Organizational Behavior – ‘Theory A’ for Managing People for Performance

Revisiting Organizational Behavior Theories and Introducing Theory A: A New Framework for Managing Performance

by Babita Pandey*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 10, Issue No. 16, Aug 2016, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Theories X, Y and Z in organizational behavior (OB) are identified with human inspiration and administration. Theory X and Y authored by Douglas McGregor in the late 1960s, says that the normal person is lazy and self-centered, lacks ambition, dislikes change, and longs to be told what to do. The relating administrative approach accentuates add up to control. Theory Y keeps up that peoples are dynamic as opposed to inactive shapers of themselves and of their condition. They long to develop and accept accountability. Theory Z of William Ouchi concentrated on expanding employee dedication to the organization by giving an occupation to existence with a solid spotlight on the prosperity of the worker, both on and off the job. The above speculations were created in light of research directed in different generation related organization in the 20h century. In any case, in the 21st century, changes in plans of action, mechanization of creation process, changes in innovation and business condition, and changes in peoples' observation, are changing organization into worldwide substances. With regards to development of administration enterprises and worldwide e-business organization, these are not any more material and need change. In this paper, we have made an endeavor to relook into human motivational hypotheses and built up another Organizational Mentality Theory called Theory of Accountability (Theory A). The four noteworthy develops of Theory and are settling Duty, looking after Responsibility, maintaining Accountability, and monitoring pre-decided Target (RAMT). In this paper, a portion of the current hypotheses of organizational behavior are inspected, and essential proposes and point by point organizational model for Theory an is depicted.


organizational behavior, Theory A, human inspiration, administration, Douglas McGregor, Theory X, Theory Y, Theory Z, William Ouchi, employee dedication, job satisfaction, research, generation, management industries, global e-business, change, motivational theories, Organizational Mentality Theory, Theory of Accountability, four major constructs, RAMT


Organizational behavior (OB) is a logical subject of investigation of organization performance in light of investigation of human behavior separately and in gatherings while deciding. It mostly centers around effect of people, gatherings, and structures on human behavior inside the organization. Regularly OB is connected in an endeavor to make more proficient business organization in changing inner and outside condition. A substantial number of researches think about and reasonable advancements are always adding to its learning base. It is moreover a connected science, in that data about viable practices in a single association is being stretched out to numerous others. "Micro" organizational behavior alludes to individual and gathering elements in organization. "Macro" vital administration and organizational theory thinks about entire organization and enterprises, particularly how they adjust, and the procedures, structures, and possibilities that guide them. The significant goals of Organizational behavior are: (1) To portray methodically how peoples carry on under assortment of conditions, (2) To comprehend why peoples carry on as they do, (3) Anticipating future worker behavior, and (4) Control in any event halfway and build up some human action at work. (5) To know how peoples can be spurred and coordinated on to their obligation to upgrade the individual and gathering performance to support the profitability of the association. Adequacy in Organization is generally proficient through rehearsing certain qualities, for example, (1) Receptiveness in behavior – which shows direct and receptiveness to impact, responsibility to others' prosperity, furthermore, eagerness to recognize employees' commitments to deal with issues.


(3) Showing acknowledgment - For people and groups that add to the organization's prosperity. (4) Following moral practices - By administration clinging to the expressed benchmarks of moral behavior, and (5) Strengthening - By giving the expert and obligation to key agent employees. The beginning stage for understanding organizational viability starts with Frederick Taylor's theory of scientific management (Taylor, 1914). (Ivancevich, et. al., 2007) have featured two methodologies of contemplating adequacy the goal approach and the frameworks theory approach. The goal approach is the most established and most broadly utilized approach for estimating adequacy. It accept that organization exist to achieve goals furthermore, administration rehearses expect to accomplish adequacy in achievement of goals. In any case, the goal approach experiences impediments. For example, goal accomplishment for organization with impalpable yields might be hard to gauge. There could be numerous goals and goal clash may happen as organization endeavor to accomplish numerous goals (keeping up quality items while limiting generation costs). In addition, organizational peoples once in a while accomplish agreement on an arrangement of goals to seek after. Overall goal accomplishment does not ensure organizational adequacy. The Frameworks goal Approach characterizes viability in the more extensive setting of the inside and outer condition. The association is seen as a reliant component and chiefs must manage the inward and outer parts of organizational behavior. The association relies upon the inward condition for two sorts of sources of info, specifically employee's common assets which are human data sources and nonhuman data sources, for example, supplies, data and crude materials. Administration's capacity I s to center around the information yield process cycle and keep up this three-section streams of action. As of late, we have built up a metric called ABC model to gauge organizational yearly research efficiency (Aithal and Kumar, 2016, Aithal, 2016). In this paper, we have made an endeavor to relook into human motivational hypotheses and built up another Organizational Mentality Theory called Theory A. The three principle develops of Theory A are settling Duty, looking after Responsibility, and satisfying pre-decided Target (Rodent). In this paper, a portion of the current hypotheses of organizational behavior are analyzed and essential Hs and itemized organizational model for Theory A is portrayed. association. Better peoples improve organization. Among all the four assets to be specific man, machine, material and cash, man is the most hard to oversee. This emerges from the way that peoples are most capricious by nature. Same individual may act diversely to a same circumstance or distinctive circumstances. Added to this is the many-sided quality of the powers in the organizational condition to which he is presented to. In this manner, man administration turns into a critical errand in organization. A portion of the main hypotheses are talked about here, in connection to their advantages, Benefits, requirements, and Disadvantages featuring with exceptional highlights. (1) Maslow's Theory of Need Hierarchy: Highlights: Maslow's Theory (Maslow, 1943) depends on human needs and its prioritization as a chain of command. Every single individual are aching to satisfy a few needs in a request from lower to higher and from fundamental to cutting edge. Proficiency in organization could be enhanced through making inspiration for require satisfaction. Advantages: (1) In view of comprehension about human instinct. (2) Elements outer to the individual additionally chooses behavior. (3) Consistency in behavior towards wanted outcomes request an assortment of satisfiers.


(1) Pertinent to each employee in the association. (2) Behavior can be changed or adjusted anytime of time. (3) Manages consistency in behavior.

Requirements :

(1) Can't address complex circumstances. (2) All behavior require not be profitable to organizational viability. (3) All desires are hard to satisfy.

Babita Pandey*

of time. (2) Organization can't represent life outside working environment. (3) Organization expect a greater amount of effectiveness while putting less in require satisfaction. (2) Incentive Hypothesis : Highlights :Activity takes after reward. Wanted conduct can be made and held on through sufficient and opportune prizes. Conduct could be impacted by expressly fulfilling or socially fulfilling. All things considered, prizes could be unmistakable or immaterial. Acclaim, gratefulness, acknowledgment are impalpable prizes while compensation, advancement are unmistakable prizes (Ellingsen and Johannesson, 2008). Advantages: (1) Conduct in associations ends up unsurprising. (2) Prizes are anything but difficult to oversee. (3) Well structure remunerate framework guarantees individual adequacy.

Benefits :

(1) Tend to act in light of a legitimate concern for the association. (2) Rousing representatives turns out to be simple. (3) Individual viability prompts hierarchical adequacy.

Imperatives :

(1) Choosing the fitting prizes is troublesome. (2) Certain prizes may not work a few times. (3) Supporting proficiency isn't solely controlled by rewards.

Disadvantages :

(1) It is fundamental to keep up congruity in prizes to coherence in real life. (2) It is hard to plan/execute all around organized reward framework. Highlights: Occupation fulfillment and employment disappointment act freely of each other. Two factor theories recognize inspirations and cleanliness factors. Cleanliness factors which can make disappointment are pay, incidental Benefits, working conditions, professional stability and so on. Sparks which make fulfillment are testing nature of work, acknowledgment, accomplishment, individual headway and so on. Cleanliness factors are what causes disappointment employees in a work environment and along these lines, this must be defeated through positive changes. Disposing of disappointment is just a single portion of the errand. The other half is increment fulfillment in the working environment. This should be possible by enhancing rousing elements (Herzberg, 1968).


(1) Administration can impact state of mind towards work. (2) Empowers to recognize dissatisfiers which are basically in charge of low proficiency. (3) Empowers to keep up a harmony between two components.

Benefits :

(1) Sparks result in inspirational demeanor to work. (2) Takes out disappointment. (3) Improves wanted behavior through ideal information sources.

Requirements :

(1) Way to deal with impact work focused behavior gets separated core interest. (2) Measures to approaches vary. (3) It is basically hard to separate the variables in watertight compartments.

Disadvantages :

(1) Human propensity to contrast and others may decrease the productivity result. (2) Change in behavior calls for singular resemblance of the association.


'Theory X' and 'Theory Y' were made and created by Douglas McGregor in the 1960s (McGregor, 1960). These hypotheses depict two differentiating models of workforce inspiration connected by supervisors in human asset administration, organizational behavior, organizational correspondence and organizational improvement. As indicated by the models, the two restricting arrangements of general presumptions of how specialists are inspired frame the reason for two distinctive administrative styles. Theory X focuses on the significance of strict supervision, outside prizes, and punishments: conversely, Theory Y features the inspiring part of occupation fulfillment and urges specialists to approach errands without coordinate supervision. Highlights of Theory X : * The average individual aversions work and stays away from it if conceivable. * The average individual needs obligation, has little desire and looks for security most importantly. * The vast majority must be forced, controlled, and debilitated with discipline to motivate them to work. * With these presumptions the administrative part is to constrain and control employees. Theory X depends on critical suspicions of the normal laborer. This administration style surmises that the normal employee has next to zero aspiration, shies from work or duties, and is singular goal arranged. Generally, Theory X style directors trust their employees are less savvy than the managers are, lazier than the managers are, or work exclusively for a sustainable income. Due to these presumptions, Theory X finishes up the normal workforce is more proficient under "hands-on" way to deal with administration (Sorenson Subside and Therese Yaeger, 2015). The Theory X supervisor trusts that all activities ought to be followed and the capable individual given an immediate reward or a criticize as indicated by the job's results.

(a) Favorable circumstances :

(1) Oversimplified presumptions which could clarify human behavior in organization. (2) Simple to oversee ineffective workforce. (3) Suited to the early industrialization time.

procedures. (2) Speedy outcomes and simple administration. (3) Versatile to winning society and ideas.

(c) Requirements :

(1) Negative and uneven presumptions about human instinct. (2) Yield here and now comes about and wind up counterproductive. (3) Directors have a tendency to end up totalitarian.

(d) Disadvantages :

(1) Concealment and regimentation of employees. (2) Yield against generosity of workers. (3) Overlooks worker contribution.

Highlights of Theory Y :

Theory Y is nearly in entire difference to that of Theory X. Theory Y chiefs makes presumptions that peoples in the work drive are inside inspired, make the most of their work. Likewise, Theory Y expresses that employees appreciate challenges in work and get their own fulfillment. Since laborers will accept accountability they don't require consistent/close supervision in the performance of their work (Morse and Lorsch, 1970). * Work is as normal as play or rest .Peoples are not characteristically lethargic. They have turned into that route because of experience. * Peoples will practice self-course and restraint in the administration of the destinations to which they are submitted. * Peoples have potential. Under legitimate condition they figure out how to intelligence and look for duty. * They have creative ability, inventiveness and innovativeness that can be connected to work. With these suspicions the administrative part is to build up the potential in employees and help them discharge that potential towards normal targets.

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specialists. (2) Employees invest exertion effortlessly and eagerly. (3) Turn to popularity based and humanistic methodologies.

(b) Benefits :

(1) Expanded effectiveness in work. (2) Worker contribution in organizational working. (3) Co-ordial mechanical relations atmosphere.

(c) Requirements :

(1) Not all employees are equipped to deal with their work without looking for visit help. (2) Numerous entrepreneurial don't extravagant this style of working from their chiefs. (3) Appropriate to specific classifications of specialists were ability and capability level are low.

(d) Disadvantages :

(1) Laborers may abuse flexibility. (2) Administrators may lose center and work endures. (3) Basic leadership may not be conceivable constantly.

Theory Z :

Theory z is based on the preface that it isn't innovation that is vital in tallying the effectiveness of the association. However, the 'unique method for overseeing peoples' (Ouchi and Value, 1978). This is an overseeing style that spotlights on a solid organization reasoning, unmistakable corporate culture, long range staff advancement and accord basic leadership. The longing, under this theory, is to build up a work compel which has more devotion towards remaining with the organization and be perpetual in their profession. Highlights of Theory Z : A portion of the presumptions about laborers under this theory are following. • Employees exceptionally expect that they be bolstered by the organization. • They esteem a workplace in which such things as family culture, custom, and social organizations are viewed as similarly vital as work itself. • Administration must have a high level of trust in the specialists and their ability for basic leadership.

(a) Advantages:

(1) Employees tend to remain longer/for all time with the association. (2) Open door for cooperation in basic leadership. (3) Employees shed dread of vulnerability over future.

(b) Benefits:

(1) Create solid obligation of solidarity and unity with association. (2) Aggregate exertion and profitable groups. (3) Expanded dedication to the association.

(c) Limitations:

(1) Inefficient workers find agreeable shelter. (2) Remaining longer does not build devotion. (3) Agreement choices might be abandoned on the off chance that it fizzles.

(d) Disadvantages :

(1) Open door for potential workers relocating from outside is limited. (2) Employees may give low need to work than home and family. (3) Agreement basic leadership will prompt deferral.


The hypotheses talked about before are understood in light of proposes of human behavior in organization to a great extent concentrated on inspiration, support and socialization. A considerable measure of changes in outer condition has occurred after some time that the 21st century work drive or generally called new age employees are subjected to changes which influence their mental and social viewpoint. Changes in innovation have brought about enhancing the personal satisfaction, making man a beneficial employee and forceful purchaser. Changes in economy have brought about expanded profit, now that he can manage the cost of a significant number of the already considered extravagances which have turned into his basic needs now. Instruction has granted information and aptitudes required for work in the aggressive job advertise, yet in addition prompted liberal reasoning to stand up to assorted varieties in all kinds of different backgrounds. Changes in common society have changed his impression of the general public and his general surroundings. Quickly developing data correspondence innovation has made him open and quick reacting. The present worker is not any more aloof or apathetic (theory X), or battled with prizes and support (theory Y), or entranced by social ties of warmth and soundness (theory Z). Rather we discover him an egotistical expert who is endeavoring to get up to speed with the quick pace of life yet satisfy the wants of living. Offer of duty is vested not simply in following the destinations but rather in satisfying the goals. In this way making arrangements for acknowledgment of organizational and individual destinations takes after technique receptions which depend on good examples of best entertainers and also investigation of one's own self. Performance and additionally obligation towards targets is acIntelligenced through satisfying Accountability.


Fig. 1 : Outline interfacing different segments of Theory A.

Fundamental components of Responsibility (Theory A) are (1) Issue distinguishing proof in light of the targets of the association (4) Target setting (5) Asset allotment (6) Working procedure (7) Inspiration (8) Checking and Directing (9) Performance estimation metric (10) Good example (11) Responsibility In light of Center gathering strategy, we have created following hypothesis which interface the above elements of organizational performance. H 1 : Worker standpoint has changed after some time. H 2 : The present day worker has impressive intrinsic potential which the association is searching for. Propose 3 : His insight and aptitude could be upgraded in a helpful domain of need and convenience. H 4 : The association impact use of information and aptitude into training. H 5 : Distinguishing proof of good examples and self-investigation can change normal employee into genuine entertainer. H 6 : Prizes are a matter of cash or position, as well as ones possess feeling of natural inventiveness and commitment to the association. H 7 : Such employees are profoundly energetic and relates to the association. H 8 : Targets are not remotely recommended but rather together landed at and consistence to target is out of will. H 9 : Duty is only proficiency in conveying focuses to the required degree and time. H 10 : Proficiency in individual and organizational performance depends on Accountability to oneself, one's own job and to the job provider. H 11 : Accountability is sin-qua-non to duty. The more the responsibility more noteworthy is the Accountability.

Babita Pandey*

The five noteworthy goals of Organizational Behavior specified toward the start are shrouded In principle An and the points of interest are recorded in TABLE 1.

Table 1 : Clarification of how the significant goals of OB can be achievable utilizing Theory A.

S. No. Major OB Goals Solution by Theory of Accountability 1 To describe systematically how people behave under variety of conditions. Organization influences application of Intelligence and skills into action based on conditions prevailing in the organization. 2 To understand why people behave as they do. Employees own feeling of creativity levels vary. 3 Predicting future employee behaviour. Rewards make sense in feeling of contribution to the organization ‘the more the grater’. 4 Control at least partially and develop some human activity at work. Targets are jointly arrived at and efficiency in delivering targets is construed as responsibility. 5 To know how people can be motivated and directed on to their responsibility to enhance the individual and group performance to boost the productivity of the organization. Efficiency in performance can be boosted through increasing accountability to one-self, once own job and job giver.

Fig. 2: Theory A Constructs Framework.

The four noteworthy builds of Theory A are settling Duty, looking after Responsibility, constant Observing, and satisfying pre-decided Target (RAMT) and are controlling parts of the performance/efficiency of an


Theory An address the key segments of passionate insight as delighted in the accompanying investigation given in TABLE 2.

Table 2: Correlation of Theory an and Theory of Emotional Intelligence (Boyatzis Richard, 2009)

S. No. Theory A Theory of Emotional Intelligence 1 Change in Employee outlook Perception 2 Identify individual with organization Cognition 3 Environment conducive to growth Development 4 Creativity as innate urge Fulfillment

Theory A and Business enterprise

The principle parts in business theory of a firm are recognized and contrasted and the segments of theory A and is given in TABLE 3.

Table 3 : Correlation of Theory An and Theory of Business enterprise (Casson, 1997)

S. No. Theory A Theory of Entrepreneurship 1 Employees possess potential Strength of analyzing information 2 Consistency in delivering targets Responsibility towards expansion 3 Application of skills into practice Motivation 4 Contribution as reward Commitment and Co-ordination 5 Target, responsibility, monitoring and accountability as core components Information synthesis, expansion, and co-ordination as core components

Theory A and Organizational Achievement

An association is an arranged gathering of assets with a goal of feasible benefit, or name, or social administration by methods for creative, effective performance through individual and cooperation. The commitment of theory A to organizational achievement is given in TABLE 4.


S. No. Theory A Organizational Success

1 Believes in creativity Leading to contribution 2 Focus on collaboration Improved team work 3 Emphasizing accountability Results in efficiency 4 Based on satisfaction Reflecting in performance 5 Employs unique strategy Adopting innovation

Illustrative example Goal

Keeping in mind the end goal to keep up the nature of educating learning process at wanted level, it is basic that the proficiency of the workforce ought to be kept up at abnormal states. Institutional research efficiency additionally would upgrade if inquire about distribution is advanced bigly. With this in see, the foundation has chosen to advance research distribution by the personnel through giving open door through directing meetings at consistent interims and including the papers from all staff for production in procedures/diaries.

The Unique circumstance

Research and production has stayed disregarded in numerous instructive foundations in India since long. Recently, it has gotten more prominent consideration as the corridor characteristic of positioning. Research efficiency file is essential for each foundation of advanced education for its acclaim and survival to withstand rivalry. The file of some B schools for example has declined thus too their notoriety, it was felt that the foundation ought to encash the chance to scale up. There are sufficient quantities of qualified and all around experienced personnel, yet almost no consideration has been paid to research and distribution. In the ongoing past, some assigned research focuses have been built up to include the workforce in dynamic research versus instructing and directing classes, even this couldn't address the issue enough well.

The Training

Our model of incorporating exploration and distribution into the expert obligation of the personnel is designed according to the proposed Theory A. The gatherings were planned primarily at inner staff and less on outer members. As a result of this, the interest of the workforce turned into certain. 400 research papers in a traverse of multi-year covering six meetings. Every personnel contributed around 2 to 5 papers in each gathering. Some who demonstrated better and quicker outcome developed good examples. Self-exploratory open doors yielded result (Aithal, 2016).

Issues experienced and Assets required

At the season of presenting this framework, the accompanying issues were experienced and required the assets to execute it. • Subjects were surrounded for the meetings with the end goal that it would give a wide scope of themes to be incorporated. • keeping in mind the end goal to give more noteworthy incentive to the distribution, ISBN numbers were required by the foundation. • Gathering days were pronounced occasion for understudies with the goal that personnel could sit through the session. • Money related help was looked for from overseeing advisory group of the establishment. • Game plans for refreshments were done nearer to the scene. • Workforce delegates progressed toward becoming gathering facilitators with the goal that they claim and deal with their own particular program.

ABCD Investigation of Theory A

ABCD posting and Investigation utilizing ABCD system are two models of subjective (Aithal and Suresh Kumar, 2016. Sridhar Acharya and Aithal, 2016. Shenoy and Aithal, 2016. Aithal, 2015. Aithal and Shubhrajyotsna Aithal, 2016. Aithal and Suresh Kumar, 2016. Shenoy and Aithal, 2016) and quantitative ABCD examination (Aithal, et. al., 2015. Aithal, et. al., 2015. Aithal, et. al., 2016. Aithal, et. al, 2016. Aithal, 2016. Aithal, et. al., 2016. Aithal, et. al., 2016). individually. In this area we have utilized ABCD investigation for subjective posting of Advantage, Benefits, Constraints and hindrances of Theory A. (a) Advantage 1. Suited to changes in the worker profile in the new century

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3. Emphasizes journey for inventiveness (b) Benefits 1. Assuming Obligation using chance to perform 2. Accountability outcomes in economical organizational adequacy 3. Utilizing innovativeness as operational vitality (c) Constraints 1. Separating abilities is troublesome in complex organization 2. Not all workers might be proactive in setting targets 3. The procedure to the approach is liable to additionally test (d) Disadvantages 1. Sets aside opportunity to create yield from moderate entertainers 2. Self-investigation needs exertion and requests validity 3. Failure to Intelligence targets may give dissatisfaction


Human behavior in organization has dependably been a captivating subject of concentrate for social researchers. Hs established on positive and negative ways to deal with human instinct won as theory X, Theory Y and thusly theory Z. In every one of these cases, thought on 'mission for inventiveness' intrinsic in human instinct was neglected. The proposed theory A rotates around responsibility as the dedication emerging from joint target setting and doling out duty instead of settling targets and accepting accountability. The 21st century workforce is unique in relation to its partners of the past. This theory fits well as another option to clarifying organizational behavior in 21st century changed workforce brain science and administrative practices.


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Corresponding Author Babita Pandey*

Professor, Unique Institute of Management & Technology, Ghaziabad, India E-Mail –