Aggression, Self- Esteem and Social Adjustment of Men Players in Selected Sports (An Empirical Study)

A Comparative Analysis of Aggression, Self-Esteem, and Social Adjustment in Men Players of Football, Hockey, and Cricket

by Bipin Babu Singh*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 1, Jan 2018, Pages 100 - 104 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Sport as a movement offers a chance of self-learning, self-expression, and satisfaction individual accomplishment, skill acquisition and show of capacity social communication, delight. It advances association, combination and obligation in the public eye and adds to the improvement of society, particularly when sports exercises have been acknowledged as a vital piece of the way of life of each general public in each nation. The reason for the examination was to analysis the Psychological differentials among men Football, Hockey and Cricket Players. To accomplish this reason for the examination ninety (N=90) men players were chosen. Among them, thirty (n=30) Football players, thirty (n=30) Hockey players and thirty (n=30) Cricket players Aggression, Self-Esteem and Social Adjustment were chosen as model factors. The data gathered from the three gatherings was measurably examined by utilizing Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Scheffe's post hoc test was connected to decide the significant difference between the paired means. In every one of the cases 0.05 dimension of confidence was settled significance was settled. The consequences of the examination demonstrated that there was a significant difference among Football, Hockey and Cricket Players.


aggression, self-esteem, social adjustment, men players, selected sports


Sport psychology is characterized as the use of the learning and logical techniques for psychology to the investigation of individuals in sport and exercise settings. The word psychology alludes to the investigation of human behaviour, and sport psychology means a sub classification of psychology that bargains with the conduct of competitors and groups occupied with competitive sports. Execution in sport is never again reliant on physiological well-being of the competitor. It is well settled at this point there are various mental components which impact and enhance the physical execution. The mental components are singular differences among the competitors, identity, intelligence, disposition of the player, motivation, aggression, arousal and enactment, anxiety, consideration and focus, mental imagery and gathering elements. These components are viable to player's physical performance. In the course of recent years, sport psychology scientists and specialists have turned out to be progressively vocal in their proposals that emotional intelligence (EI) might be an essential build in the sport space. Physical instruction experience, an individual can comprehend the significance of acquiring and keeping up an abnormal state of physical fitness, take an interest in a wide assortment of physical exercises to foster the longing to keep up a functioning way of life, upgrade physiological and engine skill improvement, and grow reasonable play, cooperation and socially alluring conduct, improve self-esteem. Psychology is the science of mind and behavior. Its prompt objective is to comprehend conduct and mental procedures by investigating and setting up both general principles and explicit cases. For some experts, one objective of connected psychology is to benefit society. Sports psychology is the logical investigation of conduct in sports or sports related setting. It is an effort to comprehend the how and why hidden sports behavior. Sports psychology is characterized as the investigation of mental procedures as they identify with human sports execution. It comprises of speculations and laws of learning the significance of support and the connecting of perceptual capacities with motor execution add to the assortment of information. Sports therapists use the data when contemplating themes, for example, accomplishment motivation, arousal, attribution and identity improvement

1.1 Psychological Variables

Sport psychology specialist work with competitors who hold broadly contrasting qualities and convictions about their sporting and regular daily existence. Mental factors are all around recognized. In this fast-


earth, he can't build up his healthy identity. • Aggression is a far-reaching wonder that applies negative consequences for the both victims and perpetrator. It is likewise viewed as a noteworthy overall public medical problem among youths, which produces genuine social issues and significant costs to society. In this manner, provoking human development specialists to put gigantic enthusiasm for peer relationship and aggression among adolescents. Aggression in youth has been ordered by the type of the aggressive act. Plain or physical aggression is characterized as physical acts planned to hurt others. Relational aggression is characterized as the act of hurting someone else through peer relations, for example, barring from peer gatherings or denying fellowship. • Self-esteem ought to be founded on your identity as an individual rather than how well you can perform in your sport or how high you go in a sporting profession. Consider this: on the off chance that you remove the piece of you who is a competitor, how might you depict yourself? What are your own characteristics that depict you? This is the thing that self-esteem ought to be founded on. On the off chance that you have an inclination that you struggle with self-esteem, have trust. Here are some different thoughts regarding increasing self-esteem. Competitors are particularly powerless against this issue of connecting self-esteem to one's exhibitions since you are made a decision by how well you perform. Notwithstanding, society sends unpretentious signs that you should accomplish in your sport to feel commendable as an individual and that is the device that numerous competitors fall into. • Social adjustment is a condition of individual when he can meet the different social circumstances in which he winds up without going amiss from the essential standard of conduct. Social adjustment is an exertion made by a person to adapt to guidelines, qualities and necessities of a society to be acknowledged. It tends to be characterized as a mental procedure. It includes adapting to new standard and esteem. In the specialized language of psychology "coexisting with the individuals from society as well as can be expected" is called adjustment. Social adjustment is an endeavour made by a person to address the principles, qualities and wants of a society to be acknowledged. It psychology, ' coexisting with the individuals from society as well as can be expected' is named as adjustment.


Manju, Pandey et, al. (2013) looked at self-esteem and social adjustment between female sports individual and non-sports individual of Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur. The subject in this examination were (N=60, 30 Sportsperson and 30 Non-sportsperson) and age extended from 21 to 25 years, were randomly chosen and shortlisted through random testing. To investigations self-esteem-Canadian Self Esteem Inventory (CSEI; Dr. Ambika Prasad Pandey) and for social adjustment Deva's Social Adjustment Inventory Dr. R. C. Deva were utilized. The statistical system utilized for this investigation was mean, standard deviation and independent 't' test. The dimension of significance was tried at 0.05 dimensions. The statistical analysis uncovered significant differences in both self-esteem and social adjustment between sports individual and non-sports individual female university students. K. Krishnaveni (2014) - Aggression and aggressive behavior are some of the time out of the moral domain of sports, and some of the time particularly part of sport, contingent upon the sort of sport, the interest on the entertainer, etc. Aggression incorporates distinctive behaviors that serve a typical end – to incur pain or injury on the opponent. A few investigations have been directed by specialists worldwide yet there still stay gray areas that neglect to pinpoint hostile or aggressive behavior in sport. This paper plans to toss light on the purposes behind the presence and tirelessness of such behavior and conceivable solutions for manage the equivalent. G.P. Raju., P. Johnson. & B. Nageswara., Rao. (2014) who directed the differences among South Zone senior volleyball women players on chose mental factors viz., Aggression, Groups-union and Self-idea. The investigation was directed on an all-out populace of 60 female volleyball players as subjects drawn from Senior South Zone National championship held in the year 2013. These subjects had a place with various States in South India viz., Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry and Tamilnadu. The age of the example is over 21 years. Subjects were chosen based on their support in Senior South Zone National Volleyball Championship. Diverse mental testing procedures were to gauge the score of the mental factors. Aggression questionnaire created by the Smith (1979) the Group-environmental Cohesion scale created by the Webmayers (1976) and Self-idea scale created by the Piers-Harris (1970). Notwithstanding these an individual data plan additionally has used to gather general data, for


data the subjects. The acquired data have been examined by utilizing ANOVA and Scheffe‟s system. Further graphical portrayals are made for the score gotten by the diverse groups of subjects, utilizing the distinctive factors under the investigation. Heather J. Clark, (2015) - This article displays the consequences of a checking survey of the sport literature (2000– 2014) on mental and social results applicable to youth alcohol and illicit drug use. Earlier surveys report that sport is identified with expanded alcohol use and diminished illicit drug use among youth yet give little guidance in regard to the systems that can clarify this relationship. We investigated the writing on sport cooperation and mental and social results to distinguish factors that could help clarify this connection. Mental and social factors were chosen as they assume a fundamental job in understanding youth alcohol and drug use. Fifty-nine articles were recognized and incorporated into the survey. The writing commonly upheld associations among sport and positive mental and social results, including self-esteem, self-control, general life skills, and pro social behavior. However, restrictions in the techniques and measures limit the capacity to reach inferences from the writing. Furthermore, the assorted variety of youth and sport was commonly disregarded in the writing. This article recommends various directions for future research that may enhance our comprehension of how sport impacts mental and social results alongside alcohol and illicit drug use.


1. To study the Psychological variables such as social adjustment, aggression and the self-esteem of sportsman. 2. To experiment the Psychological difference among the male football, hockey and cricket players 3. To test the Scheffe‘s post hoc test in order to determine the significant difference between the paired means 4. To compare the mean of the different sports players related with psychological factors 5. To assess the significant difference among the means values of Football, Hockey and Cricket players on the psychological variables as Aggression, Self-esteem and Social adjustment

4.1 Sample size

To accomplish this reason for the examination ninety (N=90) men players were chosen. Among them, thirty (n=30) Football players, thirty (n=30) Hockey players and thirty (n=30) Cricket players who have taken an interest in the Inter zonal competition amid the year 2014-2015 were chosen as subjects. The age of the subjects was run from 18 to 21 years. Among different Psychological factors just Aggression, Self-Esteem and Social adjustment were chosen as criterion variables.

4.2 Data Analysis

Aggression was surveyed by Sports Aggression Inventory developed and standardized by Prof. Anand Kumar Shrivastava and Prem Shankar Shukla (1985). Sports Aggression stock comprises of 25 questions. Self - Esteem was surveyed by the absolute scores in Canadian Self Esteem Inventory (CSEI) created by Dr. Ambika Prasad Pandey (1989) , Canadian Self Esteem Inventory (CSEI) contains 40 things and Social adjustment was evaluated by the absolute scores in Deva's Social Adjustment Inventory (SAI).Diva's Social Adjustment Inventory (SAI) comprises of 100 questions which incorporates things for the appraisal of emotional just as social adjustment. 4.3 Tools used in this study The data collected from the Football players, Hockey players and Cricket players on chose Criterion variables were statistically inspected by analysis of variance (ANOVA) was utilized to decide differences, if any among the means on chosen criterion variables independently. At whatever point they got f-ratio value was significant the Scheffe's test was connected as post hoc test to decide the paired mean differences, assuming any. In every one of the cases .05 dimension of confidence was settled significance was fixed.


The Analysis of variance (ANOVA) chose Psychological factors, for example, Aggression, Self Esteem and Social adjustment have been experimented and exhibited in Table - 1.


(The table value required for Significance at 0 .05 level with df 2 and 87 is 3.10)

Figure 1 Mean of Football, hockey and cricket players

Table-1 demonstrates that the mean value of Aggression, Self-Esteem and Social adjustment for Football, Hockey and Cricket players were20.67, 18.63, 14.97, 28.27, 26.23, 23.03, 163.83, 156.87 and 136.50 individually. The acquired F values 28.79, 18.38 and 15.96 for the mean is more than the table value 3.10 for df 2 and 87 required for significance at .05 dimension of confidence. The consequences of the examination show that there is a significant difference among the means values of Football, Hockey and Cricket players on the Aggression, Self-esteem and Social adjustment. To figure out which of the paired means had a significant difference, Scheffe's test was connected as Post hoc test and the outcomes are exhibited in Table 2.

Table 2 Ordered Scheffe’s Post Hoc on Aggression, Self Esteem and Social Adjustment among three sports

Cricket players on Aggression were 2.04, 5.70 and 3.66 individually. The values are more noteworthy than the confidence interval value 1.94, which indicates significant differences at 0.05 dimension of confidence. The mean for differences on Football players and Cricket players and Hockey players and Cricket players on Self-Esteem were 5.24 and 3.20 individually. The values are more noteworthy than the confidence interval value 2.22, which indicates significant differences at .05 dimension of confidence. The value between Football players and Hockey players are 2.04, it demonstrated insignificance differences

Figure 2 Ordered Scheffe’s Post Hoc on Aggression, Self-Esteem and Social adjustment

Further the table 2 demonstrates that the mean for differences on Football players and Cricket players and Hockey players and Cricket players on Social adjustment were 27.83 and 21.37 individually. The values are more prominent than the confidence interval value 12.83, which demonstrates significant differences at .05 dimension of confidence. The value between Football players and Hockey players are 6.96, it demonstrated insignificance differences. The means values of Football, Hockey and Cricket players on Aggression, Self - Esteem and Social adjustment are graphically spoken to in the Figure - 2.


Sport is as old as human society itself; it is a foundation which has its very own customs and values. Being a standardized and competitive activity, it includes fiery physical effort or the utilization of generally complex physical skills by people whose investment is propelled by a combination of inborn satisfaction related with the activity itself and outside remunerations earned through support. The consequences of the investigation show that the three groups for example Football, Hockey and Cricket players had indicated significantly differences on all the chose criterion variables to be specific


accomplished by the Football players was more noteworthy when contrasted with Hockey and Cricket players. Considering the consequences of the examination the accompanying ends were drawn. • There was a significant difference among Anna University men Football, Hockey and Cricket players on Aggression, Self-Esteem and Social Adjustment. • Football players were observed to be superior to the Hockey and Cricket players in increment Aggression, Self-Esteem and Social Adjustment.


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Corresponding Author Bipin Babu Singh* Physical Education Teacher