Importance of Marketing Management

by Dr. Rubina Parvin*,

- Published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management, E-ISSN: 2249-4510

Volume 17, Issue No. 1, Feb 2022, Pages 28 - 34 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In this Globalization period the technical education and professional education are playing vital role for getting employment. In professional studies We have heard about HR management, Marketing Management, Financial management and Others. Among this If any one goes with Marketing Management then in this unemployment period he or she will definitely get a job. As now a days every sector recruits marketing people to capture the market. And this course (Marketing Management) helps from low merit to high merit students to get job and show their skill which will definitely help them to achieve a good career in future.


importance, marketing management, globalization period, technical education, professional education, HR management, financial management, unemployment period, job, career


Management is a process of planning, decision making, organizing, motivating and controlling the Human Resources financial, physically and mentally so that an organization to reach its goal effectively and efficiently which will be scientifically.


According to Mike Rohan, every organization needs Marketing people

  • School
  • Colleges
  • Resorts
  • Resturants
  • NGOs
  • Building Material
  • Furnitures
  • Car Showrooms
  • Banking Sector (Send people for loan taking, Life Insurance, Medical representatives


Product Life Stage

At that time many promotions, sponsors occur to give information about the product to audience

Growth Stage Maturity stage Decline Stage

During the decline stage the marketers do survey, do research and modify the product according to the Needs, Demands of the society.(Put it in a different box with some modification)

Rural Marketing

Marketing people visit the rural area to know their needs according to their life style.

Tourism Marketing

They also send marketers to survey or to convince people give details of better package , price, relax in Hotels, food than the companies. Marketers in Education line also visit colleges, schools to capture students. Nowadays women are also engage in this profession far here there a lots of incentives and they can use their talents and skills.


According to Julie, Ruth, Levy, Osterle Brand Management now a days playing a very important role. Any brand which has good will the market, another manufacturing company will try to deal with them. But the Brand will also examine the products and the role of marketers to convince the Brand is very important. Now price is also very important. Because in different terrestonial place different prices are kept. So marketers to also visit different region and collect the information to the organization.


Customer Feedback is present in every sector. So according to customer feedback again the organization will work. Before days Sales man visit door to door for selling. Many sales man have no idea about the marketing course . A work done after getting a proper knowledge, marketing management skill, communication will be best. As this is a globalization period so there are many companies in the market and without proper presentation, skill, and communication the marketers cannot sale and capture the customers and market. And marketing place if do better they are also promoted. Their roles:

  • Presentable
  • How to talk or introduce the customers
  • Ready to clarify all queries

and training these are impossible. The survey marketers visit different places and bring the external-internal information to the organization. Actually the marketers deal with the customers need, desire and demand. According to Steve Guengerich again marketing people select channels. Identify which channel to be selected so that product will have goodwill and the customer‘s awareness will win positively. To reach the Retailers, Wholesellers the marketers are sent.


Marketing is one of the popular degrees in the U.S. It is currently 13th most popular out of 384 topped ranked subjects. According to Paladesh ,Digital marketing is playing a vital role. Different Posts in Marketing Management

  • Marketing Research
  • Customer Behaviour Identifying
  • Brand Manager
  • Advertisement
  • Digital Marketing
  • Market Survey
  • Public Relations
  • Sales Manager
  • Event marketing


Students will get job in any place after completing this cause. According to Eric T.Anderson , in Retail marketing, wholesaler marketing also needs marketing people. From average students to good students everyone will get job. After studying Marketing management and after working and gathering experience, skills, knowledge there is a great opportunity of becoming an Entrepreneur.


Importance of Marketing Management

  • Analyzing marketing strategies and customer perception to drive profit.
  • Awareness of the brand or product will increase sales and give information to make decisions for making profit to the organizations.
  • Understand psychology, sociology and make products according to their demands.

Customer feedback (which can be read and analyze and make strategic decisions. According to Chales Lindsey, Marketing manager plays a very important role in public relation. Help to develop the communication skills in this profession. According Brian Vacant, The marketers can forecast the demand & supply.(which is changing) work in different projects clients portfolio, work on marketing projects for the company. Establish Relationship with the customers, shops, malls. And is a philosophy of both side winning. People doing Doctorate in this field help them a lot and makes to Doctorate easy. According to Elizabeth Ciccchetli, this course helps to improve good communication skill also.


According to Heckes , without knowing the market strategy or demand no organization can do project and this role is followed by Marketers. According to Wiebman in this competition age sales & marketers have a great scope in career path and also have opportunity to explore or innovate. There is a good opportunities in both public and private sector also. According to Rather, Kuzia, Lobanova , B2C, Digital marketing is a modern term in this age which can be done by studying Market Management. Science persons have to work closely with marketing individuals to understand who will use the product and to create medication. e.g.- A man have to take a drug 5 times a day but he forget due to a daily life activities the marketer will explain this to the scientist and he will make the safe drug that only once a day will be taken. Achievement in Present & Future A marketing person can become a Entrepreneur in future. This is the very much important career for a marketing person. Now a days Marketing in related to

  • Rural Entrepreneurship
  • Woman Entrepreneurship
  • Tourism Management

According to Laura Wood, Event management is also a type of Marketing Management. It is also done to capture Market and Entertainment Marketers team also visit different countries to knoe the senerio of political, cultural, economical, social and financial conditions and give the information to the organization. Now through T.V., Radio, Internet customers becoming aware with foreign producta the organizations send the marketers at different countries to survey and bring the information to the home country. According to Julie Ruth it is the age of customer oriented markets. The customer‘s desires, needs, expectations need to be fulfilled by the organization and proper satisfaction need to be presented. In every sectors Customer feedback is used to every organizations. All these are sometimes collected by the Marketing people. In Bollywood, Tollywood, Hollywood, the advertisement of trailor is showed. According to Gary L. Fraster the marketing the marketing team will identify which channels are

Now a days near bus stop, railway station after we receive many papers given by salesman. On the papers different advertisement are written with contact details. These works are done by the salesman or marketers. This is done by all organizations to give the information to the customers and to capture the market. Sometimes the marketers after surveying many organizations or places they became innotivative. So now a days innovation is very important to the organizations but without forecasting, surveying, or knowing the customer‘s needs, demands it is impossible. An Architect does his work with innovation, but he can‘t do without the marketing team. They visit different sites and help the architect to innovate. Innovation is done with the of marketing. When the book is published at many exhibitions or the company also sends marketers to different shops for selling the books. According to Sanjay, K. Dhar, Wine Smith , marketers are sent to know the social, culture, political and economic condition along with the needs, demands, desires of the people of the countries. Then they give this information to the organizations and they go forward according to the information. Marketing Management helps to develop the communication skills (way to represent themselves, way to talk, way to convince customers etc.). They also do good behaviour with other peoples as in any cost they have to maintain their ethics and do good behaviour with their clients or customers for the profit of the organization. Telephonic Marketing is also a part of Marketing Management. By phone sometimes they try to convince the customers or take appointment so that marketing team can reach them. Digital Marketing is another part of Marketing Management. In different social sites Facebook, Twitter etc. they gave advertisement for selling of many products. Again as Amazon has become a much branded company and they have captured the market by satisfying the customers by their service and products. Computer learning is also related with marketing .By learning Java coding etc. the marketing people can do different calculation. Computer learning & Marketing management is related with computer learning also. As people of different languages, cultures, religions all To cover their demands and satisfaction Marketers have to visit the market so that the organizations get their knowledge and go ahead for their profit. In this age there is an unemployment age. So many micro entrepreneurs are also developing. So they also want marketing people who do work. Marketing management is also linked with Labour market. They visit different labour market and get knowledge of the place where cheap skilled labour can be get. Again they could gather information surveying the rate of labours at different organizations so that the organization can‘t fix up the rate of the labours . Relation with other Subjects Marketing Management relation with Finance marketers . Marketers visit different financial organizations and bring the information of financial conditions to the organization (inflation deflation period) . The whole organization stands on finance. Again the Bank Managers visit different place to convince people for loan taking, opening up the accounts, insurance. So they are also play a role of marketers. So marketing management plays an important role here also. Relation with strategic management Market team visit the market and forecast the past, present, future prospective(strength, weakness, opportunities, threats, mission, vision) of different organization. And give the information to the organization. Relation with operation & product management Marketers also survey when new organization or factory will be established. They survey for a good place where there will be a good market, facility of supply of raw materials, cheap labour , market demand, good water supply, proper transport facilities etc. According to that the operation manager will do his work according to the information. According to change Relation with History : forecast the past society and draw a conclusion of present & future society. Relation with Geography : survey different territories and collect different information about the Relation with Philosophy: the needs and demands, thoughts of different classes, stages of life cycle of the people. Relation with sociology: the whole information of the society. Relation with Statistics: After the survey(data collection, interpretation, coding, mean median mode) all are related with it.


Previously salesman used to visit market, door to door to sell goods only. But now the name salesman has been replaced with Marketing Executive or other name to maintain their status and to make them motivated. And in reputed organization the marketing people or marketing managers who have studied marketing management are hired. From micro , macro all organizations need marketing people. In this globalization period every organization want to capture the market. And this professional course is a good way in career path. From Low Merit, middle merit and good merit student will get job. No one will be unemployed. Later they can go to higher position by their good performance which is profitable for the organization as well as to the employee.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Rubina Parvin*

Assistant Professor, University of Burdwan M. A. In English B.ed MBA in HR and Marketing, PHD in Managment