Impact by Varying PV Panel and Cooling of Glass Cover on the Performance Analysis of Composite Photovoltaic Thermal (PV/T) Solar Collector

Enhancing Efficiency of Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collectors with Glass Cover Cooling

by Shailesh Patidar*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 14, Issue No. 1, Feb 2019, Pages 33 - 40 (8)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Photovoltaic cells suffer from a drop in efficiency with the rise in temperature due to increased resistance Such systems can be engineered to carry heat away from the PV cells thereby cooling the cells and thus improving their efficiency by lowering resistance. Although this is an effective method, it causes the thermal component to under-perform compared to a thermal collector. Recent research showed that photovoltaic materials with low temperature coefficients. Integration of photovoltaic panel and solar thermal technologies into one single solar energy device, with dual generation of electricity and heat energy. The main aim of this research work is to improve the overall efficiency by the film type water cooling on the collector glass cover and also the take the performance of the PV panel is suitable for this system have to choose. Hence, solar collectors fabricated from locally available materials and tested in climate conditions of GIT Campus. Various parameters like isolation, temperatures at various locations, voltage, and current measured with help of calibrated Instruments. Result shows that, integration of Hybrid solar collector with Poly Crystalline panel gives more performance compared with hybrid solar collector with Mono crystalline panel. Reason behind the performance is with poly crystalline thermal efficiency and electrical efficiency increased rather than mono crystalline used in hybrid solar collector. Here the over efficiency gives the poly crystalline is 5.11 increased rather than used the mono crystalline, Also, another result shows that when the cooling apply over the glass cover of the hybrid solar collector the overall efficiency increased 12.46 compared with without cooling of glass cover.


Photovoltaic cells, efficiency, temperature, resistance, thermal collector, photovoltaic panel, solar thermal technologies, water cooling, performance, Poly Crystalline panel


Energy consumption increases very rapidly as the world developing. Conventional sources are not able to fulfill the today energy needs. Fossil fuels are the main conventional sources for energy production till now. The two main limitations of fossil fuels: Limited in quantity and environment pollution makes the world think for alternative energy sources. Renewable energy sources eliminate the weaknesses of conventional sources. But because of less knowledge about these sources and high initial cost of the conversion systems limits the use of these resources. From the renewable energy resources, solar energy has a huge potential for the fulfillment of today energy needs. The total solar radiation energy falling on earth atmosphere is 1017 watts Amount of solar radiations reaches earth is 1016 watts, this is 1000 times more than the world energy need. So if 5% of this energy is utilized, this is 50 times of world energy demand.


In Solar water heater water is heated by the use of solar energy. Solar heating systems are generally composed of solar thermal collectors, a fluid system to move the heat from the collector to its point of usage. Fig 1.1 shows the different parts of solar water heater. The system may use electricity for pumping the fluid, and have a reservoir or tank for heat storage and subsequent use. The systems may be used to heat water for a wide variety of uses, including home, business and industrial uses. Heating swimming pools, under floor heating or energy input for space heating or cooling are more specific examples. Fig 1.1: Solar water heater


Solar collectors are the devices used to convert solar energy into heat energy. Solar collector with associate absorber (absorb the solar radiation) collects and converts the solar energy into heat energy that can be used in many applications. Fig.1.2 shows the working principal of solar collector. Fig.1.2. Working Principle of solar collector In the Fig 1.3 some collectors are given which are used for to convert solar energy into heat energy with their approximate working temperature range. Fig.1.3. Type of Solar Collector


Flat-plate collectors are very common and are available as liquid based and air-based collectors. These collectors are better suited for moderate temperature applications where the demand temperature is 30 0C - 70 0C and/or for applications that require heat during the winter months. Fig.1.4. Flat Plate Liquid Collector The air-based collectors are used for the heating of buildings, ventilation air and crop-drying. In this type of collector a flat absorber plate efficiently transforms sunlight into heat. To minimize heat escaping, the plate is located between a glazing (glass pane or transparent material) and an insulating panel. The glazing is chosen so that a maximum amount of sunlight will pass though it and reach the absorber. Figure 1.3 represents the constructional features of flat plate collectors.


These systems combine a photovoltaic cell, which converts electromagnetic radiation (photons) into electricity, with a solar thermal collector, which captures the remaining energy and removes waste heat from the PV module. Photovoltaic (PV) cells suffer from a drop in efficiency with the rise in temperature due to increased resistance. Such systems can be the engineered to carry heat away from the PV cells thereby cooling the cells and thus improving their efficiency by lowering resistance. Fig.1.5. Energy Losses from PV Panel The electricity conversion – efficiency of a solar cell for commercial application is about 6-15 %, more than 85% of the incoming solar energy is either reflected or absorbed as heat energy.

In order to write the energy balanced equation the following assumption have been made. • The heat capacity of photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) collector has been neglected in comparison with the heat capacity of water in the storage tank. • There is no temperature stratification in the water of the storage tank due to forced mode of operation. • One dimension heat conduction is good approximation for the present study. • The system is in quasi-steady state. • The ohmic losses in the solar cell are negligible. The energy balance equations for each component of (PV/T) solar water heating system are as follows, (i) For Solar Cells of PV Module (Glass-Glass) (ii) For Blackened Absorber Plate Temperature Below the PV Module (Glass-Glass) (iii) For Water Flowing Through an Absorber Pipe Below the PV Module (Glass-Glass) The energy balance of flowing water through absorber pipe is given by, The rate of thermal energy available at the end of absorber PV module (glass-glass) is evaluated as, (iv) The Rate of Thermal Energy Available at the End of First Collector Following Tiwari [12], the rate of thermal energy available from the first flat plate collector can be evaluated as, An expression for the rate of thermal energy available at the end of second collector will be as follows On solving the Eqs. (4), (5) and (6) we get, (vi) Energy Balance for Complete Water Heating System The rate of thermal energy available at the outlet of second collector is fed into insulated storage tank, and then the energy balance of whole system will be, The above equation can be solved by assuming Tfi = Tw, due to perfectly insulating connecting pipes. Using Eq. (7) the tank water temperature can be obtained by as, Where,

On solving the above differential equation the expression for tank water temperature can be obtained as, thermodynamics, and the expression for total thermal gain can be defined as, Overall thermal output from a PV/T system = thermal energy collected by the PV/T system + (Electrical output / çpower) where, çpower is the electric power generation efficiency for a conventional power plant. This is so because electrical energy is a high-grade form of energy which is required for operation of DC motor. This electrical energy has been converted to equivalent thermal by using electric power generation efficiency as 0.38 for a conventional power plant . In the case of withdrawal from tank the thermal energy output from the tank can be written as,


Proposed set-up of the Experiment:

Fig.2.1 Line diagram of Proposed set-up of the Experiment Series connected glass cover was used in collector. Thermal losses through the collector backs are mainly due to the conduction across the insulation (thickness of bottom side insulation 6 cm and side insulation thickness 1.5 cm). The absorber plate surface which is the most important part of the solar water heater consist of a circular cross sectional liquid tube made of copper material. The distance between glass cover and absorber plate is 3 cm and thickness of collector is 10 cm.

Figure 2.2 Solar PVT system set-up

The water tank is provided to collect the heated water. The capacity of tank is 30 litre with protecting insulation. Four valves are provided for circulation of water in collector. There are two valves for water inlet and outlet and other two valves are provided on liquid tube to measure the mass flow rate and maintain water overflow. All valves are made from brass material. Two plastic pipes are used for circulating the water between water tank to collector and collector to water tank by using pump and the pipes of pump are joined with tube by clamping. The D.C pump of 12 Watt is used in the collector. The collector water is circulated by pump. In this system, 8 switches thermocouple is used to measure the different temperature of collector. The angle protector is provided in PVT collector construction to set the angle using angle protector. It is made from M.S. bar.

Figure 2.3Voltmeter and Ammeter

Figure 2.4 Pyrenometer and Anemometer.


Measurement of Test Series

Preliminary measurements determined that first fractions of solar radiation at about 9:00 AM of local time. Distillate output and temperature augmentation in the time span before 9:00 AM and after 5:00 PM proved to be negligible. For this reason, the following parameters will be measured in an interval of one hour from 9:00 AM local time to 5:00 PM. Parameter to be measured ► Solar Radiation [W/m2] ► Water inlet temp [°C] ► Water outlet temp [°C] ► Ambient temperature [°C] ► Heat gain (Q) ► Thermal efficiency (ηTH) ► Overall efficiency (ηOVER)

Heat gain (Q) =m*Cp (T0-T1)

Q= heat gain m= mass flow rate Cp = specific heat 4.187 TO= Outlet water temp (°C) T1= inlet water temp (°C)

Thermal efficiency (ηi) = m*Cp (T0-T1)/A*G


G= Solar Radiation [W/m2] measured current (A) and V is the measured voltage (V). The electrical conversion efficiency of the two systems was calculated using equation , where Ac is the area of the collector aperture and G the incident solar radiation (W/m2) on aperture.

The total instantaneous output of both PVT collectors was calculated by adding the thermal and electrical output and the overall efficiency calculated using equation


Table-1 Experimental Observation of Hybrid solar collector with Mono-PV (photovoltaic panel)

Fig 3.1 Relation between local time and insolation for Mono-PV panel

Fig 3.1 show relation between local time (Hr) and Insolation (w/m2). All the figures show that, Insolation increases from morning 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM noon due to increase of solar radiation and then decrease from 1:00 PM to evening 5:00 PM due to low sunshine hours. Here, average highest sunshine hours obtained during 1:00 PM of 940 (w/m2) and lowest sunshine hours obtained during morning 9:00 AM of 360 (w/m2).

Fig 3.2 Relation between local time, insolation and thermal efficiency for Mono- PV panel Fig.3.2 shows relation between Local Time (Hr), insolation (watt/m2).and thermal efficiency of solar collector. average highest thermal efficiency gained by solar collector at 1 PM of 17.82 % and least at 9 AM 5.82% .


Table-2 Experimental Observation of Hybrid Solar collector with Poly-PV (photovoltaic) panel Fig 3.4 Relation between local time, insolation and temp overall efficiency for Poly- PV panel Fig.3.4 shows relation between Time (Hr), Insolation (w/m2) and Temperature difference of water outlet and inlet. In all the figures, they show that, by increasing insolation temperature difference is also increase. Because, When solar energy striking the collector, it comes in contact with pipes in which water is flowing, hence latent heat of vaporization is gained by water and water temperature increase. Due to increase of water temperature at outlet, difference of water temperature at inlet and outlet is increase. It is very desirable for design of any Fig 3.5 Relation between local time, insolation and thermal efficiency for Poly-PV panel

Fig.3.5 shows relation between Local Time (Hr), insolation (watt/m2).and thermal efficiency of solar collector. Average highest thermal efficiency gained by solar collector at 9AM of 19.03 % and least at 5PM 6.90 %

Table-3 Compression between overall Efficiency of Hybrid Solar collectors with Different PV (Photovoltaic panel)

Fig.3.6 Relation between local time and overall efficiency Fig 3.6 show comparison of without and with cooling of hybrid solar PVT collector .here shows that the thermal efficiency is the higher than the without cooling .here also shows that the overall efficiency is higher than the without cooling. Average increase of overall efficiency of 12.46 %


Following points were concluded from the dissertation work of single and double flat plate collector with photovoltaic panel. • This system is not only used to heat the water but also increase electrical efficiency, improvement in PV panel and also increase overall efficiency of flat plate collector. • Solar insolation is increase from morning 9 am to 1 pm noon and decrease after 1 pm in hybrid solar collector. • Hybrid solar collector with mono crystalline panel Thermal efficiency is 11.13 % and with poly crystalline panel is 11.56 %,hence the With poly crystalline panel possess slightly higher thermal efficiency compared with mono crystalline panel used in hybrid solar collector. • overall efficiency of hybrid solar collector with Mono crystalline is 12.79% and with Poly crystalline is 13.48 %, hence hybrid solar collector with Poly crystalline panel possess higher overall efficiency (combination of thermal and electrical) compared with Mono crystalline panel. • Overall efficiency of hybrid solar collector with glass cooling is 15.40 % and without glass cooling is 13.48 %,hence hybrid solar collector with glass cooling possess higher overall efficiency compared with without glass cooling.


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Corresponding Author Shailesh Patidar*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SS College of Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, India