Job Satisfaction of Work Place

Examining Factors of Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Among Hardworking Managers

by Jayalaxmi G. Sirasangi*, Dr. Rajkumar P. Malipatil,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 221 - 223 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This study is evaluated of Research has been conducted in order to critically evaluate and examine the level of employ job satisfaction of yeas’ satisfaction as well as the factors of dissatisfaction among the employees The purpose of this study is also to observe and analyse the factors which create job dissatisfaction especially among the hardworking managers, and to find out the reasons which make them realize that they do not have a clear career path along working.


job satisfaction, workplace, research, employment, job dissatisfaction, employees, hardworking managers, career path


Rue and Byar (1992) refer to job satisfaction as an individual‘s mental state about their job. Job satisfaction refers to how content an individual is in his/her current position. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organisations in order to ensure that their workforce is optimal. Employee performance can be defined as the productivity and quality of work of an individual employee. Studies have revealed that job satisfaction enhances employee performance. Employees are changing; they no longer stay in jobs that do not motivate or satisfy them. Fair salaries are no longer strong enough incentives to keep them loyal. In contemporary times, organisations must do more to ensure that they retain talent Research has suggested that understanding job satisfaction, as a management philosophy is essential to managing an organisation and improving its overall performance (Putman, 2002: 1). The components of job satisfaction include employees ‗thoughts, feelings, interactions and performance (Zain, Ishak and Ghani. 2009: 1). Understanding these components and its correlation to job performance can assist South African organisations to evaluate their current practices in terms of employees (Buchanan, 2006). According to Glenn Bassett (2004), Since the Hawthorne studies of the1920s and 1930s, the working hypothesis of the human relations movement in management has consistently proposed that the satisfied worker is a productive worker. In the last few decades, thousands of scholarly studies have used worker satisfaction as a central research variable. But this flood of research has offered little support to the proposition that a satisfied worker is a greater producer. The original Hawthorne studies have themselves been subject to radical criticism in that span of time. International journal of Innovative Research in Management Research is now moving to the opposite direction, researchers now believe that employee performance influences job satisfaction (Bassett, 2004:1).


Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction has been defined in many different ways. Some believe it is simply how content an individual is with his or her job, in other words, whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision.[1] Others believe it is not so simplistic as this definition suggests and instead that multidimensional psychological responses to one's job are involved.[2] Researchers have also noted that job satisfaction measures vary in the extent to which they measure feelings about the job (affective job satisfaction).[3] or cognitions about the job (cognitive job satisfaction).[4] Job satisfaction is the level of contentment employees feel about their work, which can affect performance Job satisfaction is the level of contentment a person feels regarding his or her job. This feeling is mainly based on an individual's perception of satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a person's ability to complete required tasks, the level of communication in an organization, and the way management treats employees. You should always try to keep rewarding your employees so that they have high job satisfaction and are motivated to work for you.


resources then analyzed. I was really glad that my co-worker demonstrated so much job satisfaction now because he hated his previous work.

Importance of Job Satisfaction – 7 Strategies to Increase Your Job Satisfaction Wherever You Work

No one can deny the importance of job satisfaction in our lives. The fact that we spend a huge amount of our waking hours at work means job satisfaction will also play a huge role in our lives. While you look for the dream career or job that will make you happy, whatever job you are doing now must significantly contribute to your happiness. That is the crucial importance of job satisfaction. It is true there are elements of work you cannot control. For example, company policies, who your boss is, your salary level, your colleagues‘ characters and relationships with them, and the conditions where you work. There are steps you can take in order to increase your job satisfaction level once you know the importance of job satisfaction. How then can you increase your job satisfaction wherever you work?

1. Know Thyself

One way to increase job satisfaction is to know yourself. What are things that motivate you? Sure the company can do things and implement programs to increase staff motivation especially the companies that knows the importance of job satisfaction. But motivation is also from within. It is inside you, only you know what keeps you awake at night and makes you jump out of bed in the morning. When you know yourself, it is easy to increase your own job satisfaction as you will know what works for you.

2. Keep Challenging Yourself

Work has to be challenging enough but not so overwhelming that you find it insurmountable. Challenges at an optimum level keep you going. Perhaps you find that your work is not challenging anymore. In that case, learn to get more projects that are challenging now since you know the importance of job satisfaction in your life. 3. Cross Learn Make cross learning and increasing your competency at work a culture you adopt. That means learn other skills that are only expected from people in other departments. If you are a sales person, learn to read financial statements. Cross learning can keep you become more relaxed and feel better about yourself. That can increase job satisfaction.

4. Improve Other Areas of Your Lives

I have mentioned that the importance of job satisfaction is its contribution to a significant part of your happiness because you spend one third of your day at work. Interestingly, when you are unhappy with other parts of your live you will also bring it to work. It is usually easy to blame other parts of your life on the low level of job satisfaction you have. But the reverse is also true, if you are unhappy with some parts of your life, you may just blame it on your job. Analyse yourself, are there other parts of your life you can improve?

5. Stay Positive

Where have you not heard this before, right? Stay positive. It‘s so easy to dish our advice to stay positive. And it is worth mentioning again. Whenever you feel you aren‘t very satisfied with your job, learn to stay positive. There are many things to be thankful for when you have a job. Remain positive that things can change for the better. Look forward to good things like a possible promotion or salary increase or completion of a project. You may just see your job satisfaction level increase.

6. Know the Role of Work in Your Life

Work means different things to different people. Know the role of your job in your life. What does it allow you to do? Pay for the bills? Serve people in the community? Allows you time to pursue your hobby? Know what is the role of your job in your life and you will put it in the right context. That may just raise your job satisfaction level.

7. Work Allows for the Search of Purpose

I like to think that work allows me to search for my sense of purpose. Not many people are mindful enough to know what their purpose in this world is. Why not let work become a medium to allow you to search for that purpose? Imagine having eight hours a day just doing an exercise that slowly reveals what you are here in this world to do? The importance of job satisfaction in contributing to your happiness in life is obvious. These are some steps you can deploy if you want to increase your job satisfaction and indirectly to the happiness in your life.


Job satisfaction represents one of the most complex areas facing today‘s managers when it comes to managing their employees. Although thousands of

Jayalaxmi G. Sirasangi1* Dr. Rajkumar P. Malipatil2 2

satisfaction all over the world, in the Republic of Macedonia this is one of the least studied research fields. Many studies have demonstrated an un usually large impact on the job satisfaction on the motivation of workers, while the level of motivation has an impact on productivity, and hence also on performance of business organizations. There is a considerable impact of the employees perceptions for the nature of his work and the level of overall job satisfaction. Financial compensation has a great impact on the overall job satisfaction of employees .


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Corresponding Author Jayalaxmi G. Sirasangi*

Research Scholar, KSWU Vijayapura

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