Engagement Level of Employees Working in Gems & Jewelry Sector

by Pandya Padmini Unmesh*, Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 12, Issue No. 1, Feb 2017, Pages 168 - 172 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In the present situation when each economy is confronting the war for ability, the two most rising economies of the world i.e. India are likewise confronting the brunt of this intense issue. Be that as it may, in this viewpoint, employee engagement has been raised as a solid vital choice to tackle the issue at a bigger degree. Through different studies and research, it has been built up that engaged employee is one of the best needs for HR directors all inclusive. It was discovered that the level of employee engagement unequivocally connects with organizational culture, open correspondence with chiefs, compassionate state of mind of the bosses towards the employees, acknowledgment of one's commitments towards the organizational objectives, and opportunity to partake in the basic leadership process, security measures in the organization and HR strategies identified with preparing and advancement, remuneration and advantages and profession improvement. This eventually brings about faithful employees, decreased weakening and expanded performance and profitability.


employee engagement, organizational culture, open communication, compassionate attitude, organizational goals, participation in decision-making, security measures, HR strategies, training and development, compensation and benefits, career development


Generally better administrations, creative items, corporate systems or then again better pay bundles curve expected as the driving elements of organizational achievement and development. Notwithstanding, now a days situation has changed. Presently, every single one of these elements is specifically or in a roundabout way relies upon one part, on whose quality and performance, survival, achievement and development of a company depends. This part is the Human Resources of a company i.e. the general population who work for the company. Employee Engagement is a developing marvel which ought to be entirely dealt with by the directors in the present situation of business condition. The chiefs ought to be quick to recognize whether employees are engaged or disengaged in their workplace, since disengagement or distance can be the important issue of workers for their absence of inspiration and responsibility. Futile work is regularly connected with separation and aloofness from one's own particular work. In such conditions, people are believed to be repelled from their selves. Different looks into utilizing an alternate asset of engagement (association and energy) have connected it to such factors as employee turnover, customer fulfillment - steadfastness, wellbeing and to efficiency and benefit criteria. Fundamentally employee engagement is the key factor which helps increment the employee fulfillment and furthermore it helps using the maximum capacity of the employees. Engagement factors are isolated under after 6 essential classes i.e Work, People, Policies and Practices, Reward, Opportunity, Preparing, Personal Satisfaction. The connection between work fulfillment and employment performance has dubious history 1924-1933 Hawthorne studies helped analysts to know about the connection amongst performance and fulfillment. Since the Hawthorne studies, various analysts have fundamentally analyzed an upbeat employee is a beneficial employee. Iaffaldano and Muchinsky reviewed and found a powerless activity fulfillment and employment performance.


Engagement at work was conceptualized by Kahn, (1990) as the 'bridling of organizational individuals' selves to then work roles'. In engagement, individuals utilize and convey what needs be physically, intellectually, and emotionally amid role performances. Som, (2016), disclose that employees need to realize that administration perceives and bolsters the


applauding them on their work day by day. Giving them criticism is likewise advantageous as it will permit them enhance their levels of work. This will thus spur them to work to as well as can be expected with the end goal for them to add to the accomplishment of the organization. Gunnigle, Heraty, and Morley, (2015), bolster this when they express that "Reward administration has turned out to be particularly essential in pulling in and hold ability and furthermore in affecting engagement, performance and conduct at work" However in spite of the fact that offering appealing reward bundles is useful to all organization everything relies upon their reasonableness. Monetary and social variables shape reward frameworks, and with the present regularly changing financial condition, it has brought about changes being made an excessive number of reward bundles organizations gave. This is because of the way that reward bundles are one of the biggest expenses brought about by all organizations. Cataldo, (2013), portrays effectively disengaged workers as "the most harming employees in the work environment", as they ceaselessly talk severely about the organization to their partners. This thus can affect their associate's work, by continually communicating their misery inside the organization. Mamta, Sharma R. Baldev(2011), directed research on "Investigation of Employee Engagement and its Predictors in an Indian Public Sector Undertaking". This article presents an appraisal of the level of employee engagement among administrators of an open sector undertaking in India. Other than featuring the level of engagement, the examination has distinguished the indicators of organizational submit, which was utilized as a critical sign of employee engagement. Rehman Muhammad Safdar and Waheed Ajmal (2011), directed research on "An Empirical Study of Impact of Job Satisfaction on work Performance in the Public Sector Organizations". The reason for this descriptive-correlational examination was to test connect between work fulfillment, work maintenance and occupation performance. Test of 568 employees from open sector administrative authorities was chosen for this investigation. Utilizing engaging correlative study strategy information was gathered through survey. The employees were by and large happy with their occupations. Sakari Taipale, Kirsikka Selander, Timo Anttila, Jouko Nätti (2011), led look into on "Work engagement in eight European nations: The role of occupation requests, self-sufficiency, and social help" point of this dad per was to base upon built up speculations about employment demands and self-rule, it utilizes a more engagement are as yet uncommon. Thiagarajan B and Renugadevi V (2011), led inquire about on "An exact examination on Employee Engagement Practices in Indian BPO Industries", and the reason for this exploration article is to present employee engagement and key research on engagement related factors in BPO Industries in India. The creators leaded a writing look on employee engagement and interviews with 126 officials. Profession advancement, performance evaluation and inspiration factors are associated with employee engagement. Childs Julian H and Stoeber Joachim (2010), led examine on "Self-Oriented, Other-Oriented, and Socially Prescribed Perfectionism in Employees: Relationships with Burnout and Engagement". This examination analyzes how singular contrasts in self-arranged, other-situated, and socially recommended compulsiveness were related with burnout and engagement in an example of 106 employees. Consequences of relationship and relapse examinations demonstrated that hairsplitting clarified fluctuation in all aspects of burnout (depletion, skepticism, decreased adequacy) and engagement (force, devotion, absorption). Krishnan Sandeep K & Singh Manjari (2010), conducted examine on "Results of aim to stop of Indian IT experts". This examination investigates performance introduction, organizational aberrance, and organizational citizenship conduct as results of goal to stop of Indian IT experts. These elements end up basic with regards to human asset administration since employees who need to stop may turn out to be less beneficial or even useless for the organization. Meetings and a poll based review were utilized as a part of this examination. The underlying outcomes demonstrate that as hypothesized, aim to stop leads to less performance introduction, higher organizational abnormality, and less organizational citizenship conduct. Sharma Baldev R et al (2010), directed research on "Determinants of Employee Engagement in a Private Sector Organization: An Exploratory Study" planned to find out the level of employee engagement and the determinants thereof among the business officials of a private sector organization. Test for the investigation comprises of 51 deals officials of a manufacturing organization located in the National Capital Region.

Pandya Padmini Unmesh1* Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah2 1


Employee Engagement has been portrayed with various perspectives in the writing. A few creators have thought about it as the positive, full of feeling psychological business related perspective that leads employees to effectively express and contribute themselves emotionally, intellectually and physically in their role performance while Truss et al. (2006) have characterized it in an exceptionally straightforward manner i.e. employee engagement is 'energy for work'. Like the scholarly community, the idea of employee engagement has enormous consideration in the industry too due to its linkage with the individual and business results. Different research and conference firms have looked through this idea in a definite way and have given distinctive feelings. For instance, Harter ct al. (2002) from the Gallup Organization characterized employee engagement as "A person's contribution and fulfillment with and additionally eagerness for work". So also, Hewitt Associates characterized employee engagement as "The state in which people are emotionally and intellectually dedicated to the organization as estimated by three essential practices: Say, Stay and Strive". It has given a model of employee engagement drivers too.

Figure 1: Drivers of Employee Engagement.

On the other hand, Blessing White (2013) has defined employee engagement through an alignment of maximum job satisfaction (―I like my work and I do it well‖) with maximum job contribution (―I help in achieving the goals of y organization) and have developed X model of employee engagement which has been shown below.

Figure 2: X Model of Employee Engagement.

On the basis of model, Blessing White (2013) has classified the employees among five categories. They are: a) The Engaged: Employee at the apex level with the alignment of personal and organizational interest; at the position of high contribution and high satisfaction. b) Almost Engaged: High performers and reasonably satisfied but do not have consistency in performance; at the position of medium to high contribution and satisfaction. c) Honeymooners and Hamsters: Honeymooners are new to the organization and their contribution areas and levels are yet to be explored. Hamsters are those who work hard but mostly on non-contributing tasks; at the position of high satisfaction but low contribution. d) Crash and Burners: Those who have worked hard and potentially exhausted but have not achieved their personal definition of success and satisfaction; at the position of high contribution but low satisfaction. e) The Disengaged: Those who are mostly disconnected from organizational priorities; often feels underutilized and are not clear about the way to contribute; at the position of low contribution and satisfaction. Over the previous decade, and especially in the previous three years, managers and employees have confronted human capital difficulties and a questionable economy. The financial downturn that began in 2008 has significantly affected companies and the subsequent choices made by administration. These choices have affected employee engagement levels and recognitions comprehensively, prompting changes in driving drivers of employee engagement.


Studies have shown that there are some critical factors which lead to Employee Engagement. Some of them identified are described below: ● Career Development- Opportunities for Personal Development: Organizations with high levels of engagement provide employees with opportunities to develop their abilities, learn new skills, acquire new knowledge and realize their potential. When companies plan for the career paths of their employees and invest in them in the way their people invest in them. ● Career Development – Effective Management of Talent: Career development influences engagement for employees and retaining the most talented employees and providing opportunities for personal development. ● Leadership- Clarity of Company Values: Employees need to feel that the core values for which their companies stand are unambiguous and clear. ● Leadership – Respectful Treatment of Employees: Successful organizations show respect for each employee‘s qualities and contribution –regardless of their job level. ● Leadership – Company’s Standards of Ethical Behavior: A company‘s ethical standards also lead to engagement of an individual. ● Empowerment: Employees want to be involved in decisions that affect their work. The leaders of high engagement workplaces create a trustful and challenging environment, in which employees are encouraged to dissent from the prevailing orthodoxy and to input and innovate to move the organization forward. largely on their perceptions of the quality of those goods and services. High levels of employee engagement are inextricably linked with high levels of customer engagement. ● Equal Opportunities and Fair Treatment: The employee engagement levels would be high if their bosses (superiors) provide equal opportunities for growth and advancement to all the employees ● Performance appraisal: Fair evaluation of an employee‘s performance is an important criterion for determining the level of employee engagement. The company which follows an appropriate performance appraisal technique (which is transparent and not biased) will have high level impact on employee engagement. ● Pay and Benefits: The Company should have a proper pay system so that the employees are motivated to work in the organization. In order to boost his engagement levels the employees should also be provided with certain benefits and compensations. ● Health and Safety: Research indicates that the engagement levels are low, if the employee does not feel secure while working. Therefore every organization should adopt appropriate methods and systems for the health and safety of their employees. ● Job Satisfaction: Only a satisfied employee can become an engaged employee. Therefore it is very essential for an organization to see to it that the job given to the employee matches his career goals which will make him enjoy his work and he would ultimately be satisfied with his job. ● Communication: The Company should follow the open door policy. There should be both upward and downward communication with the use of appropriate communication channels in the organization. If the employee is given a say in the decision making and has the right to be heard by his boss, then the engagement levels are likely to be high. ● Family Friendliness: A person‘s family life influences his wok life. When an employee realizes that the organization is considering his family‘s benefits also, he will have an

Pandya Padmini Unmesh1* Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah2 1

which leads to engagement. ● Co-Operation: If the entire organization works together by helping each other i.e. all the employees as well as the supervisor‘s co-ordinate well, then the employees will be engaged.


The Study has utilized the Employee Engagement Level information as existing Practices among manufacturing industries to dissect and characterize employee engagement criteria. The Study additionally builds up association between Employee Engagement and it‘s level of maturity which effects on Organizational performance as far as efficiency and gainfulness is concerned. The examination uncovers the said association in elaborative form. It demonstrates that employee engagement is significant for work fulfillment, employee devotion and maintenance in the organization. It makes a solid organization culture which eventually prompts better organization performance. Employee Engagement is kind of a superior ability management which can be leveraged as maintenance system and may infer the recognizable proof of an engaged workforce at all levels, among the Gems and Jewelry sector in India.


1. Kahn, W.A. (1990). Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement at Work; Academy of Management Journal; 33 2. Gunnigle, P., Heraty, N. & Morley, M.J. (2015). Human Resource Management in Ireland. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan. 3. Mamta & R.Baldev (2011). Study of Employee Engagement and its Predictors in an Indian Sec-tor. Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 25, Issue 7, pp-201. 4. Rehman, M.S & Waheed Ajmal (2011). An Empirical Study of Impact of Job Satisfaction on job Performance in the Public Sector Organizations. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Re-search in Business, Vol. 2, Issue 9, pp. 167-181. 5. Sakari, T. et. al. (2011). Work engagement in eight European countries: The role of job demands, autonomy, and social support. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Volume: 31, pp.78-94. Employ-ee Engagement Practices in Indian BPO Indus-tries-An Emperical Investigation. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Busness, Vol.2, Issue 10, pp.134-141. 7. Childs, Julian H. & Stoeber, Joachim (2010) Self-Oriented, Other Oriented and Socially Prescribed Perfectionism in Employees: Relationships with Burnout and Engagement. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, Vol. 25, Issue 4, p269-281. 8. Krishnan, Sandeep. K & Singh, Manjari (2010) Outcomes of intention to quit of Indian IT profes-sionals. Human Resource Management, Vol. 49, Issue 3, pp. 421-437. 9. Sharma, Baldev. R et al (2010) Determinants of Employee Engagement in a Private Sector Organization: An Exploratory Study, Advances in Man-agement, Vol. 3, Issue 10, pp. 52-59.

Corresponding Author Pandya Padmini Unmesh1* Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah2

Department of Human Resource Management, University, International University of America