The Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising for Businesses

Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Positive Social Change

by Sarvesh V. Joshi*, Dr. Naval Singh,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 16, Issue No. 1, Feb 2021, Pages 29 - 33 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Public announcements, focus groups, and online resources are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to social marketing. The goal is to encourage people to make positive behavioral changes that will improve their health and well-being. Making the world a better place to live through effecting constructive social change, For over 25 years, researchers have employed social marketing to tackle a wide range of global societal concerns, such as population control, environmental protection, health education, smoking cessation, and civic engagement. Young people are the driving force behind social change, and social media is playing a crucial part in getting the word out about social marketing


social media advertising, effectiveness, businesses, social marketing, behavioral changes, health, well-being, global societal concerns, population control, environmental protection


Advertising is a means of communicating with current and potential clients. Typical content includes details about the company, its products, where to buy them, and so forth. To both the vendor and the customer, advertising is essential. To convince or sway an audience, advertisers pay for impersonal, mass-media communications from a known sponsor. Generally speaking, the goal of advertising is to increase sales of a product or service or at least increase the frequency with which that product is used by its target audience. The advent of industrial mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries led to the development of modern advertising. The desired effect of the advertisement is a change in consumer sentiment that leads to desirable behaviour. (1) Any advertising strategy should work toward converting leads into paying consumers. It is, therefore, a form of indirect salesmanship and a form of persuasion. As a result, it won't contribute to accumulating the total cost of the item. As a result, the focus is on increased revenue rather than maximization of resources. But in this age of mass production, advertising has become even more crucial for businesses hoping to move merchandise.


The invention of radio, as stated by (Esther 1992), was created more than 25 years earlier. As it happened, radio evolved into the modern mass communication technology in the 1920s, thanks to a confluence of institutional and technological breakthroughs and human ideas. Although the Netherlands has the honour of airing the first radio programme in 1919, data transmission via radio had already begun in England, Germany, and France. Many companies have begun including this method of promotion in their overall strategy. Companies began using jingles, taglines, bells, musical events, and other forms of entertainment to entice buyers. It was widely assumed in the early 1920s that those who listened to the radio did so as a hobby, a specialized group of people who found crystal radio sets to be a source of entertainment and pleasure. (2) Ads on television first appeared in the late 1920s. The situation of progress was altered by commercials on television. Customers get to see and hear the commercial with this kind of marketing. The company realized that the TV commercial had a significant effect on their clientele. Since the commercials feature celebrities using the goods, business owners began to believe they would increase output quickly. As a result, a common practice has emerged of providing massive sums of money to renowned people to endorse and promote a company's products. Now more than ever, advertisers are producing short films, unique commercials, and targeted advertising for their products and services.


The ability to efficiently target the global market has made the globe a truly global place, as stated by (Daniels 1995). It's a very effective and relatively inexpensive method of online promotion. Since internet advertising has such a huge effect on consumers and persuasion, it is impossible for any business to imagine a future where products are complements the use of online advertising. Promotion of a new business over the Internet is the essence of web advertising. The primary benefit of online advertising is that it facilitates monitoring the advertisements' continued effectiveness. (3) Marketers may choose from a long array of online advertising channels, including pop-ups, online highlights, informal group promoting, and even games promotion. The best part about online advertising is that it takes less time to evaluate the promotion, and after that evaluation is complete, one may easily revise and rearrange the advertising strategy before it's too late to make changes. Internet advertising is a form of marketing that disseminates promotional messages over the Internet and World Wide Web to attract customers. Examples of web publicizing include banner ads, rich media ads, promotions on social media platforms, contextual ads, online public relations campaigns, advertising networks, and email marketing.


The goal of advertising is to increase product awareness through a variety of media. This is justifiable since the general public may be educated, persuaded, and reminded about the products and services available. Advertising, from a marketing standpoint, is a crucial strategic instrument for preserving an edge in the marketplace. Spending on advertisements is a sizable and rising portion of the final price consumers pay for products and services. Awareness, conviction, and action are the traditional goals of advertising. Revenue generated from advertising is typically used to justify its cost. The term "revenue" might mean the money made from the sales. It was predicted that in 2016, advertisers spent $467 billion throughout the world. (4) Newspaper, magazine, journal, hoarding, and outdoor advertising were all examples of conventional forms of advertising that were both time-consuming and expensive. If a business wants to get their product or service out to the people, they should stick with traditional advertising. This kind of communication typically costs money. The purpose of advertising is to increase product sales via the use of persuasive communication strategies designed to produce lasting changes in consumer behavior. Common types of classic ads are: (5)

  • Billboards: Most billboards may be seen along major thoroughfares and in densely populated areas of major shopping districts. Usually, communication is concise and easy to understand.
  • Newspapers: It's safe to say that newspaper ads have been around longer than any other type of marketing. Given its frequency of publication (daily), this advertising medium has

monthly basis.

  • Radio: Commercials can also be heard on the radio, which is another time-tested medium. Considering the wide region that radio transmissions may cover and the short duration of ads, radio is a great medium for reaching a wide audience.


"Companies have developed a wide variety of brands in order to sell their products and services to consumers as a result of the recent shifts in consumer preferences and the launch of novel products and services by a wide range of businesses". Media choice was shown to be the single most influential element in determining an advertisement's success in a recent study. For the most part, advertising firm‘s favour internet advertising since it is more cost-effective and better aligns with the marketing plans of businesses. Except for a few relics of the past, such as television and print media, conventional advertising is becoming more irrelevant due to the rise of internet advertising. (6) Before the advent of digital media, this was the dominant method of advertising, and it continues to this day. It involves use of media such as television, printing press, radio, tele-marketing, yellow pages, etc. There are both pros and cons to traditional advertising like everything else. Some of the advantages are explained as under:

  • It Has Wider Reach and to Multiple Consumer Segments
  • High Success Rate
  • It Helps To Connect Emotionally


Free calling and texting offered by social media platforms have had a significant impact on reducing mobile and telephone bills, leading a new generation in advertising. Advertisers, selecting agents, educators, correspondents, and others can now add online networking to their repertoire of devices. Politics is not immune to the influence of social media; political groups use it to galvanize public backing for their causes and to disseminate information on issues like race and policy. The creation of Obama's iconic brand which he used to win re-election to the presidency of the United States was the result of a massive effort. The advent of social media has made it easier than ever to connect with people across the world and have meaningful conversations about important topics, (7) discover fascinating new information, virtually visit far-flung locations, and learn about subjects

Offers a platform for representatives to exchange ideas, share information, pose questions, and share resources, all of which can serve to strengthen existing business relationships, Targeting a large group makes this an effective and persuasive recruitment strategy. Increased brand awareness and clientele without significantly increasing advertising spending. Aids in gathering more accurate data, implementing targeted marketing campaigns, facilitating communication, and directing interested parties to certain websites.


Although it may be challenging, it is worth the effort to develop unique tactics that also satisfy customers' needs. It's a great way to strengthen your brand's reputation and keep your loyal consumer base happy. Brands may rise to prominence in the industry with the aid of a well-thought-out creative approach. How the corporation chooses to market its products has a direct impact on how much money it makes. Creative strategy may be written in a variety of ways. Nothing may be taken for granted; you must plan and draught your own approach. The following are some of the most crucial aspects and organization must pinpoint in order to formulate an original plan of action: (8)

  • Overall Objective: Writing content, businesses should be extremely clear on what they hope to achieve. The term "overall objective" is used to describe the goals that must be accomplished within a given time frame using the current pool of available resources. The corporations themselves need to ask what they hope to achieve with their marketing. Marketers need to understand their products and the market well, as well as the needs and expectations of their target audience.
  • Target Audience: A marketer's success depends on their ability to successfully pitch their product to the right people. They need to be able to entice possible buyers. It will be less of a hassle for them to provide the data and its origin. In this approach, businesses may plot a course of action to find and win over customers.
  • Promise: When making promises to customers, marketers must follow through. They must avoid making empty assurances and failing to deliver. In order to be fair to their clients, marketers should constantly provide accurate descriptions of their products and services. Customers' loyalty and confidence in the company might improve as a result, and the relationship between the two could strengthen.

competition by providing the finest possible offer. Positioning: Businesses need to understand how to position their products in the market and, more specifically, in the minds of consumers. They need to find a unique manner to put it in the market that sets them apart from the competition. The research community is unanimous in its belief that businesses should seize every chance to emphasise the benefits of their products. Tone: Audiovisual advertising is consistently more memorable to consumers. Customers are naturally drawn to sounds, making this the most popular kind of advertising. Jingles and rhymes showcasing products are a common marketing strategy used by businesses.

  • Net Impression: The term "Net Impression" is often used interchangeably with "online views." It indicates how many times the ad has been viewed or clicked. One impression is given to the company every time an ad is clicked. Therefore, businesses should make their commercials interesting in order to draw more attention, which in turn will help the company raise more brand awareness. Once a firm has attracted its target demographic, it must then provide the content that demographic is looking for. Execution Guidelines: Users need clear instructions on how to interact with and evaluate internet advertisements. People are able to access the products, services, and concepts with ease. The term "execution" is most often used to refer to the strategy behind a presentation or other kind of delivery. Companies need to make choices about the format in which their advertisements will be shown. According on the specifics of each market, the answer might change. (9)


The writing needs to be clear and concise so that readers are drawn in and interested in the brand or product being promoted. However, a well-thought-out strategic plan is required to create such engaging material. The company should promote the positive aspects of the brand and provide information that will influence and encourage consumers to buy the company's products. A corporation requires an advertising agency to promote its products, an agency or other reliable source to design engaging commercials, a standardized medium in which to display or publish the ads, and market researchers to actively seek out potential buyers. Ultimately, it is the material that is produced that determines the fate of the brand, and methods exist for predicting the response of a certain demographic to an advertisement's message. There are five tried-and-true methods for understanding your clients' thoughts and attracting their attention: (10) Colour: Are both a means of communication and a repository of knowledge. Some colours instantly evoke a mental image in the minds of consumers, while others take more mental effort. A company's attitude and the customers' sentiments may both be affected positively by the use of tasteful colour schemes. Companies often employ commercials with warm colours like red, orange, and yellow to evoke a sense of enthusiasm in their target audiences. Advertisements with lots of colour tend to stand out more to consumers than those with no decoration at all. As a result, it's crucial that marketers appreciate color's significance in ad strategy. Humour: is a fun feature that helps highlight the brand's upbeat personality and win over customers with relative ease. Marketers should aim for ads that make consumers feel valued and enthusiastic. In advertising, boredom is something that should be avoided at all costs. People are swayed by this type of marketing, and they often spread the word to those closest to them. As a matter of fact, this is the most effective method of advertising a product or service. (11)

  • Compelling Images: is the visual advertisement, which is among the most effective forms of promotion. The vast majority of people take in information exactly as it is presented to them. Whether it's a car or a piece of clothing, we can't help but be drawn to anything that looks beautiful. Hub Spot claims that supporting your advertisements with visually appealing content will significantly increase brand awareness. Customers are more likely to buy if the material is visual. As a real-world example, consider Face book, whose user engagement skyrocketed with the launch of Timeline.
  • Well- Written Copy: the magnum opus creatively presenting work stuff that is convincing and motivating requires a certain level of skill and expertise. Here, you may make changes at any moment to reflect the latest information about your products and services. What's more, the corporation can make their products more useful to clients by listening to their input and improving the quality of their offerings. Advertisements may be found in a variety of print and electronic media, including newspapers, television, and radio. Marketers may employ this tactic when they have to put out a lot of information, provided that it is well-written, visually appealing, and easy to read, and that it
  • The Right Size for the Right Message: Positioning your brand favorably in the eyes of consumers as opposed to the competition is the final and maybe most crucial tactic. Whenever a business advertises a product, it must do it with precision. They have to set themselves out from the competition by emphasizing what makes their products superior. Advertising should be published often so that consumers are always aware of the latest developments in the products they purchase. As a result, before producing content with the hope of increasing sales, marketers should make an effort to have a deeper understanding of their intended audience.


Critical to the success of any online network marketing Endeavour is the ability to think creatively, apply originality to each campaign and programme, and not rely on any one strategy exclusively. This evolution in advertising is known as "content marketing," after the new techniques that have emerged in response to it. Content marketing is a kind of advertising in which useful information about a company's products or services is created and disseminated to the general public via the company's website or other promotional channels. In this context, "content" refers to any and all text, images, and video. The goal of content marketing is to build a positive association between a company's name and the products or services it offers. As practically all businesses do now, I assume they use social media to market their wares. In order to keep their clients up-to-date and provide them with simple access to any new products or services, marketers may use social media websites to write or present in-depth information about their brands, company profile, commodities, and services. Ad content, in its broadest sense, includes all the techniques an advertiser may use to increase his or her profile in the eyes of the public. (12) The picture has shifted due to the rising consumption of media networks for advertisements. This technology has a new perspective thanks to the interconnectedness of a vast population. Traditional media, on the other hand, offers its own set of advantages that can't be overlooked.


The most crucial social media aspects responsible for the success of social marketing campaigns, Campaigns in the social media sphere to raise awareness of issues like methane emissions, neutrino detection, the Cauvery water crisis,

interacting with social media. In order to better promote social marketing during sporting events, it is recommended that mandatory Pop ups be developed. Due to the fact that gamers and sports fans are particularly influential users of social media, the millennial generation places a high value on online communication. The government may hire social media gurus to monitor live charts and send out social marketing promos to target demographics. The social marketing sector, like any other, would benefit from having well-known figures serve as "ambassadors." This is how their influence on society will be felt: in how their followers act.


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Corresponding Author Sarvesh V. Joshi*

Research Scholar, Shri Krishna University, Chhatarpur M.P.