Health and Wellness.

The Connection Between Health, Wellness, and Quality of Life

by Santhosha C.*, Prof. Mohamed Mustafa,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 173 - 175 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Health and Wellness is the general capacity to adapt and respond favourably to physical effort as well as physical fitness. Wellness is the search for enhanced quality of life, personal growth, and potential through positive lifestyle behaviours and attitudes. Health and wellness are closely related and often interdependent. Positive lifestyle could prevent leading causes of health and wellness problem. To live long and successful happy life, Health and wellness is must. In recent times maintaining the physical Health and wellness is the biggest challenge. . A fitness and wellness movement was taken place gradually at the end of the 20th century. People need to understand that good health is mostly self controlled. Positive lifestyle could prevent leading causes of health and wellness problem. The fitness and wellness could be enhanced through participation in quality fitness and wellness program focused on enhancing the overall quality of life.


health, wellness, physical effort, physical fitness, quality of life, personal growth, positive lifestyle, attitudes, leading causes, fitness program


The general public has very little consideration towards health and wellness. Health and Wellness promotes student body, mind, and spirit wellness within a healthy and sustainable campus environment. Healthy living and physical fitness are closely connected. Being physically fit not only helps people live healthy lives, it also helps people live and exercise, a part of their daily lives, when they are young or more lightly to keep if in their lives as they grow older benefit from it throughout their life spans. The Health and Wellness Team wants students to have the healthiest and most positive educational experience possible. The team welcomes all students and works to promote health and well-being, and prevent illness and accidents. The Team consists of the Health Clinic, Campus Health, and Counselling. "One who has health has hopes and one who has hopes can reach goals.


Health is a "State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Health is the normal development and functioning of all organs and systems of the body, which ensure it creative activity. Health is man's main asset.

2.1 Types of Health

(I), Emotional health. (II), Spiritual health. (III), Social health. (IV), Mental health v(V), Environmental health. (VI), Physical health

2.2 Health composition

(I), Body composition. (II), Cardiovascular fitness. (III), flexibility. (IV), Muscular endurance.(V), Muscle strength

2.3 Health Lifestyle

(A), Regular physical activity. (B), Nutritious food. (C), Managing stress. (D), Avoiding destructive habits. (E), Practicing safe sex. (F), Adopting good safety habits. (G), Learning first aid. (H), Adopting good personal health habits. (I), Seeking and complying with medical advice. (J), Being an informed consumer. (K), Protecting the environment.


Wellness is a state of being describing a state of positive health in the individual and comprising biological and psychological well-being as exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being. (Adapted from Corbin, Lindsey & Welk, 2000; Bouchard, et al., 1990; USDHHS, 2000). Health refers to a overall condition of a person‘s body or mind and to the presence or absence of illness or injury, differs based on factors beyond your control, such as genes, age, and family history. Wellness is the ability to live life fully, with vitality and meaning. It is dynamic and multidimensional; it incorporates physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal, and environmental dimensions. It refers to optimal health and vital it, determined by the decisions you make about the way you live. Enhanced wellness involves making conscious


3.1 Dimensions of Wellness

Experts have defined six dimensions of wellness: 1. Physical

  • Lack of sickness and injury
  • High Fitness level

2. Emotional

  • Good Relationships
  • How to understand and deal with emotions and feelings
  • Self acceptance
  • Self esteem

3. Intellectual

  • Lifelong learning
  • Curiosity

4. Interpersonal

  • Ability to develop and maintain satisfying relationships

5. Spiritual

  • guiding principles, beliefs and values

6. Environmental

  • air quality
  • Food quality
  • Safety (crossing the street, look both ways before crossing)
  • Avoiding bad neighbourhoods

wellness is constant and dynamic involving change and growth. The concept of wellness includes vitality in six interrelated dimensions, all of which contribute to overall wellness is as shown in Fig 3.1 Wellness is not static; ignoring any dimension of wellness can have harmful effects on life.


Wellness, and healthy lifestyles have resulted in a shift toward prevention and promotion. The model on physical activity, fitness and health shows the link between product and process, as well as the link between health and wellness. It also illustrates the fact that physical activity is not the only factor that influences fitness, health and wellness. Clearly fitness, health and wellness are greatly influenced by factors other than physical activity, such as heredity. It also illustrates that other processes (lifestyles or behaviours) also have an impact on fitness health and wellness, as do environmental factors and personal attributes. It is our hope that this synthesis of information will be helpful in your efforts to promote physical activity and other healthy lifestyles as a means of improving health and wellness in the years ahead.



Kindly avoid mobile phones though we are very healthy, auditing to mobile cell phones will cause many diseases due to bacterial attack in that device, health maintenance must be only through good and nutritious food , light food can lead a human for long life, aviod materialism play with human activities like indoor and outdoor games, try to aviod video games and electronic deals like watching TV, head phones etc., breathe good air, be clean, be positive, be aware of unhealthy things and habbits, follow good habbits, learn to play sports from your childhood, select your own stream in sports practice only to be healthy later it will lead to achieve your goal, prepare a food chart follow it regularly, give everyday time to your health fitness by playing your favourite games or sports, maintain your sport items as much as possible, follow diet as your trainer guides you, make everytime fresh while you play do not be upset or depressed, get fresh up both the time before and after you play, act according to situations do not respond for others quarries because you may have critical condition to face that which will affect your health, all these lines will make a human to realise his/her health is depend only upon how they take it and make it, hope this message will surely reach your hearts and make few changes in your daily life.

Santhosha C.1* Prof. Mohamed Mustafa2 1

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Werner W K Hoeger and Sharon A Hoeger (2011). ―Health and wellness‖10th edition©2013, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

World Health Organization

Corresponding Author Santhosha C.*

Director of Physical Education, Presidency University

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