Movement Patterns – The Essence of Sports Biomechanics: Review

A Comprehensive Analysis of Movement Patterns in Sports Biomechanics

by Dr. Vipendra Singh Parmar*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 10, Issue No. 17, Jul 2016, Pages 89 - 93 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


We began this paper by delineating a novel way to deal with sports biomechanics and building up that our concentration in this part would be the subjective examination of human development designs in wear. We characterized developments in the sagittal plane and touched on those in the frontal and level planes. We at that point considered the imperatives drove way to deal with concentrate human developments, and went ahead to take a gander at cases of strolling, running, bouncing and tossing, including the subdivision of these central developments into stages. In these developments, we looked at development designs between ages, genders, footwear, slopes and undertakings. We at that point analyzed subjective and quantitative examination, taking a gander at their experience, uses, and qualities and shortcomings.


sports biomechanics, movement patterns, human movement, sagittal plane, frontal plane, lateral plane, walking, running, jumping, throwing


Sports biomechanics is a quantitative based study and analysis of professional athletes and sports' activities in general.[1] It can simply be described as the Physics of Sports. In this subfield of biomechanics the laws of mechanics are applied in order to gain a greater understanding of athletic performance through mathematical modeling, computer simulation and measurement. Biomechanics is the study of the structure and function of biological systems by means of the methods of ―mechanics.‖ – which is the branch of physics involving analysis of the actions of forces. Within ―mechanics‖ there are two sub-fields of study: statics, which is the study of systems that are in a state of constant motion either at rest (with no motion) or moving with a constant velocity; and dynamics, which is the study of systems in motion in which acceleration is present, which may involve kinematics (the study of the motion of bodies with respect to time, displacement, velocity, and speed of movement either in a straight line or in a rotary direction) and kinetics. We take a gander at how we can characterize human developments, a comment we will return in more detail in Chapter 6. To determine unambiguously the developments of the human body in game, practice and different exercises, we have to utilize a suitable logical phrasing. Terms, for example, 'bowing knees' and 'raising arms' are adequate in ordinary dialect, incorporating when speaking with don specialists, however 'raising arms' is questionable and we ought to take a stab at exactness. 'Twisting knees' is frequently thought to be deductively unsatisfactory – a view with which I significantly differ as I consider that straightforwardness is constantly ideal, especially in interchanges with non-researchers. We have to begin by building up the planes in which these developments happen and the tomahawks about which they occur, alongside the body stances from which we characterize these developments. The development of the entire arm about the shoulder joint from the anatomical reference position is called flexion, and its arrival to that position is called expansion; the continuation of expansion past the anatomical reference position is called hyperextension. A similar wording is utilized to characterize developments in the sagittal plane for the thigh about the hip joint. These arm and thigh developments are generally characterized as for the storage compartment. Games biomechanists regularly utilize the tradition that the completely broadened position of most joints is 180°; when most joints flex, this edge diminishes. Clinical biomechanists tend to utilize an option tradition in which a completely expanded joint is 0°, with the goal that flexion expands the joint edge. We will utilize the previous tradition throughoutthis book. Since the cases of development designs that we will consider in this paper are mostly in the sagittal plane.


These people include the young and the old, male and female, who are shown walking, running, jumping and throwing in various conditions. These include:

sidearm and overarm throwing; in different footwear and clothing; and with and without skin markers to identify centres of rotation of joints. An in-depth study of these videos is recommended to all readers. The video sequences shown in the figures below have been extracted from these clips using the qualitative analysis package silicon COACH (siliconCOACH Ltd, Dunedin, New Zealand; When analysing any human movement, ask yourself, ‗What are the ―constraints‖ on this movement?‘ The constraints can be related to the sports task, the environment or the organism. This ‗constraints-led‘ approach serves as a very strong basis from which to develop an understanding of why we observe particular movement patterns. In the video examples and the sequences in the figures below, an environmental constraint might be ‗overground‘ or ‗treadmill‘ (although this might also be seen as a task constraint). Jumping vertically to achieve maximum height is clearly a task constraint. Organismic constraints are, basically, biomechanical; they relate to a given individual‘s body characteristics, which affect their movement responses to the task and environmental constraints. These biomechanical constraints will be affected, among many other things, by genetic make-up, age, biological sex, fitness, injury record and stage of rehabilitation, and pathological conditions. Not surprisingly, the movement patterns observed when one individual performs a specific sports task will rarely be identical to those of another person; indeed, the movement patterns from repetitions of that task by the same individual will also vary – this becomes more obvious when we quantitatively analyse those movements, but can be seen qualitatively in many patterns of movement, as in Chapter 3. These variable responses, often known as movement variability, can and do affect the way that movement analysts look at sports movements. The qualitative descriptions in the following sections will not, therefore, apply to every adult, but will apply to many so-called ‗normals‘. An initial phase in the investigation of a mind boggling engine aptitude is regularly to build up the stages into which the development can be separated for examination. For instance, the division of a tossing development into discrete, yet connected, stages is helpful due to the sheer many-sided quality of many tossing procedures. The periods of the development ought to be chosen with the goal that they have a biomechanically unmistakable part in the general development, which is not the same as that of going before and succeeding stages. Each stage at that point has a plainly characterized biomechanical work and effectively recognized stage limits, frequently called key occasions. Despite the fact that stage examination can help the comprehension of development designs, the basic component of all games developments is their wholeness; this ought to development design.


Walking is a cyclic activity in which one stride follows another in a continuous pattern. We define a walking stride as being from touchdown of one foot to the next touchdown of the same foot, or from toe-off to toe-off. In walking, there is a single-support phase, when one foot is on the ground, and a double-support phase, when both are. The single-support phase starts with toe-off of one foot and the double-support phase starts with touchdown of the same foot. The duration of the single-support phase is about four times that of the double-support phase. Alternatively, we can consider each leg separately. Each leg then has a stance and support phase, with similar functions to those in running. In normal walking at a person‘s preferred speed, the stance phase for one leg occupies about 60% of the whole cycle and the swing phase around 40%. In normal walking, the average durations of stance and swing will be very similar for the left and right sides. In pathological gait, there may be a pronounced difference between the two sides, leading to arrhythmic gait patterns.


Running, like walking, is a cyclic activity; one running stride follows another in a continuous pattern. We define a running stride as being from touchdown of one foot to the next touchdown of the same foot, or from toe-off to toe-off. Unlike walking, running can basically be divided into a support phase, when one foot is on the ground, and a recovery phase, in which both feet are off the ground. The runner can only apply force to the ground for propulsion during the support phase, which defines that phase‘s main biomechanical function and provides the key events that indicate the start of the phase, touchdown (or foot strike), and its end, toe-off. The support phase starts at toe-off and ends at touchdown; at this stage, we will consider its function to be to prepare the leg for the next touchdown. In slow running, or jogging, the recovery phase will be very short; it will then increase with running speed.


Bounces, and in addition tosses, are regularly depicted as 'ballistic' developments – developments started by muscle movement in one muscle gathering, preceded in a 'drifting' period with no muscle actuation, and ended by deceleration by the inverse muscle gathering or by latent tissue structures, for example, tendons. Numerous ballistic games developments can be subdivided biomechanically into three stages: arrangement, activity and recuperation. Each of these stages has particular biomechanical capacities. In

readiness is a bringing down stage, which puts the body into a worthwhile position for the activity (raising) stage and stores versatile vitality in the unconventionally contracting (extending) muscles. The activity stage has a synchronized as opposed to consecutive structure, with all leg joints expanding or plantar flexing together. The recuperation stage includes both the time noticeable all around and a controlled getting, the last through unusual withdrawal of the leg muscles.

The standing vertical bounce

The standing vertical bounce looks straightforward. The extensor muscles of the hips and knees and the plantar flexors of the lower leg contract whimsically to enable the knees and hips to flex and the lower legs to dorsiflexion at the same time in the readiness stage. The activity stage includes the synchronous expansion of the hips and knees and plantar flexion of the lower legs through shortening (concentric) compression of the muscles that expand or plantar flex these joints and drive the body vertically upwards. In a standing vertical hop, we would first try to watch coordination of the developments inside and between the legs, and of the leg developments with those of the arms. The standing vertical hop is regularly utilized as a field trial of leg control, so the development should be quick and effective, and in addition facilitated, to bring about a fruitful – and high – bounce.

The standing broad, or long, jump

The sequence of movements and the principles of the standing long – or broad – jump are very similar to those of the standing vertical jump. However, as the task is now to jump as far as possible horizontally, the jumper needs to partition effort between the vertical and horizontal aspects of the jump, mainly through forward lean – this somewhat complicates the task. As in the standing vertical jump, the coordinated swing of the arms improves performance, as can be seen by comparing the jump without and with an arm swing. Coordination of all limb actions is again critically important. We would also look for a take-off angle of 35–45° as an indicator of how well the jumper had partitioned effort between the horizontal and vertical components of the jumps. We could do this by trying to observe the difference between the height of the jumper‘s centre of mass – indicated roughly by the height of the hips – at take-off and at landing. The higher the take-off height above the landing height, the smaller the take-off angle should be. If the take-off and landing heights are equal, the optimum angle would be 45°.


This segment concentrates on the standards of those games or occasions in which the member tosses, account of lacrosse, from an execute. A few, or all, of these standards identify with: tosses from a circle – sledge and plate tosses, shot put; hybrid aptitudes – lance toss and cricket rocking the bowling alley; contributing baseball and softball; shooting and passing developments in ball, netball, handball, water polo and lacrosse; tossing to abilities – baseball, cricket, soccer, rugby, American and different variations of football; underarm knocking down some pins; and dash tossing. Some of these are utilized as cases in this segment. Likewise with other ballistic games developments, many tosses can be subdivided biomechanically into three stages: planning, activity and recuperation. Each of these stages has particular biomechanical capacities. The later stages rely on the past stage or stages. In a fundamental toss, the planning stage puts the body into a favorable position for the activity stage and builds the speeding up way of the protest be tossed. In gifted hurlers, the activity stage exhibits a consecutive activity of muscles as fragments are selected into the development design at the right time. The recuperation stage includes the controlled deceleration of the development by flighty withdrawal of the suitable muscles. Tosses that have a more perplexing structure, for example, the sledge toss, or that include a run-up, for example, spear tossing or cricket rocking the bowling alley, advantage from being isolated into more than three stages. Tossing developments are frequently named underarm, overarm or sidearm. The last two of these can be seen as corner to corner development designs, in which trunk sidelong flexion, the storage compartment bowing sideways, is chiefly in charge of deciding if one of these tosses is overarm or sidearm. In the overarm example, the storage compartment along the side flexes far from the tossing arm, in a sidearm example the storage compartment horizontally flexes towards that arm.


The vast majority of you will be college understudies in the prior phases of your profession. You will be acquainted with human development designs from brandish – when seen live, or as an entertainer, mentor or observer – whether these are development examples of people or of groups all in all. A case for an individual game can be exhibited as an arrangement of still video outlines, most bundles for subjective video examination make it simple to watch, and to think about, such development designs.


Sports biomechanists use two main approaches to analysing human movement patterns in sport – qualitative and quantitative analysis. The previous section focused on qualitative analysis. A third

approaches will be developed and explained more fully in later chapters, but here I give a bullet-pointed outline of each, focusing on the two main approaches, including why they are used and by whom, as well as some advantages and drawbacks of each.

Background to qualitative analysis

Qualitative analysis requires applying basic biomechanical principles to the movement. We need to know what to observe; coaches have important knowledge and contributions to make here too. Qualitative analysts need an excellent grasp of the techniques – or movement interactions – in a specific sport or exercise; coaches have great depth and breadth of that knowledge. Deterministic models can give a theoretical basis to the analysis, which can otherwise become discursive. This modelling approach can be represented graphically so as to be coach-friendly. Good-quality digital video cameras are needed, with adequate frame rates and shutter speeds. This equipment is familiar to coaches and extra equipment is rarely necessary. Qualitative analysis should uncover the major faults in an unsuccessful performance by an individual or a team; it is the approach actually used by most coaches and teachers.

Strengths and weaknesses of qualitative analysis Strengths

• No expensive equipment (digital video cameras). • Field-based not laboratory-based, which enhances ecological validity. • When done properly, it is highly systematic. • Movement patterns speak far more loudly than numbers – remember the cliché, a picture is worth a thousand words. • Coach-friendly.


• Apparent lack of ‗data‘ (but is this really such a weakness?). • Need for considerable knowledge of movement by analysts. • Reliability and objectivity are questionable and often difficult to assess; observer bias.

Mathematical models based on biophysical laws can give a sound theoretical basis to the analysis, which can otherwise become data-driven; most of these models are too far removed from coaching to be of practical use. Good quantitative analysts need a sound grasp of techniques or movement interactions involved in a specific activity, as do good qualitative analysts. However, not all quantitative analysis follows this principle, which might make much of their work dubious in a practical context. A quantitative analyst needs to decide upfront the measurement techniques and methods to obtain the information required. Careful attention should be paid to what to measure, research design, data analysis, validity and reliability.

Strengths and weaknesses of quantitative analysis Strengths

• Lots of biomechanical data (but is this really a strength?). • Reliability and objectivity can be easily assessed, even if they rarely are.


• Expensive equipment and software; user requires technical skills. • Often laboratory- and not field-based, which reduces ecological validity. • Apparent lack of a theoretical basis. • When done badly, which it often is, it is highly non-systematic. • Need for careful data management, as there‘s so much information available. • Not coach-friendly


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Corresponding Author Dr. Vipendra Singh Parmar*

Assistant Professor, V.S.S.D. PG College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh E-Mail –