Relationship between Personality and Family Climatic Conditions of Female Boxers of Haryana

Exploring the Influence of Family Climatic Conditions on the Personality Development of Female Boxers in Haryana

by Najru Nisha*, Dr. Usha Lohan,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 10, Issue No. 17, Jul 2016, Pages 58 - 61 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between personality and family climatic conditions of female boxers. As we know that, in India our families have a great influence on the female members, which ultimately have an impact on their psychological makeup, and consequently, on their personality development in sports. Eighty (80) state level female boxers were selected as subjects for the study from various Districts of Haryana State, and their age ranged between 13 to 18 years. To find out the relationship between personality and family climatic conditions product moment method of correlation was applied. Sportsman Personality Test Indian adaptation based on C. D. Spielberger Personality Test (SPT-1979) by L. N. Dubey (2000) and family climate scale by Dr. Beena Shah (2006) were used to collect the required data on personality makeup and family conditions of the subjects. It was concluded that there exists a significant relationship between personality and family climatic conditions of female boxing players.


personality, family climatic conditions, female boxers, Haryana, psychological makeup, personality development, sports, state level, correlation, Sportsman Personality Test


The family is the basic unit of the society, within which the ‗new born‘ or ‗neonate‘ takes birth. It is the oldest and the dearest social institution for nurturing and schooling of children. Family is the first environment where child feels, observes and learns the emotional relationships (Warhal, 1998). Psychologists, sociologists, educationist all are agree that the family provides most of the early environmental influences upon personality, which remain throughout life. As is said by Ackerman (1958) ―the families mould the kind of person it needs in order to carry out its function‖. Family is a place where parents and children live together. Its key position rests on its multiple functions, in relation to overall development of its members, and their protection. Not only the physical well-being of individual is taken care of, by the family, but psychological well-being is also looked after. For women, the family is the site where they experience security and care, but it is also the place where women suffer a lot of tension. In India every action of female child is influenced by her family. Families play a vital role in taking the decision as to whether she will participate in sports or not, up to what level she can participate & go out for competitions. This affects her psychological makeup & ultimately the performance. The family environment is influenced by a number of factors like number of children in the family, marital relationship between husband and wife, parent‘s employment and socio-economic status and religious background of the family (Czajkowski, 1995). Pudelkie (1987) indicated that family is an important predictive of sports involvement. Nakao et al.,(2000) studied the effects of family environment on personality traits. They found out that introverted children with high level of cognitive intelligence are influenced more by the family environment compared to extroverted children with low intelligence. Personality is also one of the important aspect to attain peak performance and received the most attention in recent times. ―Personality is a term commonly used by people concerned with almost every aspect of human interaction, which directly influence the Sports performance of the sportsperson (L.N. Dubey, 2000).

determine his unique adjustment to his environment (All Port -1973). Scott (1939) studied the relationship between personality adjustment and family situations of children from varying environments. He found a marked tendency for those from sociable homes, to be well-adjusted personality and socially successful. Ranjna (2015) studied the influence of family environment on the development of personality traits, and emotional intelligence. The findings of the study showed that strong relationships between different family environment dimensions with the big five personality factors and emotional intelligence and support family environment as a significant predictor of the big five personality dimensions and emotional intelligence. Therefore, it seems plausible that strategies enhancing the cohesive, encouraging and supportive family environment may play great role in shaping well-adjusted personality. Above mentioned studies motivated the investigator to look into the relationship of family climatic conditions, with the personality of female boxing players.


To study the relationship between personality and family climatic conditions of female boxers of Haryana.


It was hypothesized that there would be no significant relationship between personality and family climatic conditions of female boxers.


Eighty (80) state level female boxing players were selected as subjects for the study from various Districts of Haryana State, and their age ranged between 13 to 18 years. The subjects were given two questionnaires one on personality and the second on family climate. Sportsman personality test (SPT) was an Indian Adaptation developed by L.N. Dubey, research centre, Saraswati Siksha Mahavidhalaya, Jabalpur (2000). This questionnaire consists of 60 items for two categories of sportsman personality i.e. sporting personality and non-sporting personality. The second questionnaire was on family climate scale (FCS) developed by Dr. Beena Shah, Department of Advanced Studies in Education, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly (2006). The questionnaire consists of 90 statements for 10 dimensions and each dimension has 9 items.

Sample respondents were administered sportsman personality test and family climate scale and their responses were scored and tabulated for statistical analysis. Before administering the questionnaire respondents had been given full instruction for completing the questionnaire. They were assured that their information will be kept confidential. There was no time limit; but the papers were to be filled in one stretch. After collection of data and scoring of responses a master chart was prepared for statistical analysis.


Product moment method of coefficient of correlation was worked out to find out the relationship of personality and family climatic conditions of female boxers.






Table 3 indicates the value of Pearson‘s Product Moment Correlation between Personality and Family Climate which showed existence of significant relationship between Personality and Family Climate as the calculated r- value 0.301was greater than the required value at 0.01 level of significance.


The relationship of personality and family climate of boxing players have a positively significant relationship

healthy and positive, the development of personality of the players, who come from these families is enhanced positively because healthy family environment have a positive impact on the psychological makeup of the female members.


The value of Pearson‘s Product Moment Correlation between Personality and Family Climate, which showed existence of significant relationship between Personality and Family Climate.


Ackerman, N.W. (1958). The Psychodynamics of Family life, New York, Basic Books. All port, G.W.; Personality: A Psychological Interpretations, (New York: prentice Hall Inc., 1973), p. 22. Czajkowski, Z. (1995) : Znaczenie Wdzia alnoeci sportwej wyczynowy 7-8,9-10. (In Polish) In Dubey, L.N., (2000). Sportsman Personality Test Jabalpur, Aarohi Manovigyan Kendra. Meenakshi, (2011), Study of competitive Behaviour and Family Environmental Dimensions in Relation to the playing Ability of Female Hockey players. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. Nakao, Takaishi, Tatsuta, Katayama, Iwase, Yorifujji., & Jyo Takedo (2000). The influences of family environment on Personality: Psychiatry and clinical Neuroscience 54,1, pp. 91-96. Pudelkie Wewiz, Euggniusz (1987) Sports consciousness as an essential component of involvement in sports and socialization Res. Daut, Vol.48 NO.2 Ranjana, (2015). Family Environment in Relation to Emotional Intelligence and Personality. Journal of Indian Health Psychology,Vol.10,No.1,pp. 79-89. Scott, L.H. (1939). Personality development in farm, small-town, and city children. Unir. Nobr. Agric. Exper. Station, Res. Bull. No.114. Shah, Beena, (2006). Family Climate Scale, Bareilly: National Psychological Corporation, Agra.

pp. 1330-1331.