Impact of Sports Socio-Psychological Benefits for Physical Education

Exploring the Impact of Physical Education on Academic Achievement and Health

by Shobha Hadapad*, Dr. Rajkumar P. Malipatil,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 198 - 200 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Research shows a positive relationship between physical activity and academic achievement in doing so; we can make a contribution to improvements in education, schooling, teaching and learning. Physical education can challenge and inspire. It can lead to life changes in terms of improved health, learning achievements and the development of positive relationships. While traditionally a subject in the curriculum our interests go beyond this to include extra-curricular activities associated with Physical Education such as field trips and sports clubs. Researchers within the Physical Education Research Forum aim to engage in research that enhances our understanding of what effective teaching and learning is so that current policy, practice and professional development can be improved challenged and even transformed. Current policies in many countries around the world, views physical education in both primary and secondary schools as a logical site for the provision of opportunities for children and young people to be physically active. Furthermore, PE teachers are increasingly tasked with the responsibility to educate students about ways to lead a healthy and activity lifestyle. This logic is directly associated with global health concerns about the prevalence of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and other major health risks related to sedentary lifestyle and obesity.


physical activity, academic achievement, improved health, learning achievements, positive relationships, physical education, extra-curricular activities, field trips, sports clubs, effective teaching and learning, current policy, professional development, primary and secondary schools, global health concerns, sedentary lifestyle, obesity


Research shows a positive relationship between physical activity and academic achievement. Health, fitness, discipline, and enthusiasm superior in the experimental program, but academic performance also surpassed controlled classes Participation of sports leads to bring various changes in the dimensions of the personality, sports environment have different kinds of activities in their nature. Sports situation provide the opportunity to test and assess abilities of emotion, personality. Intelligence, capacity of sportsperson, Sports person most of the time spending with their co-actor and that result in cultivating and producing positive and negative qualities among the participants, stress level of competition and emotion makes sportsperson feel more competent and enough dare to challenging situation, people not involving in sports and physical activities they would deprived by challenging situation, stress managing opportunity, emotional control and thrilling movement of the task, sports activities.


Human being and animals are product of a long process of biological evolution. Their activities are highly complex in nature and directed from within, since ancient times, philosophers have tried to understand why human being and other animals behave as they do.


Competition situation are different than normal situation. It is the situations where a person is given chance to put up his/her. One is declared winner when one performs best or better in a specific situation. Reason for competing better and approach differently are: In this competition encounters and sporting situation are full of stress and strain. Physical activity may produce some stress in an athlete. The most powerful stressor operating in the sporting situation is the psychic aspect of sport.


Johnny is on the basketball team at his school. He attends practice every day and looks forward to his games. His participation and love of the game have positive effects that go far beyond improved basketball skills. Participation in sports has a positive influence on many areas of life. Some of these benefits are obvious, and others might surprise you.

Kum. Shobha Hadapad1* Dr. Rajkumar P. Malipatil2 1

lesson, we will look at some benefits of participating in sports, and see the influence it has in Johnny's life.


The physical benefits of participating in a sport are probably the most obvious. Athletic training helps strengthen bodies, develops coordination, and promotes physical fitness. Through sports, youths learn physical fitness in a fun way that encourages healthy living habits. Once young athletes develop these habits, they are more likely to continue them throughout their lives. This is important since physical fitness helps combat major health issues such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Even when it is not basketball season, Johnny runs to keep in shape. He knows that staying physically fit year-round helps him play better when basketball season arrives. Johnny has also learned what types of food provide him with the energy he needs to feel good. Playing basketball has provided Johnny with motivation to develop important habits of regular exercise and healthy eating.


In addition to these physical benefits, many social benefits result from participation in sports. Participation in sports provides opportunities to learn teamwork. Playing by the rules and overcoming adversity helps youths learn qualities of good sportsmanship and personal responsibility. Time management and good organizational skills must be developed to achieve both athletic and academic success. These benefits transfer to everyday situations, providing social skills that allow you to succeed in the real world. Johnny attends practice and puts off plans to watch a movie with his friends later that night so he can get his homework done.


We often hear about the physical benefits of benefits (e.g., increasing all sports performance health), less often are the psychological benefits promoted. Yet, engaging in a moderate amount of physical activity will result in improved mood and emotional states and psychological variables Exercise can promote psychological well-being as well as improve quality of life. The following are common psychological benefits gained through variables.


The human personality is a marvelously intricate structure, delicately woven of motives, emotions, habits and thoughts into a pattern that balances the emotional and temperamental make up. His experience perception, memory, imagination instincts, habits, thoughts and sense at times constitute his personality. Therefore, personality differences are similar personality traits. Personality traits are basic to sports excellence. it is necessary to identify and cultivate those personality traits which are most conductive to the performance in sports. Hence personality is an important psychological factor which to a great extent determines the result of new athletic output.


Aggression is a part of human behavior and is necessary for an individual to live and struggle for higher achievements. Struggle for supremacy, dominance, and excellence in sports obviously involve aggression. Aggression in one form or the other is inevitable and inescapable in sports actives. When hostility takes over aggression, the situation become alarming and it became an anti-social behavior. Aggression may help into performance of an athlete because it arouses the athlete to put in harder effort of the success of the team. Appropriate level of aggression as permitted under the rules governing the game tends to improve the skill and enhance the effort and on the other hand, high or low level of aggression will hamper and retard the performance in sports.


The physical activity and socialization provided through participation in sports increases mental and emotional well-being. Participation in sports can boost self-confidence, trusting one's abilities or judgment, as new abilities are learned. This helps prevent feelings of depression and provides a physical outlet for stress. In addition, being an athlete is an acceptable reason to say no to using drugs or consuming alcohol. Youths who participate in sports are also less likely to drop out of school or get in trouble with the law.


Socio- Psychological benefits affecting physical performance in spores are no longer dependent on physiological well-being of the athlete. It is well established by now that there are benefits which effect and improve the physical performance. The point where psychological response potential reaches the dead end, the psychological process seems to make the athlete click proving the boost or energy to achieve the goal which psychologically training and conditioning are now-a- days a part and parcel of total sports training programmers .important Socio-

Kum. Shobha Hadapad1* Dr. Rajkumar P. Malipatil2 2

performance are. The present study of the manner in which the personality, attitudes, motivation, and behavior of the individual influence and are influence by social by social groups. The sex is not influenced and acted as detrimental factors on developing the Psychological variables such as anxiety, emotional and social intelligence.


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Corresponding Author Kum. Shobha Hadapad*

Research Scholar, DOS. K.S.W. University, Vijayapura

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