Self-Concept among State Level & North Zone Inter-Varsity Football Players

by Amit Kumar*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 10, Issue No. 17, Jul 2016, Pages 62 - 63 (2)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Aim; the purpose of study is to know the self-concept of football players of different levels. The present study is confined to conduct only on 50 male subject's age group 17-21 of Haryana state those who have played football game at different levels i.e. state and north zone inter-varsity levels. Twenty five players of state level and Twenty five of north zone inter-varsity level.


self-concept, state level, north zone, inter-varsity, football players


Sport has been a useful way for people to increase their mastery of nature and the environment. The history of sport can teach us a great deal about social changes and about the nature of sport itself. Sport seems to involve basic human skills being developed and exercised for their own sake, in parallel with being exercised for their usefulness. It also shows how society has changed its beliefs and therefore there are changes in the rules. Self-concept refers to the totality of a complex, organized and dynamic system of learned beliefs, attitudes and opinions that each person holds to be true about his or her personal existence. Parental upbringing, continuous failure, depression and internal self-critic are factors that influence the development of one's self-concept. A positive self-concept can be developed through behave objectively in knowing oneself, always appreciate oneself, be friend to oneself and always have a positive and rational thinking. Educational psychology can be referred to a distinct scientific discipline within psychology that includes both method of study and a resulting knowledge base. It is believed that the development of a player self-concept depends on the focus of coaches in sports psychology in practice. Educational psychology provides important background knowledge that pre-service and in-service educators can use as the foundation for professional practice. A positive self-concept can contribute to good academic achievement and high level performance by player optimistic personal expectations about himself or herself. Schendel, J. (1965) conducted a study on athletes and non-athletes and found that at both the ninth and twelfth grade levels generally displayed more positive personal and social self-concept than the non-athletes. Schendel, J. (1970) conducted another study by using non-parametric statistical procedures including the chi- square test, the maiden test and an analysis of variance reported that college athletes have higher positive self-concept than the non-athletes. Aderson (1994) reported no significant differences in the self-concept of Boxing group when compared with the gymnastic group. Harald and Elaine (2004) studied on "Difference in self-concept and mood between training champion and competition type athletic in Artistic type Roller and Figure Skating," this study found that competitors and training champions types significantly difference in certain type of self-concept and body-concept as predicted. The interpretation of the results will focus primarily on the implications of identifying the competitor type of athletes of enhancing the performance of the training champion type of athletes.


To achieve the purpose of the study 50 male subjects were selected from Haryana state between ages of 17-21 years. To assess the self-concept level of football players self-concept questioner constructed by Dr. J.K. Virk and Dr. B.R. Chauhan was used. It was administered during the competition of state level and north zone inter-varsity. Collected data was analysed by the help of key answers suggested by the author of the questioner and same was treated with statistical technique ‗t' test.


The collected data from the subjects was analysed by using statistical technique ‗t' test and results is presents in the following table.


Group N Mean S.D SEDm t d.f.

State 30 .97 6.35 1.23

3.805 29

Zone inter-varsity 30 1.00 6.76 1.16

*Significant ‗t' 0.05

The table reveals that mean, standard deviation, standard error of mean with regard to state were recorded .97, 6.35and 1.23 respectively where in case of north zone inter-varsity level the same were recorded as 1.00, 6.76 and 1.16 respectively and ‗t' ratio (3.805) was found significant at 0.05 level.


The presents study reveals that there is a significant difference in the self-concept, here north zone inter-varsity football players are better than state level kabaddi players.


Aderson (1994), "A comparison of Effect of Physical Education classes in Boxing and Gymnastics" on self-concept of college compression of level aspirations. Harald Barknaff and Elaine M. Heiby (2004),"Annual Review of Psychology," Jumal of Sport Psychology. Kumari Santosh (2001) "A comparative study of self-concept, Sports Interest and Motives of sports and non-sports Girls of Secondary school of Haryana." Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra. Schendel, J (1970) "In G.S.Kenyan (ed), contemporary Psychology of sports," Chicago: Athletics Institute. Schendel, J. (1965) "Psychology Differences Between Athletes and non-participants in Athletics at three educational levels." Res.Quart.36, p. 52-57. Singh, Gurdial and Debnath, Kalpna (1986), "Measure of Self-concept and motivation of gymnastic players," sports journal, SNIPES.

Corresponding Author Amit Kumar *

Research Scholar (Physical Education) Singhania University, Rajasthan E-Mail – Amitkumar220017@yahoo.