branding storytelling via SNS may be important.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Urvashi Makkar*

Professor, IMS, Ghaziabad