A Comparative Study of Personality Traits and Self Esteem between Sports Participants and Non-Sports Participants

Exploring the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Sports Performance

by Jyoti Prakash*, Dr. Ramesh Chand Kanwar, Dr. Tryambak F. Gulhane,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 12, Issue No. 1, Oct 2017, Pages 38 - 42 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This article was expected to investigate the connection between personality traits with sport performance. The strategy for the study is expressive connection. The information was gathered utilizing polls and through field study technique. The number of inhabitants in the study comprised of 229 non tip top football and futsal players in the 2010-2011 season in Ardabil city. The sample size was likened with the populace. Personality was surveyed utilizing the NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI Costa and McCrae, 1992) and competitor's performance was evaluated by mentor's appraising (Piedmont et al., 1999). The stepwise relapse examination demonstrated that from among personality parts just Conscientiousness have constructive huge connection with sport performance. The outcome, additionally, showed that honesty was the sole indicator of game performance.


personality traits, self esteem, sports participants, non-sports participants, sport performance


In spite of the fact that the effects of brain science on sports performance have for quite some time been perceived, there are an ever increasing number of therapists and sports specialists managing distinctive research spaces. Their point is to investigate the dormant elements of achievement and disappointment in sports. Additionally, one of their points is to manage mental contrasts between competitors in various sports so as to have the option to opportune intercede. Other than fundamental qualities of personality, self-esteem, too, is a significant component of competitor contenders.


The idea of self-esteem is resolved as a manner which an individual has and which speaks to his/her judgment of his/her own worth characterizes self-esteem as a lot of characteristics which an individual sees inside himself/herself. As per present day ideas, self-esteem is likewise characterized as regard for one's own worth and significance, as an eagerness to be a capable individual and to carry on mindfully toward others. Self-esteem shows up when an individual starts to acknowledge and profoundly esteem his/her characteristics or traits. At the end of the day, self-esteem is the consequence of assessing one's own worth, i.e., the result of an evaluative direction toward one's deepest self; it is the degree of faith in one's own qualities, the intensity of faith in one's very own thoughts and contemplations, just as the profundity of trust in one's own behavior. Self-esteem isn't natural, nor acquired, however it is set up, and it changes all through life expectancy affected by associations with others, particularly guardians. Rosenberg, who's Self-Esteem Scale was utilized with the end goal of this exploration, discussed self-esteem just like a significant factor in our lives: "Self-esteem coordinates and actuates us in a wide scope of exercises. It altogether decides our qualities, our recollections and memory forms, our elucidation of occasions, our assessment models and reference focuses, our objectives, our selection of companions, mate, gatherings, associations, callings, and our condition when all is said in done. There are hardly any such compelling and pervading factors in life as it is self-esteem". The ideal standard applies to self-esteem; when an individual has excessively little of it, he/she works beneath his/her latent capacity, and when he/she has a lot of it, he/she obtains narcissistic personality

feeling of happiness throughout everyday life. People with high self-esteem go out on a limb all the more gallantly, don't set too levels of popularity on themselves, and exceptionally esteem themselves. To have high self-esteem intends to have a feeling of respect and poise in connection to oneself, one's own decisions, and one's own life. An individual with a high self-esteem has the boldness to defend himself/herself when he/she is treated beneath the level he/she accepts he/she merits. One individual might be more skilled than the other, progressively experienced, and with advanced education, yet in the event that the degree of his/her self-esteem is lower, he/she is less inclined to battle for his/her prosperity. People with high self-esteem manage disappointment contrasted with those with low self-esteem, feel more joyful throughout everyday life, and have lower nervousness. High self-esteem is attractive, particularly in individualistic societies, since it is an indicator of accomplishment in different circles of life, however some social clinicians have managed the examination of negative sides of high self-esteem. One of the more critical investigations identifies with the association between self-esteem and outrage and antagonistic vibe analyzed the level and solidness of self-esteem with the measure of outrage and threatening vibe which people understanding. Self-esteem dependability was tried by numerous worldwide self-esteem tests in normal conditions. The analysts have discovered that the indicator of outrage and antagonistic vibe isn't just the degree of self-esteem yet in addition its solidness. High however precarious self-esteem is in a measurably critical connection with the amazingly high propensity of encountering outrage and hatred, or antagonistic vibe. People with an absence of self-esteem have questions about their capacities and they get up fortitude to go out on a limb just when they are sure that they are completely capable and that they meet every one of the conditions. Moreover, examines have indicated that low self-esteem prompts certain negative events, for example, reprobate conduct, sadness, bulimia, propensity for psychological instabilities, and disappointment with connections.. State that persons with low self-esteem favor wellbeing and common place circumstances abstain from testing objectives and, consequently, reflect low self-esteem. They are not immediate in correspondence, they frequently dread to transparently say what they think and feel, above all else on the grounds that they themselves are dubious in their contemplations, and afterward on the grounds that they dread the responses of others. Such persons can't stand disappointments well. Each time they don't accomplish their objective, to them, that is another confirmation that they are useless and fruitless. Caught in their reasoning and self-assessment plot, they typically don't think about different explanations assessment of them, also, which makes them feel dismissed and they infrequently choose to start social contacts. A less number of social contacts prompt less open doors for making further relational connections, from which an individual can anticipate social help. In this manner, low self-esteem influences the size and the nature of an individual's informal organization.

Personality Traits

The Big Five model depicts five elements of personality: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to encounter. Extroversion suggests that people are amiable, while self preoccupation infers that they are calm and held. Extraversion is portrayed by receptiveness, self-assuredness, and a significant level of vitality. Persons with a high score on extraversion are progressively open, increasingly steady, increasingly garrulous, and more social than those with a low score on extraversion, who are timid, calm, and unapproachable. Extraversion is related with estimations of accomplishment and gratification, yet additionally with objectives identifying with an energizing way of life. Suitability implies that persons are helpful and kind, and not unpleasant. This measurement is described by generosity and trust. It tends to be viewed as a mix of fellowship and harmonization. Persons with a high score in this measurement are warm, thoughtful, and fair, while persons with a low score in this measurement are heartless, frequently discourteous, and some of the time even remorseless. Suitability is related with amicable family connections, great organization connections, yet additionally with prosocial values. Receptiveness to encounter is described by innovation, interest, and creativity. This factor is at times called culture as a result of its accentuation on mind and autonomy . People open to encounter have wide interests and a fine preference for craftsmanship and magnificence. Persons with a high score in this measurement are innovative, inventive, and since they have a wide scope of interests, as to investigate the obscure, while persons with low scores in this measurement are of ordinary appearance and practices, limited premiums, inclined to traditionalist demeanors, and will in general lean toward what is as of now known in connection to the obscure. Receptiveness to encounter is frequently connected with self-sufficiency..

Personality Traits and Self-Esteem in Sports

Albeit, as indicated by, mental looks into of competitors' personality are in a specific emergency in the field of sports brain science, there is a huge group of research with discoveries on recognizing contrasts between personality traits of competitors in competitors taking an interest in group activities have more significant levels of extraversion in contrast with competitors taking part in singular sports. At that point, competitors taking an interest in group activities have lower level of principles than competitors taking an interest in singular sports. Additionally, competitors taking an interest in high-hazard sports have more significant levels of extraversion and lower levels of honesty than competitors taking an interest in generally safe sports. Aftereffects of meta-examination indicated that high-hazard sport participants had more significant levels of sensation chasing, extraversion and impulsivity and lower levels of neuroticism, affectability to discipline in contrast with people who don't attempt such exercises . When contrasting competitors and non-competitors, discoveries show more significant levels of extraversion and more elevated levels of enthusiastic security in populace of competitors than in non-competitors, just as higher receptiveness to encounter. Further, it was indicated that karate aces have low neuroticism and high good faith, contingent upon their degree of dominance, with the goal that more experienced competitors have more steady personality than those less experienced. In one study on Tunisian competitors, the outcomes uncovered that self-esteem was higher in a gathering of competitors partaking in singular sports than in competitors taking an interest in group activities, while forcefulness was higher in group activities than in singular sports. When looking at levels of animosity in individual non-forceful sports like tennis, moving, swimming with singular battle sports, results uncover that non-forceful sports involve more elevated levels of self-esteem and verbal animosity, antagonistic vibe, and outrage. Different investigations demonstrated opposite outcomes, guaranteeing more significant levels of hostility in battle sports than in other individual sports. Despite the fact that a few investigations show no distinction in self-esteem between individual and group competitors, more elevated levels of self-esteem are significant striking of better adapting procedures in sport pressure the board. As indicated by a writing audit which showed blended discoveries in this field, we have tried contrasts in personality traits and self-esteem in competitors taking part in two gatherings of sports, in group activities and in battle sports.


In his theory of social learning, Julian Rotter pioneered the notion of locus of control (LOC). Both the factual depiction of events and the subjective interpretations given to them shape human action (Rutkowska &Gierczuk, 2015).LOC, as described by Rotter, is a dimension of personality that spans the range from purely external to purely internal regulation of conduct. Locus of control (LOC) refers to an individual's sense of mastery over the results of his or her actions. One's personality traits influence whether their control comes and Austin (2015), an individual's basic ingredient in comprehending how they live in the world is their belief in the controllability of what happens to them. The locus of control (LOC) of an individual may be thought of in two ways: internally or externally. People who have an internal locus of control believe that they are powerful enough to influence their own outcomes. Whatever the results may be, they accept full ownership of them., a means of dealing with stress, expertise, and confidence in one's own abilities. They feel more in command of their destiny, and they internalise the conviction that diligence is the surest path to success. Others, such as chance, fate, destiny, luck, coincidence, other people, etc., are seen as having more of an impact on the results of one's actions (Marijana, 2014). They don't take credit for anything, whether it's a success or a failure. They have a diminished sense of agency. There was no discernible change in LOC between athletes who participated in battle and those who did not, according to study conducted by Kishore (2016).Locus of control is also affected by the sport being played and whether or not the event is team or individual based. Team athletes have a greater external locus of control than individual athletes.


1. To analyze the degree of self esteem between sportsmen and sports women. 2. To study the five characters qualities of sports and non sports person.


The sample of the study comprised of 800 subjects; out of which 600 were sportspersons and 200 were non-sportspersons. Out of the 600 sportspersons, 200 (100 male and 100 female) sportspersons were from various schools, 200 (100 male and 100 female) sportspersons from various schools and 200 (100 male and 100 female) sportspersons who have been playing at between college levels. Out of the 200 non-sportspersons; 100 (50 male and 50 female) were from the schools and 100 (50 male and 50 female) were from the universities. For the estimation of personality traits of sportspersons; Specific Sports Personality Test contrived by Cheema and Singh (2015) was managed in Punjabi rendition to every one of the subjects of the study; the two guys and females. This test comprises of 100 things and measures seven traits of personality measures. The dependability co-effective of the test for every one of the traits were determined by utilizing test retest strategy and were seen as 0.90,0.84,0.69,0.93,0.82,0.87,0.58 for Sociability, predominance, extraversion, customariness, self-idea, mental sturdiness, enthusiastic soundness and 0.86 for the all out test. Dependability co-proficient utilizing split half strategy was seen as 0.86, 0.77,

Simultaneous legitimacy of the test as determined by relating the scores of the test with the rating scores acquired from the mentors on a four point scale from exceptionally consistent with false which were seen as 0.66,0.63,0.62,0.56,0.61,0.53,0.62 separately just as 0.64 for the all out test.


In different traits, for example strength, extraversion, expectedness, self-idea; no-critical contrasts were found. It implies that there existed non-critical contrasts. It is additionally seen in customary life that the male people are progressively agreeable, prevailing and rationally intense when contrasted with their female partners. Typically, the young ladies in the schools are timid, compliant, delicate disapproved and delicate in nature. It might be expected to the organically contrasts.

Differences of Personality Traits between Sports-Persons and Non sports-Persons

An attempt was made in the present study to know whether critical contrasts existed on seven traits of personality between the sportspersons and non-sportspersons. Table 1 shows the mean contrasts between sportspersons and non-sports persons on the seven traits of personality.

Means, SDs and t-ratios of scores of seven personality traits for sportspersons and no sportspersons


It very well may be reasoned that there is no such noteworthy distinction in four of the personality traits of the people who participate in sports and who don't partake in sports. Suitability is one of the trademarks which shows a huge distinction. It implies that sports participants are more pleasant than the non-sports participants. That is they are useful, considerate mindset, excusing, loving, simple and caring.


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Corresponding Author Jyoti Prakash*

Research Scholar, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli
