Comparative Study on Moto Fitness and Performance of Kho-Kho and Kabaddi Players of Gulbarga University of Gulbarga

Comparative Analysis of Moto Fitness and Performance in Kho-Kho and Kabaddi Players

by Miss. Shivaleela .*, Dr. K. P. Martin, Dr. Anilkumar Edward,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 78 - 82 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The need of primitive man were quite simple and basic but not of complex nature. He was supposed to have a certain amount of physical Fitness to indulge in some activities like hunting animals and fish the fighting the animal was essential for his survival. The learning of such important skills was his basic and first education and development of conditioning body through vigorous physical activity. The process of strengthening body and skills continued trough but the centuries serving is a vital skill for the effective living of man. Though it is a matter of fact that primitive man recognized the physical fitness is necessary to his survival. But it does not that the importance of physical fitness has been diminished to the modern man. The modern man cannot afford to complacent and forget its importance is not only maintains his efficiency and happiness but also it is the way of his survival in a highly competitive environment. The right kind and right amount of physical exercise develops organic and muscle power stamina, vigor and the activity skills related to his development. There is a direct relationship between physical exercise and physical fitness. The kho-kho players have better performance in motor components like speed, endurance, flexibility and agility than kabaddi players whereas in strength component kabaddi players are have high strength than performance. The kho-kho players are has better cardiovascular efficiency than the kabaddi players. In psychological variable aggression the kabaddi players are having more aggression than kho-kho players. In anxiety variable kabaddi players are having high anxiety than kho-kho players. The hypothesis which drawn for present study are found significant.


primitive man, physical fitness, vigorous physical activity, muscle power stamina, competitive environment, motor components, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility


The need of primitive man were quite simple and basic but not of complex nature. He was supposed to have a certain amount of physical Fitness to indulge in some activities like hunting animals and fish the fighting the animal was essential for his survival. The learning of such important skills was his basic and first education and development of conditioning body through vigorous physical activity. The process of strengthening body and skills continued trough but the centuries serving is a vital skill for the effective living of man. Though it is a matter of fact that primitive man recognized the physical fitness is necessary to his survival. But it does not that the importance of physical fitness has been diminished to the modern man. The modern man cannot afford to complacent and forget its importance is not only maintains his efficiency and happiness but also it is the way of his survival in a highly competitive environment. The right kind and right amount of physical exercise develops organic and muscle power stamina, vigor and the activity skills related to his development. There is a direct relationship between physical exercise and physical fitness. Since from evolution of man ―Physical Fitness‖ is playing very crucial role in the all round development of man and mankind. Irrespective of the time be it ancient times, medieval times, or modern times, physical fitness is very crucial and important component of human life. The importance of physical fitness was well known to our ancestors. In 360 B. C. Plato amply described the importance of physical fitness in the following words ―Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being while movement and methodical physical exercise save it preserve it ―.

Mrs. Shivaleela1* Dr. K. P. Martin2 Dr. Anilkumar Edward3

ample energy to engage in leisure time pursuits and to meet the above average physical strength, stress, muscular endurance and circulatory endurance, muscular power, agility, speed and flexibility added to compose motor fitness. Then kinetic, arm-eye, foot eye co ordination is needed for general motor ability [1976]. Sport is a word wide phenomenon today. In no period of the world history sports was so popular organized and important as today. Every country in the Universe has its own tradition, life style, food habit, language behavior costumes art and culture. Each country differs from the other field of games is not on exception to this. Each country has its own national game and it will be an asset of the country. If we think of a thrilling sport which is a vigorous and fastest a healthy competitive spirit among the children and youths. In our country there are many national games including Kho Kho. Based on national principles of physical development. The game Kho Kho strikes to the mind first. It is purely an Indian game. It is very popular game in India. The game in human from the physical skill of the panther is not play during the game panther is well known as the fastest animal in speed. It can stop, lead and make quick turn within a movement. Kho Kho becomes more spectacular and existing packed with chills and mounted with tension, really a lovely game to watch and play and it gives fultest satisfaction to both players and spectators. Like other Olympic games Kho Kho has standard rules and regulations. The game Kho-Kho calls for physical fitness, ability, speed, stamina and strong purposeful determination in a player. It is one of the indigenous games that is now catching the imagination of youngsters levels. It is very interesting and exiting in nature both of players and spectators. It is a very fast game and a participate develops a fairly better standard of physical fitness. The game can be played on a small play ground. Played without equipment, like the ball in Basketball, Volleyball, Cricket and etc ,but it is an utterance of a word ‗Kho‘ by the player [active chaser while making other player chaser] to get up and chase the player of opponents team [defender or dodging] literally ‗Kho‘ means ‗get up go‘. The game is played on a gravel or clay surface that suits open field sports. The play ground shall be no slippery preferably without grass, needless to say that the synthetic ground and playing indoor in on card. The particularity of the game is that two wooden posts are fixed inside the play field and the area between them will be divided into two halves. The game is played for two innings. A team shall consist of 12 players including 3 extra players. Every team has to a 6 officials viz. One referee, two umpires two scorers, and one time keeper. Kho Kho has achieved national status in India. This is widely played in the state of Maharastra, Hariyana and Karnataka. Competitors at different levels are conducted, such as National, inter University, junior and sub junior Federation Cup and School National Games Rural Sports for both sections. The game of Kabaddi is essential as game of tag by great deal of feinting, dodging, turns, kicks and twists apart from these the participants in Kabaddi require considerable muscular strength, either to catch or hold opponents or to resist the heads of opponents and escape from the antis the skills involved in these movements have to be understood and carefully practiced over long period as in any other well organized game in order that participants may not only play better. But derive satisfaction in playing Kabaddi. The skill appropriate to a raider and a defender or separately described in two sections in this chapter, but it should not be over looked that the skills to raid successfully and to resist mastered by every player as the teams raid and become anties alternatively. In order to develop either type of skills Kabaddi player have first to develop considerable speed and great muscular strength by conditioning exercised and these will be dealt with in a separate chapter on conditioning. The skills essential for Kabaddi are under two heads offensive skills and diffusive skills. Offensive skills are those required for a successful raid and the defensive skill include the ability to out man ensure a raider, and present is return to his head side of the court and unless defensive skills are well under stood by the raider. The raider can hardly make effective raids. Since the raider has to put opponents by tagging without being caught. The terminology used in the described of these skills cannot be said to adapt in every case and follows current practice and there is need to modify or improve them. It is vital for whole person to have total effectiveness in the physical fitness, which includes, and neuro muscular, cardio vascular and other organic systems by the physical exercise.


Motor fitness is a limited and another phase of total fitness its scope is limited fitness it is easier to define it in relation with total fitness and physical fitness. Motor fitness is usually though of is a readiness or preparedness and also concerned with the capacity

Mrs. Shivaleela1* Dr. K. P. Martin2 Dr. Anilkumar Edward3

length of time.

The term ‗‘Motor fitness‘‘ become popular during World War II. It may be defined is the limited phase of motor ability emphasizing capacity for the vigorous work. The aspects selected for emphasis are endurance, power, strength, agility, flexibility, and balance. More specifically motor fitness might be refereed as running, jumping, climbing, falling, swimming, lifting weight, carrying loads and enduring sustained efforts in a variety of situations. A. Motor Fitness components

1. Strength 2. Speed 3. Agility 4. Endurance 5. Flexibility 1. Strength Strength is a conditional ability it depends largely on the energy liberation in the muscles. Strength is also perhaps the most important motor ability in sports. Strength is the ability to overcome the resistance or act against resistance. The ability to apply force and overcome resistance strength is an essential element in physical performance.

2. Speed

Speed wise strength and endurance is a conditional ability it has a complex nature as it depends to a considerable extent on the central nervous system. It is the performance pre requisite to do motor actions under conditions in minimum of time. Speed may be defined as the capacity of the individual to person successive movements of the same pattern at a fast rate. We may use measure reviewing speed of person with a watch and the distance is in meters. 3. Agility The ability to change the position of the body in a pace rapidly and accurately without loss of balance. Agility is important the sports where the obstacles or opponents have to be avoided it is recognized as a basic component of motor performance, but exact nature has not been determined agility as often presented by the terms memory ability, mobility etc. It is the ability to change the directions of the body and its parts rapidly

Endurance is the result of physiological capacity of the individual to strain movement over a period of time. The capacity to keep going or put up with physical hardship for long time. The ability to withstand physical hardship or strain Endurance like strength is a conditional Ability. Energy liberation processor primarily determines it. The ability of the human body to maintain a certain level of energy production forms the physiological basis of endurance. 5. Flexibility

Flexibility is the cog around which mobility and agility rotate. It is the ability of subject to moo body joints to a maximum range of motion without strain or stress on muscles, tendons, ligaments and other joint structures. Flexibility may be visualized as looseness and suppleness of the body joints. Increased flexibility permits a greater range of moment and this assists in minimizing injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Statement of the problem

The purpose of the study is Compare Motor Fitness and performance of KhoKho and Kabaddi players of Gulbarga University Gulbarga.


1. It is hypothesed that the Kho Kho and Kabaddi players will have significant Differences in Motor Fitness .


The finding of the study may have the following significance and contribution to the related field. The findings of the study will have the significance of self –assessment of motor fitness and perfornce of Kho Kho and Kabaddi players; 1. The proposed study may seek the significance through the comparison of the factors between the Kabaddi and Kho Kho players. 2. The study may have significant of making training schedule for the players ,coaches , trainers and physical education teachers for Kabaddi and Kho Kho players to develop physical fitness of sportsman.

Mrs. Shivaleela1* Dr. K. P. Martin2 Dr. Anilkumar Edward3

1. The study will be delimited Kho Kho and Kabaddi players. 2. The study will be delimited only male Kho Kho and Kabaddi players. 3. The study will be delimited belong to the age group of 18 to 23 years 4. The study will be delimited to Gulbarga University. 5. The investigation will be delimited to selected variables of Motor Fitness factors.


1. The findings of the study will be understood by considering the following limitations. 2. Availability of small number of sample size will be one of the limitations of the study. 3. Individual differences among the subjects and other factors such as – Life Style, dietary habits, daily routine, will also considered limitations for the present study. 4. Social stigma behind involving selected subjects in study will also be considered as limitation for the study.


The purpose of study is to ―Compare Motor Fitness, and performance of Kho-Kho and Kabaddi players of Gulbarga Universities of Gulbarga. The following methodology will be adopted.

Selection of subjects

For the present study 15 Kabaddi players and 15 Kho-Kho Male players from Gulbarga Universities of Gulbarga will be study.

Selection of the statistical techniques

For the purpose of analysis the following statistical procedures will be employed in which Mean, SD minimum and maximum scores will be computed. The required statistical calculations will also be computed with the help of SPSS software. The descriptive calculation and ‗t‘ test will be computed.

Table Showing the Mean, SD and ‗t‘ values of Motor Fitness Test of Kho-Kho and Kabaddi Players

Endurance scores of kho-kho players are higher (2217.81) than the team kabaddi players (1786). The t-values (4.93) is significant. Scores of Strength component of kabaddi players is higher (2.20) than the team kho-kho (1.83). The t-value is significant (3.16). The scores of Speed tests of kho-kho are higher (7.22) than the team kabaddi (2.78). The t-value is significant (3.28). The Flexibility scores of kho-kho are higher (9.93) than the kabaddi (3.42). The t-value is significant (2.95). The Agility scores of kho-kho are higher (11.03) than the kabaddi (11.47). The t-value is significant (2.56).

Major Finding

1. The kho-kho players have better performance in motor components like speed, endurance, flexibility and agility than kabaddi players whereas in strength component kabaddi players are have high strength than performance. 2. The kho-kho players are has better cardiovascular efficiency than the kabaddi players. 3. In psychological variable aggression the kabaddi players are having more aggression than kho-kho players. 4. In anxiety variable kabaddi players are having high anxiety than kho-kho players. 5. The hypothesis which drawn for present study are found significant.


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Mrs. Shivaleela1* Dr. K. P. Martin2 Dr. Anilkumar Edward3

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Corresponding Author Mrs. Shivaleela*

Research Scholar, Karnataka State Women‘s University, Vijayapura

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