Emotional Intelligence and its Effect on Interpersonal Adjustments of Sports Persons

Exploring the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Interpersonal Adjustments and Aggression in Sports

by Venkata Chalapathi G.*, Dr. S. Suthakar , Dr. M. Shivarama Reddy,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 139 - 142 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


As early as 1940 he referred to "non-intellective" as well as "intellective" elements, by which he meant affective, personal and social factors Furthermore, as early as 1943 Wechsler was proposing that the non-intellective abilities are essential for predicting one's ability to succeed in life. The type of aggression witnessed in sport may be categorized in to athletes and spectator's aggression or hostility. Cox (1995) has listed several factors associated with the occurrence of aggression in sports specific context. Adjustment may be defined as the process by means of which the individual attempts to maintain a level of physiological and psychological equilibrium; or more simply. Adjustment refers to behaviour directed toward tension a reduction Implied in this definition is a state of harmonious relationship existing between the individual and his environment. The post graduate students have significantly higher emotional intelligence than the under graduate students. The players of both PG and UG degree have exhibited significantly higher emotional intelligence after training session than the before. There is a significant difference in the emotional intelligence between pre and post- training condition in both male and female sub-groups. The respondents belonging to both high and low aggressions have exhibited significantly higher emotional intelligence after training than before. The high aggression has significantly higher emotional intelligence than the low aggression after receiving training. There are significant differences in Basket Ball performance between internal and external adjustment of players: Internals have higher performance than externals. There is significant influence of education on volley ball test. The UG students are significantly higher than the PG students in volley ball test.


emotional intelligence, interpersonal adjustments, sports persons, aggression, adjustment, training session, pre-training, post-training, male, female


Emotional Intelligence: When psychologists began to write and think about intelligence, they focused on cognitive aspects, such as memory and problem-solving. David Wechsler defined intelligence as "the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment" As early as 1940 he referred to "non-intellective" as well as "intellective" elements, by which he meant affective, personal and social factors Furthermore, as early as 1943 Wechsler was proposing that the non-intellective abilities are essential for predicting one's ability to succeed in life. Aggression: The type of aggression witnessed in sport may be categorized in to athletes and spectator's aggression or hostility. Cox (1995) has listed several factors associated with the occurrence of aggression in sports specific context. The list includes environmental temperature, perception of opponents intentions to agrees the athlete who perceives that an opponent is trying to inflict harm will respond in the same way fear of retaliation a victim of 45 aggression will retaliate even more aggressively structure of the game closer the physical contact between the opponents, the greater the chance for retaliator for retaliatory aggression Adjustment: Adjustment may be defined as the process by means of which the individual attempts to maintain a level of physiological and psychological equilibrium; or more simply. Adjustment refers to behavior directed toward tension reductions Implied in this definition is a state of


Thus, adjustment is specific to a given individual under specific conditions and the term adjusted is meaningful only in terms of "adjusted to what? It follows that adjustment is related to such factors as the particular culture in which one lives, the sex of the individual, his aggression, and other factors peculiar to him and to the environment to which he must adjust Thus, a boy from a lower aggression group who refuses to fight may be considered maladjusted by the standards of his social milieu whereas the boy of a higher aggression group who does fight may also be considered maladjusted by the standards of his social group


To study the Emotional Intelligence, Aggression and its effects on interpersonal adjustments on the performance of sports persons.


The following are the objectives: To study the extent of Emotional Intelligence in sample sub- groups. To assess the influence of training on sports performance. To study the effect of Aggression on sports performance. To study the effect of Adjustment on sports performance. To examine the gender differences in sports performance.


The hypotheses of the study there would be significant influence of training on the performance of the Sports and games. There would be significant difference in Emotional intelligence between sample sub-groups of independent variables. There would be effect of Aggression on the sports performance of the samples belonging to different level of education and gender. There would be effect of Adjustment on sports performance. There would be significant correlation between independent variables, sports and game performance.


The study was delimited to the selected events like Volley ball and Basket Ball performance. The factor selected was delimited for two classifications of independent variables. The study was delimited to UG and PG level of education. The study was delimited to the affiliated colleges of Bellary. The study is further delimited to at least participate in inter-collegiate tournaments of Bellary.

Keeping in view the objectives of the study an appropriate research design is adopted in the present investigation. The sample of the study consists of 400 sports persons (both male and female) representing both Under Graduate & Post Graduate Education, drawn from various Colleges of the Bellary Jurisdiction. Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment are also independent variables of the study. Therefore, the sample was administered with Emotional Intelligence, Aggression and Adjustment inventory before making a final selection. Further the sample was administered emotional intelligence scale and given sports games events like Volley ball and Basket Ball. Thus there are an equal number of respondents belonging to two groups of aggression, adjustment, education and gender


The following tests were used in the study: 1. Emotional Intelligence Scale (Short Form)

This scale is developed by Goleman (1995) which consists of 30 items in its short form version which is used in the present study. This consists of 7 alternative responses ranging from completely disagree to completely agree. The scoring is done as per manual. The reliability and validity of the scale is satisfactory and adequate.

2. Aggression Inventory‘ This inventory was originally developed by Bus-Durkee (1957) and was restandardized by Ujwalarani and Rama Rao (1988). There are 60 items with true or false alternatives. The items are scored with the help of scoring key given in the manual. Accordingly, higher scores indicate higher level of aggression and vice-versa. Their liability of the scale is 0.92 (split halt). 3. Adjustment Inventory This scale was developed by Sinha and Singh (2002) which consists of 102 items distributed along 5 areas like Home Adjustment, Health Adjustment, Social Adjustment, Emotional Adjustment and Educational Adjustment. There are 2 responses (Yes/No) category which are scored with the help of scoring key. According to norms high scores indicate low adjustment and vice-verse. As author claims the reliability of the scale is significant (0.92) and validity is adequate.

Venkata Chalapathi G.1* Dr. S. Suthakar2 Dr. M. Shivarama Reddy3 1

5. Basket Ball Test — By Jhonson — 1934.


The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical techniques: t‘ test to assess the significant difference between sample sub-groups. Product movement ‗r‘ to assess the co-relations between the variables. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) to assess the influence of independent variables on dependent variable.


Emotional Intelligence is believed to be a universal phenomenon associated with performance of the given task. It refers to our ability to use our emotions to enrich our living since emotions affect our level of relationship, satisfactions, health, happiness and effectiveness in living. Therefore the efficiency in the performance is largely determined by emotional skills and not just by the cognitive ability. Thus emotional intelligence has become a popular concept, in the recent research. Because its speaks about the ability to persue, understand and manage emotions to be utilized in all the fields of human activity. Therefore emotional literacy and emotional mastery are necessary components of emotional intelligence that is much associated with the performance of individuals. The present study attempts to explore the role of emotional intelligence in increasing sports performance of players selected randomly from various colleges of Bellary. The sample was matched for education, gender and other independent variables like Aggression, Interpersonal Adjustment etc. In the present study before and after design was adopted keeping training as an intervention. The performance of students in individual event i.e., Team game Volley Ball and Basket Ball was measured before and after training. It was hypothesized that the sample should exhibit higher performance in after (post-test) condition than the before (pre-test) in both the events. In the mean while the students were subjected to the test of emotional intelligence, after classifying them into groups based on Aggression and Adjustment criteria. Thus the sample of sub-groups on each independent variable was also measured on emotional intelligence. This is done because emotional intelligence status of the respondent would enable the best comparison between pre and post condition training.


Attempt is made in this section to assess the emotional intelligence of sports and games persons in the categories of independent variables. The scores of before and after training sessions. This would indicate the amount of increase of emotional intelligence of respondents as a result of training intervention. Thus the mean, standard deviation and 't' values are calculated for pre and post training sessions to examine the effect of training on the development of emotional intelligence in the sample.

Table shows r - values between variables and Volley Ball event

The results given in the Table clearly reveal that r - values between education and Volley Ball, genders and Volley Ball, aggression and Volley Ball, adjustment and Volley Ball and emotional intelligence (post-test scores) and Volley Ball are all positive and significant. This clearly indicates the performance of the sample in the volley ball event is highly correlated with the levels of education, gender, aggression, adjustment and emotional intelligence. Thus higher level of education, high aggression, internal adjustment and higher emotional intelligence are significant correlates of volley ball game performance. Similar results have been reported in the earlier studies.

Shows r - values between variables and Basket Ball Performance

Table reveals the r - values between independent variables and sports performance of the sample in basketball. It can be observed all the r - values are significant beyond 0.01 level. This clearly indicates


scores) have significant correlation indicating clearly and the mutual correlation between them. Similarly gender too is found to be highly correlated. Therefore all the independent variables studied have strong relationship with Basket Ball performance of respondents. The results of the present study are in agreement with earlier studies.


There is a significant difference in the emotional intelligence between the under graduate and post graduate sub-groups: The post graduate students have significantly higher emotional intelligence than the under graduate students. The players of both PG and UG degree have exhibited significantly higher emotional intelligence after training session than the before. There is a significant difference in the emotional intelligence between pre and post- training condition in both male and female sub-groups. The respondents belonging to both high and low aggressions have exhibited significantly higher emotional intelligence after training than before. The high aggression, has significantly higher emotional intelligence than the low aggression after receiving training. The emotional intelligence of two groups of adjustment is significantly higher in the after training session than the before training session. The sports person with the internal adjustment has significantly higher emotional intelligence than those of external adjustment in both the conditions of training. There is a significant impact of training on sports performance of Volley ball players as the post training scores are significantly lower than the pre-test condition in the sample of both PG and UG degree. The under graduate players have taken significant less time in volley ball test than the post graduate players.

There is a significant gender difference in volley ball event in post-training. The training has produced significantly higher sports performance in both male and female groups. There is a significant impact of training on the sports performance of high aggression sample in Volley Ball game. The higher aggression samples have significantly higher performance than the low aggression in Volley ball. The sports performance of players with internal adjustment is significantly higher in before and after training than those with external adjustment. The players of two groups of adjustment have significantly higher performance in Volley ball game when the training was given. There is a significant effect of training on Basket Ball performance in the sample of both under graduate and post graduate degree. There is a significant increase in Basket Ball performance of both male and female when the training was given. There is significant gender difference in Basket Ball performance in pre and post-training sessions: Males excelled females in performance. There is a significant effect of training on Basket Ball performance of high two categories of adjustment is significantly higher after the training. There are significant differences in Basket Ball performance between internal and external adjustment of players: Internals have higher performance than externals. There is significant influence of education on volley ball test. The UG students are significantly higher than the PG students in volley ball test.


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Corresponding Author Venkata Chalapathi G.

Physical Education Director, Government First Grade College, HBH, Koppala, Karnataka

E-Mail – venkatachalapathi22@yahoo.co.in