Role of Yogic Activity in Enhancement of Memory

Exploring the Impact of Yogic Activity on Memory Enhancement

by Mr. Arun M. N.*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 284 - 286 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Due to academic pressure and no physical activity students prone to more stress and loss there memory capacity, memory plays a key role in enhancement of academic performance. Yogic literature shows that yoga focuses on body and mind. Yoga is potential measure to control memory, behavior, and emotion and manage students in schools. Yoga controls the body balance. Yoga is ancient practice with higher consciousness. Memory is the capacity to recall recent incidence, past incidence, attention and concentration etc. Memory is the capacity to recall not only the past incidence but also to identify the objects which are seen in the past. The memory capacity of students is used to analysis the previous facts, incidence relating to school assemble the information in sequential order and interpret when required. The memory capacity of pupil various from individual from individual .the main aim of education is to enhance memory and direct them in the way to become productive and tackle the present world. The study was designed to compare the level memory variables from Ramnagar, Kolar and Anekel Districts. To achieve these purpose 300 students were taken as subjects. The age group form 14-16 years boys from secondary school were randomly selected. Percentile statistical method was used for conducting the study.


memory, yogic activity, academic performance, stress, body and mind, behavior, emotion, body balance, ancient practice, attention and concentration


A sport is a part of basic human behavior and is among the effective means of socialization of means. Sports and games are pervasive forces that have permeated in our culture. They are basic institutions in the social fabric are cultural universal for all people regardless of race, creed, geography or politics. Socioeconomic status refers to social and economic standing of a person in his society. Socioeconomic condition means it includes with social and economic achievements of an individual or group in society. Family is considered as a cultivating, nurturing and fostering process, dealing with the overall development of the individual. Sports and games are integral part of the human life. Along with entertainment it has also helped to shape the personalities of the sports person having provided with physical fitness and mental soundness. Sports are an institutionalized competitive activity, which has its own traditions and values normal reflects the pattern in society at large. A sport is accepted as a part of society and culture throughout the word. The sport is the interest in the purpose of education, entertainment of self-expression depending on the individual goal of the people participating. Sport gives special identification to persons, particularly those who participated in interuniversity, state, national or international competition. To be successful in sports field one should dedicate him fully to the field of sports. A sports person faces many problems on his way to achievement, problem like social, economical etc. they will be under confusion to decide either to concentrate more on sports or on the development and maintenance of physical fitness. It offers an opportunity for facilitating the normal growth of the child, and it helps to develop and to prevent the reversal of such bio-physiological factors of performance as.


The socio-economic-status varies from society to society according to the social values held by that society. And hence the definition of socio-economic- status is specific to a society. Socio- economic-status includes the twin concept of social class and economic background. Social class in a developing country like India is an exclusive concept and determining factor of socio-economic-status


Socioeconomic status (SES) is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. It is commonly conceptualized as the social standing or class of an individual or group. When viewed through a social class lens, privilege, power and control are emphasized. Furthermore, an examination of SES as a gradient or continuous variable reveals inequities in access to and distribution of resources. SES is relevant to all realms of behavioral and social science, including research, practice, education and advocacy.


SES affects overall human functioning, including development across the life span, physical and mental health. Variance in socioeconomic status, including disparities in the distribution of wealth, income and access to resources, affects everyone; however, women are overrepresented among those living in poverty. Women are more often responsible for raising children and are increasingly likely to raise children alone. This fact is one of the many reasons that the socioeconomic standing of women is of great importance to the well-being of future generations. Everyone benefits from an increased focus on the foundations of socioeconomic inequities and efforts to reduce the deep gaps in socioeconomic status in the United States and abroad.


Research indicates that SES is a key factor in determining the quality of life of women, with resulting effects on the lives of children and families. Inequities in wealth and quality of life for women are long standing and exist both locally and globally. Low SES among women and its correlates, such as poverty, lower education and poor health for children and families, ultimately affect our society as a whole. Behavioral and social science professionals possess the tools necessary to study and identify strategies that could alleviate these disparities at both individual and societal levels.


Historically and presently in the United States, men are paid more than women, even when they have the same level of education and are in the same occupational field. Reduced income for women coupled with longer life expectancy and increased responsibility to raise children make it more likely for women to be at an economic disadvantage. • According to findings of the 2006 American Community Survey (ACS), salaries of American women are about 77.3 percent of that of American men. In some states, earnings (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006). • Findings of the ACS indicate that among individuals possessing a graduate or professional degree, on average, the women earned about 66.4 percent of what the men earned (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006). • While they make less money, women are more likely to be single heads of household than men, thus bearing the responsibility of raising children with fewer economic resources. In 2006, there were about 14 million female heads of household, compared to 5 million male heads of household in the United States (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006). • About 18% of U.S. children live below the poverty line (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006). • Women with fewer economic resources may be less likely to marry and benefit from dual or higher household incomes (Edin and Kefalas, 2005).


Increasing evidence supports the link between lower SES and negative psychological health outcomes for women. • While women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders, living below the poverty line is one of the most reliable predictors of depression and other mental health disorders (Groh, 2007). • The link between depression and low-income women can be attributed to increased stress caused by living in poverty and minimal social support often associated with low SES (Bell & Doucet, 2003). • Welfare reform designed to facilitate the transition from welfare to work has placed limitations on benefits that many low-income women can use to ensure the well-being of their families, causing increased stress and contributing to the onset and exacerbation of psychological illness (DeAngelis, 2001). • Low SES and material deprivation have also been linked to the presence of depression among pregnant women (Stewart, Dean, Gregorrich, Brawarsky, & Hass, 2007). • While actual occurrence rates may be similar, women in low-SES households are more likely to report domestic violence (Colten & Allard,


a lower SES woman to return to an abusive relationship (Gondolf & Fisher, 1988).


Research on women‘s health continues to link lower SES to a variety of negative health outcomes for women and their children. • Results of breast cancer studies indicate that women living with breast cancer are 11 percent more likely to die if they live within lower SES communities (Du, Fang, & Meyer, 2008). • Low-income women who have no insurance have the lowest rates of mammography screening among women aged 40-64, increasing their risks of death from breast cancer (Sabatino et al., 2008). • Mortality rates for women with coronary heart disease also appear to be directly related to SES (Hemingway, 2007). • Lower income pregnant women receive less prenatal care, experience higher levels of stress and are more likely to deliver premature babies (Adler, 2006). • Lower income women who give birth are also more likely to experience postpartum anemia (Bodnar, Scanlon, Freedman, Siega-Ritz, & Cogswell, 2001), a condition which has been linked to depression and deficient cognitive functioning (Beard et al., 2005).


Evidence indicates that socioeconomic status affects overall well-being and quality of life for women. • Among women aged 20-45, lower SES has been found to be related to lower energy levels and less concern with weight control. Additional studies have concluded that economic deprivation, including reduced access to healthy food, may contribute to obesity for women (Jeffrey & French, 1996). • Women who live in lower SES neighborhoods have been found to expend more energy, but undertake less moderate physical activity compared to women in higher SES neighborhoods, thus receiving less health-promoting physical exercise (Lee, Cubin, & Winkleby, 2007). are not based solely on income. Research on dietary behaviors of low-income women indicate that environmental SES factors, such as convenient access to and knowledge of healthy practices, are critical in improving the eating practices of lower-SES women. Addressing these factors, along with the receipt of food stamps, is necessary to impact the dietary intake of low-income women (Condrasky & Marsh, 2005).


Sports participation is an important aspect in the development of women‘s worldwide. Through physical development and for some talent, many women‘s evolve to have enough quality to be good athletes at a good level. Parents also plan a critical role in encouraging their children to play sports during their childhood in order to earn a scholarship to college. Sports exert large influences in family. These influences were analyzed which use the power of sports to make opportunities for the citizens go further to get education in university level. Moreover, supporting and promoting sports excellence regarding in the high level of international competitions. which uses a reduced amount of money and promotes and develops sports under a different structure. Talented people which need a little attention and adequate structure in family.

Corresponding Author Kum. Rajeshwari G. Konnur*

Research Scholar, DOS in Physical Education and Sports Sciences K S W University, Vijayapura

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