To Examine the Differences of Sports Performance between Haryana Universities and Punjab Universities

A Comparative Study

by Sikka Devi*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 1, Jan 2018, Pages 47 - 53 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Physical training, as it would be concurred, empowers the understudies to accomplish a condition of physical, mental and social prosperity. Besides, it has been a well-established certainty that support is don enhances one's wellbeing, physical wellness and work effectiveness. It fills in as a methods for useful diversion, reinforces social agreement and teach. The need of each native regardless of age and sex should, in this way, be to get great nature of physical instruction which would help himher to partake in sports. Physical training is worried about the gainful adjustments to physical stretch that happen because of investment in genuinely incredible physical exercises chosen as to singular need, limits and interests physical instructors endeavor to create changes in cardio vascular respiratory wellness, quality, control dexterity what's more, speed. They measure change affected in those characteristics and they refine old strategies and devise new ones for all the more viably brining about this change. The physical training is considered as a universal teach and its significance as central human right has just been perceived by the United Countries. The worldwide sanction of physical training received on 21st Nov. 1978 by the unified countries instructive logical and social association (UNESCO) plainly mirrors the immense significance connected by the universal body to the utilization of physical instruction and furthermore to make physical training and games an indispensable piece of general training.


sports performance, Haryana Universities, Punjab Universities, physical training, wellbeing, physical fitness, work efficiency, functional recreation, social cohesion, cardiovascular respiratory fitness


Today, the role of physical and mental health is not hidden for everyone, particularly in mechanism life where people are accustomed to use most machinery and they have been gotten into a weak movement functions, therefore physical training can play a key role in terms of healthy issues. Sport has been highly important among various nations. A sport facilities is a place where the whole necessary sport and social affairs and functions can take place there; in order to use high potentially of these equipments, the availability of these are essential for the whole parts of community. Sports and physical educations an activity that needs highly sophisticated material and equipment. The performance in sports is directly related to the quality of facilities provided to the athletes. The creation of new facilities and maintenance of existing facilities is a challenging task before the administrators. Thought is very difficult to provide excellent facilities to the athletes, yet the provision of minimum facilities is the responsibility to the administrator, if one is really interested in attracting maximum number of youths into competitive sports. The facilities for students/athletes refer to conditions of playground, gymnasium, swimming pool and the needed equipment to conduct the activities. The national education policy and national sports policies clearly indicate and motivate for the participation in sports but performances in sports may affect due to the status of facilities available to the respective organization. The national sports policy also emphasized regarding the distribution of proper sports policy facilities and infrastructure should be done so that the achievement level in sports may affect the performance of the player. University have been playing a significant role for promoting the sports activities at different levels. The Universities have been paved the way for provide a good sports related environment for the sports men and women, who come from the Schools. In this context the University of Bath is a leading center for performance sports because they have state of the art sports and fitness facilities, world class coaches

physiotherapists all under one roof. Over 250 intematiorral levei athletes and more than 20 regional or national sports squads. In this context, P.Adi Naryana Reddy (2014) has high lighte the role of Universities and sports institutions for promoting the sports activities in India. Inter University government, zonal tournament etc. are organized by different Universities in India. Reddy has been highlighted the role of coaching in the promotion of sports in the country as small beginning was made during 1953. Later it was got momentum and taken the shape of National coaching scheme. Since, then to scheme was functioning under sports Authority of India (SAI). It is aims to promote sports discipline talent scounting expert coaching, identity and developrnent excellency among youth and Co-ordinate sports activities among different institutions and Universitites similary, sports Association of Indian Universities, provide a strong platform for promoting National dialogue among various Universities in India. In order to promoting the sports environment in the Country. The active role of Indian Universitites which has a vital significance for promoting the sports activities at various levels inter Universities zonal tournaments other state tournament etc. The Universities act as a great filter tbr promoting the various games, in the Universities and other sports institution (encyclopadia of sports & games 2012) In order to promoting the physical education in Inda, universities have been playing a significant role. sports games and physical fitness have been a vital component of an civilization, as is evident from the existence of highly developed indigenous game including martialarts. [n the modern times, there have been increasing recognition of the role of sports in Development. The united Nations adopted to them of "sports for development and peace ( Asif Ahmad 201 l) & Parvez farookh. In this context it has been observed that the Universities, like Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana AgricultureUniversity, Hisar anPunjab Agricultural University Ludhiana Guru Nanak Dev University,, Amritsar have been playing a significant role , and given as outstanding coutribution for winning the laurals in Asian, common wealth and even in olympic games for India. It is partly because of states effective Haryana (pioneer of physical Education, The HINDU). Physical instruction is Important for the physical wellness and proficiency, mental readiness and the advancement of specific characteristics of character. The program of physical training, as in compel today should be reconsidered and upgraded in the light of certain essential standards of tyke development and advancement." The Secondary Education Commission made physical instruction necessary in every one of the phases of school educational modules. In any case, confined to a couple of understudies in a school. The focal warning leading group of physical instruction and entertainment has revealed.


The review of literature gives clear picture of the problem to be solved which is a pre- requesite to actual planning and conducting the study.the review of past investigations serve as guide to the researcher in his own endeavour. Thus, the review of related literature is an indispensable step in any research.

Following literature is related to the proposed study: Sardhara (2004) led an investigation on physical instruction schools and colleges divisions of the Gujrat State with a reason for discover the program, offices and individual administration in the physical training school and college branches of Gujrat State. The reaction acquired from various principals of different physical training schools and executive of physical instruction of colleges were changed over in the rate and range with the end goal of investigation, he suggested that : 1. The Government should endeavor endeavors for additional gifts for games to the University Departments of Physical Education fron University Grant Commission and State/Centra! Government. 2. The Physical Education subject ought to be incorporated into the educational modules of collections as a necessary subject. 3. The administrations the assistance of Voluntary organizations ought to be legitimately utilized for the advancement of games.‘ Sodhi and Negi (1995) led an investigation of utility of administrations of physical training educators at school. They put forth a concentrated effort made poll on 53 physical training educators. They found that one physical instruction instructor was utilized against 217 understudies. Just Rs. 643/ - per annum as spent on hardware out of Rs. 1300/ - assigned yearly. Eighty nine percent of the instructors appreciated leading between class and between school rivalry. Ninety eight percent of the educators presented the kids to penetrate and other physical training exercises. On a normal the term of class was 35 to 45 minutes. Fifty seven percent of the physical instruction educators were instructing different subjects moreover. Thakur (1997) directed an examination for the appraisal of physical instruction program in auxiliary schools in Himachal Pradesh. She connected three

understudies having a place with the schools of Himachal Pradesh. She didn't discover attractive playing offices for recreations and games with the exception of Kabbadi and Volleyball in schools of Himachal Pradesh state. The hardware provided to the players was likewise of the normal quality. The instructors were not happy with their compensation structure. Since players were not discovered general in training camps, an awesome need or games lodgings was felt by the physical instruction instructors. The impetuses to the players were not discovered acceptable. The managers, physical training instructors and understudies communicated extraordinary need of presenting physical training as an elective subject in the school. Petersen (1997) led an examination to look at current action spaces and auxiliary spaces in New Mexico secondary schools and to contrast these spaces and existing gauges. Current measures of action and subordinate space were resolved in secondary schools. Movement and auxiliary space contrasted with set principles. An auxiliary intention was to overhaul arranging, rules for secondary school movement and subordinate space. Forty secondary schools from New Mexico were chosen aimlessly. Polls with respect to the offices and program were sent to athletic chiefs and physical training division administrator. Territory estimations were made of the offices to the poll respondents of each school were acquainted with acquire office suggestions. It was reasoned that: (1) the primary movement space did not altogether contrast from the suggested standard. (2) Mean auxiliary space for every one of the schools was fundamentally more prominent than the built up standard. (3) Both aggregate action space and aggregate subordinate space were fundamentally related with enrolment. (4) The circulation of sorts of subordinate space varied fundamentally from the standard prescribed inside auxiliary space. Sundarajan (1998) directed an investigation of Management of Inter-School Sports Program (M.I.S.S.P) in 103 Higher/High auxiliary school in TamilNandu. Administration of Inter-School Sports Program poll improvement by the creator was utilized to gather the information. Elucidating, Differential and Correlation factual procedures were utilized for the investigation and translation of information. To the extent the adequacy of administration of ISSPE scores were concerned young men school got the most elevated mean score (73.69%) and welfare school, the slightest mean score (55.22%) In five of the six measurements young men schools scored the most elevated mean scores. Attri (1999) directed a similar investigation of Physical Education and Sports offices in the University of Punjab state and their effect on Sports Performance. He wandered into setting up connection between an afterthought and preparing, training and outdoors as planning on the other as for sports achievement of understudies in the Universiter in particular GNDU, Punjab University Chandigarh, Punjab University Patiala and Punjab Agricultural University. Thomas L. Mckenzie (2001) directed an examination "Advancing Physical Activity in Youth: center around Middle School Environment". The investigation centers around biological methodologies for advancing physical action in center school. Pattern information gathered in physical Education classes, Leisure time setting, and organized extracurricular projects amid four year center school physical movement and sustenance (M.SPAN) Project are restored. Refocusing physical instruction objectives, provoking sexual orientation value in physical action openings, and connecting schools with group as means for advancing physical action among youths. Daisy Rani (2002) directed an investigation," Development of physical instruction and games in Haryana state" found that the standard of games in Haryana state enhanced simply after the arrangement of mentors and expanded spending plan for sports. Olympic Bhawan of universal level is indication of refresh foundation improvement in Haryana. Games share has been settled at all levels for confirmation and occupations both. It is just in Haryana where "Crorepati Scheme" for spots individual has been begun and numerous different motivations are additionally given to players for the advancement of games. Verma, P.K. (2011) directed a review consider on "Advancement of games in foundations of Higher Learning in Himachal Pradesh". He found that the greater part of the foundation don't have satisfactory games framework, playing and instructing offices, motivators given to the players, association and organization of physical training and games. He additionally watched a dynamic increment in the execution of players at national level in the wake of opening of games lodgings with in the state. Based on the aftereffects of the investigation he likewise prescribed that because of unfavorable atmosphere states of the state, sports offices like indoor exercise room will be an incredible help for diversions like boxing, wrestling. Weightlifting, judo, volleyball and so on all the year round.


The study area is the Universities which are located in Haryana and Punjab respectively. The Universies are Maharishi Daynand University, Rohtak, Ch. Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar and Punjab Agricultural University,

Jalandhar. In order to get the required information on sports activites, various records in to be consulted from the secondary source of data. The other information like annual budget, the past budget from the universities is to be collected. General Information of the Universities, to be taken for the study. The required information are the year of establishment of the Universities, to beginning of sports activities development of sports infrastructure, the personnel department of sports wing.. The training and coaching programme for promoting the sports performance at the University campus of the Universities , to be taken for the study.

Wide Survey of the Questionnaire

The motivation behind the investigation was to assess the games execution of colleges of Rajasthan in connection to sports offices for physical instruction. The instrument for this board study was a poll which has been arranged deliberately under the supervision of the guide. The poll was masterminded in intelligent request to get wanted answers without undue issue for the respondent. Care was taken to outline each inquiry such that they were exact and legitimate without uncertainty. Unique consideration was given to touch all the essential segments while building and building up the survey. The poll along these lines contained different areas like general data about execution of existing staff offices, hardware, stores, yearly spending plan, expenses charges from understudies, give from higher specialists, consumption on different records library offices and so forth., in order to increase most extreme beneficial point by point and important data about the tests. The duplicates of the poll were appropriated to six University Directors of Physical Education, with the demand to give right and exact answers. These polls were sent to alt respondents and got by post and the analyst himself had gone by some place to gather by and by.


Results of the evaluation of sports performance of physical education and sports in universities of Haryana and Punjab are represented in this chapter along with the discussion of findings.


Findings of the evaluation of sports performance and facilities of physical education and sports in Universities of Rajasthan are represented table wise. and evoJuated and all responded the questionnaire. The detailed responses in tables form were follows >

Table 1 Information about the Establishment of Different Universities of Haryana and Punjab


Table - 1 showed that first established university of Haryana and Punjab was Punjab Agricultural Liniversity Ludhiana in which was established in the year Rest of the university established in between 1962 to 1997.

Total Number of Students in Different Universities of HARYANA AND PUNJAB

It was revealed that percentage of no. of male and female students were highest in IKGPTU and CCS respective.

Criteria for the Analysis of Sports performance of the Universities of Haryana and Punjab was done on the basis of the discussions with experts. Following criteria was adopted.

It's evident from Table - 35 that MDU participated only in chess year It is evident from Table - 36 that during years 2011-12 BV participated only in basketball, T.T and Badminton. During 2012-13 participated only in basketball and badminton where as it participate all India in tennis. During year 2013-14 it participated only in basketball and badminton. During year 2014-15 it participated in table tennis whereas it participated All India Competition of Hockey and Tennis. During 2015-16 BV. Participated only in basketball and secured fourth place in tennis.

It is evident from Table - 37 that during years 2011-12 CCS, Jodhpur has All India participation in Softball (M & W), Chess, Hockey (W), Yoga (M), Gymnastic (M & W), Boxing (M), Cross country (M & W), Jodo (M), Wresting (M), Athletic (M & W) and participated in Zonal Tournament in Basketball (M & W), Cricket (M), Football (M), Handball (M), Hockey (M), Kabaddi (M & W), Volleyball (M & W), Kho-Kho (M), Power lifting (M), T.T. (M & W), Badminton (M & W) & Malkhamb (M). During Year 2012-13 JNUV, Jodhpur Participated All India Tournament in Softball (M), Ball Badminton (M). Chess (M & W), Hockey (W), Yoga (M), Gymnastic (M & W), Cross country (M & W), Cycling (M), Judo (M), Wresting (M), Malkhamb, Athletic (M). It revealed bronze medal in AllU in Boxing (M) and Athletic (W). games, Basketball (M & W), Cricket (M), Football (M), Handball (M), Hockey (M), Kabaddi (M), Volleyball (W), Kho-Kho (M), Power lifting (M), T.T. (M & W). During Year 2013-14 CCS, Jodhpur Participated All India Interversity Competition in following games; Softball (M), Ball Badminton (M), Squash (M) Chess, Hockey (W), Yoga (M & W), Badminton (M) Gymnastic (M & W), Boxing (M), Cross country (M & W), Cycling (M), Judo (M), Wresting (M), Malkhamb, Athletic (M). It participated in following games Zonal Tournament; Basketball (M & W), Cricket (M), Football (M), Handball (M), Hockey (M), Kabaddi (M & W), Kho-Kho (M), Power lifting (M), T.T. (M & W, Tennis (M), Badminton (W) and CCS received fourth place in Zonal Badminton and bronze medal in All India Athletic meet in women. During Year 2014-15 CCS, Jodhpur Participated All India Tournament in AllU in following games; Softball (M), Ball Badminton (M), Squash (M) Chess Hockey (W), Yoga (M & W), Gymnastic (M & W), Boxing (M) Cross country (M), Cycling (M), Judo (M), Wresting (M), Malkhamb, Aquetic (M), Weight lifting (M) Athletic (M & W). It participated in Zonal following games; Basketball (M & W), Football (M), Cricket (M), Hockey (M), Kabaddi (M &W), Kho-Kho (M), Power lifting (M), T.T. (M & W), Tennis (M) and Badminton (M). During Year 2015-16 CCS, Participated All India Tournament in Softball (M), Ball Badminton (M), Squash (M) Chess, Hockey (M & W), Tennis (W), Gymnastic (M & W), Boxing (M) Cross country (M & W), Cycling (M), Archery (M), Judo (M), Aquetic (M), Wresting (M), Athletic (M & W), secured bronze medal in Athletics (M). Zonal Participation in Basketball (M & W), Football (M), Handball (M), Kabaddi (M &W), Volleyball (M & W), Kho-Kho (M & W)), T.T. (M & W), Badminton (M & W), Malkhamb (M).


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Corresponding Author Sikka Devi*

Research Scholar, MDU, Rohtak, India