Sports Injuries Management an Overview

Understanding and Preventing Sports Injuries

by Ramachandra K.*, Dr. John Pinto,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 18, Jan 2017, Pages 293 - 297 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Injuries occurring in sports may be simple to grievous and many deaths have occurred so far. Hence the athlete and the coaches concerned with him should have the knowledge of injuries. The Majority of injuries in sports are intrinsic caused by over use, abuse, misuse or disuse of the body. Sports injuries are injuries that occur in athletic activities in many cases these types of injuries are often due to over use of acute trauma of a part of the body. When participating in a certain activity for E.g.: Runners Knee is a painful condition generally associated with running. While Tennis Elbow is a form of repetitive stress injury at the elbow. The pressure to win can cause significant emotional stress for a child. Sadly, many coaches and parents consider winning the most important aspect of sports. Yong athletes should be judged on effort, sportsmanship and work. They should be rewarded for trying hard and for improving their skills rather than punished or criticized for losing a game or competition. Prevention is better than cure. If the individuals have an awareness of the mechanism of sports injuries this will lead to its reduction.


sports injuries, management, overview, intrinsic injuries, overuse, acute trauma, Runners Knee, Tennis Elbow, emotional stress, prevention


Injuries occurring in sports may be simple to grievous and many deaths have occurred so far. Hence the athlete and the coaches concerned with him should have the knowledge of injuries. The Majority of injuries in sports are intrinsic caused by over use, abuse, misuse or disuse of the body. Exercising is good for you, but sometimes you can injure yourself when you play sports or exercise. Accidents, poor training practices or improper gear can cause them. Some people get hurt because they are not in shape. Not warming up or stretching enough can also lead to injuries. Sports injuries are injuries that occur in athletic activities in many cases these types of injuries are often due to over use of acute trauma of a part of the body. When participating in a certain activity for E.g.: Runners Knee is a painful condition generally associated with running. While Tennis Elbow is a form of repetitive stress injury at the elbow. Other types of injuries can be caused by a hard contact with something. This can often cause a broken bone or torn ligament or tendon. Injuries are common occurrence in professional sports and most teams have a staff of athletic trainers and close connections to the medical community. Controversy has arisen at times when teams have made decisions that could threaten a player‘s long term health for short term gain. If you get hurt stop playing. Continuing to play or exercise can cause more harm. Treatment often begins with the RICE (Rest, ICE, Compression, and Elevation) method to relive pain, reduce swelling and speed healing, other possible treatments include pain relives, keeping the injured are from moving, rehabilitation and sometime surgery.


Before Proceedings to the classification of injuries, it‘s better to have knowledge about the Pre disposing factors and the emergency treatment of seriously injured person on the ground.


 Over load and fatigue  Participation in sports without complete rehabilitation of old injuries.  Poor technique  In appropriate warm-up/stretching  Poor kit Materials  Poor/no protective devices.

Emergency Treatment of Seriously injured Person on the Ground  Maintain Airway.  Remove false teeth.

 Hold the tongue with a piece of gauze.  Elevate the tip of jaw.  Keep the face to one side & downwards to allow, Mucus, blood, vomit to escape out.  Foreign body must be removed from the throat.  Control hemorrhage by pressure Pads.  Observe for signs of shock Pulse, sweating, pallor, anxiety.  Protect and immobilize the fracture limb with at most gentleness.  Arrange stretcher for transport.  When fracture spine is suspected, take care to transport him.  Don‘t give fluids to drink which will delay in giving anesthesia.  Keep calm do not puss.  Less helpers more better. Sports injuries can be broadly classified as either traumatic or overuse injuries. Traumatic injuries accounts for most injuries in contact sports such as association football, rugby league, rugby union, Australian rules football and American Football because of the dynamic and high collision nature of the sports. These injuries range from bruises and muscle strains, to fractures and head injuries. vessel which causes bleeding within the tissues. A muscle strain is a small tear of muscle fibers and a ligament sprain is a small tear of ligament tissue. The body‘s response to these sports injuries is the same in the initial five day period immediately following the traumatic incident inflammation.

The most common sports injuries are :

a. Sprains & Strains b. Knee injuries c. Swollen Muscles. d. Achilles tendon injuries e. Pain along the shin bone. f. Fractures. g. Dislocations.


Assessing injuries with TOTAPS

Injury management involves identifying an injury, treating it and then returning to the sport. It‘s extremely important that sports players are adequately rehabilitated before returning to the sport. If they are not, the injury can become much worse. For services injuries like spinal injuries get help first. To assess all other injuries remember TOTAPS listening and not taking exercise. Discuss with the class the different elements to TOTAPS. Students are to complete the boxes for each element based on teacher/class discussion. These are listed below.


TALK Ask the player what happened, where does it heart? What kind of pain it is?


Look at the affected area for redness or swelling. Is the injured side different from the other side? Touch Touch will indicate warmth for inflammation touch also assesses pain Active movement Ask the injured player to move the injured part without any help.

Passive movement

If the player can move the injured part, carefully try to move it yourself through its full range


Skill test

Did the active and passive movement produce pain? If no, can the player stand and demonstrate some of the skills from the game carefully? If an injury is identified remove the player from the activity immediately.


Treating injuries with RICER

RICER is used to manage soft tissues injury reduce scarring and pain for faster recovery. Using RICER immediately can help to stop bleeding and swelling. What is RICER? Essential element for a quick recovery from injury.


REST - Rest reduces further damage. - Avoid as much movement as possible to limit further injury. - Don‘t put any weight on the injured part of the body. ICE - Apply a hot/cold pack to the injury for 20 minutes every 2 hours. - Continue this treatment for the first 48-72 hours(ice cools the tissue and reduce pain, swelling and bleeding) - Place cold pack wrapped in towel on to the injured area. Do not apply frozen cold pack directly to the skin. - Extra care must be taken with people sensitive to cold or with circulatory problems. COMPRESSION - Apply Elastoplasts sport elastic adhesive bandage or a non- elastic compression bandage, cooling the injured area as well as the areas above and below. - Compression reduces bleeding and swelling check bandage is not too tight.

area to stop bleeding and swelling. Place the injured area on a pillow for support. REFERRAL - Refer the injured person to a qualified professional such as a doctor for definitive diagnosis and continuing management.


Avoid the HARM ful factors for 72 hours after the injury listening and note taking exercise. Discuss with the class the different elements to Harm. Students are to complete the boxes for each elements based on teacher/ class discussion these are listed below.


HEAT Hear increases the bleeding at the injured site. Avoid hot baths and showers, saunas, hot water bottles, heat packs and liniments. ALCOHOL Alcohol increases bleeding and swelling at the injury site, and delays healing. It can also mask the pain of the injury and its possible severity, which may result in the player not seeking treatment as early as they should. RUNNING Running or any from of exercise will cause further damage. A player should not resume exercise within 72 hours of an injury unless a medical professional says it is alright to exercise. MASSAGE Massage causes an increase in bleeding and swelling, and should be avoided within 72 hours of the injury. If the injury is massaged within the first 72 hours. It may take longer to heal.

Role- play activity

From students into groups of three. Each group is to role-play a different sports injury scenario. Each


coach and the physiotherapist. Together as a group, determine who plays which role and administer TOTAPS, RICER and HARM.


Sports injuries can be treated and managed by using PRICES, DR. ABC and TOTAPS regimes.

P = Protect R =Rest I =Ice C = Compression E =Elevation S =Stabilize.

D =Danger R =Response

A =Airway B =Breathing C = Circulation

T =Talk O =Observe T =Touch A =Active movement P = Passive Movement S = Skill Test

The primary inflammatory stage typically lasts around 5 days and all treatment during this time is designed to address the cardinal signs of inflammation – Pain, Swelling, redness, heat and a loss of function. Compression sportswear is becoming very popular with both professional and amateur athletes. These risk of muscle injury and speed up muscle


A warm up program has been founded to decrease injuries in association football. Many athletes will partake in HGH treatment for athletic enhancement as a way to present injuries. Injuries can be minimalised by doing an effective warm up, this consists of a raiser to get year pulse up, followed by sport specific dynamic stretches. To reduce the risk of injury. Players should wear appropriate and properly fit protective equipment such as pads, helmets, mouthpieces, face guards, protective cups, and eyewear. Young athletes should not assume that protective gear will protect them from performing more dangerous or risky activities. Strengthen muscles, conditioning exercise before games and during proactive strengthens muscles used in play. - Increase flexibility, Stretching exercise before games or practice can increase flexibility. - Use the proper technique. - Take breaks, rest periods during practices. - Play safe, strict rules against headfirst sliding, spearing and body checking should be enforced. - Stop the activity if there is pain. Avoid heat injury dry drinking plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise - Or play, decrease or stop practices or competitions during high heat/humidity periods, wear light clothing. The pressure to win can cause significant emotional stress for a child. Sadly, many coaches and parents consider winning the most important aspect of sports. Yong athletes should be judged on effort, sportsmanship and work. They should be rewarded for trying hard and for improving their skills rather than punished or criticized for losing a game or competition.


Prevention is better than cure. If the individuals have an awareness of the mechanism of sports injuries this will lead to its reduction.


Corresponding Author Ramachandra K.*

Physical Education Director, Govt. first Grade College Vittal Bantwal T.Q, D.K

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