Impact of Employee Engagement Practices with respect to the Organizations belong G & J Sector in India

Exploring the Evolution and Impact of the Gems and Jewelry Industry

by Pandya Padmini Unmesh*, Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 13, Issue No. 1, Feb 2018, Pages 5 - 10 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The word jewelry is gotten from the word gem, which was Anglicized from the old French jouel roughly in the thirteenth century. Jewelry is one of the most seasoned types of body enhancement. As of late discovered 1,00,000 years of age dots produced using nassarius shells are believed to be the most seasoned known jewelry. The essential capacity of gems and jewelry is to finish and decorate. Be that as it may, interest for various sorts of jewelry is impacted by different elements including its assortments, properties and purchaser's inclinations and so on. Most societies have eventually of time had a routine with regards to keeping a lot of riches put away in type of gems and jewelry. Gems and jewelry have been utilized as exchange merchandise. Gems and jewelry are being utilized since ages for the two it’s tasteful and additionally speculation purposes. The gems and jewelry industry is an intriguing industry. It is customary and in addition exciting. The industry utilizes a great many individuals worldwide. It is really worldwide industry from crude materials handling in Australia, Canada, Africa and Russia to manufacturing in China, Italy, Turkey and retailing in Europe, USA, Middle East and Asia. The worldwide Gems and Jewelry industry is on the way of change. With the advancement of human culture, the different exercises lined up with the jewelry like mining, polishing, cutting, retailing and creation began getting sorted out. At first the industry was thought around a particular topography. Steadily, over some stretch of time, it developed as a worldwide industry.


jewelry, body enhancement, assortments, properties, buyer's preferences, gems, investment purposes, industry, global industry, human culture


There is no general definition on employee engagement. Engagement has been characterized in various diverse courses by scholarly specialists, consultancy and research establishments and organizations. Engagement isn't just about physical energies of including or achieve the assignments, yet additionally about the mental parts of how individuals' encounters of themselves and their work settings. So the meaning of employee engagement incorporates the two employees' brain research about their work and working environment and the came about employee's practices in the work environment. Employee engagement is the accordingly the level of duty and inclusion an employee has towards their organization and its qualities. A drew in employee knows about business setting, and works with associates to enhance performance inside the activity for the advantage of the organization. The organization must work to create and sustain engagement, which requires a two-route connection amongst boss and employee.' Thus Employee engagement is an indicator that decides the relationship of a man with the organization. HR experts trust that the engagement challenge has a great deal to do with how employee feels about the about function involvement and how he or she is dealt with in the organization. It has a ton to do with feelings which are on a very basic level identified with drive main concern accomplishment in an organization. There will dependably be individuals who never give their earnest attempts regardless of how hard HR and line supervisors endeavor to draw in them. "Be that as it may, generally employees need to resolve to organizations in light of the fact that doing as such fulfills a ground-breaking and an essential need in associate with and add to something huge".

Pandya Padmini Unmesh1* Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah2

Engagement ► Highly Engaged:-

These Employees are having ideology like ―What can I do for Others?‖ They Love their work. They even inspire others to do their best and to get success. They feel that they are a high flyer.

► Engaged:-

They feel that they are vital part of the business. They may leave if something much better comes along. They can switch the job for the growth. They are aware by the fact that He/She is an achiever. They are busy person. They know that they are being valued by the Management because of their contributions.

► Almost Engaged

They are aware of the fact that they are a part of something big. But they disengaged sometimes. They have sense of proud to work in the particular organization but not so obsessed like Engaged Employee. They are aware of the fact that there are no career developments. They may leave if they will be tempted by something better. the fact. They have sense of feeling that they have poor working conditions. They do not like to work in their team and even they are not so satisfied with their Managers or don‘t like to work in team.

► Disengaged

They work for money only and they work by the time only. They can leave job at any time. They are not satisfied with their Job and the work doesn‘t excite them. They are totally disengaged by their work.

● What makes employees engaged?

The impact of employee engagement on employee's working conduct and organizational results is noteworthy. We do accept engaged employees will bring efficiency, gainfulness and business achievement, more vital thing is driving employee engagement for better organizational results. Understanding what are the precursors and what components in organization makes employee engaged or disengaged is basic for driving employee engagement.

● HR’s role in employee engagement

Organization‘s HR system including reward, benefit and performance management practices can motivate employees to work and help achieving organization‘s ambition. And staffing, training and development practices contribute to employee‘s capabilities development and ensure the functional excellence which means right people in the right position. HR development practices can also enhance leaders and managers‘ capability so that employees can work under a supportive environment. HR also play an important role in fostering the organizational cultural and create a desired work environment through the organizational design and job design practices (Castellano, N.D.).Task characteristics are found to be important job resources. The skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and performance feedback are the job. Resources at task level and have found to be related to positive work outcomes (Bakker et al., 2004).Similarly, employees will experience more psychological meaningfulness when the work is perceived challenging, clearly delineated, varied, creative and with a lot of autonomy (Kahn, 1990) which in turn will influence their engagement. Performance feedback, reward and praise, opportunities for professional development, role clarification are the key drivers of employee

Pandya Padmini Unmesh1* Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah2

Figure 1: Theoretical Model of Employee Engagement Employee Engagement and Organizational performance of G&J Sector in India of G&J Sector in India

Employee engagement is a basic element of individual and organizational achievement. It predicts employee results, organizational achievement, and money related performance. The impact of engagement (or disengagement) can show itself through efficiency and organizational performance of G&J Sector in India of G&J Sector in India, results for clients of the organization, employee standards for dependability, organizational culture, and support of the organization and its outer image (Schaufeli and Bakker 2008)[2]. Further, Employee engagement is an intense idea that organizations can use to enhance a considerable lot of their business capacities, including wellbeing performance. The level of employee engagement is specifically identified with tending to the six key components above and the level of inclusion that employees are given in dealing with their work procedures, practices, and exercises. A portion of the ways that employees can wind up associated with tending to the wellbeing of the work in which they will be engaged may incorporate partaking underway objective appraisal, having contribution to arranging the work, surveying the hazard, assessing the strategies, recommending conceivable practice strategies, tending to coordination, choosing hazard alleviation systems, having the "right" data, and so on. managers, have staffs that are learned of the operational capacities, and have a profound understanding of human instinct. They will likewise need to have an edified administration, a culture and atmosphere that encourage and bolster engagement, adjusted organizational and operational frameworks. The degree to which these aspects are actualized and work flawlessly will decide the level of engagement and the results that drive the organization's prosperity. ► HYP1: Higher the Employee Engagement better is the Organizational performance of India. ► HYP1a: Vigor decidedly prompts Organizational performance of G&J Sector in India. ► HYP1b: Dedication decidedly prompts Organizational performance of G&J Sector in India. ► HYP1c: Absorption decidedly prompts Organizational performance of G&J Sector in India. The above research display is indicating connection between free factor Employee Engagement and ward variable Organizational performance of G&J Sector in India.

Fig 2: Theoretical Framework


• Kular et al. (2008) investigated Five key zones: What does 'employee engagement‘ mean? How would engagement be able to be overseen?; What are the outcomes of engagement for organizations?; How does engagement relate toother singular attributes?; How is engagement identified with employee voice and portrayal?

Pandya Padmini Unmesh1* Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah2

remains a lot of extension for examining the different methodologies. • Simpson (2009) examined that the present condition of information about engagement at work through a survey of the writing. This survey featured the four lines of engagement look into and centers on the determinants and results of engagement at work. • Susi and Jawaharrani(2011) analyzed a portion of the writing on Employee engagement, investigate work-put culture and work-life balancepolicies and practices followed in industries so as to advance employee engagement in their organizations to build their employees' efficiency and hold them. Work-life adjust is key driver of employees' fulfillment. • Ram and Gantasala (2011) researched the precursors and outcomes of employee engagement in Jordanian Industry. • Bhatla (2011) concentrated on the requirement for such employees and how their quality can enhance the advance and work proficiency of the organization in general .Also centered around the difficulties looked by the HR administrators to enhance employee engagement for an organization's survival. • Shashi (2011) strengthened the significance of employee correspondence on the accomplishment of a business. She uncovered that an organization ought to understand the significance of employees, more than some other variable, as the most intense supporter of an organization's focused position. • Bijaya KumarSundaray (2011) concentrated on different variables which prompt employee engagement and what should organization do to make the employees engaged. Appropriate consideration on engagement techniques will build the organizational viability regarding higher efficiency, benefits, quality, consumer loyalty, employee maintenance and expanded flexibility • Siddhanta and Roy (2012) investigated suggestions for hypothesis, additionally research and practices by orchestrating current 'Employee Engagement' exercises being rehearsed by the corporate with the audit of discoveries from past inquires about/studies. exploratory in nature and the information has been gathered from a tin producing organization. • Hewitt characterizes employee engagement is the vitality, energy, "terminate in the stomach" employees have for their employees, so as they stay(desire to be an individual from theorganisation) say (talk emphatically about the organization) and endeavor (go past what is negligibly required). • Luthans and Peterson (2002) explained on Kahn‟s chip away at employee engagement, which gives a joined hypothesis to Gallup‟s observationally determined employee engagement. They opined that to be sincerely engaged is to shape important associations with others and to encounter compassion for them. Interestingly, being subjectively engaged alludes to the individuals who are intensely mindful of their central goal and part in their workplace • Dvir, Eden, Avolio, and Shamir (2002) characterized dynamic engagement as far as elevated amounts of movement, activity, and duty. • Towers Perrin (2003), characterizes that engagement includes both passionate and reasonable components identifying with work and the general work understanding. • Wellins and Concelman (2004) recommend that "Employee engagement is the illusive power that persuades employees to more elevated amounts of performance. This pined for vitality is an amalgam of "responsibility, steadfastness, efficiency and proprietorship." they additionally included that it incorporates, "sentiments and states of mind employees have towards their jobs and their organization." Search for related literature is a difficult task, asking for a deep insight and clear perspective of the overall field. More literature is found in study of the Engagement Level of the Employees Working in Gems & Jewelry Sector, India in various industries but the research topic of this study is one of the topics on which either very less or no research has been done in diamond units. For the purpose of the present study the literature review is done on the following basis.

Pandya Padmini Unmesh1* Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah2

Employee Engagement, some basic practices and social standards developed among high prioritizes overviewed and met for this examination. Business objectives and methodology were plainly imparted by means of various channels and fortified by line administrators; performance measurements were unmistakably fixing to business objectives; benchmarking was broadly utilized both inside and outside organizations and industries; employees were given a reasonable level of obligation and requested to work inventively to take care of issues; formal acknowledgment programs were set up to remunerate top performance; and there was a better to measure of self-governance, where numerous choices could be made on the individual group level versus at base camp. The most well-known estimations best-rehearse organizations are utilizing to interface engagement to business performance were those that tied client measurements with engagement measurements. In particular, various best-hone organizations talked with discovered NPS and the administration benefit bind to be ground-breaking apparatuses to interface engagement activities with business objectives.


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Pandya Padmini Unmesh1* Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah2

Corresponding Author Pandya Padmini Unmesh*

Department of Human Resource Management, University, International University of America