A Study on Various Aspects of Sportsmen and Non-Sportsmen

A Comparative Study of Academic Achievements and Self-Concept in Sportsmen and Non-Sportsmen

by Akhilesh Kumar Soni*, Dr. Minakshi Pathak,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 10, Issue No. 17, Jul 2016, Pages 72 - 74 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The present study is selected keeping in view the importance of self-concept and factors influencing sportsmen and non-sportsmen. A field of endeavour that has its aim in the development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities that have been selected with a view to realize these outcomes. To find out the answers to certain queries in mind present research was done on the students of Jain Public Schools. The purpose of the present study was to find out the academic achievements of Sportsmen and non-sportsmen and to compare the academic achievements of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. On the basis of findings of this study it is concluded that there is difference in academic scores of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. More Sportsmen were found in excellent category than Non Sportsmen. But when tested statistically for significant difference there is insignificant difference in the academic Scores of Sportsmen and Non Sportsmen. The purpose of the study was to a compare the self- Concept of sportsman and non- sportsman players of Jain Public Schools. For this total sportsman (200 sportsman players, and 200 non- sportsman players) who had participated at jain Public Schools level and aged between 14 to 18 yrs.


self-concept, factors influencing, sportsmen, non-sportsmen, academic achievements, statistical difference, physical activities, Jain Public Schools, excellent category, self-Concept


The importance of role of self-concept as a determinant to the human behavior and critical factor of personality is increasingly realized. In terms of how a person perceives himself, what he thinks of himself, how he attempts through various actions to enhance or defend himself. Further the concept may be identified in terms of personality traits. Such as self-confidence, self-assurance, self-assertiveness, self-esteem, self-regard, self-consistency, self-enhancement and self-respect. Ibrahim and Morrison7 have given a concise definition of self-concept as a composite of numerous self-perception encompassing the values, attitudes and behavior towards one-self in relation to environment. Self-concept can be define or an organized configuration of perceptions of the self which are admirable to awareness. It is compared to such elements as perceptions of ones characteristics and abilities, the percepts and concepts of the self in relation to others and to environment, the value qualities which are perceived as associated with expenses and objects and the goals and ideals which are perceived as having positive or negative aspects. A physical educator plays an important role in enhancing a player‘s self-concept. There is a highly positive relationship between self-concept and physical achievement. As the individual learns to move more skill fully, he or she also tends to develop as stronger self-concept.


The participation in modern sports is influenced by various physical, physiological, psychological and sociological factors. During training, besides good physique and physical fitness of the players, main emphasis is laid on the development of various types of motor skills involved in the game as well as on the techniques and tactics of the game. Usually very little attention has been paid to the psychological factors which have been proved to contribute to performance at the higher levels of competitive sports. The present study has been undertaken to investigate a very important psychological component of the sportsmen, i.e. specific sports personality traits of the sports-men and non-sportsmen. It is fundamental in good teaching to stay on something until you get somewhere with it. Academic achievements now a days is very necessary as it is needed for getting better job and to earn livelihood. It is always a matter of concern in the society that those who play more are less interested in studies or the persons involved in sports are not good in academics. In terms of how a person perceives himself, what he thinks of himself, how he attempts through various actions to enhance

confidence, self-assurance, self-assertiveness, self-esteem, self-regard, self-consistency, self-enhancement and self-respect. Ibrahim and Morrison7 have given a concise definition of self-concept as a composite of numerous self-perception encompassing the values, attitudes and behavior towards one-self in relation to environment. Thus the present study is selected keeping in view the importance of self-concept and factors influencing sportsmen and non-sportsmen students of Jain Public Schools.


―The purpose of the study is to find out the Various Aspects of Sportsmen and Non-Sportsmen‖


1. To compare various aspects of self-concept between sportsmen and non-sportsmen. 2. To compare the self-concept of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. 3. To access the self-concept of sportsmen and non-sportsmen.


1. There will be no significant difference among various aspects of .self-concept between sportsmen and non-sportsmen. 2. It is hypothesized that the self-concept of sportsmen and non-sportsmen will be same. 3. It is hypothesized that there will be no significant difference in self-concept of sportsmen and non-sportsmen.


1. The study may serve as a motivational force to the sportsmen and non-sportsmen of Jain Public Schools. 2. The study will provide common frame of reference for comparing the subject in self-concept of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. 3. The study may provide information about self-concept of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. 4. The study may be of interest to physical education teachers, toadies; social scientists and sports psychologists, as it may help to, evaluate self-concept of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. The study will be delimited to randomly selected 200 sportsmen participated up to Divisional level and 200 non-sportsmen students of jain Public Schools.(Group of Schools).


Methodology is description of procedure or technique adopted in research study. The methodology occupies a very important place in any kind of research the vehicle of research cannot perform its functions without it, since it is methodology which lays out the way of the research purpose. This method provides a method of investigation to study, describe and interpret what exists at present. This study deals with the comparison of study self-concept between sportsman and non-sportsman.


The t-ration will be applied to compare the self-concept of sportsmen non-sportsmen students of Jain Public School. (Group of Schools)


The data collected was analyzed using statistical technique such as t-ration independent. In this chapter the data will be interpreted under two heads viz.

  • Analysis and interpretation of self-concept score of sportsman.
  • Analysis and interpretation of self-concept score of non-sportsman.
  • Comparative analysis of the score of sportsman and non-sportsman.

Table 1: Descriptive Statistic of Self-concept between Sportsman and Non Sportsman

Fig 1: Graph of comparative self-concept between sportsman and non-sportsman Players

The above Table 1 & Fig-1 shows the mean and standard deviation for self-concept of sportsman as 166.8750 and 21.834 respectively and the mean and standard deviation of self-concept of non-sportsman game 153.400 and 22.07 respectively.


On the basis of findings of this study it is concluded that there is difference in academic scores of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. More Sportsmen were found in excellent category than Non Sportsmen. But when tested statistically for significant difference there is insignificant difference in the academic Scores of Sportsmen and Non Sportsmen.

  • Sex differences between male and female non-sportsmen are found in sociability, mental toughness; and emotional maturity.
  • Significant differences are not found between sportsmen and non-sportsmen on many personality traits except emotional stability.


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Corresponding Author Akhilesh Kumar Soni*

Research Scholar, Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences, Sehore (MP)

E-Mail – akhilyog@gmail.com