Study on Strategy for a Sustainable Environment

Analyzing the Research Trend and Literature of Environmental Sustainability Engineering

by Sachin .*, Dr. Vijay D. Kulkarni,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 15, Issue No. 2, Aug 2020, Pages 1 - 5 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The aim of this paper is to outline the research trend, define the literature categorization and research focuses of environmental sustainability engineering research from the perspective of historical evaluation based on the top five highest impact factor journals in the Journal Citation Report of the Institute of Scientific Information. Time horizon is used as the methodology to classify the research articles. This paper will reflect the evolution of research in the field of environmental sustainability by carrying out the comprehensive assessment of 29,616 research articles across a 24-year time span. The research in sustainability is growing rapidly and two research focuses appear at the highest count—water research and pollution control and prevention. Moreover, the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology has emerged as the journal with the highest sustainability research published over the years. The implication of the results in our study contributes to the direction of future research in the discipline of sustainability.


sustainable environment, research trend, literature categorization, environmental sustainability engineering, historical evaluation, impact factor journals, time horizon, evolution of research, comprehensive assessment, water research, pollution control and prevention, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, future research, discipline of sustainability


In recent years natural disasters and climate disasters often occur in Indonesia which Cause many losses both lives and property. According to BNPB, in 2017, there were 2,372 disasters in Indonesia. In 2018 it increased to 2,426 times disaster events Unfortunately, some types of natural disasters can actually be predicted beforehand by studying the physical condition of nature by avoiding development in certain locations. As a result, despite spatial planning, natural disasters in regions throughout Indonesia continue to occur and cause losses that can actually be minimized by spatial planning that is adaptive to environmental conditions. Any changes in the regional space in the form of development will cause changes in the quality of the environment both positive and negative. [1] In May 1996, the United Nations Population Fund reported that in the year 2006 more than half the world‘s projected 6.6 billion people will be living in urban areas. This raises the prospect of crowded, violent and unhealthy cities threatened by the escalation of social conflict, and intolerable environmental degradation, and the collapse of basic services Los Angeles Times 1996. As an antidote to these economic, social, and environmental ills, city and regional planning regimes embodying ‗urban sustainability‘ must be constituted. However, planning regimes oriented towards ‗urban sustainability‘ can be adapted from approaches formulated in cities and regions where problems of infrastructure, social equity, and urbanization of the environment have been creatively addressed. [2] The Rio Summit established sustainable development as the guiding vision for the development efforts of all countries. At Rio, and in later commitments, all governments undertook to establish and implement national sustainable development strategies. The strategies for sustainable development called for at Rio are foreseen as highly participatory instruments intended ―to ensure socially responsible economic development while protecting the resource base and the environment for the benefit of future generations‖. The Rio Agenda 21 was reaffirmed most recently in the Millennium Summit Declaration. The International Development Goals call specifically for the ―establishment of sustainable development strategies by 2005. [3] The environment itself is a system of systems that, from the viewpoint of human existence and development, is a part of the superior system of systems, the human system . From the given fact that it is evidently impossible to elevate the environment existence and return to original state under the interests connected with human existence and development, but, simultaneously, it is impossible to damage the environment human needs and environment into the practice, based on our knowledge and experience. Their impact and benefits are monitored in the way that allows carrying out the corrective measures if they seem to be necessary. [4] Today‘s Industrial growth in India is tremendous and showing accelerative trend, since the enactment of economic liberalization policies in 1991. Economic liberalisation had a great impact on industrial units exclusively on manufacturing units, because the growth of this sector is magnificent over the time periods that is pre-liberalisation period to post liberalisation i.e., increase in the presence of manufacturing units, from 98,379 in a pre-liberalization period of 1987 to 1,40,355 industrial units in 2007 reflecting a 42.67% growth during this 20 year period, and a rise in the production capacity and output within individual manufacturing facilities. [5]


Ge, B.; Yang, Y.; Jiang, D.; Gao, Y.; Du, X.; Zhou, T.( 2018) The implementation of a green innovation strategy (GIS) can be disruptive to an organization's stability and even its long-term competitive advantages, despite the fact that GIS is a key factor in the long-term success of businesses. This research aims to investigate the potential and limitations of GIS by tracing its influence on long-term competitive advantages. We propose the idea of dynamic capacities as a mediator variable to explain the effect route. We systematically investigate the connections between GIS, dynamic capabilities, and sustained competitive advantages over a range of environmental uncertainty levels in an effort to provide an explanation for the implementation boundary of GIS. Empirical findings from a study of 241 newly established green businesses in China reveal that GIS aids organizations in gaining durable competitive advantages. However, businesses need to choose strategies for putting their plan into action carefully, taking into account varying degrees of environmental unpredictability. In a low-uncertainty setting, dynamic capabilities fully mediate the connection between geographic information systems (GIS) and long-term competitive benefits. However, in conditions of significant environmental unpredictability, dynamic capabilities do not act as a go-between for geographic information systems (GIS) and long-term competitive advantage. This study has major reference value for businesses that want to engage in green innovation activities since it not only combines green management theory and strategic management theory, but also makes up for the shortcomings in research on both theories. [6] The term "sustainable development" (SD) has recently emerged as a prominent buzzword in the definition, history, scope, and implications for development theory and practice. This paper's goal is to add to the SD discussion by expanding on the paradigm and highlighting its relevance to sustainable development discourse and practice. The Recursive Content Abstraction (RCA) analytical method is used with elements of the "Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines to conduct this comprehensive literature analysis. This study identifies and argues that the core of the sustainable development problem is the lack of justice between and among generations, and that this problem has three different but linked pillars: the environment, the economy, and society. To uphold and promote the tenets of this paradigm in the interest of human development, decision-makers must constantly keep in mind the relationships, complementarities, and trade-offs among these pillars and ensure responsible human behaviour and actions at the international, national, community, and individual levels. To ensure that everyone is familiar with, knowledgeable about, and amenable to sustainable development, more work needs to be done by the major players in terms of policies, education, and regulation on the management of social, economic, and environmental resources. These players include the United Nations (UN), governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations. [7] Fotis Kitsios Maria Kamariotou and Michael A. Talias (2020) the purpose of this paper is to conduct a bibliometric analysis exploring the integration of strategic management, decision-making and corporate sustainability, providing a framework of interrelated issues according to the current literature in this area. 72 peer-reviewed papers were analyzed based on Webster‘s and Watson‘s methodology. The results of this review revealed that the number of publications in this domain has increased in the last decade, and there is a need to foster research (especially empirical) in this field because managers should find out ways to implement, in action, corporate sustainability strategies and integrate their action plans with their business strategy. This review concludes with a framework that includes the most commonly addressed issues of this topic and provides opportunities and challenges for further research. [8] R V Aryani(2020) The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of strategic environmental assessment activities in supporting sustainable development in Sumbawa Regency. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by examining the substance of the strategic environmental assessment in Sumbawa Regency. The type of data obtained is primary data obtained from the results of focus group discussions with the community and related agencies. The results of the research are that the strategic environmental study

the problem of sustainable development. [9] Krunal Trivedi1 Pooja Trivedi2 Vandana Goswami (2018) According to World Bank Report of 2015, economic growth of past two decades has lifted more than 660 million people out of poverty and has raised the income levels of millions more. Along with the development of emerging markets, the size and growth of affluent class in these markets has also improved. However, the development comes at an expense of environment and poor communities. Growth patterns have left hundreds of millions of people behind: 1.2 billion still lack access to electricity, 870 million are malnourished, and 780 million are still without access to clean, safe drinking water. This lopsided development has contributed too many environmental and social challenges.


This study adopted time horizon analysis as used by Rungtusanatham, etc. et. al. There are four phases of methodology: estimation of the time, determination of the scope of the journal, article selection, and analysis. Estimation of the time—A 24-year time horizon is chose for the evaluation between 1987 and 2010. Determination of the scope of journal—The JCR‘s database of the ISI is used to select the journals. Top five high impact factor journals are selected from the engineering environmental category. These journals are Energy Education Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Technology, Applied Catalysis B-environmental, Water Research, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Article selection two criteria are applied to select articles from all potential articles published in the five journals noted above. First, the selected articles should address an issue that falls under the sustainability development research concept. Second, the selected articles should have a data collection approach.

Analysis All articles are analyzed in order to obtain the information regarding several evaluation dimensions: research growth in sustainability and research focus in the sustainability development concept. This study engages in trend and pattern analysis in order to contribute in a greater understanding on the development and evolution of sustainability research and to identify potential areas for improvement. The analytical results are presented in the form of tables and graphs.


Research Trend in Sustainability Research

Based on the total number of environmental engineering sustainability articles year-by-year, it can infer that there has been an increase in the quantity of this research discipline since 1987. Comparing the total number of articles published in each journal, Environmental Science and Technology at 16,292 appears as the journal that published the highest number of articles in sustainability research. In the next tier, the Water Research Journal published 9,309 research articles. These two journals then become the gatekeeper of publishing articles in sustainability because they existed since 1967.

Literature categorization of sustainability research

In order to analyze the primary research focus of published sustainability articles, the literature categorization of sustainability research based on reviewed articles is identified. The sustainability development research in this framework consists of three main categories. They are sustainability in the built environment, sustainability in industry and energy sustainability. These categories consist of 21 detail research focuses that can be evidenced in Figure 1.

Sustainability Research Focus

The authors classified 29,616 sustainability articles into 21 detailed research focuses, where one published article can be classified into one or more research focus. Table I Sustainability articles published.

Fig1.Literature categorization of sustainability research

For example, Wiedinmyer and Hurteau assigned one to forestry sustainability and one to pollution control and prevention whereas the research article from Hu, Martinez, and Hornbuckle8 is assigned one to water, air and soil in a sustainable environment and one to pollution control and prevention. After knowing the number of articles from each research focus, five primary research focuses with the highest number of published articles are identified. These research focuses are use of materials and technologies, green engineering/manufacture, pollution control and prevention, sustainable energy/energy management, and water research. The classification of sustainability articles by research focuses is portrayed in Table II. As indicated in Table II, water research shows the highest count with 62.7 followed by, pollution control and prevention at 59.1. Green engineering/manufacture shows the lowest at 30.8. The cumulative counts of each research focus as per Table II are then plotted into a curve to comparatively The sustainability research focused constantly on water research growth. This is in contrast to pollution control and prevention. The growth of this research focus was faster than water research especially, in 2000 to 2003 showing the steepest sloped curve that serves as an indication of the quick growth of publications. Green engineering/manufacture

Table II. Sustainability research articles by research focus.


This study takes a more comprehensive assessment in sustain-ability survey research although, there have been other articles published with a similar objective. About 29,616 survey articles that have impact factor journals of more than four in sustain-ability, spanning a 24-year time period from 1987 to 2001 has been evaluated. The authors believed that this working paper is necessary for a historical overview of sustainability research and to direct future sustainability research. The results of analysis depicted in Table I show that the total number of articles from all of the journals consistently increases over the years. This indicates the expeditious growth of sustainability research published across a 24-year time span. With regards to the research focus, Environmental Science and Technology and Applied Catalysis B-environmental have more varieties of research focus whereas Energy Education Science and Technology. Greenhouse Gas Control is more specifically focused on one area of research. The authors firmly believe that these results can direct researchers for selecting and evaluating their citation in the journals. This study proposed a literature categorization that could be helpful to researchers in categorizing their citation based on research focus. The three main categories, including sustain-ability in the built environment, sustainability in industry, and energy sustainability, consist of several research focuses deter-mined based on articles reviewed. The conclusion from these results is that over the years, the majority of sustainability articles are largely focused on water research/pollution control and

published articles, the trend of the sustainability research continues to be on the rise In contrast, research focused on green engineering/manufacture has indolent growth. Indeed, water research as well as pollution control and prevention as a research focus has been the most dominant throughout the history of sustainability research. Hopefully the research topic of green engineering/manufacture will increase considering the important role of industries especially, manufacturers, to apply sustainability concept for designing and producing their products including the integration between sustainability and supply chain manage-ment perspective.


Over the past couple of decades, the research in sustainability has progressed significantly. In addition, the sustainability research focused constantly on water research; however, the growth of research focus on green engineering/manufacture is slow. Therefore, there is a need for academic researchers to focus their study more on green engineering/manufacture as this area has significant impaction sustainable development. Survey research in sustainability is able to furnish a deeper understanding about the core issues and problems that researchers face. The authors believe that this study can direct researchers in selecting their research focus because the results in this study show actual information about the growth of sustainability research. Be that as it may, the authors acknowledge that opportunities for improvements still exist in order to encourage this study to advance into a greater arena of acceptance in sustainability research.


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10. Krunal Trivedi, Pooja Trivedi, Vandana Goswami (2018),‖ Sustainable Marketing Strategies: Creating Business Value by Meeting Consumer Expectation,‖ International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Vol. 7(2), pp. 186 – 205. ISSN 2304 – 1366 11. Minister of Environment Regulation 2017 Number 69 of 2017 concerning Implementation of Government Regulation and Number 46 of 12. G. H. Brundtland (1987). World commission on environment and development, OurCommon Future, Oxford University Press, UK. 13. M. Redclift (1992). Sustainable development and global environmental change: Implications of a changing agenda, Global Environmental Change, 2, pp. 32. 14. Mebratu, D. (1998). ―Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Historical and Conceptual Review.‖ Environmental Impact Assessment Review 18: pp. 493-520

Corresponding Author Sachin*

PhD Student, Kalinga University, Raipur