A Comparative Study of Effect of Sand Training on Male and Female Swimmers

Examining Water Fear in School Going Children through a Comparative Study on the Effects of Sand Training

by Dr. Vinita Bajpai Mishra*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 2, Apr 2017, Pages 57 - 60 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


A study was conducted to assess the water fear of school going children. The children who were enrolled for summer swimming 'learn to swim' program in Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education Gwalior, were selected for the study. An observable water fear checklist consisting of ten points was used to assess the water fear score. A total of one hundred and forty nine children who have had no previous experience in swimming and the age of the children were between 8 years to 14 years. All the children who were enrolled for 'learn to swim' program were enquired about their previous experience in swimming and those who were having any previous experience in swimming were then separated from the study since the zero point of experience was required.. Out of the remaining children one hundred forty nine children were randomly selected for the study. The subjects were asked to enter the water one by one and all the ten points in the observable fear checklist were observed on the very first day. And the scores were awarded out ten. The data for the water fear was checked for its normality and the percentile technique was used to assess the water fear of the school going children.


Comparative Study, Effect, Sand Training, Male, Female, Swimmers, Water Fear, School Going Children, Swimming, Learn to Swim


Strength can be defined as the maximal force or torque (rotational force) a muscle or muscle group can generate. Strength is better defined as the ability of the neuromuscular system to produce force against an external resistance. Contemporary literature suggests that high levels of muscular strength are significantly related to sport performance. These data seem to support the contention that muscular strength is a major contributor to most sporting activities. Therefore, the resistance training can alter the neuromuscular system in a way that improves the athlete‘s capacity to produce force and improves sports performance. The physical conditioning required for good swimming performance is made up of three major components: (1) strength, (2) endurance, and (3) flexibility. Strength can be defined as the ability of a muscle or a group of muscles to overcome resistance or create tension-push, pull, or lift. The use of heavy resistive exercises is now accepted practice for competitive swimmers. However, caution must be exercised when using them. While many calisthenics may be of little or no value, they generally are not harmful; in the case of a weight-training routine, it is entirely possible that a person might develop hypertrophy (enlargement) of the muscles to the point that their size becomes a handicap. In the program outlined in this chapter only those exercises have been selected which develop the muscles of prime importance in the propulsive phase of swimming the four competitive strokes. A swimmer planning his dry land exercise program should not enter into a general body building program. The exercises he uses should be designed specifically to strengthen and improve the endurance of the muscles that anatomists call the ―prime movers.‖ In swimming, these muscles are those that propel the swimmer through the water. It is also important that these muscles be exercised as much as possible in the same manner as they are used in the swimming strokes. Sand training, like pool plyometric and other low impact methods, is a great way to get an intense, sports specific workout without taxing your joints too much. By itself it is not a long term solution to achieving a large functional vertical due to the lack of a reactive element. However, in short 4-8 week bursts, the variety, the challenge, and the fun of this style of training make it something well worth your consideration.1 Soft sand running is great for your joints. ―The soft sand surface and barefoot running means your stabilizing muscles and joints work a little bit harder

1Jack Woodrup . retrieved from http://www.verticaljumping.com/sand_training.html on 21st Feb 2016.


The subjects for this study were randomly selected from Swimming Match Practice Group of Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, with the age group of range between 18– 25 years were selected as the subjects of the study. 8 male swimmers were kept as control group and another 8 male swimmers as experimental group similarly in case of female 5 were put in control group and 5 were kept in experimental group. The literature shows that sand training is very helpful in improving the strength of the legs. So for the purpose of the present study the leg strength was taken as the dependent variable as it was dependent on the sand training.

Legs strength test were measured by using David 200 leg extensor machine. And the data was recorded in Nm (Newton)

A six weeks sand training program was designed. The training was given three days in a weeks on alternate days for one hour. Pretest was conducted on the David 200 leg extensor machine and data was collected and then after completion of training program posttest was done and data was collected.

Statistical Technique

In this study, mean score of the leg strength was calculated which is obtained from the test. The pair sample t-test was used to analyze the data of pre and post data of the experimental groups separately for male and female and then the two sample t-test was used to analyze the difference between male and female experimental groups. The level of significance was fixed at 0.05.


Analysis was done with the help of Pair Sample t- Test was employed as a measure for the present data (SPSS 20 was used). Abbreviations used in the tables and discussions: ● Knee extension right - KER ● Knee extension left - KEL ● Knee extension both - KEB

2Anna Warwick. retrieved from https://www.12wbt.com/blog/fitness/soft-serve-soft-sand-running-is-a-low-impact-full-body-workout/ on 21st Feb 2016.

● Knee flexion both - KFB ● Abduction - AB ● Adduction - ADD

Graphical Representation of paired t-test for male Table-1 Paired Samples of Pre Test and Post Test of Male Experimental Group

From the above table-1. it can be seen that incase of Knee flexion right was found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained at 0.05 level is 3.046 which is more than the tabulated t-value of 0.05 level at 7 df. Knee flexion both was found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained at 0.05 level is 3.89 which is more than the tabulated t-value of 0.05 level at 7 df. Adduction was found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained at 0.05 level is

difference was not found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained are less than the tabulated t-value.

Graphical Representation of paired t-test for female Table-2 Paired Samples of Pre Test and Post Test of Female Experimental Group

From the above table-2. it can be seen that incase of knee extension right, knee extension left,knee extension both , Knee flexion right , Knee flexion both ,Abduction and Adduction was found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained at 0.05 level for these variables was more than the tabulated t-value of 0.05 level at 4 df.. . Whereas in only one variable i.e. knee flexion left the difference was not

Table-3 Two sample t-test between male and female experimental group

From the above table-3 it can be seen that incase of Knee Extension both was found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained at 0.05 level is 2..758 which is more than the tabulated t-value of 0.05 level at 11 df. Knee flexion right was found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained at 0.05 level is 3.200 which is more than the tabulated t-value of 0.05 level at 11 df. Knee flexion both was found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained at 0.05 level is 2.262 which is more than the tabulated t-value of 0.05 level at 11 df.,in case of Abduction was found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained at 0.05 level is 2.319 which is more than the tabulated t-value of 0.05 level at 11 df. Adduction was found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained at 0.05 level is 4.268 which is more than the tabulated t-value of 0.05 level at 11df. Whereas in all other variables the difference was not found to be significant as the calculated t-value obtained are less than the tabulated t-value.


The analysis of data using the pair t-test shown that there was significant difference on some variables i.e. in case of male Knee flexion right, Knee flexion both and Adduction and in case of female except Knee flexion left, all other variables showed significant difference after six weeks sand training on the leg strength of swimmers . This means that sand training seems to be effective in the improvement of strength of legs .Literature also shows that sand training develops more strength in the lower limbs.Similarresult was found by Asadi, 2011). The study also shown that there was insignificant difference in some variables i.e. Knee extension right, Knee extension left, knee extension both, Knee flexion left and Abduction, in case of male and knee flexion left in case of female. It may be

strength. The swimmers of the institute are engaged in regular physical education, sport activities and program in their curriculum. All the subjects belonged to swimming match practice group. Swimmers do vigorous leg kick during swimming so developed good amount of leg strength specially the knee extensor group of muscles. The small size might have been one of the reason for above finding. Similar result was found by Mirzaei, B., et al. (2014). The results of the two sample test reveals that there is significant difference in case of KEB, KFR, KFB, AB, ADD. The present six week training might be one of the reason for the present result but there are also possibility that some other factors might also be the cause of the above findings


Asadi, A. (2011). The effects of a 6-week of plyometric training on electromyography changes and performance. Sport Science, 4(2), pp. 38-42. (http://www.sposci.com/PDFS/BR0402/SVEE/04%20CL%2007%20AA.pdf). Baechle ,Thomas R, , Roger W. Earle 2008: 4 Bompa ,Tudor O. (2009). PhD (York University) G. Gregory Haff, PhD, West Virginia University 2009: 261 Counsilman, James E. (1985). Ph.D. Swimming Coach and Professor of Education, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana 1985: 276, pp. 277-279. Mirzaei, B., Asghar Norasteh, A., Saez de Villarreal, E., & Asadi, A. (2014). Effects of six weeks of depth jump vs. Countermovement jump training on sand on muscle soreness and performance. Kineziologija, 46(1), pp. 97-108. http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=182788) Warwick (2016). Anna retrieved from https://www.12wbt.com/blog/fitness/soft-serve-soft-sand-running-is-a-low-impact-full-body-workout/ on 21st Feb 2016. Woodrup (2016). Jack retrieved from http://www.verticaljumping.com/sand_training.html on 21st Feb 2016.

Corresponding Author

Biomechanics L.N.I.P.E., Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India E-Mail – sanjeevdivyansh@gmail.com