A Study on Managing Sports Programs at Colleges in Karnataka

Exploring the Management of Sports Programs at Colleges in Karnataka

by Shrinivasa V.*, Dr. A. M. Manjunatha,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 1, Jan 2018, Pages 33 - 37 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Over the ages Physical Education has been an essential piece of general Education and Development of the Individual and the Society. Plato's perspectives to advance instruction procedures to build an Utopian State to build up the "Savant kingl stresses on ideas of 'Vaulting for the body' and Calisthenics for the brain. The prime destinations of developing this Manual are to get consistency in Division of Physical training among schools including administration of Physical instruction and Sports exercises, Organization and Administration, Team development, Coaching, Guiding, Conducting sports occasions, Office administration, Bookkeeping, Financial announcing, Funding, Audit, and to empower by and large improvement of universities.


Physical Education, Development, Individual, Society, Education procedures, Utopian State, Vaulting for the body, Calisthenics for the brain, Administration, Team development, Coaching, Guiding, Sports events, Office administration, Bookkeeping, Financial reporting, Funding, Audit, Universities


Physical Education for the most part concentrates on the improvement of Physical wellness and engine wellness through improvement of neuromuscular aptitudes, passionate soundness through advancement of character also, identity, social wellness through procedure of socialization and sustaining esteems. Physical Instruction makes a man vivacious, energetic, physically fit, decided and hopeful which has a long ramifications enduring for the duration of his life. As there are sufficient of chances in the field of physical training and games to take it up as a calling and the understudies can end up plainly proficient sportsmen, sports occasion chief, coach/ teacher/mentor, sports columnist, sports merchandise producer/advertising official, reporters and so forth. The Colleges being supporting spot of layman into a full-fledge sportsmen and have extension to show their gifts which can ascend to National and International Standards. The educators should be capable to support such qualities among the understudies by appropriate preparing. Consequently, they are expected to perform following obligations and duties to advance Physical Education and games culture in Colleges. 1. Planning of program of work (activity design) and games spending plan for every scholarly year and complete the same. 2. To gather sports board of trustees gatherings. 3. To compulsorily direct choices for understudies and shape groups and take an interest in different Inter Collegiate, College and State level Sports and Games rivalries. 4. To assess fundamental wellness among understudies chose for various aggressive games, at the start of scholarly year according to standard wellness test standards. 5. To encourage preparing and instructing ofselected understudies for different Inter-College, University InterUniversity diversions and games rivalries. 6. Arrangement of spending plan for each scholarly year. 7. To buy sports merchandise according to the buy approaches surrounded. 8. Upkeep of hardware's and offices. 9. To lead and help between university competitions.

11. To direct between class rivalries in games and diversions for understudies. 12. To help the Principal in keeping up train and solid environment in the College. 13. Planning and accommodation of yearly report toward the finish of each scholarly year. 14. Instruct both hypothesis and reasonable classes according to the CBCS syllabus/some other rules of Higher Instruction Department, Department of Collegiate Education and Affiliated University. 15. To advance identity improvement and initiative qualities among understudies. 16. To create moral and moral esteems among understudies. 17. Go to Physical Education related gatherings, workshops as required, attempts assignments if fundamental. 18. To Maintain following Registers:- Day book, Indent book, Resolution book, Stock enlist, Harmed and Unserviceable products enlist, Memo book, Issue enroll, Work journal and records of understudies accomplishments and individual accomplishments. 19. Consistence with review reports, enquiry reports of the Department. 20. The itemized report of the Physical Education division ought to be submitted to the IQAC cell toward the finish of consistently. Additionally assume a key part amid NAAC and some other companion group visits to school 21. To help with arranging national celebrations. 22. PED's can help perceived state affiliations/associations as a group mentor, administrator for National, International titles and directing and arranging sports titles with earlier consent of DCE.


In this present reality where data construct is growing in light of an exponential scale, the capacity to utilize data and information is the thing that will give us the preferred standpoint. In this way, educating must fuse a module on the best way to build up our capacity to think, capacity to be creative what's more, to be imaginative. Educating ought to likewise be understudy driven and movement based and than giving them space learning of the subject, they must be made fit for work by granting particular or attractive aptitudes, alongside capacity to figure out how to learn and figure out how to think and figure out how to do. As it were, alongside scholarly learning on area subjects, understudies must have fluctuated ranges of abilities. Hence, India is standing by a standard learning framework which is completely not the same as what has overwhelmed our Education framework in the course of the last numerous decades. India anticipates a framework that concentrations more on learning than instructing; a framework where an educator is a Guru and facilitator instead of a instructor who is the vault of data and information; a framework where repetition learning is supplanted by the ability to encourage creative ability, development and activities; a framework where individuals figure out how to reflect, work together and work in groups. Cooperation in Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and Symposium are of exceptionally fundamental help to make a successful learning condition, enhance educating learning circumstances, keep refreshed on present day instructional gadgets and moves instructors to turn into better in the cutting edge world. Classes and Conferences give sufficient of chance and consolation to a man to embrace explore work and furthermore to introduce his perspectives. This enhances one's quality and inside and out learning of the subject and lifts fearlessness. For the Students: Seminars are to be directed at the school level for the advantage of understudies. Individual or gathering of understudies could be given basic points to gather the information and show the paper. This gives a feeling of research and an opportunity to display their perspectives. These courses are practical and can be directed in the classrooms too. Support of all understudies and the other staff individuals ought to be supported. Workshops can be led where understudies take an interest as representatives and tune in to the specialists' involvement, preparing strategies and elucidation of principles of the amusements. Understudies too can have talk with the specialists. For the Physical Education Directors: Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences are to be led to enhance and refresh the learning. State, National and Inter National level Workshops and Conferences can be sorted out with the assistance of • Local givers • With the assistance of CDC Members • as a team with Sports Organizations

RUSA could be acquired satisfying the rules for the gifts. Workshops: Workshops could be standard component and can be led each month. Administration of Physical Education Directors adjacent Colleges can be gotten according to their capability. Budgetary guide can be profited from sports store or IQAC. Games charge can be used to present any such projects on normal premise and furthermore to meet other fundamental necessities of the Physical Education Department. Despite the fact that confinements have been made in connection to investment in classes and conferences- • Plentiful open doors might be profited for introduction of research papers. • Opportunities might be made for going to as specialized/asset individual/lead speaker at meetings and classes. • Services of Physical Education Directors working in different Colleges might be gotten with due consent at whatever point basic. Authorization may likewise be given to fill in as asset people for somewhere else Colleges at whatever point fundamental.



BIT trusts in the inside and out advancement of its understudies in all fields, and games are no exemption. Our school groups have partaken in different University between university rivalries, for example, volleyball, cricket, table tennis and so forth. Our school cricket group had effectively partaken in competitions with some of our players going ahead to speak to the University at National level. The establishment likewise arranges The Annual Athletic Meet• for understudies and its staff individuals in different games, for example, cricket, football, volleyball, kabaddi, track occasions, carrom, chess, table tennis and shot-put. Our athletic groups have exceeded expectations in the current college level competitions winning awards in different occasions like the hand-off occasion. The school sports room is outfitted with carrom sheets, table tennis tables and chessboards and is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Branch of Physical Education will keep on being perceived as a pioneer in extracurricular and recreational exercises on grounds in the general public. We will build up a complete program that Exercises • Intramural exercises • Extramural exercises • Organization of competition • Training and instructing in world class sports rivalries • Enrollment of understudies in the concerned games and diversions • Staff Sports • NSS exercises • Coaching Camp directed for VTU in the diverse teach to take an interest in between college rivalries both in Sports and in addition Cultural exercises. • "KREEDOTSAV"- State level intercollegiate competition of seven distinct recreations in memory of Sri. B. M. Sreenivaiah, Sri. B. S. Narayan, Prof.Mukerjee and Sri. Oomen Mathew separately. • "UTSAV"- The Mega occasion, it is known as best yearly between university Techno-Cultural celebration in the nation. • Annual Sports meet


Dr. AIT bolsters an undeniable foundation for indoor games for multi exercise center, Shuttle badminton, Table tennis, carom and chess. And furthermore houses sports ground to encourage playing of Cricket, volley ball, container ball, foot ball toss ball and kho-kho. The wellness focus at Dr. AIT Sports Complex prepares the most recent wellness hardware to the workforce and understudies. The school has given every one of the offices to the College cooperative people to take an interest in any competitions in India We give T.A. what's more, D.A. Hues and Entry charge for players to participate in the Tournaments. The players will be given participation and Grace marks for the individuals who accomplish awards in University, Inter college, National, and International. A) Out entryway 1. 200Mtrs. Athletic Ground 2. Cricket ground (60 Yards)

5. Basket Ball court 6. Volley Ball 7. kabbadi B) Indoor 1. Gymnasium 2. Shuttle Badminton 3. Carom 4. Table tennis


Alongside scholastics games and wellness is a piece of understudies life. DSCE bolsters every one of the understudies to support their future in exercises other than scholastics moreover. Therefore understudies of DSCE took part in the vast majority of the Inter-school sports and social occasions and furthermore in the University level games and won a considerable lot of the honors and brought fantastic incentive for the organization at the University level. Outside Facilities • Football ground • Basketball court • Synthetic Tennis court • Volleyball court • Throw ball court • Ball badminton court • Kho-kho court • Cricket hone pitch Indoor Facilities • Two International level Squash courts • Chess • Table-Tennis • Multi Gymnasium • Yoga/Aerobics corridor



competition on 25 august 2015- 16 • Mr. RAHUL CHITRASENA selected to Bangalore University Gymnastic team 2015-16 • MR.SAGAR V student of B Sc I year got silver and bronze medals(javelin throw & shot-put events) at the Bangalore university inter collegiate level athletic competition on 21st to 23rd September 2015 • Mis. MANJUSHREE student of B.Sc 2nd year selected to national throw ball team 2015 • KABADDI RUNNERS In Noble School of Business Galli Games-2016, Organized by Noble Schoo of Business J P Nagar First Phase, Bangalore -560078 • FOOT BALL WINNERS In Noble School of Business Galli Games-2016, Organized by Noble Schoo of Business J P Nagar First Phase, Bangalore -560078 • MEN TAG OF WAR TEAM WINNERS in The Oxford Arts College intercollegiate tournament 2016 organized By The Oxford Arts College. • Mr. AMOL KULKARNI student of 2nd year M Sc got first prize at the National level Kick Boxing competition April – 2015, organized by Indian boxing association • Mis. MANJUSHREE student of B.Sc 1st year selected to INDIAN DODGE BALL TEAM -2015 • Mr. RAHUL CHITRASENA student of M Sc 1st year, selected to 35th National Games of India 2015


Amusement, with its money related, social, physical and singular points of view, can accept a key part in keeping the occupants of Karnataka sound and vivacious, keeping up general prosperity, fiscal change, building social ties in heterogeneous masses and the change of social congeniality inside the state. Flawlessness and achievement in sports brings a sentiment pride and conviction. Support in sports moreover has different useful results at the individual and societal level. The Government of Karnataka is unequivocally committed to supporting and making sports penchants and a games culture that incorporates all territories of our overall population, while meanwhile enabling the private fragment and regular society to adequately appreciate the arrangement of a thriving and plausible games eco-structure. After the study I concluded that colleges of


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Corresponding Author Shrinivasa V.*

Research Scholar, Dept. of Physical Education, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh

E-Mail – anjankumarbj2010@gmail.com