Relation between Training Effectiveness and Organization's Performance

The Impact of Training Design on Organization Performance

by Madhusudan Bijay Samal*, Dr. G. D. Singh,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 12, Issue No. 1, Feb 2017, Pages 43 - 45 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Organizations nowadays operate in an environment that is characterized by being dynamic and of having a hyper competition. In order to face such a tough competition, organizations should invest in their human resources. The different organization their human resources information systems and should benefit more from using it. Organizations should make sure that dimensions such as strategic integration, forecasting and planning, human resources analysis, and communication and integration do play a significant role within HR departments. Such factors improve the effectiveness of human resource departments which at the end would have a positive reflection on the organization as a whole. It is very necessary for the organization to design the training very carefully. The design of the training should be according to the needs of the employees. Those organizations which develop a good training design according to the need of the employees as well as to the organization always get good results.


training effectiveness, organization's performance, human resources, human resources information systems, strategic integration, forecasting and planning, human resources analysis, communication and integration, training design, employee needs


Training has the distinct role in the achievement of an organizational goal by incorporating the interests of organization and the workforce (Stone R J. Human Resource Management, 2002). Now a day‘s training is the most important factor in the business world because training increases the efficiency and the effectiveness of both employees and the organization. The employee performance depends on various factors. But the most important factor of employee performance is training. Training is important to enhance the capabilities of employees. The employees who have more on the job experience have better performance because there is an increase in the both skills & competencies because of more on the job experience employees development and the employee development encourage self-fulfilling skills and abilities of employee, decreased operational costs, limits organizational liabilities and changing goals & Training & development increase the employee performance like the researcher said in his research that training & development is an important activity to increase the performance of health sector organization. Another researcher said that employee performance is the important factor and the building block which increases the performance of overall organization (Buckley, et. al., 2004). Employee performance depends on many factors like job satisfaction, knowledge and management but there is relationship between training and performance. This shows that employee performance is important for the performance of the organization and the training & and development is beneficial for the employee to improve its performance. Thus the purpose of this study is to show the impact training & development on the employee performance.

Fig. 1: Self Developed Model emphasizing Training & Development connects to Organisational Performance


Human resource is the very important and the backbone of every organization and it is also the main resource of the organization. So organizations invest huge amount on the human resource capital because the performance of human resource will ultimately increase the performance of the organization (Strohmeier et. al., 2007. Voermans, Veldhovern, 2007. Marler, Fisher, 2006). Performance is a major multidimensional construct aimed to achieve results and has a strong link to

Madhusudan Bijay Samal1* Dr. G. D. Singh2 4

effectiveness and efficiency of the organization which is helpful for the achievement of the organizational goals. But the question arise that how an employee can work more effectively and efficiently to increase the growth and the productivity of an organization. There are many factors which improves the work of the employee such as flexible scheduling, training etc. It is very necessary for the organization to design the training very carefully (Buckley, et. al., 2004). The design of the training should be according to the needs of the employees. Those organizations which develop a good training design according to the need of the employees as well as to the organization always get good results. It seems that Training design plays a very vital role in the employee as well as organizational performance. 1. Human resource conceptual overview: HRM is relatively new and developed as a part of management. It is the task of dealing with human relationships, molding and developing the human behavior and attitude towards the job and organizational requirement. The term human resource can be thought of as ―the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organization‘s workforce as well as the value, attitudes and beliefs of the individuals involved (Panayotopoulou et. al., 2007). The Human Resource is assuming increasing significance in modern organization. It is a well-known fact that majority of the problems in an organizational setting are human and social rather than physical, technical or economic. Modern technology can be imported, national efficiency can be improved but without human factor it cannot be possible to run both of them efficiently and effectively. It is the only human factor, which can change the work ways and constitutes vibrantly the organization. Therefore the need for development of human resources becomes inevitable (Hussain et. al., 2007. Rao, 2008. Strohmeier, Kabst, 2009). It may be conclude that views of employees and management on Training, Development and Compensation practices in industrial ceramic units of India. There is no significance difference between views of management and that of employees of ceramic units in India regarding Training, Development and Compensation practices. 2. Effectiveness of training programmes of Industry: Training and development are essential in providing employees with the right skills for their present and future jobs. The world today is constantly evolving, with customers demanding more, which in turn adds pressure to companies and their employees. Therefore, in times of recessions, decreasing the budgets of training programs is a way for companies in all industries to manage and minimize their financial losses. The purpose of this paper is to identify the will also look at the literature supporting the cost-effective practices of training and development and the methods used to evaluate training programs. In concluding the paper, a set of general recommendations is suggested for the hotel industry and the human resources department when developing cost-effective training programs (Nagi, et. al., 2008). Training and development are essential in providing employees with the right skills for their present and future jobs.


Human Resource Development should be a continuous process in organisation. The nature of efforts and investments develop resource may vary from organisation to organisation depending on its need, nature, size, etc. This may also vary from time to time in the same organisation depending on the nature, change in the organisation is going through or the nature of capabilities the organisation wants to build within it.

Fig.2: Concluding Thoughts by the Author upon effectiveness of Training & Development towards achieving employee’s performance

Human resource developments focuses attention on improving the existing capabilities of human resources in an organisation and helping them to acquire new capabilities required for the achievement of organizational as well as individual goals. Training and development is the most vital tool of human resources development. Training provides knowledge and skills required to perform the job. It is a successful method of reducing accidents, reducing waste and improved quality. Training is an art of doing the job in a correct, effective and efficient manner. One of the most important factors to be taken care of in human resources management is the amount of remuneration to be paid to an employee for a fair days work. Work is the expenditure of human energy for direct remuneration or pay. Pay in one form or another is certainly one of the main springs of

Madhusudan Bijay Samal1* Dr. G. D. Singh2

is concerned with establishing and implementing sound policies and practices of employee compensation. It satisfies physical needs of employees and determines social status.


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Madhusudan Bijay Samal*

KEISIE International University

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