The Relationship Between Pre-Season
Functional Screening Test Performance and
Coaches' Perception of Soccer Performance
in Adult Male Players
Fahad Alfarraj1*, Jaquelin Bousie2, Jeremy Witchalls3, Phil Newman4
1 Physiotherapy Department, Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh 12233, Saudi Arabia
2,3,4 Faculty of Health, UC Research Institute of Sport and Exercise Science (UCRISE), University of
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Abstract - Coaches typically play a central role in team performance and player selection, but their
assessments can also be valuable for the medical team in injury prevention and recovery. This
research aimed to evaluate whether soccer coaches' evaluations of their players' physical abilities
align with performance testing during pre-season. The players were rated subjectively by two
coaches independently, focusing on various aspects such as technical, tactical, physical, and
psychological skills. Ratings were given on a scale of 0 to 100, based on the coaches' perceptions
of top players in those positions globally. The mean score of the coaches' ratings was used for
each player. The study used the Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) to measure the reliability
of inter-coach ratings, while players' scores on common functional tests were assessed
independently by the medical staff. Decision tree analysis was conducted to determine the
association between coaches' ratings and functional testing scores, as well as to identify cut-off
values for differentiating higher and lower coach ratings. Sixty-three male professional soccer
players from the Saudi Professional League participated voluntarily. The ICC values ranged from
0.73 to 0.79, indicating good to excellent agreement between coaches. The analysis showed that
functional performance scores and coach ratings agreed in 86% of cases, with 88% precision and
91% recall. The algorithm correctly identified 88.4% of players rated high performers by coaches
and 80% of lower-rated players. Cut-off scores were determined based on specific functional test
results. For instance, players scoring above certain thresholds on tests like the Y-balance test and
triple medial hop were more likely to receive higher coach ratings. The study revealed a solid
alignment between coaches' subjective evaluations of physical abilities and objectively measured
functional performance tests. These results hold the potential for aiding in player selection,
establishing preparation standards, and facilitating players' return to play after injury.
Keywords - Functional tests, coach, performance, rating
During the previous ten years, a concept that has been central in sporting research has been the focus on
relationships that develop between a coach and athletes [1]. Indeed, it is commonly agreed that coaches
are active in the development and advancement of athletes, as they can influence players (whether that
be positively or negatively) and provide motivation through their own experiences in the sport [2].
Correspondingly, it has been shown that positive results within these sporting relationships are linked to
quality outcomes [3].
In addition, it is currently known that sufficient coaching interaction helps athletes develop better long-
term planning through a coach’s expertise, which is central to their development in the sport [4]. Hence,
the development and improvement of any athlete’s performance need to stem from relevant and
beneficial knowledge that is imparted from the coach [5]. The process under a coach, in its traditional
format, includes team and player analysis, as well as planning and conducting specific interventions in
regards to four major parts of player performance: physical, mental, tactical, and technical skills [6].
Moreover, the assessment of performance is directly relevant within a clinical setting, as it helps in injury
diagnoses and prognosis, together with other medical conditions. It is also utilised to analyse how medical
or exercise interventions can prove beneficial and therapeutic in returning to the relevant sport [7].
Coaches’ ratings were placed into individual categories in the current study, which comprised of physical,
technical, tactical, and psychological. Separately, students’ physical capabilities can be rated reliably from
physical education assessments, as has been demonstrated from a study on youth field hockey players
[8]. Performance classification within any team sport can involve different measures of a variety of
variables, which include: anthropometric testing; measurements of different physical attributes support the
ability to play [9-13]; skill testing, and measures of how the sport is performed in regards to particular
tasks in both training and match-play [14-16]; aspects of psychology [17, 18]; performance through team
tactics; and the roles and/or positions within the whole team structure [19, 20]. Both general and sport-
specific player capabilities can be evaluated through physical testing, although individual results are not
always used in the prediction of match-play performance, due to an individual’s competitive performance
comprising a mixed complex nature [21].
Different studies support numerous performance measurements, including sports science measurement
utilisation within the remit of both physical testing and in-match-play analysis, together with skills
assessment of both technical and tactical measures [22]. Accordingly, it has been stated that a mixed
testing approach is more valid in the evaluation of an individual’s performance [23]. Besides that, machine
learning (ML) is often useful in complex tasks that are undertaken within suitable timeframes [24].
Therefore, by using a ML environment, the study aimed to assess whether soccer coaches’ assessments
of their players’ physical skills (in the domains: technical, tactical, physical, and psychological) are
associated with the players’ physical performance on formal performance testing during pre-season.
The current study incorporated a coaching survey regarding how the coaches’ subjective expert opinions
perceive different movements and skills of players, with two different coaches performing the evaluation
independently. Movement skill was rated using a 1-100 scale. General individual skill was assessed
during training sessions and in match-play, where the coaches provided a mark out of 100 for the
categories. The score of 100 was rated, comparing the coaches’ perceptions of the world’s leading
players in those positions. The ratings were the mean of the two coaches’ observations to produce one
set rating for each participant.
The questionnaire included several sections in which the coaches used their expert subjective opinion to
rate players’ performances on various soccer performance factors. It was also determined that ten years
of required experience are necessary to determine experienced coaches from those declared novices
[25]. Two qualified coaches ranked “experienced” rated players into four categories: physical, technical,
tactical, and psychological; these were established using standardised definitions. Firstly, the physical
measure assesses whether an athlete is physically ready for a game regarding their intrinsic fitness,
strength, and neuromuscular control. Secondly, the technical item measures how a player is able to
perform their specific game-related position and skills (both defence and offence) and their off-ball play.
Thirdly, the tactical element measures the ability to perform general tactics, including ball possession and
when not in possession. Fourthly, the psychological stage indicates an individual’s capacity during the
game and a level of mental strength, confidence, and emotional commitment when playing in that
Facilities and Participant’s Preparation
The study assessed football players from the Saudi Professional League, utilising their respective team
facilities without additional funding for conducting the tests. Hence, funding was not required to undertake
these tests. Additionally, as there was a requirement to collate identified and confidential information, the
analysis in the study and the results were accessed purely by the research team. Further, in accordance
with a risk assessment and mitigation plan, the medical team used standard COVID-19 screening for
each participating player before coming to the test lab. Each test session also comprised standard
operating procedures to standardise the tests’ administration. Each participating athlete was asked to ride
on an exercise bicycle with minimal resistance for 5 minutes prior to starting the test, to function as the
warm-up and help to prevent any potential injuries during the analysis [26]. Subsequently and in a
random order, the single-leg functional tests included Y Balance, Triple Medial Hop, Triple Forward Hop,
and Hexagon Agility tests. While conducting the tests, the subjects wore training shoes and performed on
a surface made of rubber tiles. A 2-5 minutes recovery time was given to the participants between each
test and the following one. Three practice trials, which were averaged for data analysis, were undertaken
to acclimate the athletes to the tests and reduce the learning effect that may occur [27]. The participants’
Y Balance reach distances were recorded in centimetres (cm) and then normalised by dividing by each
individual’s leg length (anterior superior iliac spine to the medial malleolus’ distal tip) [28].
Y Balance Test the players were asked to stand on one leg in a central grid, with their big toe positioned
at the starting line. Each participant was asked to maintain the single-leg stance, and the player
simultaneously needed to reach with his free leg in the anterior, posteromedial and posterolateral
directions. Each direction was completed in separate trials. A tape measure was used to determine the
maximal reach distance, which was completed by marking the farthest reached point of the distal part of
the foot [29].
The Triple Medial Hop Test The players were asked to place one of their feet perpendicular to the
measuring tape’s endpoint. From a starting position standing on one leg, the player hopped three times
as far as possible in a medial direction. The measurement in centimetres was taken of the distance
between the heel’s lateral surface at the starting and final positions [30]. In comparison, the Triple
Forward Hop Test [31] required three consecutive straight-line maximal forward hops, with a
measurement taken in centimetres of the distance from the toe of the original take-off point to the final
The Hexagon Hop Test [32] The players stood on their test leg in a hexagon with 60cm sides marked
on the gym floor (including a 40cm circle marked in the centre) in order to start the test, and then hop out
and back into the different sides of the hexagon in a sequence (moving clockwise). The participants faced
forwards throughout the test. The observer counted the number of out-and-back jumps that the
participants completed without touching the lines on the hexagon and ensured that they had hopped back
sufficiently into the hexagon to make contact with the circle lines. The test lasted for 10 seconds for each
direction, with a short rest before being repeated in the anticlockwise direction. A combination of the
number of accurate hops completed in each direction determined the total score for each leg. A record
showing the performance on individual legs enabled the analysis of performance asymmetry between the
legs on all tests, with escalating power and fatigue throughout the testing sequence.
The Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was utilised in SPSS (version 27.0) to assess the reliability of
the inter-coach ratings. A two-way random-effects’ model were used with the measure of consistency
setting. ICCs were defined as <0.40 (poor), 0.400.75 (fair to good), and >0.75 (excellent) [33]. Datasets
were imported to Orange Data Mining (Version 3.33) [34] (see Figure 1). ML metrics, such as Area Under
the Curve (AUC), Classification Accuracy (CA), and precision and recall scores, were utilised to
summarise the model’s performance. Separately, decision tree analysis was deployed by using the depth
of 6 levels to determine: 1) How closely coaches’ ratings of physical aptitude are associated with
functional testing scores; and 2) What cut-off values best discriminated between higher and lower coach
ratings based on mean scores?
Figure 1. Analysis process for the high physical performance ratings
Descriptive data were recorded (means, SDs) for both player characteristics and the pre-season
functional screening tests (PSFSTs) (see Table 1).
Table 2 includes ICCs with 95% CI for inter-coach ratings reliability levels for the all-sportsperformance
factors. The ICC values ranged from 0.73 0.79 for the sports performance factors, which indicated
levels of good to excellent agreement between coaches. Meanwhile, the tree model (see ) demonstrated
that functional performance scores could be used to distinguish high versus low-rated players with 86%
accuracy, precision 88% and recall 91%. Error! No bookmark name given.) shows that the algorithm
using functional testing scores rated 20% of players as less physically capable when their coaches rated
them as high performers. The decision tree correctly rated 88.4% of players classified as high physical
performers by their coaches, and 80% of lower-rated players. The decision trees (see ) provided cut-off
scores, where high physical performance ratings from the coaches were given to 42 out of 63 players.
The cut-off scores that best discriminated between higher and lower coach ratings were: average bilateral
anterior normalised Y-balance test greater than 63.7 norm-cm, average bilateral triple medial hop
between 408.3 cm and 481.7 cm; and average bilateral posterolateral normalised Y-balance test greater
than 88.2 norm-cm.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Table 2. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
Table 3. Precision, recall, and confusion matrix of Tree model the physical performance part of the
coach ratings
Figure 2. Discriminated pre-season functional screening tests scores between higher and lower
coach ratings
The current study investigates the relationship between PSFSTs and the performance of soccer players,
which involved a survey of two coaches and how their subjective opinions as experts regarding athletes’
sports performance (technical, tactical, physical and psychological) contribute to this dynamic. The
findings indicate a level of good to excellent inter-coach rating reliability. The study also shows good
agreement between coach ratings of performance and a ML model including PSFSTs.
The results indicate functional performance scores could be used to distinguish high versus low-rated
players, which could provide the various forms of effort that soccer requires that can be shown through
the field tests conducted on strength, balance, and endurance. Accordingly, the higher-level performing
individuals have increased leg control and were able to perform at a better level of skill.
In the modern process of analysis, ML has been able to improve knowledge levels, with computers taking
the role of humans and feeding data over time autonomously [35]. ML in the field of soccer has been
undertaken using a variety of predictive algorithms, with the majority using ‘decision trees’ [36]. Hence,
decision trees were selected as base classifiers, as they are able to create understandable models that
can provide decision thresholds or cut-off scores. This generates a model of performance characteristics
that sport practitioners can implement in into programmes. As far as is known, this is the only research
study which has focused on soccer and examined the relationship between the opinion of coaches on
player performance and measures of players’ performance. Thus, it may be interesting to compare results
with previous studies. A recent study [37] highlighted that screening tests which have been selected from
the standard musculoskeletal tests and have been implemented in field hockey squads correlate with
coaches’ ratings of top and lower game performers. Conversely, it has been suggested in field hockey
research that top-level players present higher levels of technical and tactical variables, although these
were not shown in screening or physical tests [15]. A different study [38] demonstrated that strength and
muscle power correlated with more talented players amongst other variables; whilst flexibility and
particular anthropometric measures related to higher-performing players [39].
The YBT appeared in the current study as a vital component of the decision tree model with reach
directions of both anterior and posterolateral. This result partially agreed with a previous study [37], which
found that posteromedial and posterolateral YBT was associated with physical and technical ratings in top
male hockey performers. There was no relationship found with coaches’ ratings in triple forward hop or in
the hexagon agility test in that study. Nevertheless, value may be present in relation to the management
of injuries or predictions.
A coach’s experience, together with in-depth knowledge of specific sporting requirements help to
determine players’ performance levels and quality, as it is possible to observe the level that a player can
achieve. This can be viewed from a combination of performance data and the identification of
performance factors. The current research has demonstrated that players’ physical characteristics are
correlated to their own perceptions and the views of their coaches, which makes it possible to implement
particular targeted training strategies that focus on players’ physical performance.
Despite the findings from the current study, it should be noted that the number of participants is small.
Accordingly, it has been stated [40] that when a research sample size is sufficiently large, it is possible to
divide the data into different sets of training and validation. From these training datasets, it subsequently
becomes possible to develop a decision tree model, together with a validation dataset that enables a
relevant required tree size that will achieve the ideal final model. Factors, including anthropometric
measurements, were not taken into account, as the cohort had been pre-selected to a level that
acknowledged their level of talent. Performance measures that were required in this respect had to be
relevant to the identification of the differences between top-performing individuals and lower-level
performance comparisons in a universally elite cohort, with ratings providing more than attainment
Coach rating scales are an efficient measure of qualitative information and are able to incorporate context
and sport-specific aspects. This is the initial step in supporting their continued use in team sports. Further,
findings from the decision tree demonstrate that physical performance does appear to be related to
coaches’ scores of players. This could also be utilised to help in the selection of players, preparation
criteria, and players returning to play following injury, as well as providing a base for further research to
develop the predictive ability of the test battery.
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