Impact of Media Effects on Advertising Products

An Investigation into the Impact of Media Effects on Consumer Buying Behavior in Indian Markets

by Mohd. Hyder Ali*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 11, Issue No. 17, Nov 2016, Pages 74 - 79 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Advertising is a form of communication intended to convince an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to buying or take some action upon products, information, or services etc. This paper investigates the relationship between independent variables, which are environmental response, and emotional response with attitudinal and behavioral aspect of consumer buying behavior from Gulbarga (cities of India) Karnataka. The major findings of the study demonstrate an overall normal association between the variables but in-depth analysis found that response of consumer buying behavior is the variable that results into strong association with the consumer buying behavior. It is true that people buying those brands with which they are emotionally attached. This study reports new evidences in the field of consumer buying behavior of consumers pertaining to the local markets of these cities of India.


media effects, advertising products, communication, audience, consumer buying behavior


The importance of Electronic Media as a medium of mass communication has altogether expanded throughout the most recent one decade. Its importance as a medium of advertising has developed with the utilization of satellite transmission and foundation of more hand-off stations to cover the remote parts of the nation. Utilization of Electronic Media for advertising is expanding as of late because of its broad scope and the effect of visual communication on the watchers. Its mix of sound, vision and development allows the utilization of ad to exhibit the item and its benefits. Thus, the Electronic Media medium is more compelling than the press and radio. Promotion on the Electronic Media costs intensely especially for show of messages before or after or amid mainstream program, known as 'prime time.' Electronic Media is a vehicle through which sponsors can achieve the objective gathering of Youth effortlessly and easily. Youth between the age of 13 years and 21 years watches Electronic Media, 21.50 hours seven days on a normal. This review demonstrates that Electronic Media is an imperative wellspring of data for Youth about items or services. Concern jars additionally express about the advertisers utilization of other limited time modes media procedures of radio, commercial, plants' showcases, premium in bundles, and so on. The business characters can be adequately appeared in capable Electronic Media indicates impacting the watchers for a minute at the topic of message. The pundits contend that Youth especially youthful ones are helpless against promotion since they do not have a feeling of understanding the substance of message, quality, economy and highlight of item or benefit and assessing basically to the reason for convincing advertising bids. The investigations of examination have demonstrated that Youth require more than a suspicious disposition towards advertising. They should see how advertising interest‘s functions keeping in mind the end goal to utilize their subjective resistances against it viably. An essential wellspring of data for obtaining or advancement of information concerning every one of the parts of human existence without land obstruction and the amusement for a huge number of individuals is Electronic Media. It is a noteworthy capable media for dissemination of data with no time boundary both for reputation and also notice. Bids or messages, which are broadcast through Electronic Media, will have more prominent effect on individuals particularly on adolescents who are more compelling than a parent or an instructor. Its part in teaching and in addition drawing in youths is enormous. It makes a comprehension and mindfulness in them on the issues of items and services for making thoughts and goals of goodness. It can likewise assemble and soften the esteem framework influencing up shaping a state of mind in the developing adolescents. Advertising is a standout between the most vital and an essential fixing in today's business condition. Without advertising, neither the business nor the customer can survive. Industry can't survive in light of the fact that; it won't have any apparatus to impart to the customers. Survival ends up noticeably troublesome for customers since, they won't have any data about the item, services or organization. Henceforth, correlation and scan for a superior item is unthinkable.

Mohd. Hyder Ali*

Absence of exact comprehension of the utilization example and purchasing propensities for the Karnataka state and region Gulbarga shoppers has frequently prompted advertising disappointments. The present review is an endeavor at understanding the impact of commercial on shopper Behavior of Karnataka state and region Gulbarga with extraordinary reference to the buy of buyer durables. Karnataka state and region Gulbarga is an exceptionally created advertise for buyer items and all driving national advertisers have been attempting to guarantee a decent amount of the market. In any case, this market is very exceptional in a few regards contrasted with different states. A portion of the common suspicions are that prominent utilization is generally high in Karnataka state and region Gulbarga, obtaining energy of the normal family unit is nearly more, provincial urban contrasts are less articulated and the entire state is a broadened urban market.

Showcase Segment of Youth:

The market for Youth is figured vivacious and additionally coordinate fragment. It has heightened endeavors to get the concentration of the youthful class gather customers. The advertisers for Youngsters are with their everything astonishing endeavors to take the message to the Youth showcase as adequately as conceivable section. For securing a normal new era business showcase, the advertiser covering towards the effect it would make on the youthful personalities. The advertiser's untiring and steady push to mentally condition the youthful hearts of Youth at last expectations on this portion under the pennant of 'Youth market section'; for which dynamic endeavors are made up in order to catch Youth in his key charge. Advertisers have since quite a while ago perceived the importance of joining the components of showcasing blend into a procedure of strong advertising as Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). They have seen that perceiving the requirement for incorporating the communication endeavors of different advertising. A broad scope of showcasing with the special instruments is required to arrange the compelling communication; vivaciously exhibit the reliable picture to the objective market portion. Advertising is a socio-mental workmanship and accepted as one of incredible and expanding angle. The essentialness and impact of advertising on customer Behavior or the importance joined to advertising will be apparent by the development in the span of advertising. Grand development in sponsors' size of operation shows the hugeness of advertising to advertiser in impacting buyer Behavior. Advertiser addresses shopper about the item, cost and place with

looked for trying to make mindfulness or change mark inclination of buyings by data and dispersion of advancement. The advertisers see the stream of products from makers to customers as dissemination, which happens over a timeframe.


A study was conducted on cartoon network in 2003, which aimed at studying youngsters, and media habits pester power selecting 3218 kids and their mothers. It is found that a whopping 75% of kids receive pocket money weekly, which was spent on chocolates, soft drinks and chips. Also was found that their pester power made them by products like cornflakes, biscuits, milk, food and drinks. While achieving good grades at school remains a top priority for all youngsters, the freedom to do what they please also ranks higher, so does owning the latest things in the market and also looking goods. George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch (2003), Advertisement is one of the main tools of marketing. In recent years with regard to the variety of products and the extension of internal consumption market, profiting from this important marketing tool in its main that is commerce has extended. The existing variety of mass media has also created suitable field for broadcasting and diffusion of different trading announcements. Today customers as a result of increasing the amount of awareness and general knowledge, for deciding about the selection of goods and services have found a more freedom in action and with the analysis of trading announcements are able to select their favorite good. In addition the concept of competition is reality concept by profiting from advertisement, uses his right of selection practically, also producer finds the style of connecting with his intended addressee and customer. George E. Belch and Michael A, Belch (2003), mentions, ―Advertising is any paid form of non-personal media presentation advertising ideas/concepts, goods or services by an identified sponsor. Brackett and Carr (2011) further validate Ducoffe‘s model and extend the model to include credibility and consumer demographics. Credibility is shown to be directly related to both advertising value and attitude towards advertising. Demographic variables such as college major, age, and gender are shown to effect only attitudes towards advertising. Kim David (2008) investigated that what contributes to advertising likeability and advertising dislike ability in India by surveying the respondents in Mumbai. The

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positive attitude towards advertising in general. Fernandez. S (2000) intended to understand goal-oriented consumer‘s responses toward directional advertising within the context of Yellow Pages. Informative is defined as relevant to a buying situation. Findings suggest that advertising with more specific information that matches consumers. Buying situations are more likely to be processed and will result in a proactive response (e.g. Consumers calling the advertisers or marketers). Bhullar (2000) in her doctoral study made an investigation to find the relevance and effectiveness of portrayal of women in advertising in India. Advertisings an all-pervasive, forceful entity, slowly changing our lives, It is an integral part of every form of media, right from billboards to Internet. Basically, advertising is a marketing tool. Advertisers have been charged with portraying women in narrow, out of date and disparaging fashion. The changing role of women in society has created a challenging task for advertisers, i.e., how to portray women in advertisements. Consumer surveys have consistently reported that younger, more highly educated and modern women are more critical of women's role portrayal in ads. Two instruments by which women's portrayal in ads may improve are self-regulation and legislation. Biwalkar (2007) in her article titled, advertising: Think Again investigated that in the past few years, the ad-arena has undergone a sea change. The means of communication have expanded and multiplied. In this hyper productive market, a new product is launched almost every day. This change and rise in awareness among consumers is witnessed across all socio-economic strata, regions and towns. The Indian advertising sector has had a flat growth rate of 10-12 per cent per annum in the past two years. According to Ad Ex India, ad spend was Rs. 16,300 crore as compared to the previous year‘s Rs. 13,200 crore. It‗s a race that everyone runs,if the consumer is sprinting, media and technology follows at a close dash. Eva Muller: states that road show is a new medium, which reaches the target audience at a lower cost to the advertisers. She observes that the best advantage of this medium is that there is a firsthand product trial, direct consumer interaction and consequent building of relationship with the customers. She also opines that there is an instant customer feedback and above all there will be a total brand recall. PiyushPandey (2007) indicated that the most important role of advertising has to play is to take the brands to consumers hearts and make them endearing. And, establishing a relationship between the consumer and the brand can do this. When the the consumer are cheers for it. The American Psychological Association Task force 1999, pointed out that advertising has evolved a great deal over the years. Advertising has moved on and today it is all about entertaining. Advertising needs to entertain but it has to sell as well. Advertising must be crafted carefully based on consumer insight and Behavior,‖ Consumer demand is the source of revenue for advertising‖ Kim and David (2008) investigated the question of what contributed to advertising likeability and advertising dislike ability in India by surveying the respondents in Mumbai. He pointed out that the Indian respondents have a positive attitude towards advertising in general. An interview with H&M Sales Advisor, Ms. Salina Tyynela, was conducted on the 30th March 2012. The interviewee has been working for the company over three years, therefore is an experienced employee. The findings of the interview were that H&M puts high value on advertising. Even though the company uses all possible channels to promote its products, Electronic Media is considered to be the most effective advertising tool. Tram stops and magazines are also considered to attract new and existing clients for H&M; this view has been also supported by NamithaUnnikrisnan and ShailajaBajpai (1992) who also suspect that TV, radio and magazines influences notably on consumer Behavior. As in most companies, also in Hennes&Mauritz advertising effectiveness is being measured directly by observing sales daily, this however seems to mean that advertising campaigns are measured the same way as normal sales. Studies show that consumers are more enthusiastic to buy products which are ethically manufactured. States have their regulatory systems and advertising companies should try to enhance the ethical, positive and truthful image of a product or service. They seem to use more and more programs to make the already skinny models to look even thinner. They may give an unrealistic image for the female consumers; therefore consumers should be informed about airbrushing of images to avoid delivering wrong kind of message to young consumers. Youngsters should not be exposed to this and the advertising companies are expected to follow codes of conduct (Kamalamma, T.N. 2005). Companies create marketing strategies to find the right customers and to best way to create value for them. The ‗‘four Ps‘‘, product, price, place and promotion are considered to be the main marketing mix tools to implement marketing strategies.

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of communicating this information to reach their desired market so that the offering is available for buying in a specific place. Advertising is usually used by companies to inform a larger audience about the product or service (Kotler et al. 2010). According to Kotler et al.(2010) advertising is part of promotional mix which also consists of public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion and personal selling. Advertising and public relations are mass-promotion tools, which are used by companies to inform consumers about a new product or service whereas others mentioned have a more personal and direct way of communicating.

Advertising and sales promotion have greater emphasis on the pull strategy. According to the standards of Finnish Consumer Agency, advert should clearly demonstrate who the advertiser is and also follow the codes of good practice.


One strand of research on information content has been the relative of different advertising media in providing information. Print media allow almost unlimited message length and processing time, both of which are constrained in the broadcast media by fixed exposure durations. However, aside from general agreement that print ads are able to carry more information than broadcast ads, little evidence is available on information norms for and differences within the print and broadcast media categories.

Because most newsstudies are printed daily, they allow information about sales, prices, and other marketing decisions to be communicated rapidly. It is therefore plausible that newsstudy ads would carry more information than magazine ads. Similarly, radio ads can be put on the air with less lead time than television commercials, allowing quick communication of price changes and sales. Radio spots are also longer on average than television spots. However, radio is limited to sound, whereas television can also convey visual information. A wide and broadly overlapping range in average information content is reported for magazines (1.17 to 3.94 cues) and newsstudies (1.59 to 3.27 cues). A wide range in average cues also is reported for TV (0.46 to 3.64), which encompasses the range reported for radio (1.57 to 2.66) (Abernethy and Franke: 1996). As a result, some studies show only small differences between media (e.g. Pasadeos et al: 1987), whereas in others the differences are pronounced (e.g. Abernethy: 1992). Abernethy and Butler (1992) found price information was given for 68 per cent of newsstudy ads; 40 per cent had 4 or more cues.

discussed from the viewpoint of economic and social impact. The social impact has been argued with almost a negative approach and the economic impact has been argued with more positive impact on the economy. The research on the analysis of the relevance of advertising starts initially with its economic content and then ends with its social content. This initiation of discussion starts with the search for economic truth in advertising. As Nelson (1974a) observes: ―What makes the advertising issue that it is fundamentally an issue in how to establish truth in economics.‖ Hence element of truth in the economics of advertising has been presented under (i) Historical Evolution; (ii) Economic Views on Advertising; and (iii) Economic Effects of Advertising. Historically, the search for truth in advertising has evolved from a stage of no economic relevance to the stage of excessiveness. The economic analysis of advertising begins with Marshall (1890, 1919), who offers some insightful distinctions, and then gathers momentum with Chamberlin‘s (1933) integration of selling costs into economic theory. The irrelevance-argument of advertising originated in 19thcentury with the emergence of perfect competition school of thought espoused by Pigou (1924) and Braithwaite (1928). However, the turn-of- the-century technological innovations that were associated with mass production and distribution gave significant encouragement to large-scale brand advertising and mass marketing activities (Galbraith: 1976). The emergence of large-scale advertising is also attributable to income growth, printing and literacy advances, and urbanization (Chandler: 1990; Pope: 1983; Simon: 1970; Wood: 1958; Borden: 1942). Subsequently, the scathing attack on advertising started from 1980s with the argument of excessiveness. This excessiveness-argument starts from the level of advertising expenditures. For example, Advertising Age (2005) reports that, in 2003 in the U.S., General Motors spent $3.43 billion to advertise its cars and trucks; Procter and Gamble devoted $3.32 billion to the advertisement of its detergents and cosmetics; and Pfizer incurred a $2.84 billion dollar advertising expense for its drugs. Hence it is posited that advertising is big business indeed. A host of criticism follows this excessiveness. For example, Arnold Toynbee (quoted by Ogilvy: 1980, 149), reportedly said, ―[I] cannot think of any circumstances in which advertising would not be an

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for Social Research in New York (Quoted in Ogilvy: 1983, 206) said: ―Advertising is a profoundly subversive force in American life. It is intellectual and moral pollution. It trivializes, manipulates, is insincere and vulgarizes. It is undermining our faith in our nation and in ourselves.‖ By comparison, Galbraith (1976:124-126) seems tame. He only accuses advertising of creating desires that otherwise would not exist and of manipulating consumers into buying unneeded new brands of breakfast cereal and laundry detergent. Kirkpatrick (2007: 21) sums up the criticism leveled by researchers in these words: ―Advertising, the critics say, increases prices without adding value to the product; it encourages monopoly; it corrupts editors; it foists inferior products on the unwitting and helpless consumer; it makes people buy products they do not need; it promotes dangerous products and encourages harmful behavior; it is deceptive and manipulative; it is intrusive, irritating, offensive, tasteless, insulting, degrading, sexist, racist; it is loud, obnoxious, strident, and repetitive to the point of torture; it is a pack of lies; it is a vulgar bore.‖ Continuing this argument, Kirkpatrick (2007: 22) goes on to observe: ―The critics who denigrate advertising attack not only advertising but also—by logical necessity—capitalism, ethical egoism, and reason.‖ Initial reflections on advertising are offered by Marshall (1890, 1919). As Marshall (1919) explains, advertising can play a constructive role by conveying information to consumers. Chamberlin (1933: 118-120) argues that advertising affects demand, because it (i) conveys information to consumers, with regard to the existence of sellers and the price and qualities of products in the marketplace, and (ii) alters consumers‘ ―wants‖ or tastes.

Along with Marshall (1890, 1919), other early contributors to the economic analysis of advertising include Pigou (1924), Sherman (1900) and Shryer (1912). Aaker (2001) argues that advertising is a positive force for society, since it educates consumers by bringing new goods to their attention. Pigou emphasizes that much advertising is combative and thus socially wasteful. Shaw argues that advertising enables manufacturers to by-pass the middleman and establish their brand names with consumers.


Today, advertising keeps on developing with so much advancements as an advancements, which include surprising methodologies, for example, organized experiences out in the open places, giveaways of items, for example, autos that are secured with brand messages, what's more, intelligent advertising where the watcher can react to wind up some portion of the pattern of intelligent and "installed" advertisements, for example, by means of item situation, having shoppers vote through instant messages, what's more, different advancements using person-to-person communication locales.


Bhullar (2000). In her doctoral study made an investigation to find the relevance, 2d eded. Prentice-Hall international series in management, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Biwalkar (2007). in her article titled, advertising: Think Again investigated that in the past few years, New York: Prentice-Hall. Brackett and Carr (2011). Further validate Ducoffe‘s model, impact, and sequence effects, Journal of Consumer Research, 12-4: pp. 365-381. Chandler (1990) Pope (1983) Simon (1970) Wood (1958) Borden (1942). Fast food causing obesity and diabetes in Swaziland (, accessed 4 April 2008). Fernandez. S (2000). intended to understand goal-oriented consumer‘s responses, California Management Review, 38 (3), pp. 102-120.Aaker: 1996; George E. Belch and Michael A, Belch (2003). ―Advertising is any paid form of non-personal media presentation advertising ideas/concepts, 49 (2): pp. 47-57. George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch (2003). Viewer perceptions of prime-time television advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 21(5): pp. 15-23. Hennes&Mauritz (1992). Advertising effectiveness, dietary restraint, bulimia and attitudes towards obesity: A preliminary study. British Review of Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa, 5, pp. 73-76 Kamalamma, T.N. (2005). How women are depicted in ads? A content analysis study with Brazilian advertisements, International Business and Economics Research Journal, 5- 10: pp. 59-72. Kim and David (2008). Investigated the question of what contributed to advertising: An exploratory study of zipping, zapping and

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Advertising, pp. 223-231. Kim David (2008). Investigated that what contributes to advertising likeability, Journal of advertising, 49 (Spring): pp. 47-57. Kirkpatrick (2007: 22): An agency point of view, in Emotion in advertising: Theoretical and practical explorations, S. Agres, J.A. Edell and T.M. Dubitsky (eds.,). Wetport, CT: Quorum Books. Kotler et al. (2010). Physical Attractiveness Research: Toward a Developmental Social Psychology of Beauty, Human Development, 20, pp. 217- 239. Marshall (1890, 1919). who offers some insightful distinctions: The differential weighting of affect-consistent and affect-inconsistent product information, Journal of Consumer Research, 28(1): pp. 1-17. NamithaUnnikrisnan and ShailajaBajpai (1992). who also suspect that TV, Paper Presented at 10th National Research Conference, held on SZABIST, Islamabad in January, 2010.

Pigou (1924). and Braithwaite (1928) Perfect competition school of thought espousedPublic Attitudes to Advertising. London: Advertising Association, p. 13.

Piyush Pandey (2007). indicated that the most important role of advertising: when a little is a lot. Psychogical Bulletin, 97: pp. 129–33 Sherman (1900) and Shryer (1912). Aaker (2001). argues that advertising is a positive force for society: A case of Austrian State Television, Bachelor thesis: Lulea Tekniskauniversitet, Lulea, Sweeden

Corresponding Author Mohd. Hyder Ali*

Research Scholar, Pacific University, Udaipur

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