Development of Online Customer Community Strategy and Customer Experience Management Strategies

A practical guide to implementing a successful customer-centric social business strategy

by Santosh Jha*, S. K. Jha,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 11, Issue No. 17, Nov 2016, Pages 126 - 131 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The purpose of this paper is to focus on the significance of Customer Experience Management (CEM) in association as a rule and Higher Education Institutions (HIE) especially as reasonable examination, Winning new clients is significantly more troublesome and considerably more costly than holding existing clients. To deal with a client's involvement, it needed to comprehend what is "client encounter" really implies and comprehend the passionate elements influence the client association with association to improve his reliability, Maintaining an enthusiastic association requires precise administration of the clients' encounters with an association and its offerings from the clients' viewpoints. With utilizing learning administration frameworks association qualities the client encounter administration and upgrades the client reliability and separates the association from its rivals. Businesses that have decided to implement an online customer community and want advice on where to start and the steps to launching a successful customer-centric social business strategy.


online customer community strategy, customer experience management, higher education institutions, winning new clients, emotional factors, client loyalty, knowledge management systems, customer-centric social business strategy


The possibility of CRM can be expressed in the accompanying way: Every time an organization and a client cooperate, the organization gets the hang of something about the client. By catching, sharing, breaking down what's more, following up on this data, associations can better oversee singular client productivity; CEM is practically the identical representation. It says that each time an organization and a client connect, the client picks up something about the association as indicated by this preface what is found out from each understanding, clients may modify their conduct in ways that influence their individual gainfulness. In this manner, by dealing with these encounters, organizations can coordinate more beneficial associations with their clients. The client individual experience comes about because of communications with the organization, including the mark and cutting edge workers and also utilizing items or administrations (Klaus, 2012). CRM utilizes profiling, small scale division and prescient investigations to distinguish every client's structure. CRM in this way reveals the inclinations and affinities of clients with the goal that they can be bumped towards ideal gainfulness. CEM takes a gander at the earth. It assembles and investigates data about the progression of connections amongst associations and clients. This data is criticism to the organization in a self aligning framework that (in hypothesis) makes ideal utilization of each chance to impact client conduct. Clearly these are covering approaches, and both have justify if composed and connected keenly. As of recently the spotlight has overwhelmingly been on CRM, to some extent since it is mechanically amazing (and incredibly costly). Shockingly, CRM has not been about as viable as guaranteed; as per a few assessments, from half to 70% of CRM activities neglect to accomplish their objectives. As CRM is all the more broadly utilized, its shortcomings move toward becoming more clear. Social business is defined as the ability of an organization to use its online communities to improve its performance. Online communities are not new. However, developing a strategic approach to using owned, branded, or private customer communities is still an emerging area for most companies. This eBook lays out the steps to take and questions to ask to develop a results-oriented customer community strategy. You will find two primary social business themes throughout this paper: The Goals Remain The Same. Both the way that your company and your customers measure success has not changed. Social business strategies only provide ways to communicate more often, collaborate more efficiently, and be proactive in


and help your company. Social business strategies are exciting and it is easy to lose sight of objectives in the midst of the hype, new social tools, and high profile nature of the initiative. Throughout the development of your customer community strategy, keep your eye keenly focused on solving the right problems for your customers, partners and organization. The knowledge that you will acquire in each section will help you in the subsequent sections. You will begin by learning about where online customer communities fit in with your current customer relationship management processes. Next, you will find the steps for designing an online community strategy for your business‘ specific market. Finally, the eBook will send you on your way with tips for staying focused on your business goals and providing ongoing value to your customers.


Most guidance on the lifecycles of online communities is written from the perspective of a community manager. They cover how communities come together and mature over time. While these online community lifecycle models are vital to understanding what to expect and how to nurture and grow your community, they do not address early phases of the online community planning process that are important to executives, strategists and other decision makers.

What Do Customer-Centric Executives Need To Know About Planning an Online Community

The online group arranging lifecycle starts a long time before the group is live. Since online groups for customer brands, B2B organizations and participation associations are an expansion of their item technique, online group arranging more often than not starts with searching for approaches to explain issues – issues of your clients and issues confronting your association.


Your organization can use the following customer community planning model to ensure that your community is delivering consistent value to your target audience and your organization.

1) Problem Identification

Through research utilizing interviews, studies and perception, recognize the most basic issues that your inside and outside partners (administrators,

2) Strategy

Map out which problems your online customer community is going to solve and when these solutions will be available. This includes defining your audiences and the community roadmap which lays out which solutions are going to be available at launch and which ones are going to be rolled out over time.

3) Business Model

Draw up a business plan for your online community including the success metrics and indirect financial benefits to the organization. If your online community will generate direct revenue, piece together the revenue model and projections, as well as the expenses (including the online community software platform that your company will use).

4) Community Planning

Set up together engagement necessities and highlight determination for your online group programming. Recognize the group directors who are in charge of the accomplishment of your online group. At that point, create situations with various part and staff personas to guarantee you are tackling your intended interest groups' issues in the way they need them understood. This will incorporate building up an on-boarding process for new individuals from the group.

5) Readiness

Test your online customer community with each user type that will participate in the community. Develop your online community launch plan and promotional strategy to manage the initial buzz and questions about your online community.

6) Community Management

PROGRAMS Lay out an online community content plan that spreads content creation, a critical element of your online community‘s success, across your organization. This may include extending some of the responsibility to leaders among your customer base or membership.

Santosh Jha1* S. K. Jha2 1

Build Loyalty through Experience Management

All organizations are service ones in the sense that all create value for customers through performances (services). Some organization's creating value through manufactured goods and services. The services can facilitate the sale of the goods, directly generate revenue or do both. Other organizations exclusively market services. But all organizations interact with customers (Leonard et al., 2007).

Focus on Feelings

Emotional connectivity is an opportunity for all types of organizations. There is no such thing as a commodity business, only managers who think of their businesses as commodity businesses, the concept of experience quality is often difficult for managers to grasp because many have learned to focus on efficiency, productivity, defect reduction and other numeric quality indicators. When the product is a performance, in delivering excellent experience quality, the customer feeling effect not created exactly with the same way for every customer, organization cannot manage customers‘ emotions, but it can manage the clues embedded in customers‘ experiences with the organization that trigger their emotions. Those emotions consciously and unconsciously influence attitudes that drive behavior (Leonard et al., 2007). Innovation advancements are empowering significant, new uses for CRM for what's to come. However, any given business' novel CRM vision is formed by three key drivers: its client cooperation demonstrate, its execution improvement methodology, and its purchaser impact. These drivers are normally present in many associations and will decide the CRM vision for every element, Effective change of client encounter is tied in with enhancing productivity, "a 5-percent change in client degrees of consistency can yield as much as a 75-percent expansion in benefits for organizations over an extensive variety of ventures" (Sage CRM Solutions 2010 Strategy).

Management of Customer Experience

CEM execution is considered as the mix of client touch focuses accomplished through front and back office incorporation, inventory network associations, and individuals improvement, the procedure begins with some type of touch point mapping that distinguishes the basic minutes at which Customer Experience is upgraded or corrupted, the crevice between client desires and experience spells the contrast between client enjoyment and something less (Klaus, 2012; Meyer et al., 2007). CEM is more vital than any time in recent memory for three reasons. In the first place, client encounter is assuming a basic part in association' capacity to separate. Second, clients' desires are changing, as indicated by administration, brand and client encounter are winding up some portion of the item, and customers are ending up more value delicate because of the testing financial condition. Third, scale matters less and CEM is particularly ability driven (Arthur, 2012).

Best Practices to make the Successful

CEM According CRM magazine (2012) and (2013), delivering a great customer experience has become the new corporate imperative; there are some practices organizations do to make the successful CEM and win-win strategy for CEM: • Kill a stupid rule: Large organizations have at least one process they know about hurts their customers (at least the people knows the rules that hurt the customers), getting rid of one or more of these rules can quickly, cost efficiently and increase customer satisfaction. • Incorporate a customer-focus in the vision/mission statement. Support the company mission by presenting customer related information (e.g., customer


objectives. • Build customer touch-point system (Make a connection): Implementing knowledge management in contact centre before rolling out to Web self-service systems offers the chance to fine-tune knowledge, knowledgeable sales staff, training employees to interact with customers in a personal way adds to the customer experience. • Understanding: Understand the context and intent of each customer‘s inquiry, and to make organization answer as precise, personalized and useful as possible – whether it‘s delivered via contact centre or Web self service. Choose knowledge management tools that enable organization to avoid overloading customers with information and deliver tailored, interactive, accurate answers. • Social media: is considering as a key source for answers to customer questions to deliver insights on how a company or brand is being perceived. Connecting knowledge management initiative with, adds to, and capitalizes on the growing knowledge stores of social networks enable rapid, low-cost content development and encourage Web self-service while reducing contact centre workloads. The Internet has undergone a tremendous amount of fundamental change in its landscape social, personal and mobile. √ Social: The Web is becoming increasingly more social and much less anonymous; the power of sharing can enhance or destroy brands in seconds. √ Personal: While the Internet is continuously expanding in terms of ubiquity, at the same time it‘s becoming much more local and much more personal in terms of user experience. √ Mobile: The growth of mobile access to the Internet is rapidly expanding to the point where access from tablets and phones will soon exceed that from desktops and laptops. Communicate with customers is changing, and when fundamental change like this occurs, organizations who recognize the • Interaction and Think ―community‖: In many industries, online community forums or groups around a particular organization or product, organizations are strengthening their customer experience by working with these community forums. Organizations should interaction with these communities; instead, watch and listen and understand the needs or recommendations of the group. • Identify an executive as the champion of the CEM program: A senior level executive ―owns‖ the customer feedback program and reports customer feedback results at executive meetings. • Use customer feedback in decision-making process: Include customer metrics in company‘s balanced scorecard along with other, traditional scorecard metrics. This practice ensures executives and employees understand the importance of these metrics and are aware of current levels of customer satisfaction/loyalty. Present customer feedback results in company meetings and official documents, loyalty leaders collect customer feedback using a variety of sources (surveys, social media, and brand communities). • Leverage analytics and reporting tools: A quick way to gain a strong lead in customer experience is to use analytics and reporting tools against that data. An analytics initiative can be done at reasonably low cost, in a matter of months, and have a real stockpiled a wealth of information in their customer relationship management (CRM) and other customer-related databases.

Knowledge Management (KM) for CEM

As indicated by Meyer et al. (2007), for getting right data, there are three examples of client encounter data, each with its own pace and level of information gathering. To begin with design; when organizations screen exchanges happening in vast numbers and finished by singular clients, they are taking a gander at past examples each endeavor to decide the nature of the experience specifically takes after the experience itself. Along these lines, organizations get by this strategy a continuous, or "steady," stream of data, which they at that point dissect and convey inside. In spite of the fact that, studies are the apparatus utilized frequently to gather information on past examples, clients are now and then drawn nearer through online gatherings and web journals.

Santosh Jha1* S. K. Jha2 1

not just assessments of the significance and achievement of a current experience. They imagine a proceeding with association with the client. Subsequently, inquiries may stretch out to the client's familiarity with elective providers, new components the client may seek, and what it sees as difficulties to its intensity; the information are gathered through studies or up close and personal meetings. Third Pattern, Potential examples are revealed by examining for circumstances, which regularly rise up out of translation of client information and in addition perception of client conduct. Like the investigation Gilead directed, such tests are outgrowths of procedures for the most part including the focusing of specific client sections and are in this way unscheduled, or "beat." The discoveries are regularly used to educate the item improvement process. As associations with clients develop, organizations tend to gather information with more noteworthy recurrence. The point of information linkage is to make connections and associations between partitioned reviews or between overviews, client databases and other information to reach to wealthier perspective of the general client encounter, the target of KM for Customer Experience is to researches clients criticism predicts real client value-based conduct to observing the condition of the business, Whereas information mining removes data from organized databases, content mining extricates data from unstructured information (CRM Magazine, 2012; Hillyard et al., 2011; Meyer et al., 2007 ). A genuine appraisal of client information requires a readiness to acknowledge basic criticism, regardless of the possibility that it implies recognizing that a client's needs are not being met. The standard following of real to life client criticism underpins authoritative consistent change, this is commitment to every now and again realign with clients' business needs and work with them to help decrease chance, make arrangements and give best-in-class benefit. While client centricity will keep on being the all-encompassing rule that represents our everyday business hones, we will keep on building important and particular connections that convey accomplishment to our clients (Meyer et al., 2007). Colleges administration needs to consider the utilization and use of innovation to drive more productive administration encounter which increases the value of the college through information and input, and incentive to the understudy through better more effective administration bolster conveyance utilizing the web, portable innovation. By understanding the two sides needs and needs the college can amplify the experience travel and exactness of data which understudies require, and the potential for intelligence, innovation could catch understudy information on conduct and use examples of data which took into account upgrades and changes in the understudy involvement (Meyer et al., 2007).


As of late various basic changes have happened in the business condition that have prompted the development of CEM as both a key teach and a quickly developing industry, finish with a wide cluster of apparatuses and arrangement sets. The progressions have been fuelled by innovative headways, which have extended the scope of administrations accessible to clients, and all the while prompted raising client desires. The outcome is that there are presently a larger number of administrations and items accessible than whenever before, yet client fulfillment are on a descending slide. CEM are basic to the accomplishment of any business or association by giving productive business devices that make the cooperation‘s between organizations and clients all the more compensating for the two gatherings. Advanced education has a capacity to gain from different enterprises to make its remarkable client encounter, the capacity of organizations to make and deal with their one of a kind encounters essentially enable them to separate their image and accomplish upper hand. Associations need to draw in their clients consistently to make the long haul steadfast advocates important to contend in these testing times. The most imperative thing is to be ready to distinguish approaches to clutch productive clients.


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Corresponding Author Santosh Jha*

Research Scholar, Kalinga University, Raipur E-Mail –