Innovation in Physical Education.

by Dr. Sujatha S.*, Miss. Swathi J.,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 217 - 220 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


is a driver of growth and well-being. New technologies, products, services and organizations create jobs and rejuvenate industries. This also presents new opportunities for innovation and improvement in education systems. Students are the future of school education. Developing in students, awareness of innovation and innovation capability has a special status and role of the education activity course is an important way to achieve it. For some people, the future for physical education is directed towards young people for their well-being and, more specifically, their current and future participation in physical activity and sport. Today, good physical education, health education is the top priority, along with safety education of students. In the beginning of every class, the teacher should take advantage of the regular class safety education for students. Dress must be sportswear, sports shoes, which are not accompanied with any accessories; in order to not to cause injury during sports activities, the teaching process is required to comply with classroom discipline, attention to the management of sports equipment and to practice in a manner to ensure safety of each and every player. Technology in this field has enhanced the classroom efficiency and promoting such innovation among students in order to keep abreast of the various technologies innovated and to use them in a manner that would only develop their skill set and not deteriorate in any way. This paper describes the innovation strategies for sports education in the future. Key Words  Innovation  Student – future  Creativity  Health  Well-being  Advantages


innovation, student - future, creativity, health, well-being


Innovation is a driver of growth and well-being. New technologies, products, services and organizations create jobs and rejuvenate industries. But to reap these gains, policy makers need to understand the way we innovate is changing. This has implications on human resources and education systems as the ultimate user of the innovation is the society at large. This presents new opportunities for innovation and improvement in education systems. Technological change, which not only permits new activities but makes those new activities superior in many important ways over the previous method of operation, creates long lasting innovations in society.

Development of the world is in the need to innovate, and social progress. It is the soul of a nation's progress, an inexhaustible motivational force for national prosperity, and progress of a nation depends on it by countless individuals. Students are the future of school education and a development in students‘ awareness of innovation and innovation capability has a special status and role of the education activity course is an important way to achieve it. It should pay attention to subjects taught in class to carry out activities in order to achieve enhanced awareness of innovation and creativity among students.


Physical education is often advocated as a source of a plethora of positive developmental characteristics from early childhood, through adolescence to late teenage and now, when it is perceived to be a lifelong process. Physically, there has been an ebb and flow among the differing, sometimes the contradicting, physical education curriculum themes which include

  • Physical, educational, social control - order, discipline and obedience to authority
  • Physical fitness - labour productivity, defence and strong mothers, health - therapeutic body shape
  • Competitive performance related to sports and associated physical/motor skills development
  • Play and movement concepts
  • Personal, psychosocial, social and moral development - collectively promoting character building
  • Adventure education, individual, lifetime, or recreational activities, antidote to inactivity and sedentary lifestyle illnesses as well as an alleged obesity epidemic etc.

The perceived role of physical education has expanded as it has been granted a role in achieving broader educational objectives such as whole school improvement, community development and effecting personal behavioural and attitude change over the years. There has been a re-affirmation of its purposes for which some people have long such argued. Ostensibly as a school subject, with such broad brush scope and potential, physical education is in a relatively unique and indispensable position with some kind of responsibility in some way and somehow addressing many contemporary issues with its perceived distinctive features within the educational process with characteristics not offered by any other learning or school experience. A paradox here is the perception by many of physical education as a - so-called academic subjects and by association, inferior status of physical education teachers. Quality education is a comprehensive development of education. Sports education is for all students, assessment should also be a variety of sports, and three-dimensional. Quality education is not unmindful of the normal examination; the key is how the combination of athletic talent does not suppress health and character development, but poor students to see the progress of sports, which requires a viability, must be innovative sports at different levels of assessment and evaluation of the role students have incentive system and well-being and, more specifically, their Education is the top priority along with safety education of students. At the beginning of every class, the teacher should take advantage of the class in educating them about safety education. The dress must be sportswear with sports shoes not bringing any accessories; so as to not to cause injury in sports, the teaching process is required to comply with classroom discipline, attention to the management of sports equipment. One of the most important elements to developing and sustaining a high quality standards-based physical education program is the ongoing sustainable professional development. Time and again, physical educators are often engaged in professional development that does not address the instructional methods, strategies or content knowledge that is necessary to impact students‘ achievement within physical education. In order to address the systemic change that is necessary to continue the advancement of physical education, it is essential that physical educators are engaged in high quality and sustainable professional development. Developing a high quality, dynamic, and standards based physical education program by developing the content knowledge, instructional strategies and methods are to be created for an individualized learning environment that meets the needs of the diverse student population. Physical education is a dynamic discipline that is continuously evolving through research in kinesiology, exercise physiology, and biomechanics. To support the development of physically literate learners, educators must continuously build upon their in-depth content knowledge. Physical education serves as the foundation to promote healthful changes that reinforce the importance healthy lifestyles begin today.


Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. "...a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." - The World Health Organization. The purpose of the physical education, health and wellness is to enhance the well-being of the school community by creating a culture that integrates and balances the six dimensions of wellness:

  • Social/environmental
  • Physical

 Intellectual

Dr. Sujatha S.1* Ms. Swathi J.2 2

  • Emotional, and
  • Spiritual.

The department strives to encourage an active, healthy lifestyle, positive choices and student centeredness, which will provide each student with a diverse education in a safe and supportive environment. It is the hope that this mission will help to promote self-responsibility, motivation and excellence in learning as well as life-long commitment to wellness. Physical wellness involves aspects of life that are necessary to keep yourself in top condition. Optimal physical wellness is developed through the combination of beneficial physical activity/exercise and healthy eating habits. Elemental components of physical wellness include building muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular strength and endurance and flexibility. Physical wellness is also concerned with developing personal responsibility for your own health care, such as caring for minor illnesses and knowing when professional medical attention is needed. Developing physical wellness empowers you to be able to monitor your own vital signs and understand your body's warning signs. You'll understand and appreciate the relationship between sound nutrition and how your body performs. The physical benefits of being in shape and feeling terrific most often lead to the psychological benefits of enhanced self-esteem, self-control, determination and a sense of direction. Health is a dynamic process because it is always changing. We all have times of good health, times of sickness, and maybe even times of serious illness. As our lifestyles change, so does our level of health. Those of us who participate in regular physical activity do so partly to improve the current and future level of our health. We strive toward an optimal state of well-being. As our lifestyle improves, our health also improves and we experience less disease and sickness. When most people are asked what it means to be healthy, they normally respond with the four components of fitness:

  • Cardio-respiratory ability
  • Muscular ability
  • Flexibility and
  • Body composition

Although these components are a critical part of being healthy, they are not the only contributing factors. health.


Definition of Physical Wellness

Physical wellness promotes proper care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning. There are many elements of physical wellness that all must be cared for together. Overall physical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, nutrition and mental well-being to keep your body in top condition. Obtaining an optimal level of physical wellness allows you to nurture personal responsibility for your own health. As you become conscious of your physical health, you are able to identify elements you are successful in as well as elements you would like to improve.

Why is Physical Wellness Important?

Physical Wellness encourages us to care for our bodies through physical activity, proper nutrition, and a strong mind.

Physical Activity

Being physically active is crucial to keeping your body in its top condition. A few proven benefits of physical activity are strengthened bones and muscles, reduced risk of disease and stroke, and more energy. Learn more about physical activity.


It is important to nurture your body by eating a well-balanced diet. Filling yourself with a variety of nutrients and vitamins will not only help prevent illness, but will also keep your body functioning at its best. Find healthy eating resources on campus.

Mental Well-Being

Having optimal levels of physical activity and maintaining proper nutrition is the key to improving your overall emotional wellness. Not only will you sharpen your thinking and learning abilities, you will also enhance your sense of self-esteem and self-control.

The Route to Physical Wellness

Understanding the relationship between your body‘s physical health and mental health is crucial in order to develop a balanced physical wellness. When you take the route to physical wellness, you will learn to understand how your body preforms physically and be able to connect it to how you feel mentally. Physical wellness encourages principles of good


Below are a few suggestions for you to practice to maintain an optimal level of physical wellness. 1. Engage in physical activity every day for 30 minutes. You may break up your daily 30 minutes into 10 minutes bouts. 2. Use stairs instead of the elevator or escalator and walk whenever possible. 3. Learn to recognize warning signs when your body begins feeling ill. 4. Eat a variety of healthy foods and control your meal portions. 5. Maintain a regular sleep schedule and get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. 6. Practice safe sex.


For some people the future for physical education is a future directed towards young and well-being and, more specifically, their current and future participation in physical activity and sports. Sports, play and physical education occupy an important role in human development. By their very nature, it is about participation, inclusion and a sense of belonging. They bring individuals and communities together, highlighting commonalties and bridging cultural and ethnic divides. It provides a forum to learn skills such as discipline, confidence and leadership and conveys core principles that are important in a democracy, such as tolerance, cooperation and respect. Sport and physical education teach the fundamental value of effort and how to manage essential steps in life such as victory or defeat. Development is a process of enlarging people's choices and increasing the opportunities available to all members of society. Based on the principles of inclusion, equity and sustainability, emphasis is on the importance of increasing opportunities for the current generation as well as generations to come. The basic human capabilities necessary for this are; to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of community. Sport can directly help build these capabilities. The rapid development of science and technology in the 21st century, the era of knowledge economy, the growing characteristics and talents in various fields should have made the "creativity" of the quality requirements. University of Physical Education should be based on the quality of the new era of talent to this request, the students of innovation and creative thinking as the focus of teaching objectives.

Corresponding Author Dr. Sujatha S.*

B.M.S College of Law

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