TCP/IP Security: Protection against Hacking Attacks

Ensuring Secure Web Application Development

by Dr. A. S. Saxena*, Jitendra Singh Chouhan,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 11, Issue No. 17, Nov 2016, Pages 154 - 157 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Web applications utilize web reports written in a standard arrangement, for example, HTML and JavaScript, which are upheld by an assortment of web programs. Web applications can be considered as a particular variation of customer server programming where the customer programming is downloaded to the customer machine when going to the important page, utilizing standard techniques, for example, HTTP. Customer web programming updates may happen each time the website page is gone by. Along with the session, the web program deciphers and shows the pages, and goes about as the all inclusive customer for any web application.


TCP/IP security, protection, hacking attacks, web applications, HTML, JavaScript


TCP/IP suite is an accumulation of different correspondence protocols working over the Internet and other private correspondence systems and it bolsters a large portion of the imperative administrations running over the system. It gives end to end availability by keeping up, setting up and discharging associations between the two sides. It accommodates information organizing, tending to and steering of parcels over the system to guarantee that they are conveyed to the beneficiary. The principle two segments of the TCP/IP protocol suite are Transmission Control Protocol TCP and Internet Protocol IP (Daniel, 2014. Michael, 2014. Anthony, 2012. Server-Side JavaScript Guide, 1998).

A. Web Protocol IP

It is in charge of steering of bundles or datagram's over the system to their goal. In spite of the fact that piece of a similar discussion, diverse bundles can take distinctive

B. Transmission Control Protocol TCP

TCP chips away at top of IP and is dependable to break the information stream into fragments before passing them it to IP and reassembling it at the goal. TCP is viewed as a dependable protocol since it ensures bundle conveyance and remedy instruments. Diverse components utilized by TCP to guarantee parcel conveyance are arrangement numbers, affirmations, three-way handshake and clocks.


IP was destined to cover U.S. Division of Defense's correspondence needs. A years ago of the 1960s the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which is referred to these days as DARPA, began creating just the same as some accomplice colleges and the corporate research group the outline of standard protocols and began constructing first multi-merchants systems. The aftereffect of working every single together wa ARPANET, the principal bundle exchanging system that was tried in 1969 with four hubs utilizing Network Control Protocol. After the fruitful test the new conceived organize transformed into an operational system called ARPA Internet. In 1974 Vinton G.Cerf and Robert E.Kahn composed (Morgan, 1996. Bruce, 1993. Brian, 1999). TCP/IP protocols: In January 1980 the Institute of Information Sciences at University of Southern California expounded a reference archive portraying the logic of the Internet Protocol. It was intended to be utilized as a part of a situation of PC correspondence systems arranged to bundle exchanged frameworks interconnected between them. In 1985 ARPANET began experiencing blockage and the National Science Foundation's produced NSFNET to bolster the past net which was at long


territorial systems and companion systems, for example, NASA Science Network. By 1986 there was a system design associating grounds and research associations associated additionally to super PC offices. Throughout the years the speed of transmissions must be expanded and by 1991 the spine was moved to a privately owned business which began charging for associations and organizations like IBM created ANSNET in parallel which nor was not meant to advance these organizations (The Hacker‘s Dictionary, 2013. Political Notes from, 2012. Eric, 1985). The structure of the data going through the system was outlined as squares of information part in little sections of bits called datagram's. Datagram's are bundled and sent from sources to goals which are both hosts recognized by a settled length address. These datagram's are sufficiently long to be viewed as a danger of loss of data because of the qualities of the correspondences channel, discontinuity and reassembly. The web protocol secured all needs to give host-to host conveyance and its constraint, for example, unwavering quality, stream control, sequencing among others, were not considered. The web protocol was intended to associate with neighborhood organize protocols to transport the required datagram to the following door or goal have. It actualized tending to and discontinuity as two fundamental capacities. The datagram contains data about host source and host goal inside its header. This data is coded as a deliver and with a specific end goal to finish the conveyance a way should be picked. The operational structure separates each host and its portal that associates with the worldwide system. These disconnected modules take choices in light of normal principles to translate datagram's and settle on steering choices and also different capacities. Each datagram is dealt with as an autonomous unit on its way through the system. Any hint of coherent circuits or associations is exiled (Anonymous, 1998. McClure, et. al., 1999. Ahanger, 2014).


TCP/IP is widely used throughout the world to provide network communications. TCP/IP communications are composed of four layers that work together. When a user wants to transfer data across networks, the data is passed from the highest layer through intermediate layers to the lowest layer, with each layer adding information, at each layer; the logical units are typically composed of a header and a payload. The payload consists of the information passed down from the previous layer, while the header contains layer-specific information such as addresses. At the application layer, the payload is the actual application data. The lowest layer sends the accumulated data through the physical network; the data is then passed the data produced by a layer is encapsulated in a larger container by the layer below it. The four TCP/IP layers, from highest to lowest, are shown below.

  • Application Layer. This layer sends and receives data for particular applications, such as Domain Name System (DNS), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
  • Transport Layer. This layer provides connection-oriented or connectionless services for transporting application layer services between networks. The transport layer can optionally assure the reliability of communications. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are commonly used transport layer protocols.
  • Network Layer. This layer routes packets across networks. Internet Protocol (IP) is the fundamental network layer protocol for TCP/IP. Other commonly used protocols at the network layer are Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).
  • Data Link Layer. This layer handles communications on the physical network components. The best-known data link layer protocol is Ethernet.

Security controls exist for network communications at each layer of the TCP/IP model. As previously explained, data is passed from the highest to the lowest layer, with each layer adding more information. Because of this, a security control at a higher layer cannot provide protection for lower layers, because the lower layers perform functions of which the higher layers are not aware.


When a web site or network is attacked, the blame falls on the owner. It is their responsibility to ensure that any service or application that they are running is protected against the vulnerabilities that can be used to exploit their property, and that includes their web site. To protect customers and employees from having their financial or private information from being stolen, both industry and governments have implemented regulations with the intent of securing against common hacking attacks. To combat credit card fraud, the Payment Card Industry created the Data Security Standard that requires merchants

Dr. A. S. Saxena1* Jitendra Singh Chouhan2 1

that help protect against hacking attacks. The European Union, United Kingdom, United States, and Canada are among the governments that have also instituted privacy acts meant to regulate how businesses protect their customer and employee data from malicious hackers. In addition to the fees and legal ramifications that can come as a result of failing to comply with the different regulations, hacking attacks can also damage a company‘s reputation to the point that they lose customers and revenue. A company who is in the news because they have been hacked is sure to lose the trust of even their most loyal customers. The same happens with web sites that are identified as containing spam or malicious scripts. Once this is known, most visitors will stay away. And if losing traffic wasn‘t bad enough, but once the search engines have identified as site as malicious their placement in the search engine falls dramatically rendering any Search Engine Optimization work essentially useless until the problem is corrected.


The distributed nature of Computer system makes it difficult to recognize a potential attack or shield a PC framework from programmers' trade off. Be that as it may, a few systems have been produced in this field, for example, firewall, cryptography, et cetera (Zhang, Bharat Bhargava, 2011). System Configuration Improvements To guard against an approaching attack, the principal thing to do is to make the framework itself solid. There are a few issues here, for example, rectifying the blunders in framework setup records, make the correct change of framework parameters like TCP time out clock, length of pending solicitation line. Router Configuration Improvements Router is a key gadget for internetworking. The right arrangement on the steering approach could productively decrease the potential outcomes of a few sorts of system attacks. A conspicuous change ought to be this way: • Configure external interfaces to square bundles that have source IP address from the interior system • Configure inner interfaces to square bundles to the outside that have source IP address from outside of the inside system Firewall The original firewall is only a parcel channel, such as screening switch; the security level depends generally on the experience of the system head. convention. For each kind of administration, there must exist an intermediary, which responsible for association hand-off and can likewise uphold some security or validation arrangements on both sides of the correspondence. Besides, the present firewall item likewise gives some additional usefulness, as NAT (Network Address Translation), SYN flooding defender, et cetera. They are valuable in securing some specific sorts of attack. Framework Improvements There are some security openings inside the particular of the convention itself, there is no outside way can help settle them, similar to the IP address ridiculing. The main approach is to upgrade the convention itself. There are a few works as of now been accomplished for the convention upgrade, similar to a few conventions obtaining a few thoughts shape cryptography?


When a web site or network is attacked, the blame falls on the owner. It is their responsibility to ensure that any service or application that they are running is protected against the vulnerabilities that can be used to exploit their property, and that includes their web site. To protect customers and employees from having their financial or private information from being stolen, both industry and governments have implemented regulations with the intent of securing against common hacking attacks. To combat credit card fraud, the Payment Card Industry created the Data Security Standard that requires merchants who process credit cards to take specific measures that help protect against hacking attacks. The European Union, United Kingdom, United States, and Canada are among the governments that have also instituted privacy acts meant to regulate how businesses protect their customer and employee data from malicious hackers.


Anonymous (1998). Maximum Security, Second Edition. Indianapolis: SAMS, 1998. pp. 177–180. Blomquist, Brian (1999). "FBI's Web Site Socked as Hackers Target Feds". New York Post. Calore, Michael (2014). "How Do Native Apps and Web Apps Compare?". Condé Nast. Retrieved 20 January 2014.


of-ethical-hacking.html Client-side Scripting and HTML. Retrieved on 2012-09-11. Mike Morgan (1996). "Using Netscape™ LiveWire™, Special Edition". (a) McClure, Stuart; Scambray, Joel; Kurtz, George (1999). Hacking Exposed, Network Security Secrets & Solutions. Berekley: Osborne/McGraw Hill, pp. 38 – 51. Nations, Daniel (2014). "Web Applications". Retrieved 20 January 2014. Political Notes from (2012). September–December. Raymond, Eric S. (1985). "Jargon File: Cracker". Coined ca. 1985 by hackers in defense against journalistic misuse of hacker‖. RFC 2828 Internet Security Glossary Server-Side JavaScript Guide (1998). Netscape Communications Corporation. Retrieved 2012-04-25. Sterling, Bruce (1993). "Part 2(d)". The Hacker Crackdown. McLean, Virginia: p. 61. ISBN 1-4043-0641-2. (b) Tariq Ahamad Ahanger (2014). International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 3, Issue 10, April 2014 241 The Hacker‘s Dictionary (2013). Retrieved 23 May 2013 Wing Kosner, Anthony (2012). "The Appification Of Everything Will Transform The World's 360 Million Web Sites". Forbes. Retrieved 20 January 2014. Yu Zhang, Bharat Bhargava (2011). Journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence, vol. 3, no. 2, may 2011.

Corresponding Author Dr. A. S. Saxena*

Assistant Professor