Compare the Satisfaction Level of Customers of Public Sector Banks As Well As Private Sector Bank

Analyzing Customer Satisfaction in Public and Private Sector Banks in Delhi, India

by Prof. (Dr.) Kabeer Sharma*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 14, Issue No. 1, Feb 2019, Pages 90 - 94 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The reason for this examination is to analyze the customer satisfaction in public and private sectors banks working in Delhi city of India. The information was gathered through an organized survey using a five point Likert scale. For measurable investigation of information, mean and standard deviation were utilized. The quantity of members was 160 customers (80 from private banks and 80 from public banks). The outcomes uncover huge contrasts among public and private sector saves money as to customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction in private bank is more when contrasted with public sectors banks. The administration quality components of physical assets, responsiveness, dependability, confirmation and compassion impact the customers generally speaking satisfaction. The substantial quality measurement is discovered to be the most persuasive indicator of customer satisfaction, while compassion measurement is the least satisfaction impacting factor with customer satisfaction. The aftereffects of this examination will be useful to the bank supervisors and different partners so as to evaluate the administration nature of banks in India and furthermore help to take a superior procedure to fulfill their current customers' requests and prerequisites in the serious business condition.


customer satisfaction, public sector banks, private sector banks, Delhi city, India, survey, Likert scale, mean, standard deviation, administration quality, physical assets, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, compassion, satisfaction influencing factors, bank managers, stakeholders, competitive business environment


Banks assume a critical part for the advancement of economy of a country. Present day banking framework is the way to development and improvement of exchange and trade. In India, nationalized business banks were set up in 1972 through combination of twelve business banks that were working in pre-independent of India. Yet, these banks couldn't assume the satisfactory parts in the execution of administrative plans and strategies. Thusly, a pattern of de-nationalization of banks began from mid 80's. So as to give more attributes and advances to nearby speculators and financial specialists, the private sector banking had been presented. Presently, the financial sector in India works in a more serious condition than previously. Because of the globalization and free market economy, this industry is confronting serious rivalry in India. Rivalry among banks is developing constantly and that is the reason offering great types of assistance to customers is turning out to be increasingly more significant for these banks. To get by in the market, banks need to bargain different kinds of customer regular and give different sorts of administrations. The objective for each bank ought to be to make its customers fulfilled. Customer is known as the ruler of market. Plainly if the bank can make the customer fulfilled, the customer will return again to the bank and the customers may likewise advise to a portion of their companions and family members about the great administrations they got. In this way, for accomplishing the essential target of any bank, making new customers and holding the current one are significant. Quality in administration has become a significant factor in business ventures particularly for banking sectors. Along these lines, it is important to quantify the administration nature of banks. This paper attempts to gauge the customer satisfaction both in private and public sectors banks working in India.


Customer satisfaction is a showcasing term that estimates how items or administrations provided by an organization meet a customer's desire. It is the best marker of how likely a customer will make a connection with an organization. A customer can be characterized as an individual or business that buys the administrations delivered by the business associations. The proficiency of a financial sector relies on how best it can convey administrations to its objective customers.

the expense and advantage of any item or administration. Customer satisfaction is a relative term and hence it is hard to decide. The degree of satisfaction shifts from individual to individual, item to item and administration to support. Customer satisfaction helps to repurchase item that at last prompts increment the brand dependability of business association. Kotler and Armstrong (2012) expressed that customer satisfaction is how much an item's apparent exhibition coordinates a purchaser's desires. Kaura (2013) has done an examination on customer devotion in Indian business banks. She arranged assistance comfort into choice accommodation, access accommodation, exchange comfort, advantage comfort and post advantage comfort. As per her, choice comfort impacts customer satisfaction more than different elements of administration accommodation. Akhtar et al. (2016) proposed that administration quality, customer satisfaction, unwaveringness programs have positive effect on customer dedication so bank ought to acquaint more faithfulness programs with their devoted customers to fulfill them and furthermore give them best help quality to hold them. Ali and Raza (2015) found that the multidimensional help quality scale is emphatically and altogether connected with the unidimensional size of customer satisfaction. Paul et al. (2016) did similar examination to analyze the effect of different help quality factors on the general satisfaction of customers and think about the private and public sector banks utilizing an example from India. They contended that the segments of administration quality that are emphatically related are not the equivalent in public sector banks as they are in private sector banks. Appearance is the main factor that is contrarily connected with satisfaction of customer both in private and public sector banks. Bilika et. al. (2016) upheld that administration quality has a positive and critical impact on customer satisfaction and that customer satisfaction bears a solid effect on customer faithfulness. Ragavan and Mageh (2013) estimated the impact of administration quality measurements on customer generally speaking satisfaction. The outcome exhibits that the most significant assistance quality practice on customer satisfaction is responsiveness as it is seen as a prevailing help quality. satisfaction was found from various districts (Lone et. al., 2017). In the light of the above investigations, it tends to be inferred that there are not many examinations zeroing in on a similar examination of administration quality on customer satisfaction in public and private sector banks with regards to India.


The destinations of the examination are as per the following: • To distinguish different components of customers' satisfaction of both private and public sectors banks in Delhi city of India. • To know in which administration quality measurement the bank is performing great and in which measurement it needs improvement. • To assess the effect of administration traits offered by the banks fair and square of satisfaction of customers.


The investigation depends on a study directed in Delhi city with the assistance of essential and auxiliary information. The information assortment occurred from July to September 2017. Information were gathered utilizing the survey and individual contact approach. Bilingual surveys (i.e., Bangla and English) were utilized for assortment of information. Auxiliary information were gathered from the books, magazines, periodicals and sites. Basic irregular testing procedure is received for assortment of essential information. It included equivalent extent from both private and public sector banks. Information were gathered from four public banks viz., Sonali Bank Ltd., Agrani Bank Ltd., Rupali Bank Ltd., Janata Bank Ltd. what's more, four private banks viz., Bank Asia Ltd., South Bangla Agricultural and Commerce Bank Ltd., India Commerce Bank Ltd, Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. in Delhi city. It was wanted to choose 20 customers haphazardly from each bank making a sum of 160 customers (80 from public sectors banks and the rest 80 from private sectors banks) as test by making individual visit to the particular bank. The administration quality model created by Parsuraman et al. (1988) has been utilized to quantify the administration nature of banks. As indicated by this model, customers can assess an association's administration quality by contrasting their impression of its administration and their own desires. The poll was a SERVQUAL one comprising of 20 explanations in 5 key measurements to be specific physical assets, properties dependent on various help measurements are positioned and appraised by the customer to distinguish the significance of each assistance trait. The Likert scale utilized for the estimation of satisfaction level is: Strongly disagree= 1, Disagree= 2, Neutral= 3, Agree= 4 Strongly agree= 5. After the information have been gathered, these were gone into Microsoft exceed expectations and were ready for examination. For examination of the information, weighted mean and standard deviation of satisfaction level had been utilized.


Segment Profile of the Respondents: In this examination, the segment profile regarding sexual orientation, age, length of record with the bank and so on are arranged and their reactions were dissected as appeared in the accompanying Table 1 so as to show the assorted variety of members of both private and public sector banks.

Table 1: Demographical data of the respondents

The outcomes in Table 1 show that male members are the larger part respondents as spoken to by 75% banks most of respondents' age is in the scope of 25 - 35 years. In the event that we see the occupation, at that point larger part respondents have govt. work in public banks, while in the private banks, the money managers are the significant respondents. The bigger aspect of customers' instructive capabilities in public banks is graduates and in private banks is higher auxiliary. Concerning the month to month family pay, the respondents of public banks have less pay than private banks. Finally, concerning term of record with the bank, the bigger number of respondents has been a customer for a time of 1 - 5 years in the two sectors of banks. Measurement savvy Service Quality Analysis: In this examination, administration quality for private and public sector banks was estimated through the survey where respondents were needed to show the degree to which they concur or differ with each property of administration measurements to be specific substance, dependability, affirmation, responsiveness and sympathy. The factual investigation and clarifications of these administration qualities are delineated in the Tables underneath:

Table 2: Perceptions of customers comparable to banks substantial quality

The information in Table 2 get to light the qualification in the impression of the banks—public sectors banks and private sectors saves money with their pertinent customers on effects measurement. More mean and less standard deviation shows more significant variables for customer satisfaction. In the event of the apparent multitude of characteristics of substance the mean positions of private banks are higher than the public sector banks. Public banks have a weighted mean estimation of 3.60 and standard deviation of 0.94. Then again, private banks have a weighted mean estimation of 4.27 and standard deviation of 0.65. This plainly uncovers private sector banks offer better substantial types of assistance and shows that if there should be an occurrence of private banks the physical offices are more alluring and the representatives are additionally more amazing in their appearances than the public banks. The most minimal satisfaction mean score for public banks is for the perceivability of inside and outside side of banks and for private banks, the least mean is for the area of bank characteristic. It is likewise obvious that among all the properties of substance measurement, the slick

Table 3: Perceptions of customers corresponding to banks dependability

Results in Table 3 demonstrate the significant varieties in the perception of public sectors manages an account with their particular customers when this is contrasted and private sector banks. Private sector banks have a normal mean score of 4.05 with standard deviation of 0.66 and public sector banks have a normal mean score of 3.48 with standard deviation of 0.87. This infers customers are happier with private sector banks than in public sector banks. The factor astute examination of unwavering quality measurement clarifies that customers feel the private banks have better capacity to play out the guaranteed benefits constantly and precisely. Then again, in public sector banks the most elevated property for dependability measurement is keeping up blunder free record administration by the bank. The least satisfaction mean score for public sector banks is set apart for the property for example at whatever point customer encounters issue, the bank staffs handle it unmistakably. Private sector banks are better in the event of indicating enthusiasm for tackling customer's issues and performing right assistance at the first run through.

Table 4: Perceptions of customers according to banks affirmation

The factor insightful investigation of confirmation measurement represents that private sectors bank is more noteworthy than the view of their customers than public sector banks (Table 4). Both in private and public sectors banks, felling safe in exchanges has the best mean score than different properties. Considerate and amenable conduct of representative in public banks shows the most reduced mean score among all the traits. The satisfaction scores for all properties of confirmation measurement in private sector banks are agreeable. Then again, in public sector banks, the normal mean score for all credits are not up to the norm. That is the reason customers are more fulfilled in all traits for confirmation

Table 5: Perceptions of customers according to banks responsiveness

The Table 5 shows the various traits mean score for responsiveness measurement for both private and public sector banks. Investigation unmistakably shows that private sector banks surpass the degree of satisfaction of their customers when contrasted with public sectors banks in regard of responsiveness measurement. The weighted mean positions of the apparent multitude of things under the responsiveness measurement are higher in the event of private sector banks (4.12) in contrast with the public sector banks (3.46). Among the qualities of responsive measurement, the customers' solicitations are dealt with quickly has the most reduced satisfaction level in both sector banks. The most noteworthy satisfaction mean score in both private and public sector banks has appeared .On the other hand, giving snappy administrations to customers by the bank staff has indicated the most noteworthy satisfaction mean score in both sector banks.

Table 6: Perceptions of customers corresponding to banks compassion

the private and public sectors banks (Table 6). The weighted mean score is nearly the equivalent in public and private sectors banks. The factor for example passing exchanges in a mindful way has the most elevated satisfaction scores in both sector banks. Then again, the least mean for public banks is the situation for investing customers' much energy in long lines and this is likewise the equivalent in private sector banks.


In current serious business condition getting together of customer satisfaction is significant. Customer satisfaction changes as indicated by the idea of the administrations gave by banks. As per the investigation, the most elevated customer satisfaction is appeared in the substance appearance of workers, the appropriate area of banks impact profoundly the customer satisfaction. The practically same satisfaction level is appeared in the responsive measurement, for example, at whatever point administration required bank staff gives snappy administrations, tackling customers' issues and so on. Then again, moderate satisfactions are in the unwavering quality regions, for example, keeping up mistake free record, giving administrations at guaranteed time and so forth. This is trailed by confirmation territories, for example, having a sense of security in exchanges, banking information on representative and so forth. Customer level of satisfaction for the compassion measurement doesn't contrast altogether in both private and public sectors banks which imply that working hour of banks and worker want to comprehend the customers don't vary much in both sector banks. All things considered, from the above examination, it very well may be presumed that when the trait savvy investigation is made, the private sector banks have contributed a lot to their customers than by public sector banks in all the administration characteristics and in all points of view. Subsequently, the customers are happier with private banks than in public sector banks. So as to fulfill the customers, both public and private sector banks need to discover the powerless regions to help the supervisors to take plan and choices for meeting up the customers' prerequisite. As the normal satisfaction level for all components of public sector banks is lower than private sector banks, the public sector banks ought to accentuate more on improving the administrations regarding substance, dependability, responsiveness, affirmation and sympathy. Affable and neighborly practices of representative are basic to fulfill the customers in public sector banks. They ought to have engaging and open agreeableness conditions, general media screen, public notification board and so forth. In addition, both public and private sectors banks should focus on increment the satisfaction level with sympathy measurement as it has indicated the least weighted mean satisfaction level. This can be conceivable by passing exchanges in a mindful way, having accommodation working hours and furthermore helpful branches and outlets to every one of their customers. Overall, both sector banks need to zero in on customers' arranged administrations so as to make progress of business.


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Corresponding Author Prof. (Dr.) Kabeer Sharma*

President, Shri Khushal Das University, Hanumangarh, Rajasthan