A Study of Behavior Traits of Women Sports Person and Non-Sports Person

A Comparative Study of Behavior Traits in Women Sports and Non-Sports Persons

by Mohan Kumar L. P.*, Puttaswamy Gowda P.,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 16 - 19 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The purpose of the present investigation was to study the behavior traits of sports women and non-sportswomen. The other of the study was to make a comparison of behavior traits among sports women and non-sports women. To achieve the purpose of the objective of the present investigation the behavior questionnaire was administered to a sample of Fifty (50) sports woman who were participated in inter-collegiate sports competitions, and fifty (50) non-sportswomen. The data necessary for the study were collected through the responses of the selected subjects to the Blanchard Behavior Questionnaire. The data collected were statistically analyzed, mean and standard deviation values for all behavior factors for all the selected subjects were completely significant difference in the mean scores of all behavior factors among the sports woman and non-sports women was computes through‘t’ test. The statistical analyses of the data have revealed that; Sportswomen were having average to good level of behavior, whereas, non-sportswomen were having poor to average level of behavior.


behavior traits, women, sports person, non-sports person, comparison, questionnaire, statistical analysis


Sports give appreciation of not only the complicity of man's struggles with himself and his opponents but also of the vastness of his felling of togetherness and love for others. Sports is an institutional competitive activity that involves physical exertion or the use of relatively action requiring considerable psyche physical involvement at and times ever almost total personal engagement or devotion. Each self is unique as it develops on the basis of unique organism and the reactions to the various forces in the physical and social environment. There is a constant and continuous activity at adjustment and re-adjustment to the changing conditions. These there is stability as well as change in the self. Modern sports training gives greater emphasis on preparing the athletes psychologically then physically though both plays a significant role. Physical educators and coaches believe that without psychological preparation, there is little chance of success at the higher level of competitions; several investigations have reveals that apart from somatic and psychological variables higher level of performance depends upon an athlete's psychological makeup. A player is fit for the game, if he possesses the required preparation, emotional stability, motivation intelligence, behavior & educability to accomplish the taste. No player without win and proper behavior can achieve the higher goal.


The purpose of the present investigation is to study the behavior traits of women sports person and non-sportsperson. The objective of the study was to make comparison of behavior traits among women sports person and non-sports person belonging to various colleges.


1) The investigator had no control over the response of the subjects to different items in the questionnaire administrator to them. The investigators had to consider the response of the subjects as genuine. 2) The moods temperament of the subjects at the time of answering the questionnaire was beyond the control of the investigator. 3) Subjects selected for the present study may have participated in competitions at various levels which may have an influence on behavior make up &hence the data gathered.

Mohan Kumar L. P.1* Puttaswamy Gowda P.2

1) The study is delimited to the behavior traits of sports persons &non-sports persons in female category only, ages between 18 to 25 years 2) The study is de limited to sports person who had participated in Mysore city. Intercollegiate sports tournaments. 3) The data will be collected by using only Blanchard behavior rating scale.


1) The traits of the study may have many applications in team building & training. 2) The remarks of the study way be useful in sports career planning. 3) The remarks may help in understanding the psychology of sports person &non-sportsperson. 4) The study may further reveal the specified dominant and common factor of behavior &the traits of sports person &non-sports person the study may reveal some of the important psychological determinants of sports person is relation to the game. 5) The results of the study may become a useful guide to coach training physical education 6) To assess social acceptance or adjustment 7) To guide socially rejected persons.


The purpose of the present investigation was to study personality traits of sports person and non-sports person.

Selection of Subjects

1) The subjects for sports woman were selected from the participants of Mysore City Intercollegiate and University of Mysore Intercollegiate Tournament. 2) The subjects for non-sports women were selected from the University of Mysore.

Description of the Questionnaire

Behavior rating scale factor questionnaire. The traits represents in this model are leadership, positive active qualities, qualities of efficiency, sociability.

Table – 1

The tool consists twenty four (24) questions. The subject has to read each statement carefully and in the proper box that corresponds to his reply an opinion her friend.

Table – 2; Classification Table Statistical Technique

To derive the relationship between job satisfaction and behavior rating scale correction analysis was conducted.

Procedure of Tool Administration

The behavior rating scale questionnaires were personally handed over to the subject of the present investigation. The subjects were explaining about the importance of the present investigation and were requested to furnish the necessary data in the form of responses to different items of the questionnaires. The subjects were assured that the information furnished by them would be kept strictly confidential, and would be used only for research purposes. The

Mohan Kumar L. P.1* Puttaswamy Gowda P.2

were collected after a couple of time or days.


The subjects complete answering the questionnaire within the stipulated time after which the questionnaires were collected back and get the raw scores. The data were collected in the form of responses of the subjects to the various items of each questionnaire administered. The responses were converting into raw scores that were in numerical form, these scores represent the data for the present study.

Design of the Study and Statistical Procedure

The present study was basically descriptive in nature and a status study of behavior traits of sports women and non-sports women. It was also a status study of comparison at personality traits among sportswomen and non-sports women. Mean and standard deviation values were computed, the significance at difference among two groups in all factors of behavior was whole sample test.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The purpose of the study was to analyze the behavior traits of sports women and non-sports women. From 50 sports women who were participating in various city inter-collegiate tournaments of University of Mysore during the year 2009-10 and so non-sports women as Control Group. To fulfill the objectives of the study the following hypothesis were framed and by‗t‘ test.

  • Null hypothesis: H0 – there was significant difference in behavior traits among sportswomen and non-sports women.
  • Alternative hypothesis: H1 – there exists significant difference in behavior traits among sports women and non-sports women.
  • It was customary to present in the descriptive statistics at the study variables the prior to the thinking of hypothesis.

= 68.64 Min 44 = 10.54 Max 100

From the above table infer the following.

  • Among 50 sportswomen, 1(2%) of them belongs to the category below average level, 31 (62%) of them belongs to category average level, 14 (28%) of them belongs to the category above average category and 4 (8%) of them belongs to the category good level of behavior.
  • Among 50 non sportswomen, 1 (2%) of them belongs to the category of poor level, 11 (22%) of them belongs to the category of below average level, 38 (76%) of them belongs to the category of average level of behavior.


Sportswomen were having average to good level of behavior, whereas, non-sportswomen were having poor to average level of behavior.


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Mohan Kumar L. P.1* Puttaswamy Gowda P.2

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Corresponding Author Mohan Kumar L. P.*

Research Scholar, Physical Education Director, Hindustan FGC, Mysore

E-Mail – yelpymoni@yahoo.co.in