Impact of Technology on Teaching and Training of Sports and Physical Education: An Analytical Study

Exploring the Role of Information Communication Technology in Sports and Physical Education

by Yogeesh D. S.*, Dr. Shivarama Reddy,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 201 - 203 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


As we all know that entire globe is running behind technology and its applications in different aspects of life, either with professional issues or with personal issues. being a professional of Sports and physical education, want to share an outline of what technology is actually playing a role in sports and physical education, what is its importance while training and executing the tasks of physical education, is technology is really has an impact on teaching and training etc. This paper gives bird eye view of importance of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on sports, its advantages and disadvantages on sports etc. paper also gives an idea of what professionals has to do with advancement of technology and its utilization


technology, teaching, training, sports, physical education, impact, analytical study, information communication technology, advantages, disadvantages


The entire globe is running behind modern Information Communication Technology (ICT), which plays leading role in all aspects, when it comes to matter Teaching, Training and coaching of Physical Education and Sports its level of impact is very high, as we seen in day to day life from morning bed to till sleep each and every moment there is a dependency on technology in one way or the other. There is a large amount of dependency on technology in sports, here in this study only few things are covered for the purpose of paper presentation, they are use of technology in teaching, training and coaching fitness, Decision making using modern ICT, Analysis of Events using ICT etc. On the contemporary days people has the conception of positive impact of technology on sports world, which is very true that, each and every thing is verified and analyzed and decision has been taken for the betterment of sports, which is creating very positive competitive sport world as a result a tuff edge of competition in all events of sports in world, irrespective of all games.


Technology is widely used for intellectual presentation and the ICT is just an extended synonym of information technology (IT), hardly we can say it‘s a combination of Computer Technology and Communication Technology, it envelop several creation that will accumulate, repossess, operate, broadcast or receive information electronically in a variety of digital form. To be frank, ICT is a sunshade term which consist of many communicable strategies or purpose, which includes Radio, TV, mobile phones, computer and its network, hardware and software, satellite system etc, along with this a variety of services and its function associated with them, which are video conferencing and open learning. ICTs are frequently verbal in a meticulous context, especially in Libraries, in Education, in healthcare etc. ICT can also defined as, it‘s a combination of selection, acquiring, organizing and disseminating of information in digital format using modern network technology, the advancement of this technology has turned many things on, in the same way sports world has its own impact on it.


The most important vicinity of sports where ICT can be used to its extent is as follows, they are


observation by using ICT technologies.  Organization: a kind of administration which includes action plans, supportive to fabricate credentials, proper keep count (Scores) in events etc.  Supervision: This includes many things from higher hierarchy to lower, organization of things properly, the most important thing is time management.  Specialized Growth: Spontaneous acquiring of professional knowledge, exchange of experience popularly known as ―Sharing knowledge is Gaining knowledge‖.  Assessment and Feedback: Analysis at step by step with the help of ICT, proper feedback for further growth.  Communicating to global professionals: This will enhance you to next level of thinking by sharing your views with professional‘s experts at global level.


Modern advancements of technology in sports have boosted grater range of products with the intension of enhancing the performance of individuals. Individual health and fitness can be experimented along with the pulse rate monitoring using pedometers and body fat monitors. With advancement of ICT better intensity of information on human body and its impending has been recognized, testing of athlete‘s capability to a greater height with thick edge technology, safety of all athletes become most important aspect which will be managed by the developing proper sporting equipment. Advancement of new sporting technologies helps players to practice and compete to their maximum level, which will help the referees to judge easily with more accuracy. The most important and exiting is the audience response to the players obviously just because of broadcasting technology and effective displays. The new technology has bought fantastic view to the science of sport by connecting physical and mental activity, which will help in better understanding of their body parts in a common means. It also helps youngsters to attract towards Physical Education field in an effective way; obviously it brings enthusiasm and motivation for others. also help in sharing of information among the professionals, the effective use of electronic communication technologies enable quick links to professionals at global level, which leads to greater height of knowledge.


The youngsters are in the contemporary days completely depend on modern communicating technologies, definitely the upcoming days are e-days for entire world, the physical education professionals has to change its way of thinking and executing the events. There is a positive impact on technology on sports, physical education professionals has to learn new technologies as technology change, they have to cope up with the advancement of technology to fulfill the needs and demands of sports society. The entire fraternity of Physical Education has to adopt ICT in Teaching and coaching process at their learning level, which increase the level of competency at a greater height with sportive energy. Here are some suggestions to be implemented.  Resource sharing among the Libraries of Physical Education Colleges using modern ICT to enhance Teaching, Learning and Coaching.  Improve basic infrastructure for teaching and coaching with advance technical facilities  Conduct proper designed camps for physical and mental Health  Performance analysis based selections should be done  Adopt technologies which is very essential and supportive to the profession  Adopt ICT tools which motivates students to participate more in sports


Yogeesh D. S.1* Dr. Shivarama Reddy2 2

The advanced informative world is purely depending on upcoming technologies which are helpful for betterment of professional competition. Professionals has to cope up with technology as there is no other option, ICT definite play a great role in redefining the physical education and sports if tools of ICT properly implemented, as we are moving to the one of the best human resource in the world we can definitely mould our youngsters in a proper way and challenge to the developed countries in the professional way. As we are heading towards technological era hope it will be happen soon and will lead from front in the world of spots and physical education.


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Corresponding Author Yogeesh D. S.*

Physical Education Director, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, Karnataka