A Study on Effect of 2 Week Circuit Training on Motor Abilities of Kho-Kho Players

Investigating the impact of 2-week circuit training on the motor abilities of male Kho-Kho players

by Dr. Rajpal Singh*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 11, Issue No. 2, Apr 2017, Pages 84 - 86 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The purpose of the study was to see the effect of a 4 week circuit training programme on the motor abilities of kho-kho players. 30 male kho-kho players bw 14-17 years of age who had participated at least in zonal level tournaments of schools of Rohtak were selected as the subjects for the study. AAPHER youth physical fitness test was administered to collect the data. Descriptive statistics and 't' test were employed to analyse the data. Significant differences were found between pre-test and post-test for standing broad jump 600 meters, Shuttle Run , sit ups and 50 meters Dash of Kho-Kho players.


effect, 2 week circuit training, motor abilities, kho-kho players, male kho-kho players, zonal level tournaments, AAPHER youth physical fitness test, descriptive statistics, 't' test, standing broad jump, 600 meters, Shuttle Run, sit ups, 50 meters Dash


Concept of Physical Fitness is as old as mankind, keeping in mind the survival of the fittest, down through the ages, only strong and agile people could defend invaders, protects themselves and their property. It is a hard fact that physically fit people are in a better position to bear the rigorous and abnormal stress and strain, than those. Who are less physically fit? The basic moments like running, jumping, climbing, throwing, lifting etc., require specific physical attributes such as muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance, and strength, balance and co- ordination. Therefore this present study was an effort to investigate the physical fitness status of zonal level kho-kho players after 2 week training on motor abilities. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to compare the effect of 2 week training on motor abilities of kho-kho players. Selection of subjects:30 male kho-kho players who had participated in zonal level tournaments of Schools of rohtakb/w 14-17 years of age were selected as the subjects for the study.


The variables selected for training and testing were Strength, Speed, Endurance and Agility. Administration of tests: To improve the physical fitness or motor abilities of the kho-kho players, 2 weeks training was given to the subjects after the school hours. The tests were conducted before training and after every 2 weeks of training as follows: Pre-test - Before training. Post-test - After two weeks of training. Before every test, proper warming up was given to the subjects. The test items were taken from AAHPER Youth Fitness Test To check the effect of training on motor abilities of kho-kho players Criterion Measures: AAHPER Youth Physical Fitness Test-was administered to collect the data.


For the present study, the data obtained through different tests were statistically analysed. Mean, standard deviation and 't' test were employed to Analyse the data. Table 1: Comparative status of pre-test and post-test for standing broad jump of kho-Kho players

Significant at .05 level of confidence and for 29 degree of freedom, where the table value of t.05 (29) = 2.045. The table 1 represents the significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test 2 for standing broad jump of Kho-Kho players. The mean value of Standing Broad Jump for pre-test and post-test 2 is 143.2447 and 153.615 respectively, where the standard deviation is 14.681 for pre-test and 18.227 for post-test 2. The mean difference of pre-test and post-test 2 for Standing Broad Jump is calculated as

significant at 0.05 level of confidence with the tabulated value of t .05 = 2.045 at 29 degree of freedom. It exhibits the significant difference in mean values among calculated‗t‘ and tabulated ‗t‘ of pre-test and post-test 2 of Kho-Kho players in Standing Broad Jump test. Table 2: Comparative status of pre-test and post-test for Shuttle Run of kho-Kho players Significant at .05 level of confidence and for 29 degree of freedom, where the table value of t .05 (29) = 2.045.

The table 2 states the significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test 2 for Shuttle Run of Kho-Kho players. The mean value of Shuttle Run for pre-test and post-test 2 are 11.69666 and 0.980666 respectively. The standard deviations are 0.642625 and 0.582171 respectively. The mean difference between pre-test and post-test 2 is 0.716 and the standard error is 0.15819. The mean difference of pre-test and post-test is 0.716 and the standard error is 0.15819. The t ratio of pre-test and post-test is 4.526168 which is found to be significant at .05 level of confidence with the tabulated value of t.05 (29) = 2.045. It shows the significant difference in the mean values between calculated (t) and tabulated‗t‘ for pre-test and post-test 2 of Kho-Kho players for Shuttle Run list.

Table 3: Comparative status of pre-test and post-test for sit-ups run of Kho-Kho players Significant at 0.05 level of confidence and for 29 degree of freedom, where the table value of t.05 (29) = 2.045. The table 3 states the significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test 2 for Sit-Ups of Kho-Kho players. The mean value of sit ups for pre-test and post-test 2 is 23 and 31.567 respectively, where the standard deviation is 6.70 and 5.841 for pre-test and post-test 2 respectively. The mean difference of both tests for Sit-Ups is calculated as 8.567 and the standard error difference between mean is 1.6216. The ‗t‘ ratio is calculated as 5.283, which is found significant at 0.05 level of confidence with the tabulated value of t.05 (29) = 2.045. It shows the significant difference in mean value between the

Table 4 : Comparative status of Pre-test and Post-test for 50 meters Dash of Kho-Kho players.

Significant at 0.05 level of confidence and for 29 degrees of freedom, when the table values of t 0.05 (29) = 2.045. The table 4 shows the significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test -2 for 50 meters Dash of Kho-Kho players. The mean value of Pre-test and Post-test -2 for 50 meters Dash are given as 7.697 and 7.338 respectively and the standared deviation for both tests are 0.584 and 0.601. The mean difference between Pre-test and Post-test – 2 is calculated as 0.3586. The standard error between means is also calculated as 0.1529. The 't' ratio is calculated as 2.3456 which is significant at 0.05 level of confidence against the tabulated value of 't'0.05 (29) = 2.045. This seems a significant difference in mean values of Pre-test and Post-test 2 of Kho-Kho players for 50 meters test. Table 5: Comparative study of pre-test and post-test for 600 meters Run of Kho-Kho players. Significant at 0.05 level of confidence and for 29 degrees of freedom, where the table value of t0.05 (29) = 2.045. The table 5 shows the significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test 2 for 600 meters Run in care of Kho-Kho players. The mean value of pre-test and post-test 2 are 116 and108.5 respectively and the standard deviations are found to be 10.32238 and 8.866 respectively. The mean difference between pre-test and post-test 2 is calculated to be 7.5 and the standard error is also between pre-test and post-test 2 is found to be 2.48..The 't' test was calculated as 3.0213 which is significant at .05 level of confidence against the tabulated value of t.05 (29)=2.045. This seems a non-significant difference in mean values of pre-test and post-test 2 for 600 meters run test for of Kho-Kho players. 1. Significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test 2 for standing broad jump of Kho-Kho players. 2. Significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test 2 for Shuttle Run of Kho-Kho players. 3. Significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test 2 for Sit-Ups of Kho-Kho players. 4. Significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test -2 for 50 meters Dash of Kho-Kho players 5. Significance of mean difference of pre-test and post-test 2 for 600 meters Run in care of Kho-Kho players


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Corresponding Author Dr. Rajpal Singh* Assistant Professor of Physical Education C. R. Kisan College Jind, Haryana