An Analysis upon the Distinction in Body Composition and Skinfold Depth among Players

Comparative Analysis of Body Composition and Skinfold Depth in Basketball Players and Footballers

by Dr. Raj Kumar*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 10, Issue No. 17, Jul 2016, Pages 7 - 10 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The human body is made out of incline tissues that are metabolically dynamic, and fat tissue that is not metabolically dynamic, yet is a vital piece of human body. Preparing is a huge factor influencing body composition, execution, too and physiological parameters. The point of this study was through alterable of 13 measured anthropometrical variables, to scrutinize the impact of various sports in body composition. The anthropometrical tests were done on 90 basketball players and 512 footballers from India. The picked up results were dissected as far as fundamental statistical parameters, T-test, and Canonical Discriminant Analysis. Ttest demonstrates that basketballers and footballers have acknowledged noteworthy contrasts in every single measured variable. Authoritative Discriminative Analysis demonstrates the qualities of tested sportsmen: The basketballers are taller and heavier than footballers, too they have the more noteworthy bodily volume, and more skinfold thickness, contrasted and footballers. It appears that the bodily volume of the tested basketballers has been affected by the components of basketball, than the bodily volume of footballers by the components of football. With respect to subcutaneous fat tissue that is less scatter on the footballers body contrasted and basketballers, could be clarified with various proportion between oxygen consuming and anaerobic requests of various sports.


distinction, body composition, skinfold depth, players, incline tissues, fat tissue, training, anthropometrical variables, sports, basketball players, footballers, statistical parameters, T-test, Canonical Discriminant Analysis, bodily volume, subcutaneous fat tissue, aerobic, anaerobic demands


The human body is made out of incline tissues (muscle, bone, and organs) that are metabolically dynamic, and fat (fat) tissue that is most certainly not. Fat is a key part of the human body and important to give vitality to long–duration physical exercises. Be that as it may, surpassing measure of fat is related with diabetes and coronary illness. Knowing bodily composition of a sportsman permits us to arrange his physical activities, and dietary system. A blend of a decent programmed diet, also and all around composed physical activities, will bring about changes of bodily composition. Be that as it may, changes of bodily composition of a man may not be so straightforward, and will rely on upon force, recurrence, term also, connected time of physical activities, too how simple it is to change diet. The body mass index (BMI) is a statistical estimation which analyzes a man's weight and height, individually proportion between body weight and square of body height. This index is not an apparatus for analysis, but rather it can be used to appraise the sound weight. BMI will change contingent upon sexual orientation, race, and age. A sportsman could have the same BMI as a non-sportsman, however his BMI will be because of expanded bulk, than an ascent in bodily fat. This makes it imperative that BMI ought to be utilized as a part of relationship with other instruments for measuring body fat (Reilly and Williams, 2005). Body weight is a three anthropometrical dimensional measure, separately, a composite of autonomously changing tissues, which can be learned at a few levels from fundamental compound components and particular tissues to the whole body (Malina, 2007). Edges of the appendages and trunk are every so often utilized as relative pointers of muscularity. Skinfold thickness is a marker of subcutaneous fat tissue (the bit of body fat found quickly underneath the skin). This thickness, as twofold overlap of skin and basic subcutaneous tissue, can be measured with uncommon calipers. As indicated by the American College of Sports Medicine, skinfold estimations of body fat are up to 98% exact, particularly, when performed by a prepared and talented individual (Lupash, 2009). Body weight, body borders, also and the subcutaneous fat tissues, are around half under control of the genotype factor, individually around half might be influenced by outside factors (food, level of physical exercises, practices, natural factors, social factors, socio-prudent factors, and so on.). All these anthropometrical estimations are exceptionally alterable, and amid various times of life, also and Some action is superior to anything none, and more action (to a limited degree) is superior to anything less. Late studies show that great composed physical exercises may have a positive sway on development and improvement of roundabout variables of the body, too and on the lessening of subcutaneous fat tissue, in athletes. Various lab based studies have measured the numerous wellbeing and wellness advantages (physiologic, metabolic and psychological advantages) connected with longduration exercise preparing (Lupash). Alternate advantages of standard continuance activities are: lower demise rates from coronary course ailment, lower occurrence rates for consolidated cardiovascular diseases, coronary course ailment, growth of colon, sort 2 diabetes, diminished uneasiness and melancholy, improved sentiments of prosperity, upgraded execution of work, recreational and sport exercises, and so on. (Lupash; McArdle et al., 1996). Football is a sport that requires physical execution aptitudes and strategic and specialized mastery. Helgerud shows a noteworthy relationship between's maximal oxygen utilization (VO2max) and first class soccer group execution (Helgerud et al.). As indicated by later considers, the normal work power amid a football match is generally around 75–90% of most extreme heart rate, individually 70–85% of VO2max (roughly 75% of VO2max). Though the normal works power of basketball game is above 80% of VO2max, individually above 85% of maximal heart rate (Balciunas, 2006). The basketball game contains distinctive components contrasted and the football game (all the more running, jumping, what's more, amplifying). Jumping capacity of the basketball players relies on upon their solid thigh and calf muscles,players need to have solid hips to hyperextend their legs and impel the body forward also. Solid stomach muscles and upper body, also furthest points permit basketballers to toss their body up into the air. Blend of all these muscle developments, show the significance of unstable power, speed, level of oxygen consuming perseverance, and anaerobic capacities, which basketballers ought to have to make their game.


In this study anthropometrical tests were done on 602 sports players, with an average age of 21 years. Stature and body weight show diurnal variation, stature is greatest in the morning, whilst body weight is lighter. According to this, and in an attempt to avoid error during measurements, the sports players were measured in the morning hours (08.00 – 11.00 AM). To explore the influence of different sports in development of changeable of anthropometrical basketball players, average aged 20.6 years old. Group II: 512 professional footballers, average aged 21.1 years old. The measurements were done in the Center of Sports Medicine and Recreation in Prishtina – Kosova, during the period 2007 – 2009. The following 13 variables were measured, according to the definitions of International Biological Program, using the classic anthropometrical instruments (anthropometer, classic weigher, milimetric tape, and skinfold caliper): Stature: Body height measures the distance from the standing surface to the top (vertex) of the skull. BMI: Body mass represents the ratio between body weight in kg and square body height in m2. BMI is used to estimate a healthy body weight based on how tall a person is. Body volume and weight variables: Body Weight: Is a measure of body mass. Humeral Perimeter: shows maximum circumference of the arm (humerus). Chest Perimeter: shows maximum circumference of the thorax at the mammilla level. Abdominal Perimeter: shows circumference of the abdomen at the umbilicus level. Thigh Perimeter: shows maximum circumference of the thigh. Calf Perimeter: shows maximum circumference of the calf. Skinfold thickness variables: Triceps Skinfold: shows subcutaneous adipose tissue on the back of the arm (humerus) over the triceps muscle. Subscapular Skinfold: shows subcutaneous adipose tissue on the back just below the inferior angle of scapula. Abdomial Skinfold: shows subcutaneous adipose tissue of the abdomen at the umbilicus level 5 cm on the left. The obtained results were analyzed in terms of basic statistical parameters, T-test, and Discriminant Canonical Analyzes.


The crucial illustrative statistical discoveries (Mean values, and their Standard Deviation), also T-test esteem with Significance, computed for every variable between two measured gatherings, are

Dr. Raj Kumar

things together measured variables between the basketball players and footballers that were tested. Methodical contrasts between two gatherings of athletes in stomach skinfold variable (Sig. =0.13) and in body mass index variable (Sig. =0.21) are most certainly not statistically critical. While, all other precise contrasts of measured variables are statistically critical (Sig. =0.00–0.02). Table 2 demonstrates the global characterization, separately arrangement of the BMI values as indicated by the WHO. The correlation of the BMI values (Table 1), which have been acknowledged by football players and basketball players, with information of Table 2, empowers assessment of their solid weight.

Fig. 1. Shows graphically presentation of measured variables. By this graph we can see the variables that better discriminate these two groups of athletes.

Table 1. Descriptive statistic and T-test. Table 2. The International Classification of adult underweight, overweight and obesity according to BMI.

While, differences in each deliberate variable, between basketball players and footballers have been tested by T-test, the multidimensional differences, between these tested gatherings, individually their gathering qualities have been characterized by Canonical Discriminant Analyses. Through Canonical Discriminant Analyses has been separated one huge discriminant capacity (Sig. = 0.000), and eigenvalue of the discriminative condition l = 0.610. The authoritative connection of this discriminant capacity with arrangement of measured variables was Rc=0.615. The discriminant power of the deliberate variables has been helped by Wilks'l=0.621, while the statistical essentialness of the discriminative condition has been tested by BartletX2- test X2 = 275.923.


Taking everything into account, body composition changes amid the aggressive season as an aftereffect of athletes exercises. Preparing is a noteworthy factor influencing body composition, execution, and in addition physiological parameters. A portion of the physical varieties between various athletes represent a collaboration between individual attributes, and specific effects of distinctive components of various sports. Quality, continuance, adaptability, coordination, speed, parity, amount of the physical activities (force, term, recurrence), also experience of the athletes are the key engine criteria in recognizing morphometrical attributes, individually body composition of the athletes.


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